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Wingman Needed


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Hi all,

I'm looking for a nice guy to join me to the clubs outside the city center where we are the only two white guys in the club. If you are not white that's you are most welcome too. I will help all that I can :-) Jin.

I'm a younger manager here. Very relaxed and most importantly - Normal.

Looking for a similar guy. Obviously you must be straight. There is along weekend coming up with many opportunities. Let's seize them ! :-)

All the best

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Op wants to be the only gay in the village..... (little Britain)

Fairly honest post from the op really, but he has left himself open to a lot of flak.

Op wants to standout in a an area where he thinks women will flock to him....

Didn't we all want that at some point in our lives ?

If the OP was really smart he would asking for a gay white wingman, then he wouldnt have any competition in his pick of the ladies........:whistling:

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Strange post. Oh, look! It's only his 5th :o

Anyway, Winggirls are far better. I had a friend who used to go out with an attractive female we worked with. She'd get into a side converstaion with some cuties and they'd say, what about your boyfriend? and she'd say, oh, he just broke up with his girlfriend who cheated on him, I'm just hanging with him, not my boyfriend.

Puts the girls at ease as it appears you're safe and not on the hunt. Worked like a charm.

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So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and say I prefer white men, hoping you are too

5. I'm very insecure and I'd like someone to be supportive while I figure out how to do this

6. I'm very insecure and I need an audience to witness how good I think I am at doing this

7. I want to experiment with swinging

But at least, OP reassures us that he is normal.

I would guess that OP is #5 but masquerading as #6. No harm in it, though. Best of luck. But what if your new 'friend' is better at it than you after all?

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So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and say I prefer white men, hoping you are too

5. I'm very insecure and I'd like someone to be supportive while I figure out how to do this

6. I'm very insecure and I need an audience to witness how good I think I am at doing this

7. I want to experiment with swinging

But at least, OP reassures us that he is normal.

I would guess that OP is #5 but masquerading as #6. No harm in it, though. Best of luck. But what if your new 'friend' is better at it than you after all?

Very good....I am going with # 3

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So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and say I prefer white men, hoping you are too

5. I'm very insecure and I'd like someone to be supportive while I figure out how to do this

6. I'm very insecure and I need an audience to witness how good I think I am at doing this

7. I want to experiment with swinging

But at least, OP reassures us that he is normal.

I would guess that OP is #5 but masquerading as #6. No harm in it, though. Best of luck. But what if your new 'friend' is better at it than you after all?

Very good....I am going with # 3

# 4

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Or maybe he wants to take you somewhere he can rob you.

His first language is obviously not English; maybe he's from Nigeria. Its a new scam he's trying to get off the ground and he thinks white men are easier to rob.

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So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and say I prefer white men, hoping you are too

5. I'm very insecure and I'd like someone to be supportive while I figure out how to do this

6. I'm very insecure and I need an audience to witness how good I think I am at doing this

7. I want to experiment with swinging

But at least, OP reassures us that he is normal.

I would guess that OP is #5 but masquerading as #6. No harm in it, though. Best of luck. But what if your new 'friend' is better at it than you after all?


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surprised at all the grumpy posts here.

Grumpies, please remember you also have been young once, and to those grumpies who aren't too old yet, what happened to your youth?

the thread is growing into a list of people not to invite for a fun time.

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Op wants to be the only gay in the village..... (little Britain)

Fairly honest post from the op really, but he has left himself open to a lot of flak.

Op wants to standout in a an area where he thinks women will flock to him....

Didn't we all want that at some point in our lives ?

If the OP was really smart he would asking for a gay white wingman, then he wouldnt have any competition in his pick of the ladies........:whistling:

Cut the guy some slack ..... ;)

He wants to go out .... to a place where any woman talking to him will be in the social spotlight (and not in a good way!) and he needs some reassurance! I hope he speaks Thai!

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I sympathize with the OP and had trouble finding friends to go to Thai clubs with me at first too. A foreigner going alone to a Thai club where he is the only white person, just standing at a table all alone with a bottle of whiskey, looks a bit of a loser and somewhat creepy. You stand out and it can be uncomfortable for some people. Everyone else there is in a group with friends and you're just there all alone. Going with a friend makes everything much easier and more fun.

