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Loas 1 Year Visa

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A friend entered Loas over the friendship bridge from mukdahan and returned the next day witha 1 year multiple visa stamp, the charge 5,000 baht. Now before you say he got lucky well this is the third time in succussion he has done it. UK passport and a brief chat to the conulate in charge and job done !!

marriage papers and blue book for residence was the only documents he was required to photo copy.

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I have posted about this several times recently. Somebody else also posted about it on a recent thread about KL.

Nobody seemed to take much notice.

I searched all of thaivisa.com for a post of yours about getting a multiple-entry non-O visa in Savannkhet for the purpose of visiting Thai wife. Three of your posts contain the word Savannakhet but none is about the one-year non-O visa. If you can find it, please post a link to it here and I shall add it to the list of latest reports.

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I have posted about this several times recently. Somebody else also posted about it on a recent thread about KL.

Nobody seemed to take much notice.

I searched all of thaivisa.com for a post of yours about getting a multiple-entry non-O visa in Savannkhet for the purpose of visiting Thai wife. Three of your posts contain the word Savannakhet but none is about the one-year non-O visa. If you can find it, please post a link to it here and I shall add it to the list of latest reports.

I apologise if I did not directly mention about multi O visas in my posts. I thought I had. I am a member of a couple of regional forums. Maybe I posted it on there.

Anyway better late than never.

Last November I went over to Savannakhet via the friendship bridge at Mukdahan.

There is a direct bus that goes from Buriram to Mukdahan. It is the big yellow bus that starts in Pattaya/Rayong.

At Mukdahan bus station buy a ticket for the international bus from Muk to Sav. It costs about 50 baht. The bus will stop to enable you to get stamped out of Thailand. Get back on the bus and get off again at the other end to get stamped into Laos. Must first stop at the visa window to apply for a Laos visa(1500baht). Then another 40baht(tea money) for an arrival stamp. Not a "farang thing" by the way. Even Thai people have to pay the 40 baht.

At Savannakhet bus station get a tuk tuk(50baht) to the consulate, about 10 mins. Application form, 2 passport photos. Application forms can be obtained from the myriad of photocopy shops out side the consulate.

Accompanying documents:- copy of marraige cert, front and back. Copy of house book. I took the originals of both of these items too. Copy of wife's ID card. Usual copies of passport. I took an extra copy of passport to carry around with me while my passport was at the consulate. Also had copy of daughter's birth cert. I also took a copy of father in laws ID as he is first named on our house book. 5000 baht.

Hand in before 12 midday. You get a number when your documents have been accepted. Keep hold of it.

Find a hotel. Leema Guest House is very good. The Tuk Tuk drivers know where it is. Very comfortable air con rooms with bathroom and UBC for 350baht.

The next day the gates open at 1 pm. When I was there it was not first come first served. They called out the numbers. I was 103 so had a bit of a wait.

Pick up passport and start the return journey.

That's about it.

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You seem to have mentioned being on house book but that should only be as father of child as foreigners would be listed in a yellow house register if a residence listing. Is that correct? And do you believe that may have made a difference (that just a marriage without child might not have received the same treatment)? Most people would not have a blue book for residence proof.

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You seem to have mentioned being on house book but that should only be as father of child as foreigners would be listed in a yellow house register if a residence listing. Is that correct? And do you believe that may have made a difference (that just a marriage without child might not have received the same treatment)? Most people would not have a blue book for residence proof.

I am not on the house book. I think they wanted it for a proof of where I was living. ie the address on my application was the same as where my wife lives.

My name is on the page of my daughters registration. That would help to confirm that I am telling the truth with respect to where I live but I don't think it really made any difference.

They didn't really seem that interested in my daughter's birth certificate. I can't remember exactly but they may even have given it back to me.

They were mostly interested in having a copy of the back of the marraige cert. There is a code on the back that they needed. Computer check????? I don't know.

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Yes, the number on the back is the registration number nd should be copied also.

My wedding certificate doesn't have any number on the back.

Has the format changed in the 20 years since I was married?

The certificate is blue in colour.

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The registration number is on the front of the Blue form but back should have ID information (passport number, country/issue location, validity and ID card number of Thai).

And what about if you only have a European wedding document. That should also do the trick, right?

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It may have to be translated but for visa issue it is just a legal marriage by the marriage document so not too complex (and copy of spouse ID/Home Register) - for an extension of stay from Immigration the requirement would be translation/confirmation from Embassy/registration at MFA and then registration at a District Office so much more involved.

