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Warning If You Buy Your Paint From Home Pro.


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in june we had an extension on the front of our house built,the house is only 2years old,we had the code no.for the original paints so we bought 6diff.ones from home pro.in korat,after 2coats the colours were a perfect match to the original,then we decided to paint our gable ends and some stripping around the sides and back, so july we bought some more paint,after putting on 3coats we had a totaly diff.colour,i found the mixing stick that i used on the first lot to compare,time to go back to home pro.as my wife is on the ball with any consumer queries she took the tin of paint with her,as in most stores they are never wrong but my misses wouldnt budge argueing that the mix is wrong,after 30mins the store ass.said that from 24th of june the mix.had been changed,at last she was getting some where,but still he said she should have asked for the old mix,why didnt you let customers know then.she has managed to get some of the old colour lets hope it comes the right shade.WARNING AT THE END OF THE YEAR THERE WILL BE NONE OF THE OLD COLOURS AT HOME PRO.so if your going to do some deco.useing the same colours ask for the old mix pre.june.PAINTS WE USED WERE TOA COLOURS.

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Are the 'new' colours using the same shade codes as the 'old' ones? Confusion will reign :(

the old code was s612,colour coastal biege,the new colour they are useing the same code and colour,i would have thought if you have the code for the original col.it should be changed so you dont end up like us,they tried to say we changed the tin yet the date and codes are on the print out and date we purchased,so if you want the orig.colour you must state the old mix.they even wanted the old tin so the wife said she would pay for him to come and search the rubbish tip.so once again they have NOT CHANGED THE CODES AND YOU MUST SAY YOU WANT THE OLD MIX ONLY AVAILABLE TILL THE END OF THE YEAR.ONLY THEN WILL THEY WIPE ALL THE OLD CODES OFF.AND PUT NEW ONES IN THE COMPUTER.

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Just for my info, how much are large pots of masonary paint in Homepro?

Are the 'new' colours using the same shade codes as the 'old' ones? Confusion will reign :(

the old code was s612,colour coastal biege,the new colour they are useing the same code and colour,i would have thought if you have the code for the original col.it should be changed so you dont end up like us,they tried to say we changed the tin yet the date and codes are on the print out and date we purchased,so if you want the orig.colour you must state the old mix.they even wanted the old tin so the wife said she would pay for him to come and search the rubbish tip.so once again they have NOT CHANGED THE CODES AND YOU MUST SAY YOU WANT THE OLD MIX ONLY AVAILABLE TILL THE END OF THE YEAR.ONLY THEN WILL THEY WIPE ALL THE OLD CODES OFF.AND PUT NEW ONES IN THE COMPUTER.

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the primer was 400bht then the sandstone we used comes in ltr.tins 210bht,but you should be able to buy larger tubs.this morning i am livid home pro is nothing short of conning customers,lies, deceite, this is how they treat customers that have spent over 250,ooobht in 18months.global house is opening shortly so then they will have some competition.

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Typical MO from HomePro. 2 years ago we purchased a motor driven lawn mower from them. Recently we needed to buy a replacement blade, gave them the model number etc, new blade arrived, took it home but it was a different size. Back to HomePro, much talk and toing and froing making my blood pressure rise beyond normal levels. Eventualy the manager declared that it was our (my wife) fault and they had never even sold that particular model. What a cretin, my wife let him have it both barrels. Obviously we produced the original receipt, guarantee and instruction manual for him to look at. In typical Thai fashion no apology was offered. Bloody useless, but unfortunately the competiiton are probably worse......!


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Home Pro carries several differnt brands of paint. I use TOA and all the numbers are the same and the colors come out the same.

I also wonder wht kind of quality paint are your getting ? Af for mine cost 900 Bt a gallon as any decent paint would

all the brands we are useing are toa supershield,you buy the base then give them the code and they enter it into the mixing machine and out comes the right colour which mixes with the base,but home pro did not tell us that from june 24th they changed the colours but still useing the same codes,the staff had not been told to ask the customers is it the old colour you want,eg.we were useing s612 the code for coastal biege which is a dark brown used to paint around the facias and gable ends,so when we bought another lot 26th july the colour ended up a brick red,they tried to blame my wife but she stuck to her guns,even some stupid bird tried to say my mrs.had added water to the paint even after showing a sample of both colours,what worries me i need another 3ltrs.i think we will try and get in touch with toa and try and find out whats happening,i doubt if we will get a comment off home pro they are never wrong.

