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That's an extreme scenario under which you prescribe a vegan diet. It sounded differently at first...

I don't know what is type 2, do you have to be obese to get it? I know lots of people with diabetes, no idea what type, and if I ever get diabetes (I am not obese), I do not plan to become vegan. (Nothing to do with Happy Meal, I think you just mentioned it to make your point through exaggeration.)

The OP has said he has diabete type 2, please check the link I posted in the original message before answering

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I think you just mentioned it to make your point through exaggeration.)

Most of her posts seem to contain some sort of goofy vegetarian propaganda. However, I do not mind it on threads that are actually related to the subject. :ermm:

The OP said he had diabete type 2, vegan diet has been proven to help, and I don't think Fox news would be labelled as vegetarian propangandist

Edited by aneliane
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Hydrogen Peroxide is any concentration is commonly know as bleach or rocket fuel and is caustic in any concentration, there is absolutely no scienfitic/medical evidence that there are any medical benefits of ingesting HP, whether drinking it or sniffing it ...!!!.....its all hippy dippy/new age rubblish.

Hydrogen Peroxide is not "good" and natural product.....its produced industrially.....no such thing as "organic" hydrogen peroxide.....drink it or sniff it at your peril....:bah:

Not really,

hydrogen peroxide is naturally produced in organisms as a by-product of oxidative metabolism. Hydrogen peroxide has also been found as a natural part of healing water, fx. from the famous Loudes in France (0.25%). Ozon and water produces small amounts of hydrogen peroxide "natually" in rainwater and snow. Even known for almost 200 years only recent scientific studies, published 2009, found that hydrogen peroxide plays a role in the immune system. But as I said: "...do not be become fanatic. Do your research..."

Just to refresh what was posted earlier...

"However, be aware of the 35% solution - which is clean and therefore food grade, compared to 3% and 6% solutions - but also very caustic (have to be thinned). In cleaner solutions hydrogen peroxide is a part for explosives (the 2005 London bombs) or rocket fuel.

Hydrogen peroxide 35% - which can be obtained in 1 ltr. bottles from some of the Thai pharmacies - is actually very good to clean water systems and wells.

I can assure you 35%, 3% or 6% solutions are not produced naturally, in rain water, snow or as by-product of the metabolic process,they are produced by an industrial process...so there is nothing natural about it...;)

lets assume for a minute that there is benefit at a low percentage, ie the 0.25% cited above....why are people messing about with what is a very strong caustic at 35%. 3% or 6%..?..typically hydrogen peroxide (bleach) used on hair is around 6% and that strips all the colour from your hair...:whistling: .....but the morons are advocating drinking/sniffing this crap....its ok provide you "thin it !!!"....absolute <deleted> and completely irresponsible to make statements like this

The food grade referred to has nothing to do with it being ok for you to ingest...all it means it could be used to clean equipment/surfaces without leaving residual contaminent's

Did your mother never tell you not to mess with the cleaning chemicals under the sink ?....

Will say it again...hippy dippy, new age bullsh*t

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and talk about it or go home !

Nice to see there are compassionate people on TV......:whistling:

Rather than seeking advice on TV, think he has illustrated even with decent forward planning, things can go down the toilet pretty quickly...

I can see this degenerating into bi-monthly Cheap Charlie thread, where are resident cheap charlies out do each other on who can spend the least....:rolleyes:

So let me open the bidding....my monthly budget is THB 200,000/m and these days, I just dont know how to make ends meet these days in Thailand....;)

I would be interested to know how you spend 200K/month. I have tried, but found it impossible.

because he's sitting behind a keyboard and can type whatever nonesense he likes, this 200k/m idiot most likely doesn't even live here sits behind a keyboard in a council flat in some inner city slum talking pure shiteeeee

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and talk about it or go home !

Nice to see there are compassionate people on TV......:whistling:

Rather than seeking advice on TV, think he has illustrated even with decent forward planning, things can go down the toilet pretty quickly...

