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Is Your School Affected By The Floods?


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It's school break now but has anyone's school been hit by flooding.? Mine is in Muangthong and safe so far. I'm due to go back to school on the 25th, is there any sight the MoE will keep schools closed and nor open on time? I assume many government schools start back at the end of the month. My house isn't affected yet but it would take me ages to get to work as I have to take a long detour (and if that one road is closed I'm stuck in my house).

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I'm about 30 km south off Nakhon Sawan and i don't see the school opening on the 26th But

i can't get a answer at this stage.

My chances of getting back to my town are remote at the best and most teachers/students houses are under water

That's tough, good luck mate! I'm constantly monitoring water levels at my village, and also cctv of water level in Pakkret. Not much increase the last 2 days.

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