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‘Bar Girls’ Nabbed For Spiking Drinks, Robbing Phuket Tourists

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Was it one bar in particular or did they all work at separate bars? No one wants to mention the name of the bar?

That would be bad for business. How can these girls continue thier good work when released if the bar they are working from is identified. Will be business as usual tomorrow.

Come on posters lets make it interesting. If you have a pound or two and pretty respectable, smart, comfortable affording to stay here in reasonable accommodation, surely you have time to meet someone that is your equal, and date.

So why give the bars the business ??? why take the rip off risks ?? are some people lured by picking up and excited about it ?? is sex placed before common sense ??? after a long time do some people not learn.

Maybe the bars and the bright lights attract the holidaymakers, TIT. But the expats that still hang out at these beer bars drinking till all hours, picking up girls all the time ----GOOD LUCK.

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Not just the cocktail of pills but mixing that with a hefty binge of alcohol it's a wonder there wasn't a spate of corpses lying around. Oh silly me, there probably was.. i always forget about the suicide rate and death by 'natural courses' among foreigners in Thailand.

You are correct about the addition of alcohol which would intensify at least the Alprazolam, yet none of the meds are particularly toxic. For instance the LDL50 (the dose at which half of the victims will die) of the Atarax for a 180lb (85kg) is a whopping 3 ounces. That would be several tablespoons. Chorphenimarine LDL50 would take almost an ounce. Alprazolam also has very low toxicity except when used with cocaine and/or methadone whereupon the mix can become fatal. In Florida 99% of deaths involving (in one study) Alprazolam involved cocaine and/or methadone, only 1% of deaths were due to Alprazolam alone.

What I find interesting though is that the Chlorphenimarine is an inhibitor of the enzyme the liver uses to detoxify the Alprazolam (Cytochrome P450 3A4) thus the liver's ability to remove the Alprazolam in impaired. The Chlorphenimarine also inhibits the Cytochrome P450 2D6 enzymatic system, which is how the Atarax is detoxified. Actually I might suspect that the Chlorphenimarine was added specifically to enhance the sedative effects of the other two which would mean that whoever concocted the mix was likely a pharmacist. I hope the police investigate the possibility that there is possibly a licensed pharmicist or healthcare professional behind this.

And yes, the mix would likely have been very bitter. But typically a very strong flavored drink is used to mask it. In America cases of abuse where drinks were spiked often used cinnamon liqueurs. Royphenol aka "roofies" was the quintessential date rape/knockout drug, but the maker added intense bitter substances to it since about 1982 or so. So beware of ladies offering you Goldschlager....

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All six women were charged with illegal possession of prescription drugs.

But not for theft or drugging tourists???

It's a start. Guess you would need the victim to proceed any further.

Why would you need witnesses, they confessed to the crime(s) already.

It would seem their crime was not drugging and robbing tourists, but drawing bad press to the police. I am sure nothing will happen to them any more than a slap on the wrist.

You're living in a fantasy world created by silly farang who think everyone the Thai police arrest are just let go by handing over a few baht.

Is that why the jails are bursting to the seams.:ermm:

Once your case becomes public knowledge unless you are mega rich forget it.

If any of those drugs are registered as class A which many prescription drugs are they will get 2 years minimum.

The fact they recovered good stolen goods in their home suggests the good were reported stolen in the first place.

They know drugs are drugs so they can charge them straight away with that. The goods found need to be identified as belonging to the victims by the victims so those charges come later.

The the prosecutor may add further charges connected to endangering life.

Denny Crane couldn't get them acquitted and no one will want to know them especially not the bar owners where they worked.

Don't kid yourself the people of Phuket and the police for that matter can't afford to have scum like this running around free and although they can't catch them all this lot won't be seeing the light of day for quite some time, no matter what you would have people believe.

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All six women were charged with illegal possession of prescription drugs.

But not for theft or drugging tourists???

Tourists are fair game, not only for bar girls but also for tea-money police, tuktuk mafia, jetski scam operators and fake gem shops... mad.gif

This was just window-dressing. Coppers who arrest a few wrongdoers while the majority goes on unpunished.ph34r.gif

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Is it impolite to ask where these women kept those phallic shaped bottles ?

On a more serious note, this concoction of drugs, prescription or not, could have had extremely serious consequences for the men they were given to. I would hope the sentence given, would reflect that, but somehow I don't think it will.

Well, if you know anything about female anatomy. Women can hide this drugs in any spot on their bodies, such as some secret passage way, up their ass, etc.

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

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Is it impolite to ask where these women kept those phallic shaped bottles ?

On a more serious note, this concoction of drugs, prescription or not, could have had extremely serious consequences for the men they were given to. I would hope the sentence given, would reflect that, but somehow I don't think it will.