I can see this degenerating into bi-monthly Cheap Charlie thread, where are resident cheap charlies out do each other on who can spend the least....:rolleyes:

So let me open the bidding....my monthly budget is THB 200,000/m and these days, I just dont know how to make ends meet these days in Thailand....;)

I would be interested to know how you spend 200K/month. I have tried, but found it impossible.

because he's sitting behind a keyboard and can type whatever nonesense he likes, this 200k/m idiot most likely doesn't even live here sits behind a keyboard in a council flat in some inner city slum talking pure shiteeeee

So If I have 200k/m after tax on my Thai salary and I am an idiot...what does that make you ? ....:o.....and of course cant mention the real salary...:whistling:

I do actually live and work in Thailand and have done so for the last 10 years have never lived in a council flat in a slum area or even a good area in the UK, have been anywhere near mud island in over 30 years and have absolutely no plans at this juncture to do so...I have never had to go to the DHSS for a hand out...I am sure "Smedly" is very familar with the DHSS......:whistling:

Other than the above remarks I will treat your post with the contempt it deserves and comment no further other than to say, spending THB 200k a month living a reasonably normal expat life is not hard.....

of course if I wished to live in 6-10k/m slum, with a fan, eating mama noodles every day and nursing a beer chang for hours on end, being a balloon chaser, and wondering around the soi's trying to find a cheap/free lady for the night,.... I could also do that and live on 30k month...but I do not choose to do so.....I have earned my money and I will choose how to spend it...:jap:

Now where did I put that Champagne and Beluga ?

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This thread has certainly taken some interesting twists and turns...

Again I'd like to thank those who have found the time to give me some excellent advice. However I'm not going to junk my marriage, or leave my wife and stepdaughter just because it might seem expedient to some posters.

I love both my wife and my stepdaughter very much, and I take my marriage very seriously. I figure the chances of my wife dumping me and moving on to someone else after she has "squeezed me dry financially" as minimal and ludicrous. The last thing she wants is for me to go broke, as it would leave her with no means of support. Her business wouldn't pay the weekly food bill, let alone the mortgage and the bills.

Although I think my wife is still very beautiful I'd doubt her chances of finding another life partner minimal after her mastectomy and the scarring she now has. The fact that she has a nine year old daughter would also decrease her chances of finding another partner.

I know that some people on this board perceive Thai women as commodities, to be acquired or dumped as and when it suits them, but that's not the way I think. I hope that I never become that cynical, because I don't think I would like the person I had become.

Having told my wife that we simply cannot afford a car, that's the end of that issue for now. I've made my position on the matter totally clear. We must reduce our spending, not increase it.

As to my diabetes, I will continue to take the medicines that my doctor has prescribed and stick to my sugar free, low fat diet. I will not become a vegan, or start swilling hydrogen peroxide.

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Some of the replies are harsh, especially "dump the wife" is so unfair. Remember LOVE??? Oh well, my concern is that so many of you mention living on 35,000 baht. To be here on retirement visa takes 65,000 verified income, or 800,000 in the bank for at least the previous 3 months. WPermit changes things, and marriage also. Just wondering???

Well, living on 35,000 baht doesn't mean that it's the total income. Only a fool spends all of his monthly income, and not save for a rainy day. :)

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Some of the replies are harsh, especially "dump the wife" is so unfair. Remember LOVE??? Oh well, my concern is that so many of you mention living on 35,000 baht. To be here on retirement visa takes 65,000 verified income, or 800,000 in the bank for at least the previous 3 months. WPermit changes things, and marriage also. Just wondering???

Well, living on 35,000 baht doesn't mean that it's the total income. Only a fool spends all of his monthly income, and not save for a rainy day. :)

I suspect there are a lot of fools in the land of smiles...;)

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Having told my wife that we simply cannot afford a car, that's the end of that issue for now. I've made my position on the matter totally clear. We must reduce our spending, not increase it.

As to my diabetes, I will continue to take the medicines that my doctor has prescribed and stick to my sugar free, low fat diet. I will not become a vegan, or start swilling hydrogen peroxide.

Very sensible in both cases. :thumbsup:

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Having told my wife that we simply cannot afford a car, that's the end of that issue for now. I've made my position on the matter totally clear. We must reduce our spending, not increase it.

