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Pig Price Control Lifted

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I for one am pleased to see this announcement. It appears that finally market prices may be able to be set naturally. What do you know, Organic pork at last...

Thailand: DIT stops announcing recommended pork prices

28-Jul-2011 (today) 27 July 2011. Thainews


The Department of Internal Trade (DIT) under the Ministry of Commerce has stopped announcing recommended pork prices after finding price fluctuations are volatile and supplies are still in shortage.

DIT Director-General Vatchari Vimooktayon elaborated that the DIT so far has been asking for cooperation from entrepreneurs to pin pork prices while enforcing bans on exports and transfers of pigs to neighbouring countries where pork is more expensive than in Thailand. The director-general admitted that the measures still cannot increase pork supplies; therefore, the DIT will postpone announcing recommended pork prices indefinitely, but she assured that the DIT is still monitoring pork prices closely.

Ms Vatchari reported that at present live pigs are priced at 78-79 baht a kilogram while pork prices are at 140-150 baht a kilogram. She indicated that the prices are really reflecting the true operating costs although they are expensive.

The director-general announced that the DIT hence will speedily launch measures to assist people while the Blue Flag project will continue to sell cheap pork at the average price of 120 baht a kilogram for people. The DIT is still scheduled to hold about 300 more Blue Flag fairs across the country.

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Anytime the free market is manipulated by govt it just doesn't seen to work. Wow, real brain child, this guy. Mo Betta. Almost anything the government gets involved in doesn't work. Too tough to want to farm and sell your product and feel as if you are a criminal. Did I hear right that rice has been controlled at 195 for 5 kilos as max price for packaged rice? I was checking Hom Mali the other day and it was up to 220-230 a 5 kilo bag. Must be regular rice that's controlled and must exclude organic, fortunately it's been a long time since we have bought rice. Someone just wrote that sexed rhode island red chicks are going from 30-50 baht. I thought I saw a whole chicken cooked and being sold in Tesco (I was spying on the competition) the other day for 95 baht. I paid nearly 250 for one at the butcher shop that was ready to Roast and nearly 2 1/2 kilos with an amazing white colored dark meat. It has made probably at least 12-15 meals and more than that in frozen chicken burrrito meals in the freezer (got to justify paying seven US bucks for a chicken!). Somewhere near four hours of cooking to get that bird to take in all the spices and the wife is really getting into making home made corn tortillas. I guess the next step is to start grinding our own corn maza mix.

Food prices are going to go off the charts. Vietnam is back to 23% inflation this year and with the new policies starting to be implemented it appears that Thailand is heading towards the double digits just as India and China are doing. Oil and gas is highly subsidized here and there are still controls on food, the inevitability of that melt down when the market finally takes on corrections at the govt's inability to maintain that draconian oversight will find food prices going up considerably in the future.

Will farmers see these increased prices and more money. generally yes but it will always seem to be the malignant saprophytic midddle men that always make out when this happens. As always profits will be measured by whether things are good or bad and by that I mean whether the weather is good or bad. We need strong rain bad right now as this La Nina year has been predictably unpredictably bad (and dat ain't no mis-type there) and caused costs to increase nearly 500% to get the rice crop in on some plots. So this year more money is going to guarantee more profits. Such it is as we are going into a time that will be quite volatile as the people, I believe, have voted in huge vested interest with policies that won't benefit the people that need the most benefit from govt over-site, assistance and regulation. Let it rain. Figuring Figures on a Ford Forever.

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Pork ,will most probably peak(retail) at about B 160 a kilo, very soon. That means a good price for producers. All agricultural inputs have gone up substantially in the past 12 months or so. How pig farmers have survived, beats me.Very low profit margins. But be aware ,ALL agricultural Prices MUST go up, if they have not already .Farmers , globally are up Shit creek. All of their inputs have got so expensive- or had you not noticed, ?Cheap food? NOT ON , any more. Famine is now the biggest problem , no food due to drought, maybe at least 12,000,000 people suffering from starvation in Africa. More to come. Pay up -YOU

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One more thing .The Western speculators are now dictating a lot of the prices for farming products, Especially ,coffee ,sugar, Cocoa. They have cornered the market and now set the prices it is called "Futures Trading" Be aware ,the prices you pay at retail have no effect on what money the farmer receives. It is all profit for the traders the speculators, Totally disgusting.

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Agreed, large agribusiness is setting, or at least greatly influencing prices on commodities like feed and pork. But the return to the farmer remains about the same proportionally as it has for years. In round numbers live pigs are sold at about 50% of the price of pork per kilogram, but that doesnt mean a 100% return in the wholesale to retail supply chain. The carcass yield is only 75 to 80% and much of the beast is sold under the live price rate.

The issue to me is the sustainability of these high market prices in the pig industry. Firstly if the consumer will continue to purchase the same amount of meat and secondly production increases producing a glut on the market. Here in Thailand it seems to occur on every "next good thing" that emerges. Pig farming is cash intensive and having a stable market is necessary.

Late last year and earlier this year, you made a profit of around 500baht for a piglet and hardly more for a 100kg pig. The smart place to be was is breeding pigs. Now the margin has widened and the profitability of finishing pigs is more in line with the extra time and cost. Lets hope that the price relativity remains stable, consumption doesnt go to far down and the increase in production is not too dramatic too drive prices down too far.


Edited by IsaanAussie
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Just performed the offering to the earth god ritual for the good returns i made selling the last batch of 70 pigs...

2 pig heads "package" cost 1800 Baht, the wife was shock because she used to pay about 500 Baht per "package", then 680, then 750, then 800...

Now it is at least 900 Baht per pig head package for offering to ritual, each "all-in package" weight about 10kg.


She said "Now pig head package is very expensive !"

Of course my dear~ That how we pig farmer makes, obviously you forgotten that we raise pigs...

"Oh...hmm...silliy me ^_^ "

Plus 2 bottles of expensive liquor, the bill come up to 2200 Baht.

I prayed for good health of my pigs till i sell them and to watch over them and keep them safe,

in return i will offer 2 pig head and 2 bottle of coloured liquor.

I predicted good profit margin to which i sold at 76/kg, so i promised big offering.

Next, 180'000 catfish, due at the end of September, with the farmgate price up...i'm offering 3 pig head package for the return ritual...-_-

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