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Thai Private Eye


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ive had a good relationship with my thai gf, who is in bkk< for over a year..one question always bothered me.. is she really divorced? many people not just thais have a loose interputation of divorce. i wanted the facts , on paper. i enlister thai private eye in bkk and now i know without question the truth. i am happy to say she did not lie. it was not so much a lie that i was concerned about.. but misscommunication,, and miss understanding due to cultural differences. she is divorced , even by usa standards..TPI also included additional relevant info. i highly recomend TPI.. not cheep but worth every baht to this farang ba

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ive had a good relationship with my thai gf, who is in bkk< for over a year..one question always bothered me.. is she really divorced?

Does it really matter if she's divorced or not when you're the one living with her?

I know plenty of thai women who on paper are still married but happily live with their new partner who in most cases is not even aware that she's still officially married.

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I think if I was in a new relationship I would be using TPI service for sure after looking at what goes on in our village I would suggest that many of you use this service as there is good chance that there is a Thai guy driving your car sleeping in you bed and spending your hard earned money. This may seem harsh but it is true with about 50% of the girls in our village that are married to a falang :o

You get my vote Thaiprivateeye

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I think if I was in a new relationship I would be using TPI service for sure after looking at what goes on in our village I would suggest that many of you use this service as there is good chance that there is a Thai guy driving your car sleeping in you bed and spending your hard earned money. This may seem harsh but it is true with about 50% of the girls in our village that are married to a falang  :o

You get my vote Thaiprivateeye

please, take note that this is not a new relationship, once money, property and or children are involvedyoure crazy not to use TPI if ure a farang in thailand

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True; if you're crazy you might need a TPI to sort you out but most of us who are not crazy take care of things ourselves.

I'd say its not hard to figure out, but I suppose some need to use professional services because they'd rather have an unbiased opinion. :o

Sure and the rest of their lifes they worry if she might be cheating.

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I think if I was in a new relationship I would be using TPI service for sure after looking at what goes on in our village I would suggest that many of you use this service as there is good chance that there is a Thai guy driving your car sleeping in you bed and spending your hard earned money. This may seem harsh but it is true with about 50% of the girls in our village that are married to a falang  :o

You get my vote Thaiprivateeye

please, take note that this is not a new relationship, once money, property and or children are involvedyoure crazy not to use TPI if ure a farang in thailand

I think over one year is still a new relationship. I think age also has something to do with it most but not all the girls I am talking about are mid 20s and are married to 50 to 60 year old men so you can probely guess why they have a bit on the side and the fact that there husbands will not be around to support them for the rest of there life

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With no intent to cast aspersions on TPI, Stickman or other Farang who advertise “Investigate your Thai Girlfriend” type services in Thailand I seriously doubt that they can ever obtain a reliable result.

The main attraction to their Farang customer is that he, the customer, is dealing with a fellow Farang, but let’s face it, if some clumping, long nosed Bukseeda arrives in Nakorn Nowhere asking (in bad Central Thai or bad Issarn accent) “is Jai married already / fooling around / still working bar in Bangkok” he’s going to stand out like the proverbial sore thumb and the answers he gets will inevitably be suspect to say the least.

Even if he uses a Thai investigator he would be equally noticeable as an outsider in the relatively insular village life so replies to his questioning would be equally suspect. Finally, not to be overly cynical about it, if the subject of the investigation feels she is onto a good thing and does not want the Farang boyfriend to discover the truth a judicious payment to the Thai “Investigator” would easily induce him to provide his Farang Boss with any report she wishes; which also negates any perceived advantage of using an expensive Farang PI of course.


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p brownstone post, as usual, is very true and another thing to watch for is the PI playing both ends. He tells lady guy is checking on her - what does she want him to report. Lady pays for good report and guy pays for what he believes is a good report. Everybody happy. Especially the PI. :D

Now see PB covered above in his last sentence - shame on my not reading it all. :o

Edited by lopburi3
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p brownstone post, as usual, is very true and another thing to watch for is the PI playing both ends.  He tells lady guy is checking on her - what does she want him to report.  Lady pays for good report and guy pays for what he believes is a good report.  Everybody happy.  Especially the PI. :D

Now see PB covered above in his last sentence - shame on my not reading it all. :o

Such a complicated country !