As to my diabetes, I will continue to take the medicines that my doctor has prescribed and stick to my sugar free, low fat diet. I will not become a vegan, or start swilling hydrogen peroxide.

Very sensible in both cases. :thumbsup:

Especially the bit about not drinking bleach....:lol:

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I'm not going to junk my marriage, or leave my wife and stepdaughter.

I love both my wife and my stepdaughter very much, and I take my marriage very seriously.

I think my wife is still very beautiful, she has a nine year old daughter.

I hope that I never become that cynical, because I don't think I would like the person I had become.

Those salient sentences above, in my opinion sums you up?

Hope you and your wife get well if not then better health.

Keep doing what your conscience and gut instinct tells you, at the moment you are doing fine.

Take care

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I was trying to demonstrate that if you have the money and choose to live a really good life in Bangkok then its easily possible to spend well over 300K baht a month.

When people express surprise at how much some people spend and start claiming they can live on so much less it begins to get ridiculous. Of course some people earn more and spend more and of course people on limited incomes try to spend as little as they can.

Of course there is an element of 'bragging' going on by both camps - the look how much I have that I can seemingly throw money around camp and the I can live so frugally I only need a tin hut and a spoon to be happy crowd.

The simple fact is that most (not all) of the older gentlemen (and yes probably many of the younger members) here probably never earned salaries in the range of 600K- 1.2mill baht a month in their lifetimes. Therefore they cannot comprehend of someone that does.

I know people earning far more than that a month albeit not living in Thailand. One of my Chinese friends bought a house in Phuket for 150 million baht which he uses perhaps for 6 weeks of the year. His home in Hong Kong is a serviced apartment which he's lived in for 10 years paying almost 300K baht a month for.

By the same token people earning (or having significant savings and investments) also cannot comprehend only being able to shuffle down to some grotty beer bar once a week and sit nursing a few large bottles of Leo.

And just so you know, I have lived on 400K a month and I've lived on 10K a month for a while. Its not that hard to live in Thailand on very little, but it also isn't exactly enjoyable either.

Good post and makes a lot of sense. Generally, peoples lifestyle will expand/contract to fit their income.

To Murgatroyd - good luck with whatever the future brings. While material posessions are important, you still have the two most important non-material ones - your wife and daughter.

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You don't seem that knowledgeable about investment. No one living off investment income keeps the bulk of their funds in low return bank instruments.

No one is living off low yield financial instruments? You're kidding, right? The relative safety of treasuries, corporate bonds and "low return bank instruments" are the bread and butter of long-term investors, nations and central banks. That is IF you have sufficient capital to make the return worthwhile and you are more concerned with safety than yield. All depends on how much you have to invest and what your appetite is for risk.

The stock markets have been kept afloat by QE which devalues currencies. Is the 5% a year gross enough to cover the rise in real inflation and dollar depreciation - do you feel richer?

You are so naive. Some currencies have risen and some have fallen. It is a zero sum game. Do you understand?

If you don't understand the question or don't know the answer, don't just wing it while masking it with an insult. Your response speaks volumes about you financial prowess.

Perhaps you should check your ego at the door. Most of your posts are condescending at best, while highlighting your own ignorance of things you claim some expertise.

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I think you just mentioned it to make your point through exaggeration.)

Most of her posts seem to contain some sort of goofy vegetarian propaganda. However, I do not mind it on threads that are actually related to the subject. :ermm:

The OP said he had diabete type 2, vegan diet has been proven to help, and I don't think Fox news would be labelled as vegetarian propangandist

Fox News can be labelled as anything but neutral. They promote vegan diet as well as the pork producers' association in a wink. Maybe that makes them neutral, though.

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Nice to see there are compassionate people on TV......:whistling:

Rather than seeking advice on TV, think he has illustrated even with decent forward planning, things can go down the toilet pretty quickly...

