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Are The Girls Worth It?


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I'm 48 years old, and thinking about trying for an early retirement in a SE Asian country when I turn 50.

After reading many posts on message boards, it seems that most people agree, if you don't have alot of money, then you will have to give up alot of the comforts of the Western lifestyle. It also seems that the main reason most guys move to an Asian country is for the girls. Are the girls worth the comforts that you sacrificed?

Also, for those who retired at an early age on a limited budget, was the financial risk that you took worth it? Does anybody regret making the move? Are the girls worth it?

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Funny thing about Ferangs here, they have used the Services of Prostitutes back home, but never take them home to meet the Family, or Marry them.Strange fact i find. As for the Money aspect, you do need a lot here to live like you did back home, unless you came from a very poor background. Ive lost my friends over the years because they cant work, or get bored, so they go home after about 7 years usually broke, from buying a House and Truck by Mom in Buffalo City up in the North East, and alcoholic.Two Types seem to settle well Rich Wimps who just pay up and smile. and those who make their own rules.Hard Question, but id say more regret coming here. but don't like to admit so.:jap:

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It also seems that the main reason most guys move to an Asian country is for the girls.

I doubt this statement is true.

What with the beaches, the jungles, the mountains, interesting city-life, interesting village life, food, culture, learning one or more new languages, chilling in out relaxed bars (with or without company), boat trips, bike-trips, sight-seeing, tropical climate, cheap standard of living, etc etc there is a lot more to do in E.Asia, SE Asia and S Asia than just chase local women.

I am also 48 and have been living and working in Asia for about 15 years. I've not regretted a minute of it.


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I am 49 and been living here for app. 10 years. I am still working and intend to do so until I am maybe 65, but okay I am in the oil off-shore industry so I only work 6 month a year (worldwide), and I have the option to cut down my work to 2- 4 month a year if I wish to do so.

I have a lovely Thai wife she treat me very good and I know I can trust her (as much as you can trust your wife in any country) yes to me the girls are worth it, as I am not easy to live with, but my wife has the ability to keep me relaxed most of the time.

For me it has been ups and downs but mostly ups, I still like it very much here, I have a family with an infant son. Take them with me back to Denmark? Noo way, the climate is <deleted> and so is the taxes, everything horribly expensive, so a move back would mean much lower life style.

I would not like to live here with a budget lower the app. 100k bath pr month, but as I don't pay tax here I put roughly 33% of my income into pension funds in DK & Singapore so I will have that when I stop working.

You will also have to realize the fact that you are living in a third world country, so the cap between poor and rich are big, so be careful and take your precautions and you will be fine.

I am located in Pattaya, Thailand.


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I am 40 and came to Asia when I was 22 . I have no regrets about leaving my home country although I have worked hard to be where I am. Retirement for me is a long way off . I have had some very interesting girlfiends over the years and many fond memories . I would recomend getting about a bit before settling down to retirement . If you have plenty of time and doe you should get over to Hong Kong , Japan and Korea . Asia has more than life under the cocnut tree .

Enjoy your retirement .

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I guess my circumstances were different. After working for the same company in the US for 22 years, they sold the factory leaving me unemployed. I came here because of a job offer that paid fairly well.

I came over in 1991 and stayed until the Thai economy collapsed. I was making half wages because the baht collapsed too.

As I was sitting in the plane on the runway heading for LAX, I really thought I would never return to Thailand. After two weeks in Kalifornia, I realized that I had made a huge mistake by leaving Thailand. I spent the next two years figuring how to get back to Thailand.

Now I am retired, have a great Thai wife and have no intention of ever leaving. I might add that it took ten years of living here to find my wife. I'm a crotchety old fart and don't like noisy destructive kids. It took me that long to find a woman with no kids who would put up with me.

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Been living here 7+years, working offshore China.

Are the girls worth it??

In my opinion yes. Just as any woman will respond kindly being treated kindly, with good manners and respect. It just seems to me that Asian (Thai) females appreciate it and respond in kind with more affection than those that believe it should be the norm without any reciprical behavior.

Had one relationship with a wonderful Thai lady, when we split, she asked for motorbike, I let her keep it.

She did nothing wrong except want marriage and a baby.

The weather, the food, the standard of living and you are centrally placed in Asia, makes Thailand (For me) ideal.

I intend retiring retiring here, this country despite many faults still ticks more postive than negative!

As for the previous post.

Are the girls back home worth staying there for?

