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Hundreds arrested as riots spread to other UK cities


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The three dead men in Birmingham had apparently come out of their mosque to defend their neighbourhood.

Ah, Multi-cultural Great Britain, another misguided policy gone horribly wrong. If the police don't defend your property then vigilantism will follow. For once I'm on the side of the Muslims here, however had middle class middle Englanders armed themselves to defend their property they would almost certainly be jailed. I fear race wars are inevitable as the economy deteriorates further.

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this has been waiting to happen since the last goverment put all those jokeing policemen on the steets,most of them where we lived were too fat to catch a cold,wasnt they called,C.S.O.COMMUNITY SUPPORT OFFICERS.

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I guess you are probably a Red Supporter as well.

Me??? A Red Supporter?! You obviously have never read any of my posts. I think Thaksin is every bit as bad as Hitler and those who wear red and support him might as well just call themselves nazis and be done with it.

But no, I think you have misinterpreted my position. I am simply pointing out that human nature is such that you have to expect this kind of problem. I am not saying it should be tolerated. Only that as the economy slides further into the toilet, that rioting becomes an acceptable solution to those who have nothing to lose and I think it is dangerous to try and pass this off as simply a group of thugs with bad manners. Thugs yes, but clearly at least some of them are intelligent and have a purpose.

That doesn't mean I think anyone deserves a medal for this, or that they shouldn't be severely punished if they are caught. Even if you can accept they have a grievance, the citizens of the communities being attacked were certainly not responsible. But we all need to start being more aware of what is going to happen in the future. I think even those with impeccable upbringing are going to join riots when they lose hope. Thousands are coming out of university right now with no hope of a job, but all the pressure to be successful. This is a powder keg waiting to blow up. The human brain is incredibly adept at rationalizing all sorts of aberrant behavior, and revolts are commonly born this way.

I just think it is dangerous for anyone to claim they are better than these people. History doesn't support that viewpoint. Riots and revolutions are common when things get bad, and I suspect they were all called thugs at the beginning. And things are only going to get worse.

This will spread. Martial law, suspension of voting, and war are very likely in the coming decade. I don't believe this is simply a group of miscreants causing problems. It is a serious development that needs to be understood in its entirety. And if we need to change our culture in order to meet this new paradigm, then we should start now before it gets any worse.


Of course, the other option is that this is really an operation organized and initiated by the SIS to get all citizens to voluntarily surrender their freedoms in order to combat this new scourge of domestic violence and terrorism. Where is James Bond when you need him...

Edited by gregb
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I guess you are probably a Red Supporter as well.

Me??? A Red Supporter?! You obviously have never read any of my posts. I think Thaksin is every bit as bad as Hitler and those who wear red and support him might as well just call themselves nazis and be done with it.

But no, I think you have misinterpreted my position. I am simply pointing out that human nature is such that you have to expect this kind of problem. I am not saying it should be tolerated. Only that as the economy slides further into the toilet, that rioting becomes an acceptable solution to those who have nothing to lose and I think it is dangerous to try and pass this off as simply a group of thugs with bad manners. Thugs yes, but clearly at least some of them are intelligent and have a purpose.

That doesn't mean I think anyone deserves a medal for this, or that they shouldn't be severely punished if they are caught. Even if you can accept they have a grievance, the citizens of the communities being attacked were certainly not responsible. But we all need to start being more aware of what is going to happen in the future. I think even those with impeccable upbringing are going to join riots when they lose hope. Thousands are coming out of university right now with no hope of a job, but all the pressure to be successful. This is a powder keg waiting to blow up. The human brain is incredibly adept at rationalizing all sorts of aberrant behavior, and revolts are commonly born this way.

I just think it is dangerous for anyone to claim they are better than these people. History doesn't support that viewpoint. Riots and revolutions are common when things get bad, and I suspect they were all called thugs at the beginning. And things are only going to get worse.