I can see this degenerating into bi-monthly Cheap Charlie thread, where are resident cheap charlies out do each other on who can spend the least....:rolleyes:

So let me open the bidding....my monthly budget is THB 200,000/m and these days, I just dont know how to make ends meet these days in Thailand....;)

I would be interested to know how you spend 200K/month. I have tried, but found it impossible.

because he's sitting behind a keyboard and can type whatever nonesense he likes, this 200k/m idiot most likely doesn't even live here sits behind a keyboard in a council flat in some inner city slum talking pure shiteeeee

So If I have 200k/m after tax on my Thai salary and I am an idiot...what does that make you ? ....:o.....and of course cant mention the real salary...:whistling:

I do actually live and work in Thailand and have done so for the last 10 years have never lived in a council flat in a slum area or even a good area in the UK, have been anywhere near mud island in over 30 years and have absolutely no plans at this juncture to do so...I have never had to go to the DHSS for a hand out...I am sure "Smedly" is very familar with the DHSS......:whistling:

Other than the above remarks I will treat your post with the contempt it deserves and comment no further other than to say, spending THB 200k a month living a reasonably normal expat life is not hard.....

of course if I wished to live in 6-10k/m slum, with a fan, eating mama noodles every day and nursing a beer chang for hours on end, being a balloon chaser, and wondering around the soi's trying to find a cheap/free lady for the night,.... I could also do that and live on 30k month...but I do not choose to do so.....I have earned my money and I will choose how to spend it...:jap:

Now where did I put that Champagne and Beluga ?

I think the point you are making is that anybody can live on the budget they have. I had US$ 5,500/month of disposable income for a while, got down to THB 80,000 (disposable that is) and even lived on THB 40,000 (total) for a while. I do not remember a time when I was unhappy. The most important factor always was my friends.

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This thread has certainly taken some interesting twists and turns...

Again I'd like to thank those who have found the time to give me some excellent advice. However I'm not going to junk my marriage, or leave my wife and stepdaughter just because it might seem expedient to some posters.

I love both my wife and my stepdaughter very much, and I take my marriage very seriously. I figure the chances of my wife dumping me and moving on to someone else after she has "squeezed me dry financially" as minimal and ludicrous. The last thing she wants is for me to go broke, as it would leave her with no means of support. Her business wouldn't pay the weekly food bill, let alone the mortgage and the bills.

Although I think my wife is still very beautiful I'd doubt her chances of finding another life partner minimal after her mastectomy and the scarring she now has. The fact that she has a nine year old daughter would also decrease her chances of finding another partner.

I know that some people on this board perceive Thai women as commodities, to be acquired or dumped as and when it suits them, but that's not the way I think. I hope that I never become that cynical, because I don't think I would like the person I had become.

Having told my wife that we simply cannot afford a car, that's the end of that issue for now. I've made my position on the matter totally clear. We must reduce our spending, not increase it.

As to my diabetes, I will continue to take the medicines that my doctor has prescribed and stick to my sugar free, low fat diet. I will not become a vegan, or start swilling hydrogen peroxide.

Thanks for posting this, I thought we'd lost you.

I wish you all the best, and may your decisions be wise.

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As to my diabetes, I will continue to take the medicines that my doctor has prescribed and stick to my sugar free, low fat diet. I will not become a vegan, or start swilling hydrogen peroxide.

How about exercise? Before the discovery of insulin the standard treatment for type 2 was diet and exercise. Since insulin, the exercise portion has been forgotten, but it still works. One member of my family at age 55 was told the oral meds were no longer managing his glucose metabolism and that he would have to start taking insulin injections. Instead, he read a book on exercise and diabetes, started to run a few times per week and then nearly every day. For the next 25 years he was able to dispense with both the oral meds and insulin completely, relying on exercise and diet only. He took daily glucose readings which he graphed in excel and presented to his doctor who acknowledged that his results were acceptable. Although he had visited a number of clinics that specialized in diabetes looking for an alternative to insulin no doctor ever mentioned exercise to him.

One of the used book sites like abebooks.com will pop up numerous results to a search on "diabetes" and "exercise."

Best of luck to you in any case.

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I think the point you are making is that anybody can live on the budget they have. I had US$ 5,500/month of disposable income for a while, got down to THB 80,000 (disposable that is) and even lived on THB 40,000 (total) for a while. I do not remember a time when I was unhappy. The most important factor always was my friends.

