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Looking For A Thai Friend For My Wife


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I was wondering if there are any farangs out there that live with their thai wife/girlfriend in London, Ontario or surrounding area. My thai wife and I have been here a few months now and it would be nice to find some thai friends for my wife. There arent very many thai people here :)

If that describes you send me a message.

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Why would she be talking to another thai again? She's not in Thailand anymore, so she should take this opportunity to expand her english language skill & knowledge horizon to other nationalities, other than thai & thailand.

Believe me, sometimes down the road, you will wish she wouldn't be too groupy groupy with other thais there. Unless she's a university educated thai and wants to meet other university educated thais over there, then I see LESS of a problem after grouping than among uneducated ones. Generally speaking here

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Hi 'seekay99' forgive me for being blunt! I don't know you, your wife, how you meet, basically nothing, so please read what I say in the spirit it's intended.

I would advise you to do a search on TV for related topics; there are many a story ofthings going pear shaped once 'the little lady' meets up with other wife's……..There is not a lot more I can add without possibly, (as I don't know you) sounding rude and insulting……..Just do a search, and read other peoples stories, to before warned is to be fore armed.

Edited by metisdead
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When we first moved to NYC, I did all sorts of things to help keep my wife in touch with "Thai" culture. I bought her Thai TV shows on tapes, offered to get Thai TV on the PC, got Thai books, tried Thai restaurants...and tried to find her Thai friends. Interestingly enough, she wasn't interested! She wanted to watch US TV, eat local food, meet local people. Her best friends came from her language school. Japanese, Korean and Spanish friends.

How about enrolling her at some nearby school????

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my tw spent 20years in the uk and she would tell you dont trust any,if they have more than you they will talk and cause trouble for you,the same applies if she has more than them,my tw had loads of non thai freinds so if i was you let things take its course.

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Hi 'seekay99' forgive me for being blunt! I don't know you, your wife, how you meet, basically nothing, so please read what I say in the spirit it's intended.

I would advise you to do a search on TV for related topics; there are many a story ofthings going pear shaped once 'the little lady' meets up with other wife's……..There is not a lot more I can add without possibly, (as I don't know you) sounding rude and insulting……..Just do a search, and read other peoples stories, to before warned is to be fore armed.

A bit off topic, but check your font size. Metisdead is working overtime editing your posts. :)

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Hi 'seekay99' forgive me for being blunt! I don't know you, your wife, how you meet, basically nothing, so please read what I say in the spirit it's intended.

I would advise you to do a search on TV for related topics; there are many a story ofthings going pear shaped once 'the little lady' meets up with other wife's……..There is not a lot more I can add without possibly, (as I don't know you) sounding rude and insulting……..Just do a search, and read other peoples stories, to before warned is to be fore armed.

A bit off topic, but check your font size. Metisdead is working overtime editing your posts. :)


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Suspect the nearest communities of Thai would be in the US and not sure of cross border issues. I would look at Detroit and Buffalo perhaps?

I suspect Toronto would have a small Thai contingent represented [or not], as it's quite cosmopolitan with a rich history of mixed immigration. London is but a spit distance from Toronto.

Edited by zzaa09
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Why bother??

She would be far better off integrating her self with the local community.

Integrating with local community?

not aimed at you, but some irony here, with so many threads/posts on this forum from people wanting to move to cities in Thailand with established expat communities, western supermarkets, food etc, so it can be 'just like home' wherever that may be.

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Why bother??

She would be far better off integrating her self with the local community.

Integrating with local community?

not aimed at you, but some irony here, with so many threads/posts on this forum from people wanting to move to cities in Thailand with established expat communities, western supermarkets, food etc, so it can be 'just like home' wherever that may be.

Naturally, the standard of contradicted irony is lost on many. They can't see this as it applies to them and their existence in "foreign" lands.

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I know where the poster is coming from , when I stay in Thailand for months on end , i like to talk to my Native speaking Language . so the same goes for Her. incidental My wife has many Thai friends in the UK some Thai men included.I would trust any of then that my wife associates with ,Not all people are bad and have worked in bars.

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I know where the poster is coming from , when I stay in Thailand for months on end , i like to talk to my Native speaking Language . so the same goes for Her. incidental My wife has many Thai friends in the UK some Thai men included.I would trust any of then that my wife associates with ,Not all people are bad and have worked in bars.

'Thongkorn' Interesting, yours is the only post that has mentioned bar workers. I think all the replies the OP has had up to this point have been respectful. No one has called or intermated the OP's wife is; bad or a bar girl.

Fact is there are a lot of ex bar girls, now wife's living all over Europe, some good some bad! Have you ever heard of the expression; "it only take one rotten apple to spoil the barrel"?

I'll spell it out foryou; if the OP's wife ends up in a Thai social group with a few un-educated, former bar girls whom are in a marriage for all the wrong reasons ……….He and his wife could be facing any number of problems in the future.

As I said before…To be fore warned is fore armed! Thats all! :)

Edited by Tonto21
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'Thongkorn' Interesting, yours is the only post that has mentioned bar workers. I think all the replies the OP has had up to this point have been respectful. No one has called or intermated the OP's wife is; bad or a bar girl.

Fact is there are a lot of ex bar girls, now wife's living all over Europe, some good some bad! Have you ever heard of the expression; "it only take one rotten apple to spoil the barrel"?

I'll spell it out foryou; if the OP's wife ends up in a Thai social group with a few un-educated, former bar girls whom are in a marriage for all the wrong reasons ……….He and his wife could be facing any number of problems in the future.

As I said before…To be fore warned is fore armed! Thats all! :)

Yes i stand corrected, but if the poster is in a secure relationship how would any one or body come between them.

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How can anyone take things for granted ...secure? Tonto in my experience is spot on insecurity and jealousy is a Thai trait and when taken out of there own country can be a whole new ball game.

Very carefuly,

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I wouldnt limit it to Thai friend s whats the mater with any friends? Friends are hard to find anyplace

I agree. Your nationality friends would be better. I have some sad stories of Thais meeting Thais in farangland that want to plant their old Thai habits on them which led to disasters. Believe me. :(

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I wouldnt limit it to Thai friend s whats the mater with any friends? Friends are hard to find anyplace

I agree. Your nationality friends would be better. I have some sad stories of Thais meeting Thais in farangland that want to plant their old Thai habits on them which led to disasters. Believe me. :(

Frankly, the whole scheme of transplanting the Thai wife/gf in Farangville is eventually a destructive one for their general character.

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This may be a longshot, but why don't you check to see if there is a Thai/Buddist association through the University in London. I know that there is quite an active community through University of Toronto and York University.

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This may be a longshot, but why don't you check to see if there is a Thai/Buddist association through the University in London. I know that there is quite an active community through University of Toronto and York University.

There is a Thai buddisyt temple at Wimbledon, the monks are Thai and have been in England along time , yes i know its about Canada but there are Thal temples about its just a case of looking for them

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I wouldnt limit it to Thai friend s whats the mater with any friends? Friends are hard to find anyplace

I agree. Your nationality friends would be better. I have some sad stories of Thais meeting Thais in farangland that want to plant their old Thai habits on them which led to disasters. Believe me. :(

Frankly, the whole scheme of transplanting the Thai wife/gf in Farangville is eventually a destructive one for their general character.

It's been my experience that their bad ''habits'' get worse in farangville. :(

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