This will spread. Martial law, suspension of voting, and war are very likely in the coming decade. I don't believe this is simply a group of miscreants causing problems. It is a serious development that needs to be understood in its entirety. And if we need to change our culture in order to meet this new paradigm, then we should start now before it gets any worse.


Of course, the other option is that this is really an operation organized and initiated by the SIS to get all citizens to voluntarily surrender their freedoms in order to combat this new scourge of domestic violence and terrorism. Where is James Bond when you need him...

I thought the Brits already surrendered their freedoms? You know like guns and things.

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The three dead men in Birmingham had apparently come out of their mosque to defend their neighbourhood.

Ah, Multi-cultural Great Britain, another misguided policy gone horribly wrong. If the police don't defend your property then vigilantism will follow. For once I'm on the side of the Muslims here, however had middle class middle Englanders armed themselves to defend their property they would almost certainly be jailed.

I'm on the side of the business owners/regular people and against the roaming gangs of criminals regardless of race or religion.

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The three dead men in Birmingham had apparently come out of their mosque to defend their neighbourhood.

Ah, Multi-cultural Great Britain, another misguided policy gone horribly wrong. If the police don't defend your property then vigilantism will follow. For once I'm on the side of the Muslims here, however had middle class middle Englanders armed themselves to defend their property they would almost certainly be jailed.

I'm on the side of the business owners/regular people and against the roaming gangs of criminals regardless of race or religion.

Agreed, I was not implying anything different, save to say vigilantism based on race or religion is dangerous ground indeed for society.

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Frankly I can't accept this "bleak future" crap.

The future of most generations since WWII has been "bleak".

From the post war 50's with rationing still in place, the UK heavily in debt and losing out on industry hand over foot, to the Thatcher years where the Tories sold the country to the highest bidder, through to the Blair years and all of the promised "New Labour, New deals" which never came to pass.

I'm afraid it's been the same old story for every generation.

If you want to be a "have" you have to get off your arse and make it happen.

Stealing and destroying the property of others just because you feel you have "no future" simply isn't an excuse.

Spot on,

and thats the problem with the street thugs and Anarchists,they think that everybody has had it easy,except them. they don't choose to understand,that to be a have, takes many years of hard work and paying into the system,so that you can have a Pension,and a comfortable retirement,for them it's easier to thieve and take the benefits,and constantly winge and whine about their poor hard done by Generation.

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The three dead men in Birmingham had apparently come out of their mosque to defend their neighbourhood.

Ah, Multi-cultural Great Britain, another misguided policy gone horribly wrong. If the police don't defend your property then vigilantism will follow. For once I'm on the side of the Muslims here, however had middle class middle Englanders armed themselves to defend their property they would almost certainly be jailed.

I'm on the side of the business owners/regular people and against the roaming gangs of criminals regardless of race or religion.

Agreed, I was not implying anything different, save to say vigilantism based on race or religion is dangerous ground indeed for society.

Agreed also, but in some (definitely not all), but in some of these areas, most if not all of the small (not the 'chains' - though some of these are franchised) business owners will be of a single race/religion, and then the vigilante groups may be defined by their race/religion/ethnicity. This is the huge danger that these riots do escalate in to race riots.

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I miss talking to the 'old folks' who went thru the depression, several years of war shortages or the war itself and continued working until their health gave out. The pensions were not enough to live on in the early years, even as they are today. It made you feel that life, maybe was not so hard after all. When you consider the state that the defeated countries population went thru after WW2, sympathy, for those who want/expect to be taken care in a style, they want/desire, will not be forthcoming from this sector.

Turn the dogs, water cannons, tear gas, loose and then shoot /jail the survivors depending on the cooperation given to the authorities. To be fair, the real innocents should have the where with all/sense not to be involved but get a Thai to build a speaker system to announce to the world what is coming at them so they can hide in a safe place. The looters, etc won't hear the announcement as they are too busy.

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Birmingham riots: Violence breaks out in the Second City – video

Tuesday 9th August 2011, 7:35AM BST.

