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Chalerm: Burgled Suphoth Money Was Kickbacks


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Get real!

Dems tried to back off Bhum Jai too, but didn't have the leverage at the time.

This is only revenge, if he was serious he'd go after his own partners.and THAT will never happen.

Ahh, so now you are claiming that the Democrats and the former PM Abhisit were forced to include the BJT in their administration. That's nice, but no one forced PM Abhisit to include the BJT. The current government also had to build a coalition, yet the government either by sheer luck or some political smarts did not include what is now a massive liability. Had the BJT party been included in the current government, I believe you and the usual gang of PTP bashers whould have been screaming about corruption and blaming PM Yingluck for activities that appear to have occurred during the previous military junta administration and that carried on into the Democrat administration.

I am not accusing PM Abhisit for the alleged corruption, but it is obvious, that the gentleman's political accuity was not very good. it seelms the former PM's lquest for power power and political opportunism has come back to bite him in his buttocks.

Please note that Deputy PM Chalerm is not implicated in the corruption, nor are the PTP's own partners. The allegations rest in he little corner of the political landscape that have BJT, Democrat and military junta territorial markers.

Who said forced? You did, not I. Do NOT twist my words.

If you had a valid point to make you wouldn't even try that.

Nor attempting to turn the point to bashers and the like pejorative labels.

Again no argument attack the source; It just doesn't work.

Abhisit DID put the brakes on several of Newin's schemes, and strained relations to the edge several times, that is a matter of public record.

No the fact BJT is NOW not included shows the entrench animosity, and that is coming out in this revenge scenario and the spin on it.

Just because bidding started at one point doesn't mean kickbacks aren't on going and accrue to whomever is in office at that time.

And yes certainly Sophon is right, this is a intentional distraction from the ineptitude displayed by the PTP on office so far.

Edited by metisdead
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I am delighted that we have such fine upstanding politician as Khun Chalerm who is determined to wipe out corruption. In the short time he has been in post he has closed down all the gambling dens and now is targeting those public officials who are abusing their positions. I hope next it will be all those disgraceful sex establishments and perhaps while he is in full flow he could do something about those dreadful people who arrive at the airport in flip flops and vests, it really is quite appalling.

What drivel!!!

He hasn't closed down the gambling dens as they will simply magically reform somewhere else at a different location!!! The Thai's are absoutely ADDICTED to gambling and cannot survive without frittering their money away. They have gambling dens at funerals which are always packed out - this has always seemed rather disrespectful to me, but maybe I'm old fashioned or simply not Thai!!

The only reason he is doing what he is, is to save face for Yingluck's government - do you seriously think he woud have vounteered the information about the crooked poiticians if he hadn't been caught!!!!

Close down the "sex establishments" and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry. Likewise ban fip flops and vests and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry!!! On this last point, I didn't reaise that this was a heinous crime - is "fashion crime" on a par with murder?????:blink:.

sichonsteve; if had to put money on your nationality i would go for you being american , ...irony and sarcasm are just wasted on you !

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I am delighted that we have such fine upstanding politician as Khun Chalerm who is determined to wipe out corruption. In the short time he has been in post he has closed down all the gambling dens and now is targeting those public officials who are abusing their positions. I hope next it will be all those disgraceful sex establishments and perhaps while he is in full flow he could do something about those dreadful people who arrive at the airport in flip flops and vests, it really is quite appalling.

What drivel!!!

He hasn't closed down the gambling dens as they will simply magically reform somewhere else at a different location!!! The Thai's are absoutely ADDICTED to gambling and cannot survive without frittering their money away. They have gambling dens at funerals which are always packed out - this has always seemed rather disrespectful to me, but maybe I'm old fashioned or simply not Thai!!

The only reason he is doing what he is, is to save face for Yingluck's government - do you seriously think he woud have vounteered the information about the crooked poiticians if he hadn't been caught!!!!