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what if we are not holding an UK passport?<_<

Do not have a clue what you are asking. Do not see any reference to UK passport and subject was one year visa and continued with discussion of marriage certificates.

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sounds like he recieved a one year multiply based on marriage nothing new about that.

Nothing new about a 1 year visa from Survaneket ? Sorry but from almost everyone I speak to they are only good for tourist visa's or a 90 day stamp if you are on a mulitple to start with when you enter Loas. Thats my experience and I have visted the consulate over the years a number of times.

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I have posted about this several times recently. Somebody else also posted about it on a recent thread about KL.

Nobody seemed to take much notice.

I got mine in Savannakhet last November.

it would be very helpful, if someone would give a clear answer. is it possible to get a multiple-entry

non-O visa (12 months) in savannakhet if you married to a thai lady without having a child?

btw : about two years ago i have been to phnom phen : if you are married

but don't have a (thai) child they will issue you only a single non-o (90 days) visa!

but if you have a child you got a multiple-entry non-O visa ...

any clarification about savannakhet is much appreciated


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Can't you just get the single entry, then after you apply for your one year extension, also apply for a multiple entry re-entry permit??? I have one in my passport. I think it cost 3800 baht if I am not mistaken. It was a couple of years ago.

I have posted about this several times recently. Somebody else also posted about it on a recent thread about KL.

Nobody seemed to take much notice.

I got mine in Savannakhet last November.

it would be very helpful, if someone would give a clear answer. is it possible to get a multiple-entry

non-O visa (12 months) in savannakhet if you married to a thai lady without having a child?

btw : about two years ago i have been to phnom phen : if you are married

but don't have a (thai) child they will issue you only a single non-o (90 days) visa!

but if you have a child you got a multiple-entry non-O visa ...

any clarification about savannakhet is much appreciated


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OP says:

Now before you say he got lucky well this is the third time in succussion he has done it. UK passport and a brief chat to the conulate in charge and job done !!

Does this mean that the OP's friend has stayed in Thailand for the past 2 years by doing this (in other words, this has been possible for for at least 2 years already)?

Is that possible (because this would be the first I've hard of it) -- or does it call into question the credibility of the OP...?

Just askin'

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So is this correct?...

So far we have one first-hand report from puchooay -- gratefully acknowledged, by the way -- who got the multiple-entry non-O visa in Savannakhet in November 2010 with documents showing that he has a wife and child of Thai nationality, and the OP's second-hand report of a person who got the visa on an unspecified date but presumably recently and also twice previously with documents evidencing his marriage to a Thai woman.

Is this correct? I have no reason to doubt the veracity of the information that has been posted. It is the first two reports I have seen, and I have seen no reports saying that application for the multiple-entry non-O visa to visit family was made but rejected in Savannakhet.

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So is this correct?...

So far we have one first-hand report from puchooay -- gratefully acknowledged, by the way -- who got the multiple-entry non-O visa in Savannakhet in November 2010 with documents showing that he has a wife and child of Thai nationality, and the OP's second-hand report of a person who got the visa on an unspecified date but presumably recently and also twice previously with documents evidencing his marriage to a Thai woman.

Is this correct? I have no reason to doubt the veracity of the information that has been posted. It is the first two reports I have seen, and I have seen no reports saying that application for the multiple-entry non-O visa to visit family was made but rejected in Savannakhet.

That is correct. My documents showed that I was married to a Thai national and we had a daughter, born in Thailand.

There was one other guy there that day that also got a multi non O on grounds of being married. Didn't mention anything about children. He was Australian, answer to aristo's question.

I did mention that it looked as though they were not really interested in my daughters birth certificate.

Don't want to spoil the party but the big boss of Savannakhet changed recently. About the same time I heard about mulit O's being offered. Maybe it's his own idea to do this, as I do believe consulates do have a certain amount of power with regard to what they do. This would explain the defference between the many consulates talked about on this forum. Not sure what might happen if this guy moves on. Maybe things will change again.

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  • 1 month later...

Just returned from Savannakhet with my Non-Imm O multi entry visa and can confirm steverolex OP as being basically correct .

No hassles apart from the fact that they really like to see the original of your marriage certificate ,applications close at 11.00am with pick-up next day at 2.00 pm.

Its pretty well organised with orderly lines to submit application and a number system for pickup.(guess who had 001) :rolleyes:

5000 baht for multi entry and no mention of bank funds etc.

The International buses run a one hourly shuttle service from Mukdahan to Savannakhet and return on the half hour from 7.30am to 5.30 pm.

The Savan-Vegas Casino even made a contribution for my trip.


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  • 3 weeks later...

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