Video footage of some of the violence that broke out in Birmingham with looting and rioting in the city centre.

Read more: http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2011/08/09/birmingham-riots-violence-breaks-out-in-the-second-city-video/#ixzz1UcAU6IHz

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Frankly I can't accept this "bleak future" crap.

The future of most generations since WWII has been "bleak".

From the post war 50's with rationing still in place, the UK heavily in debt and losing out on industry hand over foot, to the Thatcher years where the Tories sold the country to the highest bidder, through to the Blair years and all of the promised "New Labour, New deals" which never came to pass.

I'm afraid it's been the same old story for every generation.

If you want to be a "have" you have to get off your arse and make it happen.

Stealing and destroying the property of others just because you feel you have "no future" simply isn't an excuse.

Spot on,

and thats the problem with the street thugs and Anarchists,they think that everybody has had it easy,except them. they don't choose to understand,that to be a have, takes many years of hard work and paying into the system,so that you can have a Pension,and a comfortable retirement,for them it's easier to thieve and take the benefits,and constantly winge and whine about their poor hard done by Generation.

Again, I agree with this! Fortunately I did have the benefit of a UK government assisted polytechnic education. However, I also had various jobs from the age of 10, setting and clearing lunch/ dinner tables at the local football/ cricket club every Saturday & Sunday, paper rounds, stocking the bar etc, worked as the cloakroom attendant in the student union, drove the 'get home safe' minibus for female students, and worked every school/poly holiday and as a graduate engineer, I still delivered pizzas in the evening as well as my full time job. I've never claimed a penny in benefits and have paid taxes on every penny I earned (well not when I was 10 obviously!)

I never had kids in the UK, so apart from the odd visit to the doctors, have never taken anything out! They now want me to work til I'm 70 (I'm 44 now), sod them - I'm taking my chances elsewhere. Unfortunately, I'll probably never see a penny of the money I've paid in, but I'm not prepared to throw good money after bad!

Ooops, apologies for wandering off topic and 'ranting', but the bottom line is, I'm not prepared to financially support a country whose current/previous few governments have made so many mistakes and certainly not one that has managed to breed a load of mindless thugs.

On the plus side, there are still plenty of hard working, community minded people in the UK, as proved by the 'clean-up' volunteers in the affected areas. Though it did cross my mind as to why these people weren't at work on a Tuesday, but I asssume that these were people who work shifts, are on holiday anyway, as their kids are off school, (or requested a day off to help out) or are the local business people who can't run their businesses, so may as well grab a broom.

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Manchester and Birmingham riots – in pictures

guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 10 August 2011 01.07 BST

There has been serious looting and disorder in Manchester and Salford, plus trouble in Birmingham

(Photo gallery with 10 photos)

Read more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/gallery/2011/aug/10/manchester-birmingham-riots?picture=377743461

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With regard to the vigilantism aspect.


Further anecdotal evidence also suggested that in other cities hit by Monday night's violence, communities were also remaining vigilant. On Amazon sales of baseball bats and truncheons rocketed overnight. Sales of one aluminium bat increased 65-fold in a day, albeit from low initial sales, while a truncheon jumped from a sales rank of 5,973 to 136.

As for the feral rats my preferred solution would be the police hitting them over the heads with truncheons, but in lieu of the police being willing or able to do this a baseball bat on the head from a business owner will have to do.

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Frankly I can't accept this "bleak future" crap.

The future of most generations since WWII has been "bleak".

From the post war 50's with rationing still in place, the UK heavily in debt and losing out on industry hand over foot, to the Thatcher years where the Tories sold the country to the highest bidder, through to the Blair years and all of the promised "New Labour, New deals" which never came to pass.

I'm afraid it's been the same old story for every generation.

If you want to be a "have" you have to get off your arse and make it happen.

Stealing and destroying the property of others just because you feel you have "no future" simply isn't an excuse.

