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Thai Govt At Work To Bring Back Thaksin


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Well, well, what do we know, assuming we know anything. Was I duped :huh: Latest development on arrest warrant here

"The Truth About Interpol Warrant for Thaksin"


I don't think you were alone in being duped, Rubl. Kudos to you for admitting it though :thumbsup: .

Not withstanding the fact that certain people in the Media / other organisations are rearranging their alignment in a political sense, I wonder just how many more "revelations" will surface as time goes by, how many more incidents the Democrats lied (shock!) about?

I didn't admit anything, my dear chap. As usual I was just wondering. With the newsflashes in this topic I'm really surprised that government officials have said 'we didn't ask them to withdraw the warrant', 'they have the right to do so' and another topic gives a contradiction. Something rotten in the state of Thailand, methinks.

Ah I see. point of order and grammar - if you were just "wondering" you need to add a question mark to the "Was I duped". Without the question mark, the phrase becomes a statement. That's the trouble with the English Language, the meaning of a phrase can change, just because of a typo :whistling: .

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That's the trouble with the English Language, the meaning of a phrase can change, just because of a typo .

I see no trouble ... I see clarity ... the English language when written properly leaves no doubt as to what it means. It's up to the writer to ensure there are no errors/typos that may lead to ambiguity.

I helped my uncle Jack off a horse ... vs ... I helped my uncle jack off a horse

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Just what is it with this country's obsession with its overly rich, corrupt, law breaking people.

Do they all wish to be the same?

Are they hoping some will rub off on themselves?

No problem, as they have been assure, "all Thais will be rich", in .. erm .. four-and-a-half months' time. Kerching !!! :rolleyes:

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Lets hope not. It would potentially set off utter chaos. I dont know of anyone who would support that, and a lot of the people I know dont even vote PTP, but accept that Thaksin is going to be part of the future of a country that is going to have differences of opinion on many things, which will have to be resolved through democracy. Quite a sophisticated opinion really. Then again most people whether they like Thaksin or not have far far more important things to worry about, and one trend I notice among Thai friends is that everyone thinks he is coming back and so it might as well be sooner rather than later as once he is back it ends all the games that go on while he trots round the world and one lot try to keep him away and the other try to bring him back. I am actually amazed that every non-PTP person I know right down to the most ardent PADer thinks he will be back and not serve time

You must know the most intellectual Thai people in all of Thailand. I employ 100+ Thai's in various businesses and the running theme from all the people that work for us from the Issan area is once PTP (Thaksin Proxy THEY call them) fixes all the stuff that the DEMs did wrong the country will be perfect.. just like before. When you ask them when before is, they go blank and give the always ready Thai response to ANYTHING they don't understand "you not thai you not understand thai way" then walk away muttering about farang under their breath. We also have people working with us from the South and the opinion from them is very clearly that if Thaksin sets foot on Thai soil again expect him to be killed.. they are very hard line about it...I assume its just a lot of big talk

The interesting part to me in all of this is how many of our employees that at one point would have died for the Red Shirt movement are getting impatient with PTP obviously not all of them probably not even a majority right now but quite a few are openly questioning others on the job about when all these great things are coming, free computer, 300 baht a day, 15,000 baht per month for their kids when they graduate etc... the list of people getting impatient is growing among the Thai's I deal with daily... I wonder about all the rest of them out there...

It is also interesting to note how many of our employees have school age kids, many in University and those kids just hate Thaksin and think their parents are fools for voting 1 in the last Election.. it gets rather heated sometimes around their dinner tables we are told.

A good thoughtful post YFC,but its still very early days yet ain't it, but when the penny drops and those who voted for PTP finally realize that they have been shafted,conned, duped ,been had,call it what you may, then we may see the Pot boil over , and Yingluck will not be able to put "the lid on" to stop it, so how much "sweet talk" she gives out , IMHO it will start in the South (maybe its started already) and slowly move northwards.
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This is how the PTP will play it: They will start the process to change the constitution to whitewash Thaksin's crimes. This will bring out the protesters trying to stop them. Then they will use the protests as an excuse as to why they are unable to bring in their other "policies".