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p brownstone post, as usual, is very true and another thing to watch for is the PI playing both ends.  He tells lady guy is checking on her - what does she want him to report.  Lady pays for good report and guy pays for what he believes is a good report.  Everybody happy.  Especially the PI. :D

Now see PB covered above in his last sentence - shame on my not reading it all. :o

If you are looking for a PI to confirm your lays's "honesty" think again. Thailand is not a place to rely on others. If you are savy you will be OK for the most part. If you are a guliable or fall in love, you will be fooled most of the time. What is found out at now has little bearing on the future.

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ive had a good relationship with my thai gf, who is in bkk< for over a year..one question always bothered me.. is she really divorced? many people not just thais have a loose interputation of divorce. i wanted the facts , on paper. i enlister thai private eye in bkk and now i know without question the truth. i am happy to say she did not lie. it was not so much a lie that i was concerned about.. but misscommunication,, and miss understanding due to cultural differences. she is divorced , even by usa standards..TPI also included additional relevant info. i highly recomend TPI.. not cheep but worth every baht to this farang ba

Does your gf know that you hired a dick? I know what my wife would do if I did and I think she would be right. How would you feel if she hired a PI to check up on you?

If you have a communication problem why not both of you go to school and learn each others languages?

Hire a translator for a lot less than a TPI.

Cheaper still buy a dictionary.

I would say the same as Mr. Brownstone - I saw a movie where exactly this happed - the wife hired a PI, who then asked the husband to pay double for silence.

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A relationship without trust isn't a very good one at all. Obviously you had no trust in her words so you hired some detective to double check if your girlfriend was right or wrong. The detective can only do so much and find evidence that she is divorced but in the meantime they carn't hand you a side order of trust can they?

So picture the scene; your girlfriend tells you she wants to go out with some friends and have a few drinks, sounds reasonable but what are you going to do? Make a dive for the nearest telephone and call another detective each time you are not sure to trust her? Most relationships don't need these services and survive better without it earning trust through a time period which in my eyes is more solid than a few facts from some detective.

It was our pleasure to help you get some peace of mind. I hope you will let us know if we may assist you again in the future.

Honey traps? :D

These unfortunatley are becoming more and more common with such services as private detectives which is really a shame.

Take a male with an unhealthy obsession with a woman then add some detective. They create "coincidences" such as bumping into her in the street and the latter. Also they research likes and dislikes of that particular woman. And vice versa women also request these services. I carn't believe being a detective can even be labeled a profession. Aiding crazed people to find their target man/woman and snooping around peoples private lives :o

Todays world is getting more crazier as I type :D

Whatever happened to the whole girl meets guy or guy meets girl and things like trust and communication people without are giving these detectives more business and creating risks :D

Edited by Ice Maiden
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Unfortuately this is the real world and sometimes it is prudent to get a second opinion on someone.

If you had been cheated by a person and I`m talking about in a relationship then you would probably understand why these private eyes are available.

There are many documented stories and cases of farangs being conned by their partners and they had no idea that they were being cheated on until either a friend or circumstances provided a finger pointing them in the right direction.

I do not blame th OP for hiring this PI to find out whether his partner was divorced, and now that he knows he will be able to remove the nagging doubt from his mind and enjoy his relationship even more.

And yes a meaningful happy relationship based on trust is a wonderful thing. :o

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So since you found out she was being honest with you, do you think you'll ever mention you had her checked out?

On another note, whats the requirements to be a PI out here, do you need official documentation or can anyone have a go as I see these services being offered all the time now and its seems open for corruption? Do u need a PI to check out your PI?

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starting with brownstone on,with the exception of fox, wrong wrong wrong...

i doubt that i will tell her i hired a pi

i am 100% sure the info i got is correct

in usa it is more unusual to hire a pi because here we can get the same info with a touch of a button on the net,, and many many prople do it its almost sop

<how would i feel if she did it to me ?.> oh my budda,, you gotta be kidding me shes thai!!!she gets reports on me every day from every person on the soi!!

the agency i used advised me against useingcertain of their servaces,,reducing their overall profit theyre honest shes honest im happy

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I think if I was in a new relationship I would be using TPI service for sure after looking at what goes on in our village I would suggest that many of you use this service as there is good chance that there is a Thai guy driving your car sleeping in you bed and spending your hard earned money. This may seem harsh but it is true with about 50% of the girls in our village that are married to a falang  :o

You get my vote Thaiprivateeye

ow wow!! if you are in a relationship and you don't trust your partner, I am very sorry for you. Maybe that is the wrong person for you

if you don't trust her, then us a PI to check, then all is OK....what then? there will be a next time, and another

your life will be hel_l, living on the edge, always worrying. A good relationship must be based on trust, so if you don't trust her/him, then something is wrong.

think about what you are doing if you use a PI, what would she/he think of you?

you don't trust her, make her feel very bad (or him, although everyone talking about Thai girls, not farang men))

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What happened to intuition? What happened to trust? What happened to common purpose?

