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Bangkok's Patpong Is Losing Its Sex Appeal


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At least one can say that the market, which started to appear in the mid 80s, has minimised the risk of being run over by a motor bike in Patpong. Before that crossing Patpong 1 was like taking your life in your hands. The dense smoke from two stoke motor bikes and tuk tuks before the latter were converted to LPG hung in the air like mustard gas over a Flanders trench. As you ventured out tipsily into the fog, motor bikes would roar past you on either side. Many never made it to the other side.

Edited by Arkady
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I would love to see some statistics in real terms of how much money Thailand is losing year by year with it`s every dwindling tourist industry.

Here are some statistics that show that you don't know what you're talking about. "Dwindling tourist industry" my arse!

2011 19,500,000 +22.00%

2010 15,936,400 +12.63%

2009 14,149,841 -2.98%

2008 14,584,220 +0.8%

2007 14,464,228 +4.65%

2006 13,821,802 +20.01%

2005 11,516,936 -1.15%

2004 11,650,703

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

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As others have hinted, Patpong now divides into unexciting ground floor bars with unattractive, aging hookers, and unsafe upstairs bars offering shows that only first-time visitors are likely to want to see. If you see an attractive dancer you are probably looking at a katoey. I'd say that the only plus at the moment is that the drinks aren't as expensive as Nana Plaza (also on the slide), but as soon as one gets into lady drink territory that changes. My sense is that the downstairs scene is fairly safe, but actually there aren't that many bars that catch the interest these days, and you can find yourself walking around the loop wondering where to go. As some have said there are a few Thai-style music venues and pub-style bars like Cosmos, that probably offer more than the gogos. I went there for four nights running in November (stayed nearby) and was thoroughly bored on my last evening there. A Thai business friend commented on the 'low quality' of what was on offer.

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Getting back to the topic ,Patpong is as slimy as Phuket, maybe worse.

Phuket is slimier. No annoying Nepalese suit salesmen in Patpong and the taxis have meters. Having said that, the place went downhill many years ago. In the 80's and early 90's it was quite a spectacle.

Balderdash. Phuket is a large island with plenty to offer. Although Phuket has Bangla Rd. in Patong, which is considerably tamer than Patpong, the Bangla ping pong shows offer harmless G rated displays of guys smacking a ball back and forth and not some harlot expeling the ball from a well used body orifice. as is the case in Patpong. Patpong is a depressing strip that represents all that is wrong with Thailand and it should have been bulldozed decades ago.People go to the Patpong strip with one sole goal,to participate in or to watch disgusting displays of depravity that would depress normal well adjusted adults. On the other hand, plenty of people that visit Phuket do not go near Bangla road let alone set foot in the Bangla Rd. bars.

Sheesh. How can one even compare Patpong,the sleazy fire trap of a strip filled with filth, with the big island of Phuket with all the attributes that a big island has?

Maybe any ingenues on here should follow the Geriatrickid's sage advice. The old boy seems to be an expert on the sleezier side of Thailand!

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I've lived here in LOS for most of the past 4 years and have never gone to Patpong or Nana or Phuket's comparable area. For the times I would like to do some people watching we go to Pattaya/Jomtien for a few days. I don't have much temptation to do the bar thing because I don't drink, don't like loud music and can't stand watching or hearing obnoxious drunks carry on. That said, I very much enjoy our regular trips to Jomtien to observe the goings-on, the variety of people and lifestyles there (and another great full English breakfast). But after several days I am ready to head on back.

To show you how much of a square I am, when I hear or read the word "Nana" -- I think only about one thing - my Mom. My daugher's nana.

Edited by Lopburi99
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You know I lived here 10 years and never been to Patpong, and I hit soi Cowboy just 2 or 3 times. Too me nothing compares with Pattaya, for variety, price, and quality of service. I doubt any Bangkok Adult area has anything on Pattaya.

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This is actually good news for Thailand. A tourist pointing out that there are other places to go rather than girlie bars.

I agree 100%...Why would anyone want to have the first impression of Thailand as a sex hole...? A shaved "gash" between some mindless womans legs dancing in front of my face, IS NOT THAILAND...! If that is what you come here for then just stay home...It's obvious that these guys that DO come here for that, have the mentality of a 14 year old...When I arrived here for the first time I too was taken for a tour of the girly bars and thought it was a really bad PR move on the person that hosted me...I have better and more worthwhile things to do here than watch some hard up women perform for even more ugly,overweight, sex starved, hard up idiots...Good luck to all of you that promote this crap...But I can do without seeing a farm girl shove objects up and into places in her body that don't belong there...Not to mention the amount of money those idiots spend to satisfy some unfulfilled childhood fantasy there mothers could not provide...