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Lets hope not. It would potentially set off utter chaos. I dont know of anyone who would support that, and a lot of the people I know dont even vote PTP, but accept that Thaksin is going to be part of the future of a country that is going to have differences of opinion on many things, which will have to be resolved through democracy. Quite a sophisticated opinion really. Then again most people whether they like Thaksin or not have far far more important things to worry about, and one trend I notice among Thai friends is that everyone thinks he is coming back and so it might as well be sooner rather than later as once he is back it ends all the games that go on while he trots round the world and one lot try to keep him away and the other try to bring him back. I am actually amazed that every non-PTP person I know right down to the most ardent PADer thinks he will be back and not serve time

You must know the most intellectual Thai people in all of Thailand. I employ 100+ Thai's in various businesses and the running theme from all the people that work for us from the Issan area is once PTP (Thaksin Proxy THEY call them) fixes all the stuff that the DEMs did wrong the country will be perfect.. just like before. When you ask them when before is, they go blank and give the always ready Thai response to ANYTHING they don't understand "you not thai you not understand thai way" then walk away muttering about farang under their breath. We also have people working with us from the South and the opinion from them is very clearly that if Thaksin sets foot on Thai soil again expect him to be killed.. they are very hard line about it...I assume its just a lot of big talk

The interesting part to me in all of this is how many of our employees that at one point would have died for the Red Shirt movement are getting impatient with PTP obviously not all of them probably not even a majority right now but quite a few are openly questioning others on the job about when all these great things are coming, free computer, 300 baht a day, 15,000 baht per month for their kids when they graduate etc... the list of people getting impatient is growing among the Thai's I deal with daily... I wonder about all the rest of them out there...

It is also interesting to note how many of our employees have school age kids, many in University and those kids just hate Thaksin and think their parents are fools for voting 1 in the last Election.. it gets rather heated sometimes around their dinner tables we are told.

You certainly claim to know a surprising amount about the way the Thais in your employment think, feel and worry about - almost to a supernatural degree.From the evidence in your post some comments simply don't ring true or bear much resemblance to reality.Some might think you are just making it up but on that I could not possibly comment.

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Lets hope not. It would potentially set off utter chaos. I dont know of anyone who would support that, and a lot of the people I know dont even vote PTP, but accept that Thaksin is going to be part of the future of a country that is going to have differences of opinion on many things, which will have to be resolved through democracy. Quite a sophisticated opinion really. Then again most people whether they like Thaksin or not have far far more important things to worry about, and one trend I notice among Thai friends is that everyone thinks he is coming back and so it might as well be sooner rather than later as once he is back it ends all the games that go on while he trots round the world and one lot try to keep him away and the other try to bring him back. I am actually amazed that every non-PTP person I know right down to the most ardent PADer thinks he will be back and not serve time

You must know the most intellectual Thai people in all of Thailand. I employ 100+ Thai's in various businesses and the running theme from all the people that work for us from the Issan area is once PTP (Thaksin Proxy THEY call them) fixes all the stuff that the DEMs did wrong the country will be perfect.. just like before. When you ask them when before is, they go blank and give the always ready Thai response to ANYTHING they don't understand "you not thai you not understand thai way" then walk away muttering about farang under their breath. We also have people working with us from the South and the opinion from them is very clearly that if Thaksin sets foot on Thai soil again expect him to be killed.. they are very hard line about it...I assume its just a lot of big talk

The interesting part to me in all of this is how many of our employees that at one point would have died for the Red Shirt movement are getting impatient with PTP obviously not all of them probably not even a majority right now but quite a few are openly questioning others on the job about when all these great things are coming, free computer, 300 baht a day, 15,000 baht per month for their kids when they graduate etc... the list of people getting impatient is growing among the Thai's I deal with daily... I wonder about all the rest of them out there...