Close down the "sex establishments" and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry. Likewise ban fip flops and vests and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry!!! On this last point, I didn't reaise that this was a heinous crime - is "fashion crime" on a par with murder?????:blink:.

sichonsteve; if had to put money on your nationality i would go for you being american , ...irony and sarcasm are just wasted on you !

I'm 50:50 on whether this is serious or sarcasm - so many of these Thaksin/PTP/Yingluck clones are in self denial at the moment and so come up with some unbelievably rediculous and laughable clap-trap that I was teetering on the edge as to the genuineness of the posters thinking.

I can understand you're taking of me from being from the USA so am not totally devastated or insulted by your accusation (I would have been under normal conditions).......but no, I'm from "good ol England". Just in case you haven't heard of us - it's the country whose cricket team are number 1 in the world and current holder of the ashes. I'm hedging my bets that you are from somewhere not too far away from current rugby union world cup champions. Tell me......am I right in my assumption!!!:jap:.

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I am delighted that we have such fine upstanding politician as Khun Chalerm who is determined to wipe out corruption. In the short time he has been in post he has closed down all the gambling dens and now is targeting those public officials who are abusing their positions. I hope next it will be all those disgraceful sex establishments and perhaps while he is in full flow he could do something about those dreadful people who arrive at the airport in flip flops and vests, it really is quite appalling.

What drivel!!!

He hasn't closed down the gambling dens as they will simply magically reform somewhere else at a different location!!! The Thai's are absoutely ADDICTED to gambling and cannot survive without frittering their money away. They have gambling dens at funerals which are always packed out - this has always seemed rather disrespectful to me, but maybe I'm old fashioned or simply not Thai!!

The only reason he is doing what he is, is to save face for Yingluck's government - do you seriously think he woud have vounteered the information about the crooked poiticians if he hadn't been caught!!!!

Close down the "sex establishments" and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry. Likewise ban fip flops and vests and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry!!! On this last point, I didn't reaise that this was a heinous crime - is "fashion crime" on a par with murder?????:blink:.

sichonsteve; if had to put money on your nationality i would go for you being american , ...irony and sarcasm are just wasted on you !

I don't know about that. I am an American and I believe Sarcasm is a form of communication too.

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seems to be the same the world over, in the west , when the rich get caught with hands in the cookie jar they get away with a fine or a pathetic probation order ,....if you happen to be poor and get caught dishonestly obtaining $50 you end up in jail and the public being brainwashed into thinking that your scum becouse you needed money to eat or pay your rent start demanding longer sentences for petty crimes while the rich just pay tea money and all is ok,............ the arab spring and the protests in new york and london about the greedy bas**rds controlling our lives but never paying for their mistakes ,.....i hope its the start of bigger things/changes to come,.unfortunately most thas find this behaviour acceptable and have the ''mai pen rai'' attitude, and a few hundred baht can buy their temporary loyalty or silence , everything has a price here in thailand ,.........but what price freedom when honesty is so costly ???.......one rule for the rich and another for everyone else. communism failed, but capitalism is failing too, money never trickles down to the less wealthy,....it drips !

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Get real!

Dems tried to back off Bhum Jai too, but didn't have the leverage at the time.

This is only revenge, if he was serious he'd go after his own partners.and THAT will never happen.

Ahh, so now you are claiming that the Democrats and the former PM Abhisit were forced to include the BJT in their administration. That's nice, but no one forced PM Abhisit to include the BJT. The current government also had to build a coalition, yet the government either by sheer luck or some political smarts did not include what is now a massive liability. Had the BJT party been included in the current government, I believe you and the usual gang of PTP bashers whould have been screaming about corruption and blaming PM Yingluck for activities that appear to have occurred during the previous military junta administration and that carried on into the Democrat administration.

I am not accusing PM Abhisit for the alleged corruption, but it is obvious, that the gentleman's political accuity was not very good. it seelms the former PM's lquest for power power and political opportunism has come back to bite him in his buttocks.