Actually the point I was trying to make, was to respond to the moronic comments by one poster, who is obviously too familar with wellfare system in the UK....:rolleyes:

But if you are reading something more philospophical into my post that is good as well....;)

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You don't seem that knowledgeable about investment. No one living off investment income keeps the bulk of their funds in low return bank instruments.

No one is living off low yield financial instruments? You're kidding, right? The relative safety of treasuries, corporate bonds and "low return bank instruments" are the bread and butter of long-term investors, nations and central banks. That is IF you have sufficient capital to make the return worthwhile and you are more concerned with safety than yield. All depends on how much you have to invest and what your appetite is for risk.

The stock markets have been kept afloat by QE which devalues currencies. Is the 5% a year gross enough to cover the rise in real inflation and dollar depreciation - do you feel richer?

You are so naive. Some currencies have risen and some have fallen. It is a zero sum game. Do you understand?

If you don't understand the question or don't know the answer, don't just wing it while masking it with an insult. Your response speaks volumes about you financial prowess.

Perhaps you should check your ego at the door. Most of your posts are condescending at best, while highlighting your own ignorance of things you claim some expertise.

Cite some facts or data to back up your stupid reply nutcase? Ego, can you even comprehend the response? That was a rhetoric question, as your post reveals your ignorance. Low yield bank instruments include basic low to zero rate savings accounts. Higher yield bank instruments are entirely different financial instruments.

I would add more about the nuts such as yourself that run in and out of the stock market at every little drop/rise but you wouldn't understand and besides it is from folks like yourself that the rest of us make money.

So please keep on keeping on with your financial acumen.

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As to my diabetes, I will continue to take the medicines that my doctor has prescribed and stick to my sugar free, low fat diet. I will not become a vegan, or start swilling hydrogen peroxide.

How about exercise? Before the discovery of insulin the standard treatment for type 2 was diet and exercise. Since insulin, the exercise portion has been forgotten, but it still works. One member of my family at age 55 was told the oral meds were no longer managing his glucose metabolism and that he would have to start taking insulin injections. Instead, he read a book on exercise and diabetes, started to run a few times per week and then nearly every day. For the next 25 years he was able to dispense with both the oral meds and insulin completely, relying on exercise and diet only. He took daily glucose readings which he graphed in excel and presented to his doctor who acknowledged that his results were acceptable. Although he had visited a number of clinics that specialized in diabetes looking for an alternative to insulin no doctor ever mentioned exercise to him.

One of the used book sites like abebooks.com will pop up numerous results to a search on "diabetes" and "exercise."

Best of luck to you in any case.

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This thread has certainly taken some interesting twists and turns...

Again I'd like to thank those who have found the time to give me some excellent advice. However I'm not going to junk my marriage, or leave my wife and stepdaughter just because it might seem expedient to some posters.

I love both my wife and my stepdaughter very much, and I take my marriage very seriously. I figure the chances of my wife dumping me and moving on to someone else after she has "squeezed me dry financially" as minimal and ludicrous. The last thing she wants is for me to go broke, as it would leave her with no means of support. Her business wouldn't pay the weekly food bill, let alone the mortgage and the bills.

Although I think my wife is still very beautiful I'd doubt her chances of finding another life partner minimal after her mastectomy and the scarring she now has. The fact that she has a nine year old daughter would also decrease her chances of finding another partner.

I know that some people on this board perceive Thai women as commodities, to be acquired or dumped as and when it suits them, but that's not the way I think. I hope that I never become that cynical, because I don't think I would like the person I had become.

Having told my wife that we simply cannot afford a car, that's the end of that issue for now. I've made my position on the matter totally clear. We must reduce our spending, not increase it.

As to my diabetes, I will continue to take the medicines that my doctor has prescribed and stick to my sugar free, low fat diet. I will not become a vegan, or start swilling hydrogen peroxide.

Murgatroyd Wanted to offer a persective on your wife's desire for a car that I have not read before on this thread.

After having cancer and a mastectomy, no doubt she is feeling very vulnerable and we all know cancer can come back. So perhaps she is thinking that she wants to enjoy life now and she realizes that the cancer might come back and her lifespan is more limited than she thought. If she isn't going to be around a lot longer, enjoy the car now the future is uncertain.