It is also interesting to note how many of our employees have school age kids, many in University and those kids just hate Thaksin and think their parents are fools for voting 1 in the last Election.. it gets rather heated sometimes around their dinner tables we are told.

You certainly claim to know a surprising amount about the way the Thais in your employment think, feel and worry about - almost to a supernatural degree.From the evidence in your post some comments simply don't ring true or bear much resemblance to reality.Some might think you are just making it up but on that I could not possibly comment.

I guess we will see when the people of the Isaan rise up to sweep PTP from power and welcome in Abhisit because they didnt get 300 baht a day and a tab within 6 weeks of government formation. I too find the statement hard to believe. However, some red shirt supporters do take care not to upset or anger obvious non-red shirts and I guess an employer may well be someone most wouldnt want to upset

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I wonder what gift he will bring to the wedding. Maybe a nice kimono from Japan?

Or a burqa from where he spends most of his time ...

Yeah, but lets have it right it was as transparent as spring water what the "plot" was right from the very time that Yinglucks name was put forward ,any one thinking any different is in urgent need of a brain transplant,LOL.

True the whole saga riots , deaths , arson was all planned and paid for by one man, the problem is there are a few hundred thousand out there who need the transplant.

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Lets hope not. It would potentially set off utter chaos. I dont know of anyone who would support that, and a lot of the people I know dont even vote PTP, but accept that Thaksin is going to be part of the future of a country that is going to have differences of opinion on many things, which will have to be resolved through democracy. Quite a sophisticated opinion really. Then again most people whether they like Thaksin or not have far far more important things to worry about, and one trend I notice among Thai friends is that everyone thinks he is coming back and so it might as well be sooner rather than later as once he is back it ends all the games that go on while he trots round the world and one lot try to keep him away and the other try to bring him back. I am actually amazed that every non-PTP person I know right down to the most ardent PADer thinks he will be back and not serve time

You must know the most intellectual Thai people in all of Thailand. I employ 100+ Thai's in various businesses and the running theme from all the people that work for us from the Issan area is once PTP (Thaksin Proxy THEY call them) fixes all the stuff that the DEMs did wrong the country will be perfect.. just like before. When you ask them when before is, they go blank and give the always ready Thai response to ANYTHING they don't understand "you not thai you not understand thai way" then walk away muttering about farang under their breath. We also have people working with us from the South and the opinion from them is very clearly that if Thaksin sets foot on Thai soil again expect him to be killed.. they are very hard line about it...I assume its just a lot of big talk

The interesting part to me in all of this is how many of our employees that at one point would have died for the Red Shirt movement are getting impatient with PTP obviously not all of them probably not even a majority right now but quite a few are openly questioning others on the job about when all these great things are coming, free computer, 300 baht a day, 15,000 baht per month for their kids when they graduate etc... the list of people getting impatient is growing among the Thai's I deal with daily... I wonder about all the rest of them out there...

It is also interesting to note how many of our employees have school age kids, many in University and those kids just hate Thaksin and think their parents are fools for voting 1 in the last Election.. it gets rather heated sometimes around their dinner tables we are told.

You certainly claim to know a surprising amount about the way the Thais in your employment think, feel and worry about - almost to a supernatural degree.From the evidence in your post some comments simply don't ring true or bear much resemblance to reality.Some might think you are just making it up but on that I could not possibly comment.

What a snotty I know everything you know nothing post, too many of you self opinionated brain boxes out there, but it does keep me amused.

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This is how the PTP will play it: They will start the process to change the constitution to whitewash Thaksin's crimes. This will bring out the protesters trying to stop them. Then they will use the protests as an excuse as to why they are unable to bring in their other "policies".

Yeah WB, this is not beyond the realms of possibility's by a long chalk!
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I wonder what gift he will bring to the wedding. Maybe a nice kimono from Japan?

Or a burqa from where he spends most of his time ...

Yeah, but lets have it right it was as transparent as spring water what the "plot" was right from the very time that Yinglucks name was put forward ,any one thinking any different is in urgent need of a brain transplant,LOL.