I agree, the money or valuables take second place to the dangers these drugs could have caused to the recipients.

Although safe under prescription from a doctor, they would be prescribed only after the doctor had questioned the patients about allergies and many other things eg. prostate problems.

To think that thay were dished out by drug-illiterate bar-girls for gain is frightening.

A mixture of benzodiazapines and sedating anntihistamines, my God.

Where did they find out about these drugs? Where did they get them from. There is something cynically knowledgeable about this.

A bit of pinching happens if you're stupid, but nobody deserves to be put into a lfe-threatening situation for having a few drinks and falling prey to their lure.

They deserve severe punishment and it may well serve as a message to others doing it.

Antihistamines are sometimes used to quell allergic reactions but I'm sure those girls did not know that. Luckily allergy to alprazalam class is not that common. The greater concern is the possibility of slowed breathing and/or aspiration of vomit, perhaps and especially if combined with alcohol.

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Not just the cocktail of pills but mixing that with a hefty binge of alcohol it's a wonder there wasn't a spate of corpses lying around. Oh silly me, there probably was.. i always forget about the suicide rate and death by 'natural courses' among foreigners in Thailand.

You are correct about the addition of alcohol which would intensify at least the Alprazolam, yet none of the meds are particularly toxic. For instance the LDL50 (the dose at which half of the victims will die) of the Atarax for a 180lb (85kg) is a whopping 3 ounces. That would be several tablespoons. Chorphenimarine LDL50 would take almost an ounce. Alprazolam also has very low toxicity except when used with cocaine and/or methadone whereupon the mix can become fatal. In Florida 99% of deaths involving (in one study) Alprazolam involved cocaine and/or methadone, only 1% of deaths were due to Alprazolam alone.

What I find interesting though is that the Chlorphenimarine is an inhibitor of the enzyme the liver uses to detoxify the Alprazolam (Cytochrome P450 3A4) thus the liver's ability to remove the Alprazolam in impaired. The Chlorphenimarine also inhibits the Cytochrome P450 2D6 enzymatic system, which is how the Atarax is detoxified. Actually I might suspect that the Chlorphenimarine was added specifically to enhance the sedative effects of the other two which would mean that whoever concocted the mix was likely a pharmacist. I hope the police investigate the possibility that there is possibly a licensed pharmicist or healthcare professional behind this.

And yes, the mix would likely have been very bitter. But typically a very strong flavored drink is used to mask it. In America cases of abuse where drinks were spiked often used cinnamon liqueurs. Royphenol aka "roofies" was the quintessential date rape/knockout drug, but the maker added intense bitter substances to it since about 1982 or so. So beware of ladies offering you Goldschlager....

Am I being naive but couldn't a uni student studying in this field have enough knowledge to make something like that? Or anyone who can read the internet?

Not saying it wasn't the case but surely a pharmacist is not to be getting involved in some Bar Girl scheme with little reward when he can just sell drugs ?

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Is it impolite to ask where these women kept those phallic shaped bottles ?

On a more serious note, this concoction of drugs, prescription or not, could have had extremely serious consequences for the men they were given to. I would hope the sentence given, would reflect that, but somehow I don't think it will.

I agree, the money or valuables take second place to the dangers these drugs could have caused to the recipients.

Although safe under prescription from a doctor, they would be prescribed only after the doctor had questioned the patients about allergies and many other things eg. prostate problems.

To think that thay were dished out by drug-illiterate bar-girls for gain is frightening.

A mixture of benzodiazapines and sedating anntihistamines, my God.

Where did they find out about these drugs? Where did they get them from. There is something cynically knowledgeable about this.

A bit of pinching happens if you're stupid, but nobody deserves to be put into a lfe-threatening situation for having a few drinks and falling prey to their lure.

They deserve severe punishment and it may well serve as a message to others doing it.

My friend you act like this is something new, it goes on all the time all over Thailand have read many cases in the past. It will not go away the same as the jet ski scam.

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Was it one bar in particular or did they all work at separate bars? No one wants to mention the name of the bar?

Three of the little treasures have the same surname and going by the ages looks like two sisters and a daughter.

A real family business.;)

From the OP:

"Police named the six women as Saeng Nuansri, 47, from Phuket; Kemporn Pooseedin, 45, from Maha Sarakham; Wanida Yusuk, 36, from Yasothon; Supaporn Yusuk, 18, from Yasothon; Sukanya Jansong, 23, from Ubon Ratchathani; and Suchada Yusuk, 29 from Sakaew."

I thought it was a pseudonym, a la The Ramones.

The Yusuks!

Johnny Yusuk, Joey Yusuk,..

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OMG I am shocked doe's this actually happen? I thought these women were lovely ladies that men flock from afar to take as wives. :lol: I guess if you want to take one of these women then you deserve everything you get. The reputation of Thai bargirls has been known for decades but fools still go for them and some actually marry them.

