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PM Yingluck Quizzed On Bt300 Wage


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PM quizzed on Bt300 wage

By The Nation

During Parliament yesterday, Yala Democrat MP Prasert Pongsuwanasiri asked about the Bt300 daily minimum wage - to which Labour Minister Phadermchai Sasomsap replied the government had actually promised voters that "labourers will get Bt300."

In his question to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Prasert said the Pheu Thai Party used the word "minimum wage" during the election campaign and later changed it to "income" - as "minimum wage" was net payment for work while "income" could include work payments and other welfare. He wondered when the government would deliver the Bt300 wage.

Prasert said the voterwooing campaign promised to increase the minimum wage to Bt300 nationwide right away, but only seven pilot provinces have so far received it such as Phuket with a rise from Bt221 per day to Bt310.

Phadermchai, answering on the premier's behalf, said the government had campaigned by promising only "labourers will get Bt300." The hike in income to Bt300 must wait for the consent from tri parties and undergo the annual budgeting for fiscal year 2012, combined with the individual income tax reduction from 30 per cent to 23 per cent next year and 20 per cent soon. He said it would take 3-4 years before all provinces received the Bt300 income per day.


-- The Nation 2011-09-16

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As per usual double talk from the P.T.PT. many of its M.P.s are employers likewise the party backers,.

Do we, or did we really think that these elite employers would actually be first in line to immediately increase their workers base wage ?

Of course not, the time frame is all a wonderful smoke and mirrors trick

All rather strange though that the time factor, 3-4 years doesn't seem to apply to getting Brother No.1 a pardon.

Edited by siampolee
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Why don't the PTP just come and finally say "No. It's not going to happen." rather than continuing on with the BS of "It was just campaigning", "We meant minimum 'income' ", "It will be 3-4 for years, not within 6 months as we promised", and now, "We only said it applied to labourers".

edit: how are they going to get to their promised 1000 baht by 2020?

Edited by whybother
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34 years to get the 300baht minimum wage.

This is the usual error in the Nation articles, when they appear on TV. Seems to be a problem with the text import. I guess the '-' is interpreted like a hyphen at the line end and is deleted as such to remove the hyphenation. TV-Developers, do you listen? :whistling:

(Typo corrected)

Edited by hkt83100
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34 years to get the 300baht minimum wage. I hope thats a misprint, but either way the time frame just keeps getting longer. Thanks for voting suckers!

Of course it's a misprint (I hope)....no one at the Nation proof reads anything they write. And yeap, sure does seem increasing the minimum wage has hit major roadblocks.

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34 years to get the 300baht minimum wage. I hope thats a misprint, but either way the time frame just keeps getting longer. Thanks for voting suckers!

can i just ask, because i don't know.....what exact deadline was given for when the wage increase would be implemented country-wide by yingluck during the campaign?

could i have a quote please of an exact (to the month) date given? as i'm sure she talked about this during the end of the campaign

also what (then) official PTP candidate gave an exact time when this would be complete?

again, i'm not attempting to bait... i just don't know

please use hard evidence if you/anyone answers me, thanks

Edited by nurofiend
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3-4 years (at best, probably unfortunate delays along the way) for 300 baht for the poor. How long for the PM's brother to get his pardon and 76 billion baht? How long for corporate income tax reduction for the rich? Clear where the priorities of this government are, stuffing the pockets of rich, powerful, and corrupt.

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Now we all know what we all expected..Yinluck is a liar just same as her brother , and the idiots fell for more lies and propaganda.... they get what they deserve..!!!!! complain, and a visit from Red Shirts for sure...

Then you call 70 % of the Thai voters idiots.You must be a much bigger idiot when you want to live here.bah.gif

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Now we all know what we all expected..Yinluck is a liar just same as her brother , and the idiots fell for more lies and propaganda.... they get what they deserve..!!!!! complain, and a visit from Red Shirts for sure...

Then you call 70 % of the Thai voters idiots.You must be a much bigger idiot when you want to live here.bah.gif

70% ?

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34 years to get the 300baht minimum wage. I hope thats a misprint, but either way the time frame just keeps getting longer. Thanks for voting suckers!

can i just ask, because i don't know.....what exact deadline was given for when the wage increase would be implemented country-wide by yingluck during the campaign?

could i have a quote please of an exact (to the month) date given? as i'm sure she talked about this during the end of the campaign

also what (then) official PTP candidate gave an exact time when this would be complete?

again, i'm not attempting to bait... i just don't know

please use hard evidence if you/anyone answers me, thanks

No month was given, only the year 2555. It will soon be explained that they were using the western calendar rather the commonly assumed Thai version.