True the whole saga riots , deaths , arson was all planned and paid for by one man, the problem is there are a few hundred thousand out there who need the transplant.

One of the things many who hate Thaksin miss is that he didnt create the conditions that made so many maleable to him. It isnt about people who support him being stupid. It is that him and his people offer the only hope to move away from the establishment control that has kept them oppressed for so long. And the more what these people view as the establishment stack things up against Thaksin the more they see him as on their side

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Thaksin Visa Raises Questions in Thailand

BANGKOK—Ousted Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra's rush back onto the international stage with plans for a Japan trip is raising awkward questions for his sister, recently elected Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, about who really runs the country. The siblings' critics are stepping up the discord with an effort to impeach the new foreign minister. His alleged offense: helping Mr. Thaksin get a visa to Japan, where the 62-year-old populist billionaire plans to talk about democracy and visit areas devastated by the earthquake and tsunami in March. The proposed trip, plans for which emerged just a week after Ms. Yingluck formed her cabinet.

Now, returned to the spotlight by last month's landslide election victory for his sister and the populist Puea Thai (For Thais) party, Mr. Thaksin is trying to repair his international reputation, analysts say—but may be doing it and the new government more harm than good. "Mr. Thaksin wants to show that he's Thailand's de facto prime minister," says Pavin Chachavalpongpun at the Institute for Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore. "But by doing so he's putting Ms. Yingluck in jeopardy."



Wall Street Journal - August 20, 2011


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I guess we will see when the people of the Isaan rise up to sweep PTP from power and welcome in Abhisit because they didnt get 300 baht a day and a tab within 6 weeks of government formation. I too find the statement hard to believe. However, some red shirt supporters do take care not to upset or anger obvious non-red shirts and I guess an employer may well be someone most wouldnt want to upset

Nobody said any such thing but if you want to make stuff up to bolster your little word play go right ahead. I said quite clearly SOME, not even a majority are starting to question when the stuff is coming they were promised.. yet you take that to mean what you vomit forth? Amazing Thailand... if not for the Thai's for sure the folks like you.

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Not saying the poster is telling porkies at all but I'd like to see a Thai employee walking away muttering about farang when employed by a westerner who's still in earshot. In the vast, vast majority of cases (whether meant sincerely or not ) bosses are treated like minor deities in regards to the politeness and deference stakes be they western or Thai.

Curious how many Thai's you employ in Thailand?

People like you are such a riot, you take ONE thing from a post that I clearly don't explain in detail and you try to run with it to somehow do what??? Expose me oh no... MCA thinks I lied me oh my what will I do..

How about you talking about the subject at hand? You think ALL Thai's more so the poor that PTP rode to victory on will be happy when things they were promised don't show up?? Oh sorry no sense in talking about the point.. what do you want to talk about, bars? whores? peaceful village life? Seriously stick to the topic at hand..

Do I really need to explain every single detail of ever comment to stop keyboard warriors like you from getting wood and thinking you found something.....

First of all where I did I say I was in earshot? Where did I say the comment was made directly to me or that I even heard it clearly when said...or that it was even said in a Central Thai dialect... you really need to spend less time worrying about things you know nothing about and more time on topic if at all possible...

Carry on now find a new crisis to flog.

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A good thoughtful post YFC,but its still very early days yet ain't it, but when the penny drops and those who voted for PTP finally realize that they have been shafted,conned, duped ,been had,call it what you may, then we may see the Pot boil over , and Yingluck will not be able to put "the lid on" to stop it, so how much "sweet talk" she gives out , IMHO it will start in the South (maybe its started already) and slowly move northwards.

Thanks and as I said i totally agree with you it's still very very early. I thought I made it clear that it's not even a majority among the Thai's I have contact with that are red shirt supporters. But with social media these days and the instant access people seem to have to news and so forth it is interesting times to see how this will play out. I came to Thailand full time a few months before the coup in 2006 and it was a strange experience, ok one day holiday for the coup and then everyone back to work same same like before.. but what I find more interesting is that as I was not around for Thaksin in power I am amazed and how divided the people are I come in contact with. Some to this day love him and honestly believe that he did so much good for them while others hate him and more so with each passing day... when I see how far apart those two camps are I have a hard time believing this is ever going to end or end well for the country.