Please note that Deputy PM Chalerm is not implicated in the corruption, nor are the PTP's own partners. The allegations rest in he little corner of the political landscape that have BJT, Democrat and military junta territorial markers.

Chalerm is not implicated in this instance of corruption. He is very good at making accusations so we will have to see if there is any evidence to prove what he says. Personally I always believe the opposite of what Chalerm says as he is a inveterate liar.

Had the BJP party been included in the current government, Chalerm wouldn't even open his big mouth about it. The whole issue stinks of payback to the BJP party & we'll see how much of an anti-corruption politician he is when the PTP members get their opportunity to take tea money or note-filled lunch boxes.

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Some seriously off-topic posts and replies have been deleted. This is an on-going and developing story. It is NOT about Thaksin. Please stay on topic.


For some I'm afraid the story is always about Thaksin!

Give them some time to find out that Thaksin is involved in one way or another... Meanwhile, bets are open!

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Yes, Jayboy, that is true. But not this thread and not today!

Especially since this thread is open and the perfect place for them:

Have the investigators been in the house and ascertained how much money was NOT stolen?

I can't say but I'm sure Chalerm has a pretty good idea and he is going for it along with opportunistic pot shots at arch enemies Newin and Supon Zarum who are indeed highly unlikely to have clean hands in this. Chalerm has long since lost his investigative sharpness that made him a formidable force in no confidence debates in the 80s, including the one that forced Prem out of politics. I very much doubt he was behind the original burglary set up but he is certainly going to maximise his political and financial take on this windfall. With a 90% money laundering fee on a few hundred mil he could buy a sh*t load of happy toilets for his sons to sh*t on.

Edited by Arkady
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At least the deputy PM is responding to the allegations of corruption. I suppose it hurts some people when they find out that other political groups and not the governing party are implicated.

I find it interesting that the Bhum Jai Thai Party;s former government ally, ex PM abhisit has remained quiet. The BJT did serve in the former Democrat government.

It is also fascinating that no one in the thread recognizes that the PTP government was wise to reject the BJT's efforts to join the PTP led coalition. PM Yingluck and her government would have been ripped apart in this thread had the decision been otherwise. Instead of bashing Deputy PM Chalerm, I suggest attention be directed to the former Democrat led government and its relations with the BJT. Discomforting for some, I suppose.

If you look at Suphoth's CV, you will notice that he was appointed into the Transport department under Thaksin's watch. I don't think there can be much pointing of fingers at the previous administration.

• 2001 - 2003 : Assistant Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport

• 2003 - 2006 : Deputy Director-General, Department of Rural Roads, Ministry of Transport

• 2006 - 2008 : Inspector-General, Ministry of Transport

• 2008 - 2010 : Director-General, Department of Rural Roads

• 2010 - present : Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport

Edited by whybother
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I am delighted that we have such fine upstanding politician as Khun Chalerm who is determined to wipe out corruption. In the short time he has been in post he has closed down all the gambling dens and now is targeting those public officials who are abusing their positions. I hope next it will be all those disgraceful sex establishments and perhaps while he is in full flow he could do something about those dreadful people who arrive at the airport in flip flops and vests, it really is quite appalling.

What drivel!!!

He hasn't closed down the gambling dens as they will simply magically reform somewhere else at a different location!!! The Thai's are absoutely ADDICTED to gambling and cannot survive without frittering their money away. They have gambling dens at funerals which are always packed out - this has always seemed rather disrespectful to me, but maybe I'm old fashioned or simply not Thai!!

The only reason he is doing what he is, is to save face for Yingluck's government - do you seriously think he woud have vounteered the information about the crooked poiticians if he hadn't been caught!!!!

Close down the "sex establishments" and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry. Likewise ban fip flops and vests and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry!!! On this last point, I didn't reaise that this was a heinous crime - is "fashion crime" on a par with murder?????:blink:.

sichonsteve; if had to put money on your nationality i would go for you being american , ...irony and sarcasm are just wasted on you !