If you ask in depth questions of a potential partner and you think that the answers you get are doubtful, don't start a relationship.

To get a complete stranger to snoop into your potential partners' private affairs does not build much of a foundation upon which to commence a future together.

This is why couples get engaged. It provides both of them an opportunity to suss out each other.......and it will only cost you a 1 ct plus diamond engagement ring. :o

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  What happened to intuition? What happened to trust? What happened to common purpose?

In my humble opinion it is all a matter of insecurity and lack of trust. Think about why they call them "Private Dicks"?

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I think if I was in a new relationship I would be using TPI service for sure after looking at what goes on in our village I would suggest that many of you use this service as there is good chance that there is a Thai guy driving your car sleeping in you bed and spending your hard earned money. This may seem harsh but it is true with about 50% of the girls in our village that are married to a falang  :o

You get my vote Thaiprivateeye

ow wow!! if you are in a relationship and you don't trust your partner, I am very sorry for you. Maybe that is the wrong person for you

if you don't trust her, then us a PI to check, then all is OK....what then? there will be a next time, and another

your life will be hel_l, living on the edge, always worrying. A good relationship must be based on trust, so if you don't trust her/him, then something is wrong.

think about what you are doing if you use a PI, what would she/he think of you?

you don't trust her, make her feel very bad (or him, although everyone talking about Thai girls, not farang men))

Dont get me wrong I trust my wife she has never given me a reason not to trust her plus she is to busy looking after two little riggers.

I just think it could save some guys a lot of trouble and money if they new what there little darlings where up too. I guess some dont realy care that some one is stiring their porrige because I dont beleive they are so dumb but then again they are english

And you are right a lot falang and thai men are butterflys and I am sure there has been a few girls use the PI service or friends to watch them.

A mate of mine just got busted after doing the dirty.His wife smelt the other women on his jocks :D even after he hide them at the bottom of the pile :D

Edited by Rigger
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Dont forget to look at all sides of the coin including the edge.

One side New man in her life - the other side Young Thai lady previous relationship now divorced - the edge Young ladies ex husband.

Divorce in Thailand is often one party walks out for whatever reason and in the norm no more probs - or it can mean a visit to the Amphur rip up marriage papers (remember there are two copies - or it can be a lawyer processed divorced. A lot depends upon how the couple were "married" in the first place.

Youn lady in question with all good intentions considers original relationship ended - finito and the ex may never appear and she has all good intentions. New man buys a house in young ladies name of course (remember young lady has all good intentions) - out of the woodwork appears the ex laying claim to "house" TiT.

PI in this case would have been a good road to follow - any possibilty of ex laying a claim could have been put to sleep before it arose.

Please don't say this can not happen - recent case young lady living by herself working two jobs to support son meets farang - farang invites her to his home country for a visit and see where it goes from there (alas out of the woodwork appears said Ex wanting $$ to not oppose issuing of visa) - in this case there has been a happy ending. :o

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Whatever happened to the whole girl meets guy or guy meets girl and things like trust and communication people without are giving these detectives more business and creating risks :o

A beautiful ideal but one that gets harder to hold onto the more you seek it out.

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QUOTE(Mighty Mouse @ 2005-10-27 18:49:42)

What happened to intuition? What happened to trust? What happened to common purpose?

If you ask in depth questions of a potential partner and you think that the answers you get are doubtful, don't start a relationship.



A doubtful answer in Thailand?

This is not true - it must be the kind of partner you are hanging around with.

A lot of elder farang guys I've met jump too quickly into their first relationship with a girl who was working in a tourist area :o

They think that they are so lucky and can't believe their luck, whereas those who have been around longer and seen it all before can say nothing to deter them.

Unfortunately many people generalise Thai women on those they meet in holiday areas, who usually rush there from the country home for one reason - money.

There are hundreds of thousands of trustworthy, honest etc Thai women - don't paint them all with the same brush based on narrow-minded limited experience.

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