Spot on,

and thats the problem with the street thugs and Anarchists,they think that everybody has had it easy,except them. they don't choose to understand,that to be a have, takes many years of hard work and paying into the system,so that you can have a Pension,and a comfortable retirement,for them it's easier to thieve and take the benefits,and constantly winge and whine about their poor hard done by Generation.

You're right about taking years to become a "have". Most of these punks are too young to be anything but a "have-not".

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Frankly I can't accept this "bleak future" crap.

The future of most generations since WWII has been "bleak".

From the post war 50's with rationing still in place, the UK heavily in debt and losing out on industry hand over foot, to the Thatcher years where the Tories sold the country to the highest bidder, through to the Blair years and all of the promised "New Labour, New deals" which never came to pass.

I'm afraid it's been the same old story for every generation.

If you want to be a "have" you have to get off your arse and make it happen.

Stealing and destroying the property of others just because you feel you have "no future" simply isn't an excuse.

Spot on,

and thats the problem with the street thugs and Anarchists,they think that everybody has had it easy,except them. they don't choose to understand,that to be a have, takes many years of hard work and paying into the system,so that you can have a Pension,and a comfortable retirement,for them it's easier to thieve and take the benefits,and constantly winge and whine about their poor hard done by Generation.

Again, I agree with this! Fortunately I did have the benefit of a UK government assisted polytechnic education. However, I also had various jobs from the age of 10, setting and clearing lunch/ dinner tables at the local football/ cricket club every Saturday & Sunday, paper rounds, stocking the bar etc, worked as the cloakroom attendant in the student union, drove the 'get home safe' minibus for female students, and worked every school/poly holiday and as a graduate engineer, I still delivered pizzas in the evening as well as my full time job. I've never claimed a penny in benefits and have paid taxes on every penny I earned (well not when I was 10 obviously!)

I never had kids in the UK, so apart from the odd visit to the doctors, have never taken anything out! They now want me to work til I'm 70 (I'm 44 now), sod them - I'm taking my chances elsewhere. Unfortunately, I'll probably never see a penny of the money I've paid in, but I'm not prepared to throw good money after bad!

Ooops, apologies for wandering off topic and 'ranting', but the bottom line is, I'm not prepared to financially support a country whose current/previous few governments have made so many mistakes and certainly not one that has managed to breed a load of mindless thugs.

On the plus side, there are still plenty of hard working, community minded people in the UK, as proved by the 'clean-up' volunteers in the affected areas. Though it did cross my mind as to why these people weren't at work on a Tuesday, but I asssume that these were people who work shifts, are on holiday anyway, as their kids are off school, (or requested a day off to help out) or are the local business people who can't run their businesses, so may as well grab a broom.

This rampaging scum are the ones that UK taxes are paying dole money too to live and eat, put money on it's the unemployable yob.

Unfortunately all those identified on film will get there hand slapped cos the UK prisons are over crowded and there is nowhere to lock them up. An emergency should be called and go in and crack heads.;)

BUT, we all know the UK system, cops fear taking control with force cos they probably fear UK law against them in the aftermath,

SAD ol' UK.

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Frankly I can't accept this "bleak future" crap.

The future of most generations since WWII has been "bleak".

From the post war 50's with rationing still in place, the UK heavily in debt and losing out on industry hand over foot, to the Thatcher years where the Tories sold the country to the highest bidder, through to the Blair years and all of the promised "New Labour, New deals" which never came to pass.

I'm afraid it's been the same old story for every generation.

If you want to be a "have" you have to get off your arse and make it happen.

Stealing and destroying the property of others just because you feel you have "no future" simply isn't an excuse.

Spot on,

and thats the problem with the street thugs and Anarchists,they think that everybody has had it easy,except them. they don't choose to understand,that to be a have, takes many years of hard work and paying into the system,so that you can have a Pension,and a comfortable retirement,for them it's easier to thieve and take the benefits,and constantly winge and whine about their poor hard done by Generation.

