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Acid Attack On Foreigners At Asoke Bts Station


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Let's not forget....there is only a thin line between nationalism and racism/fascism.

Sadly, in many countries, nationalism has always been taught as a desirable thing....while in fact, it is an ideology that has caused death and destruction throughout the world.


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And how do you spell: Xenophobia?

Foreigner bad! Thai good!

Well, then again...that's unless you want to LOOK more like a Farang like just about every Thai in Thailand. Then White good! Brown bad! Dark brown really bad.

As much as I love this country, it can be a very sad, and psychotic country sometimes.

Why the heck would someone spray acid on Farangs is beyond me??? I feel sorry for them and their victims.

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This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

Apperently the hospital confirms there have been several attacks.

It is good to hear all what is happening no matter where is coming from... You can prepare and hopefully protect better the ones you care about...

Or is it that you believe the local news will let you know of everything!?... specially regarding the news affecting the LOS face?... C'on!... <_<

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It is well past the time that the Police got serious and cleaned up the street gangs of kids hanging around and making trouble at the Asoke intersection. They know who they are and are allowed to continue to try to extort money from taxi passengers and other motorists.

It is quite easy to see them day or night. They sit under the sky train in the center of the road sniffing glue from plastic bags, and they hide behind the Subway station on the north east corner. They have been there for more than 15 years. At night they sell flowers and shoe shines in Soi Cowboy. They are an organized gang of human traffickers and it is well past time to eliminate them, as they are an eyesore to the whole area known as the Central Business District, and now Acid Attacks on passers by to top it off. Is this the type of P.R that will double tourist arrivals next year? I think not.

Let's put some pressure on Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung and his new police chief to roll some heads in the area between Soi 4 and Asoke. Frankly it is disgraceful. Illegal drugs being sold openly on tables on the sidewalk. Last week I saw three tourist police sitting next to a table full of Viagra and sex toys 100 meters east of Robinson's department store. It may have been their table as there was no one else around.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung should put on a hat and glasses and walk alone from Soi 4 to Asoke at about 8:00 pm any day of the week and even he would be shocked at what he would see.

This whole area needs a major cleanup. How about

The trouble is a 'clean-up' would probably entail a 'clean-up' of Cowboy itself and that would be a great shame. It's fun just as it is!

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Doesn't sound intentional to me either.

Probably some acidic liquid fell from the construction above the station.

Well I was just trying to kill a fly that was running around on my computer screen which turned out to be your avator Duh!

Just goes to show what you think you see isn't always so.

You got my vote on acid from the construction.

If this was a 3rd or 4th attack as such the BTS would surely be on red alert.

People can say anything they want about the Thai authorities but if this was an acid attack in the heart of the city the stations would be crawling with cops.

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Not enough solid evidence to get into heated debates about racism or foreigner-hatred.

Actually, statistically, I'd walk just about anywhere in Bangkok or any other Thai city. Statistically, attacks like this -- if substantiated -- are at best rare. This is still a wonderful country, and these are very unique and interesting people. One off violence is abhorrent, and it happens, but it shouldn't keep you from interacting with the Thai people or them with you. There are stupid, xenophobic, crazy, angry people all over the world. But they are a small percentage of the population. Get out into rural Thailand where I live. Yeah -- I'm truly a one-off. One farang in about 3000 Thai. But for me -- I couldn't ask for a better opportunity to live among Thais and understand Thai (and Lanna) culture.

I'm a very Caucasian guy and I use to walk around East and West Oakland, CA in the 1980s. In the 1980s, especially in West Oakland, that was probably pretty crazy for me to do. But the racism I saw wasn't against me as a individual, but me as a white person walking in an all black neighborhood. There are places in Oakland that I would not go now (although interesting enough, West Oakland isn't too bad anymore).

Racism is a universal trait. I feel sorry for those who cannot see the universality of this human condition. It's sad.

I'm happy I'm in Thailand and 99.999% of the people I meet accept me, even if they harbor questionably racist feelings emotionally -- which they themselves may not really understand. But if they take the time to talk with me, they find that I'm not much different then they are. Just a different cultural perspective.

Edited by connda
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Yeah, that doesn't exactly fill me with confidence about her reliability. A liquid fell upon her from somewhere in the sky and she couldn't immediately locate the source in the panic stricken moment after. OBVIOUSLY it was no accident, and someone was aiming chemicals DIRECTLY at the eyes from their hidden vantage point somewhere up in the sky. Whatever

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Where they robbed? Or is it someone with an apparent hate of foreigners!!

Sounds like a sicko. Probably attacks on Thais as well but its not being reported.

3 attacks and only one reported farang attack so I would guess random. Sounds like a couple of teenages with nothing constructive to do.

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Where they robbed? Or is it someone with an apparent hate of foreigners!!

Sounds like a sicko. Probably attacks on Thais as well but its not being reported.

3 attacks and only one reported farang attack so I would guess random. Sounds like a couple of teenages with nothing constructive to do.

it wasn't me

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This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

The only criteria for "newsworthy events" is that they generate more foaming at the mouth by the Thai Bashers, Police Bashers and Little-Old-Ladies-of-Fair-Complexions-Contingent.

If after reading an article you can grunt:" ummm Thai bad, farang good," then it's passed the editorial scrutiny hurdle.

Boy now isn't that the truthintheclub.gif

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This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

The only criteria for "newsworthy events" is that they generate more foaming at the mouth by the Thai Bashers, Police Bashers and Little-Old-Ladies-of-Fair-Complexions-Contingent.

If after reading an article you can grunt:" ummm Thai bad, farang good," then it's passed the editorial scrutiny hurdle.

I see you have chosen your avatar to fit you perfectly. Good job!

