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Thaksin Rules Out Serving Jail Term


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The return of Thaksin will have to be faced sometime .More unrest for Thailand in the future.

He almost certainly will be back. The questions are more when and with or without ability to directly practice politics. Im not sure about levels of unrest. That will all depend on what gets sorted out among the big players between now and when it does actually happen

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The return of Thaksin will have to be faced sometime .More unrest for Thailand in the future.

He almost certainly will be back. The questions are more when and with or without ability to directly practice politics. Im not sure about levels of unrest. That will all depend on what gets sorted out among the big players between now and when it does actually happen

You honestly believe this can be "sorted out" don't you?

There won't be any reconciliation at the level Thaksin is playing at. He will either win or he will lose. The question is merely one of when and how bloody the final battle is going to be, as well as who manages to get their supporters in strategic locations. Alot depends on how things develop over the next couple of years, and how long a certain someone stays around to provide a moral base. Lots of restraint is occurring right now out of respect.

Thaksin is not just another corrupt politician. Compromise is not in the cards.

Meet Thaksin first. Once you've actually met him, you will realize that this is not someone who is going to settle. If he says something, it is only because he believes he can get an advantage from it. Whether it is true or not makes no difference to him.

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I see it unfolding this way. The new government will have a name and shame excercise with regard to who gave the orders (or who disobeyed the orders) on May 19th last year. The main players of that slaughter are already known, they just have to be publicly named after an investigation. In return for the culprits freedom Mr Thaksin will get a 1st class one way ticket to Bangkok.

I would not be suprised if there was millions there to greet him or even a public holiday..... Amnesty is great mate

Edited by backtonormal
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Self exile, with a private jet, cooks and serving staff, chauffeurs,

international travel, and his OWN PERSONAL ISLAND...

and what ever he wants, EXCEPT coming back to Thailand.

Most issan people would be ecstatic just to live in his bathrooms.

Hell, living in his cars would be an improvement for many.

The guy is an ego maniac and has no connection with the real Thai people.

Maybe in jail he might actually meet some.

If he's buying the coffee...Can i have a Latte please?...And will his reconcilliation by means of football...involve Huge expenditure on Chelsea Man City signings for Chonburi Utd.???

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The return of Thaksin will have to be faced sometime .More unrest for Thailand in the future.

He almost certainly will be back. The questions are more when and with or without ability to directly practice politics. Im not sure about levels of unrest. That will all depend on what gets sorted out among the big players between now and when it does actually happen

You honestly believe this can be "sorted out" don't you?

There won't be any reconciliation at the level Thaksin is playing at. He will either win or he will lose. The question is merely one of when and how bloody the final battle is going to be, as well as who manages to get their supporters in strategic locations. Alot depends on how things develop over the next couple of years, and how long a certain someone stays around to provide a moral base. Lots of restraint is occurring right now out of respect.

Thaksin is not just another corrupt politician. Compromise is not in the cards.

Meet Thaksin first. Once you've actually met him, you will realize that this is not someone who is going to settle. If he says something, it is only because he believes he can get an advantage from it. Whether it is true or not makes no difference to him.


1. The word 'reconciliation' is a deliberate and tricky spin / just a smoke screen word for getting everything reversed, cases cancelled etc.

2. He also uses the word 'forgiveness', which again is a deliberate and tricky spin / just a smoke screen word for getting everything reversed, cases cancelled etc.

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His amnesty is not worth the pain it will cause. What is two years of well-deserved suffering for an individual compared to who knows how much suffering for an entire country. Put him in with the rats, and he can do what he likes when he gets out.

Edited by Crushdepth
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His amnesty is not worth the pain it will cause. What is two years of well-deserved suffering for an individual compared to who knows how much suffering for an entire country. Put him in with the rats, and he can do what he likes when he gets out.

Anything other than serve in a government/political party.

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Thaksin has no idea of the depth of feeling in this country. Giving 200 to 500 baht to buy votes does not forgive him of his crimes, and does not solve the ongoing problems.

If he returns to Thai soil, I reckon he will survive for less than a month!

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Quick question: If you were in Thaksin's position, how many of you would accept to serve the jail sentence?

Or, let's rephrase that. How many of you would accept a judgment from a court convened at your worst enemy's orders and where judges and jury have been appointed by people who hate your guts?

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Also galling is his photo op to make his big declaration that Thailand was now drug free or similar words.

Rah Rah Rah! Only Thaksin could eliminate all the drugs throughout all areas of the whole country!