Again, I agree with this! Fortunately I did have the benefit of a UK government assisted polytechnic education. However, I also had various jobs from the age of 10, setting and clearing lunch/ dinner tables at the local football/ cricket club every Saturday & Sunday, paper rounds, stocking the bar etc, worked as the cloakroom attendant in the student union, drove the 'get home safe' minibus for female students, and worked every school/poly holiday and as a graduate engineer, I still delivered pizzas in the evening as well as my full time job. I've never claimed a penny in benefits and have paid taxes on every penny I earned (well not when I was 10 obviously!)

I never had kids in the UK, so apart from the odd visit to the doctors, have never taken anything out! They now want me to work til I'm 70 (I'm 44 now), sod them - I'm taking my chances elsewhere. Unfortunately, I'll probably never see a penny of the money I've paid in, but I'm not prepared to throw good money after bad!

Ooops, apologies for wandering off topic and 'ranting', but the bottom line is, I'm not prepared to financially support a country whose current/previous few governments have made so many mistakes and certainly not one that has managed to breed a load of mindless thugs.

On the plus side, there are still plenty of hard working, community minded people in the UK, as proved by the 'clean-up' volunteers in the affected areas. Though it did cross my mind as to why these people weren't at work on a Tuesday, but I asssume that these were people who work shifts, are on holiday anyway, as their kids are off school, (or requested a day off to help out) or are the local business people who can't run their businesses, so may as well grab a broom.

This rampaging scum are the ones that UK taxes are paying dole money too to live and eat, put money on it's the unemployable yob.

Unfortunately all those identified on film will get there hand slapped cos the UK prisons are over crowded and there is nowhere to lock them up. An emergency should be called and go in and crack heads.;)

BUT, we all know the UK system, cops fear taking control with force cos they probably fear UK law against them in the aftermath,

SAD ol' UK.

Agree, succeeding governments have gradually eroded the power of the police by constantly investigating them and making these investigations public. The result is that many (more than a few) citizens no longer have any respect for the police. Many people still do respect the police, the law abiding ones. I'm not saying that the police does not have some corrupt, racist, inept, lazy or useless officers (at whatever level), but the investigations where things have gone wrong are blamed (or blame is reported) on the whole outfit, rather than a few individuals! Hence the feeling by a small minority of UK citizens that the whole of the UK police are to be resented and therefore ignored and attacked.

Both police forces and therefore police officers then feel 'powerless' as they are too scared of the consequences of their actions.

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The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no skills, education, values or aspirations. They do not have what most of us would call ‘lives’: they simply exist.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2024284/UK-riots-2011-Liberal-dogma-spawned-generation-brutalised-youths.html#ixzz1UcZ7jpv3

Bring back national service imho.

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Frankly I can't accept this "bleak future" crap.

The future of most generations since WWII has been "bleak".

From the post war 50's with rationing still in place, the UK heavily in debt and losing out on industry hand over foot, to the Thatcher years where the Tories sold the country to the highest bidder, through to the Blair years and all of the promised "New Labour, New deals" which never came to pass.

I'm afraid it's been the same old story for every generation.

If you want to be a "have" you have to get off your arse and make it happen.

Stealing and destroying the property of others just because you feel you have "no future" simply isn't an excuse.

Spot on,

and thats the problem with the street thugs and Anarchists,they think that everybody has had it easy,except them. they don't choose to understand,that to be a have, takes many years of hard work and paying into the system,so that you can have a Pension,and a comfortable retirement,for them it's easier to thieve and take the benefits,and constantly winge and whine about their poor hard done by Generation.

Again, I agree with this! Fortunately I did have the benefit of a UK government assisted polytechnic education. However, I also had various jobs from the age of 10, setting and clearing lunch/ dinner tables at the local football/ cricket club every Saturday & Sunday, paper rounds, stocking the bar etc, worked as the cloakroom attendant in the student union, drove the 'get home safe' minibus for female students, and worked every school/poly holiday and as a graduate engineer, I still delivered pizzas in the evening as well as my full time job. I've never claimed a penny in benefits and have paid taxes on every penny I earned (well not when I was 10 obviously!)