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Yeah, that doesn't exactly fill me with confidence about her reliability. A liquid fell upon her from somewhere in the sky and she couldn't immediately locate the source in the panic stricken moment after. OBVIOUSLY it was no accident, and someone was aiming chemicals DIRECTLY at the eyes from their hidden vantage point somewhere up in the sky. Whatever

I liked the part about her watching her husbands, now okay, eyes melt away.

I'm sure something happened but I think she is exaggerating, being dramatic and speculating a lot. I could be wrong but I would think something that melted your eyes would have surely left some marks on her skin. Not to mention she felt no pain from the liquid until her husband complained, which would be a normal psychological reaction. But keep in mind there are MANY things that will irritate and burn the eyes but leave no lasting effect ... soap comes to mind.

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Acid attacks (or industrial accident my ass!), another IED attack in Yala, murders of foreigners, weaseling politicians, cops who take bribes, Thacksin coming back, floods, bad drivers, xenophobia -on and on it goes. Gloom, despair and agony on me. I still recall why I came here, and I do not miss the mass shootings, kidnappings, rapes, gang-bangers, lying & gutless politicians, political correctness, high taxes and prices in America. $4/gal. gasoline, the Timothy McVeys, 55,000highway traffic deaths a year, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, greedy businessmen, the work-addicted.

I know Thailand is not Utopia. But for me, the good still outweighs the bad. Like Lily Tomlin said: "You can't be too cynical. It is impossible to keep up."

I hope including road traffic accident deaths in yr reason for coming to LOS was just laziness on yr part. True, USA is not nearly at the standards of the EU, (USA has about three times as many deaths/vehicle as the UK for example.) but Thailand has about one and a half times as many deaths/vehicle than in the USA. Useful link - www.advanceddrivers.com/info_80002.htm

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In 18 years I have had the crap kicked out of me 5 times out of those 5, I was robbed twice once by the attackers and once from the guys who came in the rescue truck to take me to hospital 3 of the attacks happened in Phuket for no reason, I was only ever robbed in Phuket, the other two in Bkk where one local hit me because they were drunk and didn't like foreigners, I hit back and knocked both out but was then kicked down the road by a pack of locals who saw it.

Remember never retaliate against a local unless there are no local witnesess and don't go out drinking after hours because if you try to make a police report saying you just walked out of xxxx bar at 3am and try to make a police report the police will tell you, you are lying because all the bars close at 1am by law.

The police in Phuket did find two of my stolen mobile phones though I will credit them for that. but generally it's like the gambling den opposite my house impossible to report about.

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This is becomming a fasion, first it was mostly man to wife in some (specialy moslim) counties... In Malaysia there was a Indian guy doing this to strangers from his motorbike... Now some bored or sick people in BKK. But heey, this is big city life and part of a world we create... You just have to see it like this, poor get more poor, rich more rich and the system don't care worldwide :(

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This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

Apperently the hospital confirms there have been several attacks.

These people that bitch stopped reading when they saw Twitter. This is only the beginning of problems in very public areas where the cameras won't be AS effective. Sorry to be so negagtive, but if the BIB would check the other hospitals they might find that it is and has been going on for some time. But they would have to stand up to do that. And nobody wants the BIB to do anything on their shift. Sit, eat, tell jokes, and collect money. At this point in time they collect money from gambling dens that are supposed to be closed but actually run by the corrupt people in power.

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Doesn't sound intentional to me either.

Probably some acidic liquid fell from the construction above the station.

Well I was just trying to kill a fly that was running around on my computer screen which turned out to be your avator Duh!

Me too! I felt stupid after I scrolled down though ...

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Well they arrested a farang just the other week for throwing his phone card on the track...after seeing him on CCTV...so who knows what's happening here as was only around there myself on tuesday night!!!They'd better pull their finger out on this one as if international media grab this one they'll dine out for sure !!

If our best in brown want they can easily find the attacker(s). CCTV everywhere along BTS. But do they want.

Edited by sydneyjed
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It is well past the time that the Police got serious and cleaned up the street gangs of kids hanging around and making trouble at the Asoke intersection. They know who they are and are allowed to continue to try to extort money from taxi passengers and other motorists.

It is quite easy to see them day or night. They sit under the sky train in the center of the road sniffing glue from plastic bags, and they hide behind the Subway station on the north east corner. They have been there for more than 15 years. At night they sell flowers and shoe shines in Soi Cowboy. They are an organized gang of human traffickers and it is well past time to eliminate them, as they are an eyesore to the whole area known as the Central Business District, and now Acid Attacks on passers by to top it off. Is this the type of P.R that will double tourist arrivals next year? I think not.

Let's put some pressure on Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung and his new police chief to roll some heads in the area between Soi 4 and Asoke. Frankly it is disgraceful. Illegal drugs being sold openly on tables on the sidewalk. Last week I saw three tourist police sitting next to a table full of Viagra and sex toys 100 meters east of Robinson's department store. It may have been their table as there was no one else around.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung should put on a hat and glasses and walk alone from Soi 4 to Asoke at about 8:00 pm any day of the week and even he would be shocked at what he would see.

This whole area needs a major cleanup. How about

Chalerm has a job. he cleans up the messes the PM makes with her lack of knowledge and insights riots. Way to busy to help anyone but himself. I have been here 25 years and he has finally gotten his wish. Now he is a fine upstanding politician as well as a thug for hire by the highest bidder.

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This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

They were treated at Bumrungrad hospital.

The hospital said this is the third case they have seen lately.

BIB will probably declare these self-inflicted wounds. Case closed.

Or self imagined wounds. It is not apparent from the OP that the BiB were even informed. I bet she generated a lot of traffic on her Twitter page after this came out though. ( I must go and look and see if there is any photos showing their injuries)I wonder what the acid was and how they determined that it was acid

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