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Home Pro carries several differnt brands of paint. I use TOA and all the numbers are the same and the colors come out the same.

I also wonder wht kind of quality paint are your getting ? Af for mine cost 900 Bt a gallon as any decent paint would

all the brands we are useing are toa supershield,you buy the base then give them the code and they enter it into the mixing machine and out comes the right colour which mixes with the base,but home pro did not tell us that from june 24th they changed the colours but still useing the same codes,the staff had not been told to ask the customers is it the old colour you want,eg.we were useing s612 the code for coastal biege which is a dark brown used to paint around the facias and gable ends,so when we bought another lot 26th july the colour ended up a brick red,they tried to blame my wife but she stuck to her guns,even some stupid bird tried to say my mrs.had added water to the paint even after showing a sample of both colours,what worries me i need another 3ltrs.i think we will try and get in touch with toa and try and find out whats happening,i doubt if we will get a comment off home pro they are never wrong.

Believe me: TOA didn't change anything. These codes are linked, not only to your eeny-teeny-weeny home-project, but also to huge projects like condominiums, shopping-malls, high-rise office buildings, etc. Changing a color code, just like that may cost TOA a fortune on possible future claims.

The HomePRO store made the mistake and hide behind TOA.

Unfortunately, there is only one HomePRO kind of store in your neighborhood, but isn't there a hard ware store which sells TOA? You could ask them what's happened or contact the TOA customer service: http://www.toahomeguide.com/contactus/

IF, just IF TOA actually changed the codes, they also had to change the software in the tinting-machine; software which automatically chooses for the new code after entering the old code. However, the old code S612 will never be used for any other color in the future.

Beger.....the #2 in Thailand, keeps the old color-codes for at least 10 years in the software of their tinting-equipment.

Edited by saengsureeya
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saengsureeya thanks for your reply,what i am told the staff are actually toa,i cannot except that the colours/codes have not changed,but could you explain how two diff.colours are on the same code,the print out states are the same on both tins pre 24thjune and the one bought 29july [coastal beige] yet one is brown and the other is brick red,plus both purchases are recorded in the book.i will try and get to the bottom of this because i need 3more ltrs.

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i was just wondering how is the paint loaded into the machine when a certain colour runs out,could it be someone put the wrong colour in,the more i think this is what happened,but they took 30mins.to find an exscuse.

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Most, if not all, emulsion paint you can buy are being tinted in the store with a base-coat (in probably 3 or 4 different shades): white, somewhat light grey, grey and dark grey.

There could be the first mistake: they took the wrong base.

Another problem could be: the tinting machine adds a color-pigment according to a formula, which is in the software of the tinting-machine. This is NO problem, but if one of the 16 or 24 nozzles of the pigments is obstructed, you get a different outcome. Since your paint has a brown and a dark red outlook, I suppose that the black pigment is the problem.

It's a typical problem in Thailand: maintenance of equipment. They keep on running the equipment until there's a failure.

This kind of equipment should be cleaned and checked on a daily bases.

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Most, if not all, emulsion paint you can buy are being tinted in the store with a base-coat (in probably 3 or 4 different shades): white, somewhat light grey, grey and dark grey.

There could be the first mistake: they took the wrong base.

Another problem could be: the tinting machine adds a color-pigment according to a formula, which is in the software of the tinting-machine. This is NO problem, but if one of the 16 or 24 nozzles of the pigments is obstructed, you get a different outcome. Since your paint has a brown and a dark red outlook, I suppose that the black pigment is the problem.

It's a typical problem in Thailand: maintenance of equipment. They keep on running the equipment until there's a failure.

This kind of equipment should be cleaned and checked on a daily bases.

thanks for that i have the tin and code for the base[s008-D-BASE] so when we go to get the rest i will check first,the very truthfull assistant did in the end add some black pigment which made it the right colour

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saengsureeya thanks for your reply,what i am told the staff are actually toa,i cannot except that the colours/codes have not changed,but could you explain how two diff.colours are on the same code,the print out states are the same on both tins pre 24thjune and the one bought 29july [coastal beige] yet one is brown and the other is brick red,plus both purchases are recorded in the book.i will try and get to the bottom of this because i need 3more ltrs.

Simple answer: Thais LIE !!!

Accept it and deal with it ...



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