If this is the case, you may want to discuss with her how many women have lived long lives after having breast cancer. At least discuss the issue with her and see if that is what is really bothering her. She should also think about the future of her children.

If you can afford it, maybe a holiday away for the two of you would be good.

The only advice I would have on diabetes you already know, exercise, a good diet and whatever medication your doctor prescribed.

good luck

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Thank you johnbits, much appreciated.

I know for a fact that this is very much the frame of mind that she is in... She has said to me " Darling, I don't know how much longer I will be alive. I want to be a driver"... That's the reason that I said I felt guilty that I cannot afford to buy her the car she wants. It's not because I'm some sort of a doormat or an ATM to her as some posters have suggested.

She has hardly ever asked for anything during our marriage. Most of the household items that I have bought have been of my own choosing. She didn't even ask for a washing machine, though I bought one as soon as I saw that she was washing several loads of clothes every day. I've bought a fridge freezer, a proper four ring cooker with an oven, Air conditioners for the main living room and our bedroom and a few other bits and pieces.

She seems to have accepted that we cannot afford a car. If our finances change for the better I'll do my best to find her one.

I do keep trying to reassure her that now she's had the "All clear" on her cancer there's no reason why she shouldn't live to a ripe old age, but there seems to be a certain fatalism in her attitude that causes her to expect the worse.

In her position I fear that I would think along the same lines.

The idea of a holiday is also an excellent one. It would be nice to go away together by ourselves. The problem is our daughter who is very clingy and who would feel very hurt if we went away and left her behind. I'm hoping that my wife's mother can come and stay and look after the daughter for a week or so soon. My wife would love a holiday I'm sure.

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Hydrogen Peroxide is any concentration is commonly know as bleach or rocket fuel and is caustic in any concentration, there is absolutely no scienfitic/medical evidence that there are any medical benefits of ingesting HP, whether drinking it or sniffing it ...!!!.....its all hippy dippy/new age rubblish.

Hydrogen Peroxide is not "good" and natural product.....its produced industrially.....no such thing as "organic" hydrogen peroxide.....drink it or sniff it at your peril....:bah:

Not really,

hydrogen peroxide is naturally produced in organisms as a by-product of oxidative metabolism. Hydrogen peroxide has also been found as a natural part of healing water, fx. from the famous Loudes in France (0.25%). Ozon and water produces small amounts of hydrogen peroxide "natually" in rainwater and snow. Even known for almost 200 years only recent scientific studies, published 2009, found that hydrogen peroxide plays a role in the immune system. But as I said: "...do not be become fanatic. Do your research..."

Just to refresh what was posted earlier...

"However, be aware of the 35% solution - which is clean and therefore food grade, compared to 3% and 6% solutions - but also very caustic (have to be thinned). In cleaner solutions hydrogen peroxide is a part for explosives (the 2005 London bombs) or rocket fuel.

Hydrogen peroxide 35% - which can be obtained in 1 ltr. bottles from some of the Thai pharmacies - is actually very good to clean water systems and wells.

I can assure you 35%, 3% or 6% solutions are not produced naturally, in rain water, snow or as by-product of the metabolic process,they are produced by an industrial process...so there is nothing natural about it...;)

lets assume for a minute that there is benefit at a low percentage, ie the 0.25% cited above....why are people messing about with what is a very strong caustic at 35%. 3% or 6%..?..typically hydrogen peroxide (bleach) used on hair is around 6% and that strips all the colour from your hair...:whistling: .....but the morons are advocating drinking/sniffing this crap....its ok provide you "thin it !!!"....absolute <deleted> and completely irresponsible to make statements like this

The food grade referred to has nothing to do with it being ok for you to ingest...all it means it could be used to clean equipment/surfaces without leaving residual contaminent's

Did your mother never tell you not to mess with the cleaning chemicals under the sink ?....

Will say it again...hippy dippy, new age bullsh*t

I know it may be a bit our this thread now, but someone added a little strange post about hydrogen peroxide and other healhty waters as a cure against Diabetes II. I just wanted to give a bit of explanation and draw attention to, new scientific studies. I did NOT recommend to drink it, what I said was: "...do not be become fanatic. Do your research..."