Thaksin declares the country 'drug free area'

"The government is pleased to announce that the country is now a drug-free area and will proclaim victory in its war on drugs," said Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

- The Nation / April 13, 2003



2,500 slaughtered in order to make some asinine, absurd, patently false claim.

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Quick question: If you were in Thaksin's position, how many of you would accept to serve the jail sentence?

Or, let's rephrase that. How many of you would accept a judgment from a court convened at your worst enemy's orders and where judges and jury have been appointed by people who hate your guts?

Let's add one more factor: You are actually guilty of the crime.

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

the only way he can return to Thailand without having to serve time is with a royal pardon - and he just ain't gonna get one of them is he!!!! ;)

It may depend on who's "next". Thaksin worked hard to have close relationships with some people.

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Quick question: If you were in Thaksin's position, how many of you would accept to serve the jail sentence?

Or, let's rephrase that. How many of you would accept a judgment from a court convened at your worst enemy's orders and where judges and jury have been appointed by people who hate your guts?

Here's the deal, he clearly broke the law, a law which had been in place for decades and should be there. Claims that he was victomized because he had to sign a document to allow his wife to buy land is just rubbish, that's a completely different issue and has absolutely nothing to do with why he was convicted. He broke the law - politicians are not allow to have dealings with the state, a law which is totally appropriate and exists in at least all developed countries. There is clear documentary evidence he broke the law. The fact that it a was an agency established by the results of the coup which brought the case to court is also irrelevant. State agencies which have existed for decades should have taken action, but they didn't. Why? Simple answer - they were far to afraid to confront the paymaster, who in his reign had seriously intimated many state agencies. It could even be said that the coup re-established some of the agencies which had become totally toothless.

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Also galling is his photo op to make his big declaration that Thailand was now drug free or similar words.

Rah Rah Rah! Only Thaksin could eliminate all the drugs throughout all areas of the whole country!



Thaksin declares the country 'drug free area'

"The government is pleased to announce that the country is now a drug-free area and will proclaim victory in its war on drugs," said Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

- The Nation / April 13, 2003



2,500 slaughtered in order to make some asinine, absurd, patently false claim.

And no doubt many lit up at that moment, to celebrate his being so patently wrong.

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The title of the article regards Thaksin ruling out any jail sentence being carried out. It has nothing to do with what a lot of these ugly posts suggest.

Furthermore, a lot of these opinionated posts about Mr. Thaksin border upon rules violation

6) Not to post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Just because he has been criminalized by a dubious court ruling, ran by dubious individuals, does not allow people to kick him while he's down.

I've been known to have a poke here and there at certain Thais and their ways, but this Thaksin mania that a lot of foreigners suffer from is ludicrous and overly biased.

The visceral hatred in these posts that is directed towards this one man has me wondering what it is that he ever did to any one of these posters personally; and, if he did not do anything to any of these posters personally, then why the visceral hatred? This is suspect.; very suspect.

That is what is going around in my head when I read these irrational posts about someone who is no better and certainly no worse than the other options, at a national and even international level of comparison and contrast.

I read a lot of hearsay from these posts that describe things he did, but yet there are no articles of proof. Where's the proof? The answer is that there are not any articles of proof. This character assassination is immature and turns any Thaksin-related thread into a who's who of "Why I hate Thaksin" posts. What an absolute waste of time.

I cannot believe that the posts are the words of raving, paranoid lunatics, as their words suggest.

That Thaksin was singled out is not saying too much. That the ones judging him are just as guilty of the same things on different levels is not stretching the imagination too far. On that basis, its time for forgiveness and to begin thinking about reconciliation. You won't know that a person has changed until you take the time to give them a level playing field and toss them the ball.

I'm trying to think of another word for idiot that the moderators might find acceptable. Sadly, I can't so I'll say nothing at all, save this. Ignored!

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I trade places with him, if needs to be :rolleyes:

He can "enjoy" all farang liberty and he hands over all his money (yes, ALL of it!) to me

In exchange I promise not to come back to Thailand again, how sad I feel about that though!!!

I would NOT stay in Dubai, however! There are so many nice places in the world and with his money, I surely would find a nice one B)

And what is this about "fair"???? Does he not know yet that life is NOT fair??? Ask anyone, Thai or farang :whistling:

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Quick question: If you were in Thaksin's position, how many of you would accept to serve the jail sentence?

Or, let's rephrase that. How many of you would accept a judgment from a court convened at your worst enemy's orders and where judges and jury have been appointed by people who hate your guts?

Actually I'd go along with most of that, but the thing to remember is that those enemies didn't make the law which he has been convicted of. In fact, it was his "best buddies" or "weak and greedy sycophants" if you like that kept him from tasting justice for so many years.