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I guess we will see when the people of the Isaan rise up to sweep PTP from power and welcome in Abhisit because they didnt get 300 baht a day and a tab within 6 weeks of government formation. I too find the statement hard to believe. However, some red shirt supporters do take care not to upset or anger obvious non-red shirts and I guess an employer may well be someone most wouldnt want to upset

Nobody said any such thing but if you want to make stuff up to bolster your little word play go right ahead. I said quite clearly SOME, not even a majority are starting to question when the stuff is coming they were promised.. yet you take that to mean what you vomit forth? Amazing Thailand... if not for the Thai's for sure the folks like you.

And they will eventually react when they finally realize they have been duped.

Like the taxi drivers, talk to a few, some of course still idolize the paymaster as the greatest hero of all time, others have realized that none of the promises he made when he was in power (free houses, lucky draws for free vehicles, low interest loans just for taxi drivers to buy their own vehicles, massive rise in the meter starting price, etc etc) have ever appeared. nothing!

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The Democrat sheer panic today in threatening to impeach all manner of people may also indicate they didnt see the PTP strategy coming and that heads are exploding over it in elite land. It could be worrying times

The Dem's are fulfilling their opposition position in a democratic manner. They target obvious, almost self-confessed persons, not 'all manner of people'.

Still with the current government spending so much time on k. Thaksin rather than country and it's people we are indeed in for worrying times.

The Dems failed, failed, failed, when in government........are they to be more successful in opposition?.

The Dems abysmal failure to negate the influence of Thaksin.....failure to appear to address the economic woes of the rural community....failure to convince the electorate they were the party to govern Thailand............ has left Thailand in the situation it is in now...........

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The Democrat sheer panic today in threatening to impeach all manner of people may also indicate they didnt see the PTP strategy coming and that heads are exploding over it in elite land. It could be worrying times

The Dem's are fulfilling their opposition position in a democratic manner. They target obvious, almost self-confessed persons, not 'all manner of people'.

Still with the current government spending so much time on k. Thaksin rather than country and it's people we are indeed in for worrying times.

The Dems failed, failed, failed, when in government........are they to be more successful in opposition?.

The Dems abysmal failure to negate the influence of Thaksin.....failure to appear to address the economic woes of the rural community....failure to convince the electorate they were the party to govern Thailand............ has left Thailand in the situation it is in now...........

Wait a bit, you will see how good at failure PTP is as well... It does not seem as good a start as they wanted Thai to believe during their campaign. So many steps back already.....

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The Democrat sheer panic today in threatening to impeach all manner of people may also indicate they didnt see the PTP strategy coming and that heads are exploding over it in elite land. It could be worrying times

The Dem's are fulfilling their opposition position in a democratic manner. They target obvious, almost self-confessed persons, not 'all manner of people'.

Still with the current government spending so much time on k. Thaksin rather than country and it's people we are indeed in for worrying times.

The Dems failed, failed, failed, when in government........are they to be more successful in opposition?.

The Dems abysmal failure to negate the influence of Thaksin.....failure to appear to address the economic woes of the rural community....failure to convince the electorate they were the party to govern Thailand............ has left Thailand in the situation it is in now...........

Wait a bit, you will see how good at failure PTP is as well... It does not seem as good a start as they wanted Thai to believe during their campaign. So many steps back already.....

It's not how you start it's how you finish......as the song goes.....

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The Democrat sheer panic today in threatening to impeach all manner of people may also indicate they didnt see the PTP strategy coming and that heads are exploding over it in elite land. It could be worrying times

The Dem's are fulfilling their opposition position in a democratic manner. They target obvious, almost self-confessed persons, not 'all manner of people'.

Still with the current government spending so much time on k. Thaksin rather than country and it's people we are indeed in for worrying times.