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Now we all know what we all expected..Yinluck is a liar just same as her brother , and the idiots fell for more lies and propaganda.... they get what they deserve..!!!!! complain, and a visit from Red Shirts for sure...

Then you call 70 % of the Thai voters idiots.You must be a much bigger idiot when you want to live here.bah.gif

70% ?

48.4% to most people, must be the same as 70%, to a Red-Shirt believer ?

In the same way that 'immediate universal national minimum-wage of 300B/day' actually means '6-months-later in-seven-provinces-only for government-employees-only', and anyone who thought it meant what it said, must not understand that it was just an election-promise !

Edited by Ricardo
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Now we all know what we all expected..Yinluck is a liar just same as her brother , and the idiots fell for more lies and propaganda.... they get what they deserve..!!!!! complain, and a visit from Red Shirts for sure...

Then you call 70 % of the Thai voters idiots.You must be a much bigger idiot when you want to live here.bah.gif

I am sorry, what is the connection between the plight/mentality of the Thai people, and the attractiveness of a Thailand to a Farang with independant means?

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but only seven pilot provinces have so far received it such as Phuket with a rise from Bt221 per day to Bt310.

So I may take it that EVERYONE in those provinces earns now 310 Baht a day or more?

No, only the labourers, Bar Girls earn much more, as do tuk tuk drivers and Jet ski workers.

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Now we all know what we all expected..Yinluck is a liar just same as her brother , and the idiots fell for more lies and propaganda.... they get what they deserve..!!!!! complain, and a visit from Red Shirts for sure...

Then you call 70 % of the Thai voters idiots.You must be a much bigger idiot when you want to live here.bah.gif

70% ?

It's inflated to match his inflated non-use of default font size.

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Now we all know what we all expected..Yinluck is a liar just same as her brother , and the idiots fell for more lies and propaganda.... they get what they deserve..!!!!! complain, and a visit from Red Shirts for sure...

Then you call 70 % of the Thai voters idiots.You must be a much bigger idiot when you want to live here.bah.gif

Think before you speak: being here in LOS in central or south thailand means there are a helluva lot less red supporters. Those mainly in the north and NE voted for the oligarchy of Thaksin. THose with more education and those who pay tax voted for Abhisit. Those are the results, like it or not.

You can still like living in Thailand and enjoy, but realizing those in the rural northern areas have a different attitude and mentality than those in the south. (Example: in south thailand, many folks'll sell their home or land to send the kids to the university, but the parents in Isaan wanna ship the kids to BKK and expect them to just send money home.) As his point mentions above though, suckers who voted for her now realize they're getting shafted and it may result in more protests...you know it will. Even the uneducated can now spot from 2 kilometers that yingluck and co. are just liars, it's so glaring.

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When will the rural people realize that politicians lie to them and cheat them? Especially Thaksin and his Red Army.

With the floods, rural people will be in terrible debt. But don't worry! They'll soon have credit cards to save them! ... Of course, they will get more and more into debt, which is what Thaksin surely intends to happen, so that they become more and more dependent on him and his handouts.

Poor rural people! They're used, manipulated, and thrown away at the whims of the politicians.

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combined with the individual income tax reduction from 30 per cent to 23 per cent next year and 20 per cent soon.

Isn't this referring to corporate not personal income tax? It is very hard to deny that sometimes the Nation is of little higher quality than a hi-school paper.

The writer claims that that is what the Labour Minister Phadermchai Sasomsap said. I wouldn't be surprised if the Labour Minister did actually say that, considering that the country is being run by incompetents (including Yingluck).

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I suppose if you stretch your imagination a wee bit then 'straight away" kind of equates to 3 - 4 years!!!!!

I wonder, does the 15,000 baht a month salary/income for degree students only include those labourers with degree qualifications!!!:lol:.

Yingluck!!!! you are a deceitful, lieing little b****.

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Now we all know what we all expected..Yinluck is a liar just same as her brother , and the idiots fell for more lies and propaganda.... they get what they deserve..!!!!! complain, and a visit from Red Shirts for sure...

I agree, very well said. What goes around comes around.

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I suppose if you stretch your imagination a wee bit then 'straight away" kind of equates to 3 - 4 years!!!!!

I wonder, does the 15,000 baht a month salary/income for degree students only include those labourers with degree qualifications!!!:lol:.

Yingluck!!!! you are a deceitful, lieing little b****.

Yeah, I agree with you too.

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I think Pheu Thai could've promised to pave the streets with gold and there'll still be some people guillible to believe it. Doesn't take much to fool ignorant masses, but once you've been caught...well the only way out is spin more lies. Tell enough lies and it becomes the truth (this is what the Red Shirts have been doing all along)

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