That people who hate corrupt murdering <deleted> convicted him of being a corrupt murdering asshol_e should not be a point of contention IMO.

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The return of Thaksin will have to be faced sometime .More unrest for Thailand in the future.

He almost certainly will be back. The questions are more when and with or without ability to directly practice politics. Im not sure about levels of unrest. That will all depend on what gets sorted out among the big players between now and when it does actually happen

You honestly believe this can be "sorted out" don't you?

There won't be any reconciliation at the level Thaksin is playing at. He will either win or he will lose. The question is merely one of when and how bloody the final battle is going to be, as well as who manages to get their supporters in strategic locations. Alot depends on how things develop over the next couple of years, and how long a certain someone stays around to provide a moral base. Lots of restraint is occurring right now out of respect.

Thaksin is not just another corrupt politician. Compromise is not in the cards.

Meet Thaksin first. Once you've actually met him, you will realize that this is not someone who is going to settle. If he says something, it is only because he believes he can get an advantage from it. Whether it is true or not makes no difference to him.

What a lot of people don't seem to understand is that Thaksin is already looking past Thailand to regional opportunities. No Thai Rak Thai there for sure.

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"They made my political opponents the investigators against me. And the investigative panel was set up with an order by the coup makers, who toppled me."

Of course anyone that would investigate him for wrong doing is automatically his political enemy. The investigative panels were set up after he was removed because they couldn't be set up while he had power, he was removed partly because he blocked investigations into his doings.

Of course his mindset is this way, doesn't make it correct nor logical,

just what HE wants it to be. And as JD notes, any time served prevents him from being MP and thus PM. This was the likely next move. But he throws it out there for all to see before Lil Sis even has her seat yet. What a prat.

The committee set up to investigate him were taken from his opposing political party. As much as you may not want to understand factual information, this committee then set the parameter for which the judges could hold court over Mr T. He was then convicted on 4 out of 5 charges, with the charges against his wife actually lapsing (that was the land deal).

Mr T does have some legitimate beef in what he is saying that his opposition set up the charges.....now some of the committee members where also shown to have dabbled in the same areas they were also trying to convict Mr T?

Look were there is smoke.....but the true crime may have been that the Bangkok elite were not taken care of, hence their hostility towards the man. He is too much of a thorn too have in your side if you don't let him back. But the biggest problem the Bangkok crew will have is how much forgiveness Mr T has for what has happened?

Due to the current circumstances I feel that its only a matter of time before Mr T is back home up north. If I was Yingluck, be more than happy to get this matter out of the way.

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Also galling is his photo op to make his big declaration that Thailand was now drug free or similar words.

Rah Rah Rah! Only Thaksin could eliminate all the drugs throughout all areas of the whole country!



Thaksin declares the country 'drug free area'

"The government is pleased to announce that the country is now a drug-free area and will proclaim victory in its war on drugs," said Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

- The Nation / April 13, 2003



2,500 slaughtered in order to make some asinine, absurd, patently false claim.

And no doubt many lit up at that moment, to celebrate his being so patently wrong.

I had a big fatty rolled and ready for when the war on drugs was won.

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

the only way he can return to Thailand without having to serve time is with a royal pardon - and he just ain't gonna get one of them is he!!!! ;)

It may depend on who's "next". Thaksin worked hard to have close relationships with some people.

My point is that having already been committed (in abstentia) to serve a 2 year prison sentence then this cannot be revoked by an amnesty. A royal pardon would be the only way and Thaksin isn't exactly bosom pals with that one person who could grant it, is he!!!!!

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"They made my political opponents the investigators against me. And the investigative panel was set up with an order by the coup makers, who toppled me."

Of course anyone that would investigate him for wrong doing is automatically his political enemy. The investigative panels were set up after he was removed because they couldn't be set up while he had power, he was removed partly because he blocked investigations into his doings.

Of course his mindset is this way, doesn't make it correct nor logical,

just what HE wants it to be. And as JD notes, any time served prevents him from being MP and thus PM. This was the likely next move. But he throws it out there for all to see before Lil Sis even has her seat yet. What a prat.

The committee set up to investigate him were taken from his opposing political party. As much as you may not want to understand factual information, this committee then set the parameter for which the judges could hold court over Mr T. He was then convicted on 4 out of 5 charges, with the charges against his wife actually lapsing (that was the land deal).

Mr T does have some legitimate beef in what he is saying that his opposition set up the charges.....now some of the committee members where also shown to have dabbled in the same areas they were also trying to convict Mr T?

