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Amino Acid For A Reasonable Price? Any Ideas Where?


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Try eating meat, any meat!

Don't eat the stuff, meat is as useful to health as your advice is to me.

But we are omnivores aren't we????What is the difference between an amino acid from a bottle and one from a piece of chicken? If we were herbivores we'ed probably have several stomachs!

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Try eating meat, any meat!

Don't eat the stuff, meat is as useful to health as your advice is to me.

But we are omnivores aren't we????What is the difference between an amino acid from a bottle and one from a piece of chicken? If we were herbivores we'ed probably have several stomachs!

No we are not omnivores. we are vegi-tards.... There is a big difference. Pills and capsules are natural food that has been around since the caveman. It's what we are used to consuming.

Flintstones vitamins.. I rest my case

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Try eating meat, any meat!

Don't eat the stuff, meat is as useful to health as your advice is to me.

But we are omnivores aren't we????What is the difference between an amino acid from a bottle and one from a piece of chicken? If we were herbivores we'ed probably have several stomachs!

No we are not omnivores. we are vegi-tards.... There is a big difference. Pills and capsules are natural food that has been around since the caveman. It's what we are used to consuming.

Flintstones vitamins.. I rest my case

What on earth is a vegitard? where is it defined?

We are omnivores pure and simple and an amino acid from a piece of chicken is exactly the same as one from a bottle ( given left right configuration) Pills and capsules have been treated, put into capsules etc. How can you possibly say a capsule in a bottle is Ok. what is unnatural about a chicken? Fresh chicken is pure and simple ( given you avoid hormones etc)

The rest is pure nonsense!

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Chicken is Vegetarian. They eat plants and stuff. And the feathers are delicious too.

What's the best way to eat the feathers? I've tried fresh, but they get up my nose! Maybe marinated in a good french red wine then grilled to perfection. ( just be careful they don't catch on fire!)
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