Perhaps my reply to the vodka-joke has been misunderstood - however I do dare to drink a vodka/RedBull with dash of it;o)

We all accept, that vitamin C is healthy - we cannot live without digesting it in one of other form, as the human body cannot produce vitamin C natually. Vitamin C is a caustic acid: "Ascorbic acid". It comes from natural sources or it can be produced (synthesized) industrially - as in many vitamin pills - and is also used for bleaching (photographic industry), cleaning (fx. swimming pool surfaces) and plastic manufacturing. But we still need and gladly digest vitamin C, due to the antioxidant properties. There are some interesting semilarities to "natural" hydrogen peroxide in cells (immune system) in the 2009-study. A higher than normal intake of vitamin C is actually recommended for Diabetes II patients (and a lot of other diseases, even cancer) as part of a diet and change of lifestyle.

Because something may be caustic or dangerous in high concentration, it may still be good and heathly in thin solutions - what about the explosive nitroglycerin and heart diseases?

Edited by khunPer
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Just to put the tin lid on it, I've had another dam_n medical problem:On Monday evening my wife Na and my stepdaughter Pim asked me to rescue a tiny frog that had got into the house, and was being chased around by our dog Willow. I caught it and took it outside to release it over the gate where Willow wouldn't be able to get it again. As I got to the gate my feet slipped out from under me on the wet tiles and I came crashing down on my right shoulder. To say this was painful was to put it very mildly! As it didn't seem to be getting better we wen't to the hospital today. They X-rayed it and told me that I've broken my collarbone. The doctor suggested an operation, which would cost about £2,000 at the private hospital. As I thought this was over the top I asked what else could be done. The other option was wearing a sling for 6 - 8 weeks. Most of what I've read on the internet says that the sling treatment will be effective in 85% of cases, and it looked like a clean break on the X-ray. However it is extremely painful, and makes it very difficult to get to sleep.It just doesn't seem to be my year! So I'm typing left handed, for the duration.Botheration...

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Another bright idea would be to move to a cheaper house/apartement, skip the car use a motorcycle instead. I live comfortable with 35K per month, as I think many other expats do. :)

Yep. All comes down to lifestyle and living within your means.

That this even has to be suggested over and again throughout numerous threads of similar themes is quite boggling.

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What Jeff says

Hospital free for Thai person. Thai person not NEED go private, but might WANT.

Difference between 'want' and 'need' with dental work. Work need usually cheap, work want cosmetic, expensive.

I find tell wife I NEED 40k per month for me, if can pay for you to then good, if can not pay for you to then goodbye.

(I also support MIL, teen step daughter and new son from that amount)

My lifestyle not low, but I live with what have, wife live with what have (Did pay for wife private room when have baby at Thai hospital, 3 night @800bht).

Learn to live within budget, teach wife to live within budget. Else find cheaper wife or send wife to work.

Very few Thai have money manage skill, never think beyond next week. This you job.

Yes she will run you out of money if you let her, then most likely she move on.

I see this happen to foreigner many time. Foreigner with limited money can be very silly.

Sorry no sympathy, 40k a month more than most Thai family have.

(Do have sympathy for you medical expense, but find cheaper drug, change eating habit to control diabetes)

(current rate 48bht to pound, why you get 46?)


2YO Honda Click 25,000bht

New Proton 4 door auto 460,000bht (9k UKP)

If not rich person don't buy 750,000bht car

Grear Post Olaf! right on the button.

The problem is these guys deep down know if the money flow stops then so does the love.

I have absolutely no sympathy.

On the other side of the coin, the more these guys pour there investments into Thailand the better the Thai economy gets. The better the Thai economy gets the more valuable my investments become.

To the OP, I strongly sugest you have a good long think about your situation. Like Olaf I have seen too many wester men lose everything because they were too blind to see that their loving wives were in love with their pockets, not them.

If your wife is in for the money then she WILL evetually suck every penny out of you if you let her.

In time me thinks this is yet another poster that will disapear from this forum never to be heard of again.