The Dems failed, failed, failed, when in government........are they to be more successful in opposition?.

The Dems abysmal failure to negate the influence of Thaksin.....failure to appear to address the economic woes of the rural community....failure to convince the electorate they were the party to govern Thailand............ has left Thailand in the situation it is in now...........

How does 'Dem's failed' relate to the OP 'Thai Government at work to bring k. Thaksin back'?

Somehow I suspect ..... you failed .... here and now <_<

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The Democrat sheer panic today in threatening to impeach all manner of people may also indicate they didnt see the PTP strategy coming and that heads are exploding over it in elite land. It could be worrying times

The Dem's are fulfilling their opposition position in a democratic manner. They target obvious, almost self-confessed persons, not 'all manner of people'.

Still with the current government spending so much time on k. Thaksin rather than country and it's people we are indeed in for worrying times.

The Dems failed, failed, failed, when in government........are they to be more successful in opposition?.

The Dems abysmal failure to negate the influence of Thaksin.....failure to appear to address the economic woes of the rural community....failure to convince the electorate they were the party to govern Thailand............ has left Thailand in the situation it is in now...........

Regardless of how well or badly their coalition government performed whilst in power (in the face of the worst global economic situation since the 1920s, multiple censure debates in just over two years, and with reluctant coalition partners), it is widely acknowledged that the Democrats performed very well in opposition to TRT and PPP.

rubl makes an interesting point in response to hammered's. I note that, since the election, hammered - who cannot be described as pro-Thaksin if you look at the historical content of his posts - has emphasised that the Dems need to stop focussing on Thaksin and start focussing on sorting the country out. Well, shouldn't PTP do the same?

Unfortunately, I think the Thaksin issue must be dealt with in order for the country to move forward... he's made damned sure of that himself. I just hope it doesn't come to a choice between making him president or shooting him.

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Simply put, he cares more about anyone than himself - and that includes ANYONE - and I'll even go so far as to he has absolutely no consideration for the wellbeing of others if it means his own personal advancement. I just had a quick look at the Wikipedia page for him - it says his terorism charge is for Khattiya Sawasdiphol's murder??? I never knew that, can anyone confirm? (A lot of theories about who shot Seh Daeng - I suspected it was a soldier, but thought it might be a Red faction given the timing of his assassination and comments immediately prior to his death).

My opinion on this - which is difficult to flesh out as it's based on his character, which to understand you have to witness first-hand and ask your own questions to him and listen to his carefully elusive answers - is that I feel that such a character should not be representing others in any form of authoritive body - but then, this is Thailand. I suppose it's just about extremes. Thaksin was one, Banharn was one, Jatuporn is one and Suthep is an example of one (much like Snoh, Newin...), and I strongly dislike all of them.

It's unlikely I shall be having a one to one with Jatuporn any time soon.In the meantime the impression remains his detractors have more to say about his bad character than his actual misdeeds.

Please excuse the delay, I was travelling.

With all due respect, his misdeeds are well documented and far too numerous to recount them all - I think you know of most of them anyway! Despite captured Ronin Warrior Pichet Sukjiddathong's admission that Nattawut was the one who ordered the grenade attacks (18 May 2010), I think from listening to his speeches that Jatuporn is probably the most guilty of all of the Red Shirt leaders relating to the justified charges of incitement to riot. And yes, I think that some of the charges are unjustified - please let's not go into which ones, it's just my opinion anyway.

I had the opportunity last year to speak to him in late April a couple of days before the Saladaeng grenading, using the premise that I too hated Suthep's dynasty and was a Red Shirt sympathiser. I'm afraid I'm not overly comfortable talking openly about what we discussed.

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@ rubl......if the Dems had succeeded where I suggest they failed then I doubt Mr Thaksin would be anticipating a return

@ Pi Sek, if the Democrats seek to influence the running of the country from the opposition, I support exercising an element of control, unfortunately spoiling tactics are going to get them noticed, but lead the country nowhere. We will see if the Democrats are prepared to put the country first, or work wholly to restore their political ascendancy.