I never had kids in the UK, so apart from the odd visit to the doctors, have never taken anything out! They now want me to work til I'm 70 (I'm 44 now), sod them - I'm taking my chances elsewhere. Unfortunately, I'll probably never see a penny of the money I've paid in, but I'm not prepared to throw good money after bad!

Ooops, apologies for wandering off topic and 'ranting', but the bottom line is, I'm not prepared to financially support a country whose current/previous few governments have made so many mistakes and certainly not one that has managed to breed a load of mindless thugs.

On the plus side, there are still plenty of hard working, community minded people in the UK, as proved by the 'clean-up' volunteers in the affected areas. Though it did cross my mind as to why these people weren't at work on a Tuesday, but I asssume that these were people who work shifts, are on holiday anyway, as their kids are off school, (or requested a day off to help out) or are the local business people who can't run their businesses, so may as well grab a broom.

This rampaging scum are the ones that UK taxes are paying dole money too to live and eat, put money on it's the unemployable yob.

Unfortunately all those identified on film will get there hand slapped cos the UK prisons are over crowded and there is nowhere to lock them up. An emergency should be called and go in and crack heads.;)

BUT, we all know the UK system, cops fear taking control with force cos they probably fear UK law against them in the aftermath,

SAD ol' UK.

Unfortunately, it was my generation that enabled this mess and I am largely ashamed that we stood by and did nothing to stop it. These kids did not simply come up with this riot idea yesterday. In the 60s and 70s we shoehorned people into the workforce without a corresponding demand for goods and services; we have made this mess ourselves and we will leave it for our kids and grandkids to deal with.

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The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no skills, education, values or aspirations. They do not have what most of us would call 'lives': they simply exist.

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1UcZ7jpv3

Bring back national service imho.

On alternatively bring back family values

But how can you bring back family values when the UK government no longer places any value on a family (and rewards single parent households), and mothers and fathers are generally too selfish to try and keep a family together?

(family = mother + father + children)

Divorce is now at 50% so in theory only 50% of children live in a family environment.

When 50% of children are no longer living with both parents, then society is doomed to failure.

The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no father.

Edited by ludditeman
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British PM David Cameron vows to end London riots

By Lucy Carne, Nick Leys and AFP, August 10, 2011 11:24AM


BRITISH police in Birmingham are investigating reports that a gun has been fired during fresh rioting in the midlands city that's led to 80 arrests.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/london-burns-as-215-arrested-for-rioting/story-e6frfku0-1226112272357#ixzz1UcqZmfgW

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The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no skills, education, values or aspirations. They do not have what most of us would call ‘lives’: they simply exist.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2024284/UK-riots-2011-Liberal-dogma-spawned-generation-brutalised-youths.html#ixzz1UcZ7jpv3

Bring back national service imho.


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I thought the Brits already surrendered their freedoms? You know like guns and things.

I was quite willing to surrender my freedom to own a gun should I have been in Britain at the time ( and I was a gun owner) A minor sacrifice.


Edited by mca
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UK riots: More than 1,000 being hauled before courts

London quieter overnight but looting and fires in Birmingham, Manchester and elsewhere as police tackle marauding gangs

James Meikle and Sam Jones, guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 10 August 2011 11.32 BST

Extra courts are being set up to deal with criminal charges from four nights of looting and rioting in English cities.

More than 1,000 people have been arrested in centres including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Bristol and Leicester.

Read more (with video): www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/10/london-riots-spark-copycat-birmingham

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these pics from Daily Mail; suppose asking where their parents are would be a silly question. Kids with wine and vodka.

David Cameron today gave the go ahead for police to use water cannons on rioters after children as young as nine looted stores and made off with bottles of wine and Vodka in fresh violence that flared around the UK yesterday.

The children wore tracksuits and innocently disregarded covering their faces as they ran through the shattered glass of supermarkets to fill their pockets with looted goods.

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