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I sympathize with the OP and had trouble finding friends to go to Thai clubs with me at first too. A foreigner going alone to a Thai club where he is the only white person, just standing at a table all alone with a bottle of whiskey, looks a bit of a loser and somewhat creepy. You stand out and it can be uncomfortable for some people. Everyone else there is in a group with friends and you're just there all alone. Going with a friend makes everything much easier and more fun.

Noooooooooooo, if you've got balls (excuse the pun) you can do anything. Just go for it. :)

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I sympathize with the OP and had trouble finding friends to go to Thai clubs with me at first too. A foreigner going alone to a Thai club where he is the only white person, just standing at a table all alone with a bottle of whiskey, looks a bit of a loser and somewhat creepy. You stand out and it can be uncomfortable for some people. Everyone else there is in a group with friends and you're just there all alone. Going with a friend makes everything much easier and more fun.

Noooooooooooo, if you've got balls (excuse the pun) you can do anything. Just go for it. :)

It's better to have a friend though. But if not it's better to go alone, than to stay home alone.

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I sympathize with the OP and had trouble finding friends to go to Thai clubs with me at first too. A foreigner going alone to a Thai club where he is the only white person, just standing at a table all alone with a bottle of whiskey, looks a bit of a loser and somewhat creepy. You stand out and it can be uncomfortable for some people. Everyone else there is in a group with friends and you're just there all alone. Going with a friend makes everything much easier and more fun.

Noooooooooooo, if you've got balls (excuse the pun) you can do anything. Just go for it. :)

It's better to have a friend though. But if not it's better to go alone, than to stay home alone.

Absolutely :)

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I sympathize with the OP and had trouble finding friends to go to Thai clubs with me at first too. A foreigner going alone to a Thai club where he is the only white person, just standing at a table all alone with a bottle of whiskey, looks a bit of a loser and somewhat creepy. You stand out and it can be uncomfortable for some people. Everyone else there is in a group with friends and you're just there all alone. Going with a friend makes everything much easier and more fun.

I know what you mean but I look creepy anywhere I go and you get used to it after a while. Now I even prefer it. When I do something strange I am the only one who sees it and Thais expect Farang will do strange things as a matter of course so they don't mind.

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I sympathize with the OP and had trouble finding friends to go to Thai clubs with me at first too. A foreigner going alone to a Thai club where he is the only white person, just standing at a table all alone with a bottle of whiskey, looks a bit of a loser and somewhat creepy. You stand out and it can be uncomfortable for some people. Everyone else there is in a group with friends and you're just there all alone. Going with a friend makes everything much easier and more fun.

Noooooooooooo, if you've got balls (excuse the pun) you can do anything. Just go for it. :)

He's not wanting to go with a friend; he wants to go with a stranger off the internet. A wing man.

'Bandits at 9 o'clock. Wilco, Roger. More ginger?'

and so forth.

You'll worry less about how you look when you're stood there on your own with half a bottle of whiskey...


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<deleted> is a wingman?

This is a serious question, I live here and have never heard of the term.

Some people, including this person quoted above need to learn that on the "Internet" such information can be found in about 5 seconds. For all the grandpas out there, let me help, the next line will be in a different color and underlined, it will take you to something called a 'search engine', which will answer your question: http://www.google.co...what+is+wingman

When it comes to English colloquialisms and slang, there are two sites deserving an honorable mention: wikipedia.org and urbandictionary.com

Then, there was this gem:

So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and

What an unnecessarily nasty post. Honestly, there is no requirement to reply if you don't like a post and are not going to answer it, but just want to see your own clever writing on a shiny screen. Really, just move on if you're not going to answer a post, it makes for a more pleasant reading experience.

There is *NOTHING* strange about this post, and makes perfect sense. The guy just wants to explore non-tourist, non-sexpat nightlife, and as a result he's flamed.

Very nice. Very very nice.

I could actually explain the concept in more detail, and why everyeone has a much better time going out when you do it not by yourself. It would get a little into Thai culture and social interactions, and why a person going out by himself (or even having dinner by himself) is automatically assumed to be a little strange. But I think that explanation would be wasted here, and I would just get flamed too. So.. inhale that cupcake, boys.

Edited by CheGuava
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