My answer............ sadly it is a BIG NO

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After two weeks in California, I realized that I had made a huge mistake by leaving Thailand. I spent the next two years figuring how to get back to Thailand.

Exactly, and now California is a great place to vacation for a couple weeks, see family and friends and then get back to Thailand.

PattayaParent, spot on brother ! Keep up the good work.

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The guys working offshore, well, thats not really the same thing as the op is talking about.

OP. I have moved here recently, I am 43 and forced to live on about 800gbp a month or 40,000bt at the terrible but probably getting worse exchange rates.

I would say this..I cant imagine going back to England, dating here is so good, its like a drug. Absolutely NO need to ever walk into a bar to find a girl. I live fine now, but do worry that as Thailand develops my 40k is going to find me slowly sliding down the social ladder. It wont matter if I marry some one as a life outside BK holds some appeal. But as you get older, if you want to date a nice looking woman you will need more and more resources for that.

The big question I dont know the answer to is.....how interested in women will i be when i am 60 plus? If I knew the answer to that I could plan accordingly.

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After traveling here every few month for 8 years, I had the plan to move here when I was 50, have a few rental homes for income and have fun.

Things happened, I arrived at 48, work for 1/6 what I made back home and live better, Different but better. I do mostly the same things, work and fun, with less worry about the Nanny police every time I go out for ride my motorbike insanely.

Love it here, have a wonderful Thai wife, haven't found time to return yet.

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Ask the question another way.

Are the girls back home worth staying there for?

That's an interesting way too put it -- I would have to say no, the girls in New York are not worth staying here for. Or another way to put it is -- Are the comforts in the West worth staying here for?

Edited by JetterSetterNYC
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The guys working offshore, well, thats not really the same thing as the op is talking about.

OP. I have moved here recently, I am 43 and forced to live on about 800gbp a month or 40,000bt at the terrible but probably getting worse exchange rates.

I would say this..I cant imagine going back to England, dating here is so good, its like a drug. Absolutely NO need to ever walk into a bar to find a girl. I live fine now, but do worry that as Thailand develops my 40k is going to find me slowly sliding down the social ladder. It wont matter if I marry some one as a life outside BK holds some appeal. But as you get older, if you want to date a nice looking woman you will need more and more resources for that.

The big question I dont know the answer to is.....how interested in women will i be when i am 60 plus? If I knew the answer to that I could plan accordingly.

Exactly - the girls are like a drug. I'm addicted to them - and I think I can get a better fix in Asia then I can in New York.

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Ask the question another way.

Are the girls back home worth staying there for?

That's an interesting way too put it -- I would have to say no, the girls in New York are not worth staying here for. Or another way to put it is -- Are the comforts in the West worth staying here for?

You know, for a second there after reading the first couple of responses to the OP, i was wondering if we were going to avoid the lady topic. Thankfully PattayaParent brought back the honesty to the discussion.

I already stayed 14 months in thailand, mainly 7 months in patong beach, and 7 months in Chumphon, bouncing to Bangkok every so often to watch movies on big screen. I am in Malaysia now waiting for my non-imm visa to come back from overseas. For the 3 weeks I've been in Malaysia, I can feel the "withdraw". It seems like a good place to do some business, but not for relaxation. I supposed the costal areas may be more relaxed, but with the Mosques towering down 5 times a day I doubt it.

I remember in hawaii I had a thai girlfriend and she was fun. We were both familiar with don miguel ruiz [The 4 Agreements, et al] and the relationship we had was an ongoing romance. I also noticed several other men with Thai wifes, two of which sold food regularly at the local market. In fact, Hilo had about 7 thai restaurants within a 2 mile radius. All of them were beautiful and worked hard. Only one was unusually fat (for thai or even western standards), but she made a good pineapple fried rice..

What sealed the deal for me i also remember seeing many my friend who showed me the ropes painted quite a picture: hot girls banging down your door just about every night. And you don't have to be super rich. And they value good heart also. He specifically said that he didn't drink alcohol or smoke, and still found the buffet table quite large :D. We agreed on a lot of things, and I decided the next day to join up on his invite letter and obtain the non-imm visa. The rest is history.

So yes, the women alone are worth it. To prevent yourself from being one of the seemingly endless victims of relationships that do not work, I recommend you familiarize yourself with the first 2 chapters of "Mastery of Love" by Don Miguel Ruiz. As the famous saying goes, "up to you." My choice is to write my story with truth and with love. What's your choice?

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