Very sad when you come to think about it. :(

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Another bright idea would be to move to a cheaper house/apartement, skip the car use a motorcycle instead. I live comfortable with 35K per month, as I think many other expats do. :)

Sounds like a pretty typical example of a human ATM being sucked dry. They play guilt better than an Irish nun.

My mother passed away not too long ago, and I got a modest estate settlement, which appeared to be a small fortune in Thai baht. I make a decent living, so I didn't need the money for anything. I put it to work for my future. My fiance saw some of the paperwork, and now suddenly the 15K a month apartment we have been living in for 3 years is no good, we need to move to a new place that costs 45K a month, and the 2 year old Vios she drives is not enough, she needs a new Fortuner. When I said it was too expensive, the reply was simply "but you have the money from your mum". She see's only the immediate rewards of what to her is an unbelievable sum of money but is, in the grand scheme of things, relatively little. My only saving grace (intentional pun) has been up to now she doesn't know how much I actually make, or I would have been spent into debt long ago. I am not a cheap person, and I have plenty of working years left, but I am trying to look towards making my retirement worry free, and maybe, with a little luck, even retire early. The very idea of budgeting for the future is impossible if a Thai woman has any say in how your money gets spent. It's not a dig, or an attack, it is just a simple truth.

Your mistake was showing her how much money you have as a lump sum. Thais are culturally conditioned to live in the present, they cannot generally conceive of the idea of making a lump sum last. To quell the drama in advance-This is not a derogatory statement, or an insult to the Thais. It is simply a fundamental cultural difference. The combination of fiscal irresponsibility, coupled with the incessant drive to keep up with the Jone's makes living on a budget possible only if your wife has no idea what your financial situation actually is. She needs to see only her allowance, and as far as she knows that is all the money in the world.

Excellent summary!

The OP should heed this advice but alas...he's already laid his cards on the table. :(

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Just to put the tin lid on it, I've had another dam_n medical problem:On Monday evening my wife Na and my stepdaughter Pim asked me to rescue a tiny frog that had got into the house, and was being chased around by our dog Willow. I caught it and took it outside to release it over the gate where Willow wouldn't be able to get it again. As I got to the gate my feet slipped out from under me on the wet tiles and I came crashing down on my right shoulder. To say this was painful was to put it very mildly! As it didn't seem to be getting better we wen't to the hospital today. They X-rayed it and told me that I've broken my collarbone. The doctor suggested an operation, which would cost about £2,000 at the private hospital. As I thought this was over the top I asked what else could be done. The other option was wearing a sling for 6 - 8 weeks. Most of what I've read on the internet says that the sling treatment will be effective in 85% of cases, and it looked like a clean break on the X-ray. However it is extremely painful, and makes it very difficult to get to sleep.It just doesn't seem to be my year! So I'm typing left handed, for the duration.Botheration...

You still don't have health insurance? Will cost you about THB 1,800/year for up to THB 1 million (or was it 2 million?) of coverage per incident.

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Just to put the tin lid on it, I've had another dam_n medical problem:On Monday evening my wife Na and my stepdaughter Pim asked me to rescue a tiny frog that had got into the house, and was being chased around by our dog Willow. I caught it and took it outside to release it over the gate where Willow wouldn't be able to get it again. As I got to the gate my feet slipped out from under me on the wet tiles and I came crashing down on my right shoulder. To say this was painful was to put it very mildly! As it didn't seem to be getting better we wen't to the hospital today. They X-rayed it and told me that I've broken my collarbone. The doctor suggested an operation, which would cost about £2,000 at the private hospital. As I thought this was over the top I asked what else could be done. The other option was wearing a sling for 6 - 8 weeks. Most of what I've read on the internet says that the sling treatment will be effective in 85% of cases, and it looked like a clean break on the X-ray. However it is extremely painful, and makes it very difficult to get to sleep.It just doesn't seem to be my year! So I'm typing left handed, for the duration.Botheration...

You still don't have health insurance? Will cost you about THB 1,800/year for up to THB 1 million (or was it 2 million?) of coverage per incident.

Can i ask you where to get health insurance that cheap?blink.gif

Edited by Baxer
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