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Organic Meat Etc..

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Go to your local Thai market. You get meat that was running around that morning wrapped in a banana leaf. You aren't going to get much more organic than that.

In the UK they use raw human sewage on their organic veg instead of chemicals.

I don't know about you but I would rather the chemicals than veg covered in sh&t thank you very much !

Expensive and over rated in my humble opinion biggrin.gif

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Is that like, as opposed to non-organic chicken and meat? whistling.gif Carved rock statues of chickens and steaks is what I am seeing here now! rolleyes.gif For sure, non-organic!

Sorry but I could not resist that, so to make up I will try to be sensible and provide something vaguely useful.

Actually, most of the local butchers are butchering what we from the west might consider "free range" animals. Most farmers when it comes to raising stock on Samui use locally available food for them, most of which is grown with a little bit of insecticide and chemical fertilizer.

Thing is that here in LOS, I would not have great faith in anything from LOS that is labelled "ORGANIC". Easy to label it, almost impossible to prove it scientifically.

A lot of the chickens, if not all sold on Samui are local chooks and very many are free ranging chooks that munch away at whatever seedage they can find, a lot provided by Farmer Joe of course.

I really think that if you purchased meats and chickens at local fresh markets as opposed to frozen muck from big stores, then you'd likely be getting pretty close, or as close as you'll get here in LOS to what you term "organic" meat.

I ate a non-organic bit of meat once, broke my bloody front tooth out it did!

Good luck. Shop at local fresh markets. Supports the local farmers and business more that way too not to mention that most of the local fresh markets are really fun to go to and to shop at, plenty of colour, local characters, bargain prices (compared to BLotus and SmallC), noodle stands, garfee sot makers, clothing stalls, dry produce, veges, fruit and all the meat and chicken you could wish for. Even the pork here is almost fat free and really healthy for you compared to overly fatty western style pork meat.

Good luck.

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Is that like, as opposed to non-organic chicken and meat

As oppose to, for example, chicken feed containing a percentage of arsenic, in order to irrate the throat mildly, so they consume more food, more $$. And the several other examples that are de-facto and legal in the US. Not really bothered about weather its officially 'organic', just weather its not pumped full of sh.. if such a term exists enlighten me..

Thanks will try the markets though.

Edited by matt111
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