I'm 50:50 on whether this is serious or sarcasm - so many of these Thaksin/PTP/Yingluck clones are in self denial at the moment and so come up with some unbelievably rediculous and laughable clap-trap that I was teetering on the edge as to the genuineness of the posters thinking.

I can understand you're taking of me from being from the USA so am not totally devastated or insulted by your accusation (I would have been under normal conditions).......but no, I'm from "good ol England". Just in case you haven't heard of us - it's the country whose cricket team are number 1 in the world and current holder of the ashes. I'm hedging my bets that you are from somewhere not too far away from current rugby union world cup champions. Tell me......am I right in my assumption!!!:jap:.

Thank you for correcting my ignorance on this matter, however I did think the clue was in the very first sentence. Could I add by way of clarification that Khun Chalerm is infinitely better than that dreadful politician whose name escapes me for the moment but who also has three equally dreadful sons.

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Miracle Thailand. Corruption has now grown so big, that they are actually fighting over the kickbacks.

May I suggest a new sogan for Thailand?: "Land of Thieves"

Au contraire.

They have ALWAYS been fighting over the kickbacks.

Since before you were born.

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At least the deputy PM is responding to the allegations of corruption. I suppose it hurts some people when they find out that other political groups and not the governing party are implicated.

I find it interesting that the Bhum Jai Thai Party;s former government ally, ex PM abhisit has remained quiet. The BJT did serve in the former Democrat government.

It is also fascinating that no one in the thread recognizes that the PTP government was wise to reject the BJT's efforts to join the PTP led coalition. PM Yingluck and her government would have been ripped apart in this thread had the decision been otherwise. Instead of bashing Deputy PM Chalerm, I suggest attention be directed to the former Democrat led government and its relations with the BJT. Discomforting for some, I suppose.

If you look at Suphoth's CV, you will notice that he was appointed into the Transport department under Thaksin's watch. I don't think there can be much pointing of fingers at the previous administration.

• 2001 - 2003 : Assistant Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport

• 2003 - 2006 : Deputy Director-General, Department of Rural Roads, Ministry of Transport

• 2006 - 2008 : Inspector-General, Ministry of Transport

• 2008 - 2010 : Director-General, Department of Rural Roads

• 2010 - present : Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport

When a functionary has rising to his highest point,

it always pays to see who put him there and why.

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A large number of posts have been deleted for a variety of infractions and replies to them.

Please try to stay on the topic and keep it civil.

It's an intriguing subject. I would hate to see it stifled.

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Thank you for correcting my ignorance on this matter, however I did think the clue was in the very first sentence. Could I add by way of clarification that Khun Chalerm is infinitely better than that dreadful politician whose name escapes me for the moment but who also has three equally dreadful sons.

Do you mean Suthep "thug" Thaugsuban - Democrat MP for Surat Thani - 70 Km North of where I Iive???? He has 3 daughters also.

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Thank you for correcting my ignorance on this matter, however I did think the clue was in the very first sentence. Could I add by way of clarification that Khun Chalerm is infinitely better than that dreadful politician whose name escapes me for the moment but who also has three equally dreadful sons.

Do you mean Suthep "thug" Thaugsuban - Democrat MP for Surat Thani - 70 Km North of where I Iive???? He has 3 daughters also.

You must let me know when they shoot some policeman, allegedly.

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including the one that forced Prem out of politics.

Didn't really work though, did it as we found out in 2006?

So it would seem that Prem has an axe to grind about Chalerm? However, Prem is too old (90 I think?) to really want to get stuck in.

Anybody have any guesses who Prem's protege/successor is?

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If you look at Suphoth's CV, you will notice that he was appointed into the Transport department under Thaksin's watch. I don't think there can be much pointing of fingers at the previous administration.

• 2001 - 2003 : Assistant Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport

• 2003 - 2006 : Deputy Director-General, Department of Rural Roads, Ministry of Transport

• 2006 - 2008 : Inspector-General, Ministry of Transport

• 2008 - 2010 : Director-General, Department of Rural Roads

• 2010 - present : Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport

When a functionary has rising to his highest point,

it always pays to see who put him there and why.