Look were there is smoke.....but the true crime may have been that the Bangkok elite were not taken care of, hence their hostility towards the man. He is too much of a thorn too have in your side if you don't let him back. But the biggest problem the Bangkok crew will have is how much forgiveness Mr T has for what has happened?

Due to the current circumstances I feel that its only a matter of time before Mr T is back home up north. If I was Yingluck, be more than happy to get this matter out of the way.

Sorry, but you are substantially misinformed.

As much as you may not want to understand factual information, this committee then set the parameter for which the judges could hold court over Mr T. He was then convicted on 4 out of 5 charges, with the charges against his wife actually lapsing (that was the land deal).

These two sentences prove this without a doubt.

I wish people didn't buy his propaganda product so readily, so muddies the waters as to make a hash of most otherwise rational arguments.

Edited by animatic
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"They made my political opponents the investigators against me. And the investigative panel was set up with an order by the coup makers, who toppled me."

Of course anyone that would investigate him for wrong doing is automatically his political enemy. The investigative panels were set up after he was removed because they couldn't be set up while he had power, he was removed partly because he blocked investigations into his doings.

Of course his mindset is this way, doesn't make it correct nor logical,

just what HE wants it to be. And as JD notes, any time served prevents him from being MP and thus PM. This was the likely next move. But he throws it out there for all to see before Lil Sis even has her seat yet. What a prat.

The committee set up to investigate him were taken from his opposing political party. As much as you may not want to understand factual information, this committee then set the parameter for which the judges could hold court over Mr T. He was then convicted on 4 out of 5 charges, with the charges against his wife actually lapsing (that was the land deal).

Mr T does have some legitimate beef in what he is saying that his opposition set up the charges.....now some of the committee members where also shown to have dabbled in the same areas they were also trying to convict Mr T?

Look were there is smoke.....but the true crime may have been that the Bangkok elite were not taken care of, hence their hostility towards the man. He is too much of a thorn too have in your side if you don't let him back. But the biggest problem the Bangkok crew will have is how much forgiveness Mr T has for what has happened?

Due to the current circumstances I feel that its only a matter of time before Mr T is back home up north. If I was Yingluck, be more than happy to get this matter out of the way.

Quote: ".....Mr T does have some legitimate beef in what he is saying that his opposition set up the charges.....now some of the committee members where also shown to have dabbled in the same areas they were also trying to convict Mr T? ......

Please share more.

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"My point is that having already been committed (in abstentia) to serve a 2 year prison sentence then this cannot be revoked by an amnesty. A royal pardon would be the only way and Thaksin isn't exactly bosom pals with that one person who could grant it, is he"!!!!!

Just curious, can any of the Royals do this?

Not without serving part of his sentence, but that time could be extremely short and served in house arrest for example. So the answer is that they could if Thaksin was willing, but that is not the point.

Thaksin will not ask for a royal pardon. Thaksin will not acknowledge the court. There is a much larger game underfoot here. There is going to be a power vacuum opening up in the country in a short time. Everyone is just waiting for it...some eagerly and some with fear. Any appearance of submission to another authority would weaken his stance when this final battle comes up. People of influence might infer that Thaksin needs cooperation of other parties. That would not allow him to be an effective dictator.

Thaksin believes he is going to come out on top in the struggle. You can see that in his statements. Some people say that Lee of Singapore is his model, but I think Hun Sen in Cambodia is a much closer approximation of what he has in mind. In any case, it is important that no checks or balances remain in the official government structures, that the military is behind him and that all opposition parties have little influence. As for the reputable institution that has provided a moral base for the country for the last 61 years...look at Cambodia for where that will need to be repositioned in the power hierarchy if it stays around at all.

Thaksin won't be coming home soon, but he will be coming back when the time is right. For the moment all sides are trying to gain strategic advantage for what is coming at us like an unstoppable freight train. It is possible that one side or the other may manage to obtain complete control and make any future war futile, but that is looking more and more unlikely. The election results have really dimmed my hope that civil war can be avoided. The fact that the majority of the people don't want it is irrelevant.

Ruling out any jail term is just another of Thaksin's messages that he will not concede defeat. It has nothing to do with justice, perceived or otherwise.

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The committee set up to investigate him were taken from his opposing political party. As much as you may not want to understand factual information, this committee then set the parameter for which the judges could hold court over Mr T. He was then convicted on 4 out of 5 charges, with the charges against his wife actually lapsing (that was the land deal).

The committee set up to investigate him were taken from his opposing political party.

I assume you are referring to the AEC? You are saying that all its members were take from the Democrat party? Where have you got this information from?

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