So, what's your point?

Just because half a dozen no-good BG's in Phuket cause headlines after their arrest, does that mean that the other 99% of BG's are all bad.

That's like saying all lawyers are lizards or all female movie stars are drug addicted, sex crazed, bimbos just because Paris & Lindsay make headlines.

Bad generalization. :bah:

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Can we confidently assume that these drugs were sold by a pharmacist without a doctor's prescription? In which case the pharmacist could easily be persuaded by BiB to part with a few thousand baht. Since no mention of a pharmacist being charged as the supplier, this would seem to my cynical mind as the most likely event.

I know of two pharmacies in Pattaya that will supply me with alprazolam without prescription and I take 0.5 mg every evening on retiring. I sleep like a log and suffer no side effects. Feeling very tired one evening I took 1mg, woke up quite normally in the morning, ate a frugal breakfast and then laid down to finish reading a chapter of a book in a 10 minute relax session. I woke up at 1700.

The two doctors that I consult are aware of my practice of taking a small daily dose and have raised no objections or warnings.

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Is it impolite to ask where these women kept those phallic shaped bottles ?

On a more serious note, this concoction of drugs, prescription or not, could have had extremely serious consequences for the men they were given to. I would hope the sentence given, would reflect that, but somehow I don't think it will.

I agree, the money or valuables take second place to the dangers these drugs could have caused to the recipients.

Although safe under prescription from a doctor, they would be prescribed only after the doctor had questioned the patients about allergies and many other things eg. prostate problems.

To think that thay were dished out by drug-illiterate bar-girls for gain is frightening.

A mixture of benzodiazapines and sedating anntihistamines, my God.

Where did they find out about these drugs? Where did they get them from. There is something cynically knowledgeable about this.

A bit of pinching happens if you're stupid, but nobody deserves to be put into a lfe-threatening situation for having a few drinks and falling prey to their lure.

They deserve severe punishment and it may well serve as a message to others doing it.

Very unwise of the Gazette to publish the details of the poison, there might be a few week souls out there who can read....:angry:

You wonder where the girls found out about the cocktail of drugs ~~ surely from reports such as this it gives the full details for future use ~ somnomna

Edited by MefinCopter
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A waitress at an English Pub on Soi 13 in Pattaya gave me a dose at lunch one day.

Spiked my coffee.

I think she had a friend waiting outside to follow me & steal my notebook etc.

Lucky for me, I went to my hotel room and woke up 18 hours later.

How exactly do you know who spiked you?

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The mickey was "a mix of five Alprazolam pills, seven Atarax pills and five Chlorphen-Y pills".

Sounds like it would taste awful, or is it color/odorless, or were the guys just brainless?

should be cloudy and have a very bitter taste.

I guess they must have been drinking Thai beer and didn't notice the difference.

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All six women were charged with illegal possession of prescription drugs.

But not for theft or drugging tourists???

It's a start. Guess you would need the victim to proceed any further.

Why would you need witnesses, they confessed to the crime(s) already.

It would seem their crime was not drugging and robbing tourists, but drawing bad press to the police. I am sure nothing will happen to them any more than a slap on the wrist.

You're living in a fantasy world created by silly farang who think everyone the Thai police arrest are just let go by handing over a few baht.

Is that why the jails are bursting to the seams.:ermm:

Once your case becomes public knowledge unless you are mega rich forget it.

If any of those drugs are registered as class A which many prescription drugs are they will get 2 years minimum.

The fact they recovered good stolen goods in their home suggests the good were reported stolen in the first place.

They know drugs are drugs so they can charge them straight away with that. The goods found need to be identified as belonging to the victims by the victims so those charges come later.

The the prosecutor may add further charges connected to endangering life.

Denny Crane couldn't get them acquitted and no one will want to know them especially not the bar owners where they worked.

Don't kid yourself the people of Phuket and the police for that matter can't afford to have scum like this running around free and although they can't catch them all this lot won't be seeing the light of day for quite some time, no matter what you would have people believe.

I hope you are right, but judging by past events I have heard about, you will forgive me when I say "I'll believe it when I see it."

On that note, let me know when convictions are secured.

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OMG I am shocked doe's this actually happen? I thought these women were lovely ladies that men flock from afar to take as wives. :lol: I guess if you want to take one of these women then you deserve everything you get. The reputation of Thai bargirls has been known for decades but fools still go for them and some actually marry them.

So, what's your point?

Just because half a dozen no-good BG's in Phuket cause headlines after their arrest, does that mean that the other 99% of BG's are all bad.

That's like saying all lawyers are lizards or all female movie stars are drug addicted, sex crazed, bimbos just because Paris & Lindsay make headlines.