Care to enlighten us who that special someone is?

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*reply to deleted posts and off topic references deleted*

But we are straying off topic here.

This story of who ordered the B&E is much more intriguing. Hardly kicking dogs here.

Chalerm is much too specific about details. He's got to know something.

Supoth (Supoj?) has been around the Min. of Trans. for 10 years now. Might be PT wants to replace him with one of their own?

They seem to be replacing a bunch of key figures lately.

Edited by Scott
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If you look at Suphoth's CV, you will notice that he was appointed into the Transport department under Thaksin's watch. I don't think there can be much pointing of fingers at the previous administration.

• 2001 - 2003 : Assistant Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport

• 2003 - 2006 : Deputy Director-General, Department of Rural Roads, Ministry of Transport

• 2006 - 2008 : Inspector-General, Ministry of Transport

• 2008 - 2010 : Director-General, Department of Rural Roads

• 2010 - present : Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport

When a functionary has rising to his highest point,

it always pays to see who put him there and why.

Care to enlighten us who that special someone is?

We've been asked to limit mentions of that name, thought it is SPECIFICALLY stated in context above, by someone.

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Anybody have any guesses who Prem's protege/successor is?


Protege more than successor.

Protegé but way to young to be successor.

No one really stands out as Prems successor,

or if they do they are rather low key about it.

Not likely to be a coup general, a coup ender maybe.

And loyal as the day is long to the Monarchy without question.

I also think Abhisit is an unlikely successor. It must a military man.

Filling Prem's boots will be hard. There is a very good reason why he is in that spot.

But we are straying off topic here.

This story of who ordered the B&E is much more intriguing. Hardly kicking dogs here.

Chalerm is much too specific about details. He's got to know something.

Supoth (Supoj?) has been around the Min. of Trans. for 10 years now. Might be PT wants to replace him with one of their own?

They seem to be replacing a bunch of key figures lately.

Seasoned Military, Elder Statesman, with Legislative Experience,

knows the ins and outs of the complete government bureaucracy

and has not stepped on the wrong toes, or being untrustworthy to the top.

Hard shoes to fill.

Who ordered the B & E is a very high pay grade indeed, not that the guys who delivered the orders will even know for sure. Simple answer: Who stands to gain in some fashion, financially, power wise; raising self and diminishing enemies, and of course successful vendetta through use of power to SHOW power.

The sword in a chain mail gauntlet doesn't show the hand that wields it from

behind the curtain, but you're just as dead as the short blade in the neck and their breath in your ear. And as you fade the concierge intones your demise and lists your crimes.

CLEARLY PTP wants to replace him with one of their own, even if he once WAS one of their own. Too many deals under this bridge since then. But this is one way to get mucho dirt about those deals from him. Talk or you're toast... he seems to have kept his council and discretion too long, and they decided kick him about for not dishing when asked.

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That's nice, but no one forced PM Abhisit to include the BJT. The current government also had to build a coalition, yet the government either by sheer luck or some political smarts did not include what is now a massive liability.

Just for the sake of accuracy, the PTP government did NOT have to "build a coalition" after the election.

There was neither "luck" nor "political smarts" necessary as they already had 265 MP's from their own Party in the House and thus already held a simple majority of Parliament.


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Won't be long now and we'll have the first corruption trials of Democrat & Bhumjaithai politicians.

Hopefully, the chronologically preceding corruption by Thai Rak Thai Party and People Power Party politicians will result in their trials occurring chronologically earlier.


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I'm 50:50 on whether this is serious or sarcasm - so many of these Thaksin/PTP/Yingluck clones are in self denial at the moment and so come up with some unbelievably ridiculous and laughable clap-trap that I was teetering on the edge as to the genuineness of the posters thinking.

Which is sadly, but yet laughingly, true.

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