As for Mr Thaksin I thought the OP summed it up quite well, one way or another, quickly or not, PTP must do what the Democrats failed to do, solve the Thaksin situation.

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Long winded synopsis of how this poster noticed changes of opinions amongst his staff in the last couple of weeks.

You certainly claim to know a surprising amount about the way the Thais in your employment think, feel and worry about - almost to a supernatural degree.From the evidence in your post some comments simply don't ring true or bear much resemblance to reality.Some might think you are just making it up but on that I could not possibly comment.

What a snotty I know everything you know nothing post, too many of you self opinionated brain boxes out there, but it does keep me amused.

jayboy is not an unreasonable person, he's even quite clever. I even messaged him post-election to compliment his reconciliatory tone rather than some other posters' "you lost, stop being bitter", which is obviously a really stupid point of view to take given the quantitative nature of being "right". However, I agree that some of the ripostes in this thread are slightly, dare I say it, condescending. As I say, he's not unreasonable, so might even read this and re-read his replies, when I'd expect from his past intelligent behaviour to show himself to be a true intellectual and acknowledge the obstinacy of some comments made here. :jap: .

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rubl makes an interesting point in response to hammered's. I note that, since the election, hammered - who cannot be described as pro-Thaksin if you look at the historical content of his posts - has emphasised that the Dems need to stop focussing on Thaksin and start focussing on sorting the country out. Well, shouldn't PTP do the same?

From what i gather of hammered's viewpoint, he seems to feel that as the voters voted the way that they did, and for the sake of reconciliation, the issue of Thaksin being made to face up to justice should now be dropped. PTP therefore should be left to get on with the job of bringing him back, and the Dems should focus on other matters.

It's an opinion i wholeheartedly oppose.

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@ Pi Sek, if the Democrats seek to influence the running of the country from the opposition, I support exercising an element of control, unfortunately spoiling tactics are going to get them noticed, but lead the country nowhere. We will see if the Democrats are prepared to put the country first, or work wholly to restore their political ascendancy.

Agree. But you could easily go back 2 years and change "the Democrats" in your post to "PTP". Just goes to show the nature of politics, especially Thai politics.

It's still early, but these Democrat "spoiling tactics" don't really compare to those employed by PTP over the last 2 years - PTP-backed protests resulting in 92 deaths (hundreds more anonymous ones if you believe the likes of Jakrapob, Arisaman and Jatuporn) and burnt CBDs, two censure debates in two years, constant complaining about Thailand's comparative decent performance during a period of global crisis, foreign shyster-lawyer-PR hybrids complaining to anyone outside Thailand that would listen...

I've had another chance to put the Surapong issue into context - there's not a doubt in my mind that he should go, but then I never supported Kasit's appointment either. Even though he actually came out pretty well when targeted in the censure debates (moreso than the BJT ones anyway!)

Don't want to be a grammar Nazi, but if you changed the comma after "control" in your post to a semi-colon or full stop it would read much more clearly. Just saying because, as it is, I had to read it twice. :jap:

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rubl makes an interesting point in response to hammered's. I note that, since the election, hammered - who cannot be described as pro-Thaksin if you look at the historical content of his posts - has emphasised that the Dems need to stop focussing on Thaksin and start focussing on sorting the country out. Well, shouldn't PTP do the same?

From what i gather of hammered's viewpoint, he seems to feel that as the voters voted the way that they did, and for the sake of reconciliation, the issue of Thaksin being made to face up to justice should now be dropped. PTP therefore should be left to get on with the job of bringing him back, and the Dems should focus on other matters.

It's an opinion i wholeheartedly oppose.

That's the way I understood hammered's viewpoint too - and it's an admirable one to take, because I'm pretty sure that he doesn't want Thaksin back either, but is trying to listen to the voice of the population rather than his own point of view.

Why do you wholeheartedly oppose it, may I ask?

I wholeheartedly oppose it because I fear that bringing back Thaksin might well start a civil war... but as I've already said many times, this fear possibly comes from living in the South.

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