Bad generalization. :bah:

You sleep with dogs then you will wake up with fleas. Best to stay away from these things but the sex tourists will never learn from other peoples mistakes. If you want to keep your property, health and life stay away from bargirls. These guys deserved what they got and have no one to blame but themselves.

Edited by chooka
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Quote . "Ms Kemporn explained to the police that the concoction used was a mix of five Alprazolam pills, seven Atarax pills and five Chlorphen-Y pills."

Just incase anyone else out there wants to spike someones drink and rob someone, the nice reporter has told them the EXACT combination, quantity and method used to administer the drug. Good work.

Dont be so stupid, anyone who wants to do this can easily find out what they need and get their hands on it. Glad these tramps are busted, they did a chap I know recently. However one of the chicks was photo'd by one of the polaroid snappers and her photo was taken to the polis. Good work BIB.

nah.. i didn't have a clue.. and now i know..

if someone wanted to know, now it's easier.. and perhaps someone who didn't think about it before.. is now thinking about it.

it's better not to say what the drugs are.

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Quote . "Ms Kemporn explained to the police that the concoction used was a mix of five Alprazolam pills, seven Atarax pills and five Chlorphen-Y pills."

Just incase anyone else out there wants to spike someones drink and rob someone, the nice reporter has told them the EXACT combination, quantity and method used to administer the drug. Good work.

5. Alprazolam Pills would be all ready more than enough if the victim is previously Drunk.

Guess the rest of the mix was just to make sure.

Dangerous mix...

this Girls should be charged with heavy theft and attempted Murder.

+ no Bail granted

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All six women were charged with illegal possession of prescription drugs.

But not for theft or drugging tourists???

It's a start. Guess you would need the victim to proceed any further.

Why would you need witnesses, they confessed to the crime(s) already.

It would seem their crime was not drugging and robbing tourists, but drawing bad press to the police. I am sure nothing will happen to them any more than a slap on the wrist.

Their REAL crime was not cutting in the cops!

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Was it one bar in particular or did they all work at separate bars? No one wants to mention the name of the bar?

That would be bad for business. How can these girls continue thier good work when released if the bar they are working from is identified. Will be business as usual tomorrow.

Come on posters lets make it interesting. If you have a pound or two and pretty respectable, smart, comfortable affording to stay here in reasonable accommodation, surely you have time to meet someone that is your equal, and date.

So why give the bars the business ??? why take the rip off risks ?? are some people lured by picking up and excited about it ?? is sex placed before common sense ??? after a long time do some people not learn.

Maybe the bars and the bright lights attract the holidaymakers, TIT. But the expats that still hang out at these beer bars drinking till all hours, picking up girls all the time ----GOOD LUCK.

Well, nothing wrong with ballet or a good read of Shakespear in the evening, but...except for "taking a girl" home, I rather enjoy a good beer- bar from time to time. Nothing wrong with different ideas about entertainment. Just take care and be careful, let some common sense prevail....if you can after several pints.

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OMG I am shocked doe's this actually happen? I thought these women were lovely ladies that men flock from afar to take as wives. :lol: I guess if you want to take one of these women then you deserve everything you get. The reputation of Thai bargirls has been known for decades but fools still go for them and some actually marry them.

So, what's your point?

Just because half a dozen no-good BG's in Phuket cause headlines after their arrest, does that mean that the other 99% of BG's are all bad.

That's like saying all lawyers are lizards or all female movie stars are drug addicted, sex crazed, bimbos just because Paris & Lindsay make headlines.

Bad generalization. :bah:

You sleep with dogs then you will wake up with fleas. Best to stay away from these things but the sex tourists will never learn from other peoples mistakes. If you want to keep your property, health and life stay away from bargirls. These guys deserved what they got and have no one to blame but themselves.

They got what they deserved? With an attitude like that, you are not far from the dogs that you describe. I live near Patpong, I know some of those "dogs"- all nice persons, trying to make a living. Generalizing and stereotyping doesn't help!

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Is it impolite to ask where these women kept those phallic shaped bottles ?

On a more serious note, this concoction of drugs, prescription or not, could have had extremely serious consequences for the men they were given to. I would hope the sentence given, would reflect that, but somehow I don't think it will.

Sentence may be light - I imagine they'd have to find victims, and the victims would need to be still around for the trial. But it may take a very long time until there is a trial, and the women may have to either be in jail until then or post a substantial bail. So I am pretty sure they won't do it again.

As to how victims wouldn't taste this: Good chance a guy swilling a beer at 5 am just might be a little bit drunk and not at their sharpest.

Victims might not be too keen to give evidence, especially if married.

A lot of girls get this treatment too from rapists in Asia. I have read of several being killed by OD this way both in Thailand and the Philippines.

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