I have this image of you almost purple with indignation! :D

You must have been very observant on that solitary visit to have kept such a vivid memory of it......

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<br />
<br />Getting back to the topic ,Patpong is as slimy as Phuket, maybe worse.<br />
<br /><br />There is no comparison between Phuket and Patpong.<br />Patpong is 1000 times worse then Phuket.<br />The sleazy part of Phuket is concentrated in a small area while the whole of Patpong is just rotten.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Are you saying the sleazy part of Phuket is OK not rotten to the core.

At least in Patpong they are not trying to rip you off with jet ski.

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No one on TV likes patpong yet there are currently 600 users reading this topic. ph34r.gif

I LOVED it in the old days, but have not visited Patpong in quite a few years due to the bad reports and also general laziness.

Also quite a distance for you to travel just for a beer or two. ;)

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No one on TV likes patpong yet there are currently 600 users reading this topic. ph34r.gif

I LOVED it in the old days, but have not visited Patpong in quite a few years due to the bad reports and also general laziness.

Also quite a distance for you to travel just for a beer or two. ;)

Little of topic, but...Ulysses....travel....

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The only good thing about Patpong is the proximity to a Burger King (my monthly sin treat)

II used to cut through PP on the way to work in the morning and boy is it the dregs... but at least you can get relief before work if that's your thing...

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Did you ever stop to think it might be THAILAND that is losing its Appeal? One poster mentioned "slimy Phuket" another Nana before the prices and pressure raised its ugl head - Pattaya do you need any further hint when at least half the establishments are empty. As usual Thailand is the last to wake up Tourists like the frivolity, the mystique, etc they do not want the Scams, the Hassle, the one sided BiB - they are a moving to brighter and cheaper shores. (Sorry I forgot the most important SAFER)

Where do you get your misinformation? Actually .... Thailand tourism keeps increasing every year. Even with the loss of tourism because of this year's floods, there is already evidence that in a month or two the tourist numbers will be up to normal. That's based upon numbers of tourists' hotel and flight reservations.

And .... SAFER?? Yes, there can be safety problems in Thailand .... as there are in USA, Europe, Australia, etc., but after living in Thailand for many years I must say that I feel very safe here and I know of many places that are much more dangerous than Thailand ... e.g., Mexico, Peru, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, parts of USA cities, etc., etc., etc.

FYI numbers have been increasing for many years whilst per capita spending has been waning. There has been a deterioration of standards and safety in core resorts as would be expected but, truth be told, there are many splendid places opening all the time. In terms of occupancy it is true that many run on 45-55%, but this is often a seasonal state and many properties derive significant income from sources other than rooms.

Now I must go and prep my economic impact class for tomorrow ;-)

Edited by Scott
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I would love to see some statistics in real terms of how much money Thailand is losing year by year with it`s every dwindling tourist industry.

Here are some statistics that show that you don't know what you're talking about. "Dwindling tourist industry" my arse!

2011 19,500,000 +22.00%

2010 15,936,400 +12.63%

2009 14,149,841 -2.98%

2008 14,584,220 +0.8%

2007 14,464,228 +4.65%

2006 13,821,802 +20.01%

2005 11,516,936 -1.15%

2004 11,650,703

Whose stats are these? Depends who from the government or Hotel association is compiling them. There are so many threads running on here each contridicting the other. Record numbers, tourism is down, boom season, thai airways cancelling flights, Hotels only 40% personally I don't know what or who to believe when it comes to tourism anymore.

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Tell Chuwit you don't like it. Maybe he'll go there with a few pick-up truck loads of thugs with wooden clubs and steel bars - and flatten the place.

Imagine if he did that, he'd be an even more popular politician than he is now. He has an odd way of pumping up his flamboyant image.

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How did this article get published? It's terribly written, it's basically a series of bullet points. News.com.au travel section isn't real news, it's mostly advertorials.

It's about the sex trade. Definitely good for some clicks. That's all there is to it. I agree the article is retarded, for lack of a better word. "was dragged into a girlie bar on a hen's night" - well I can't really blame the girls in there if they got annoyed with the "hens" and their token men who were having to save western face by not being at all interested by the "nasty girls".

That said Patpong is indeed a hole. I checked it out last year or so for the first time and found it both boring and scammy. Bought some nice fake T-Shirts on the night market though, so that was good. Maybe it's interesting for Asian tourists? I seem to remember one of the scammers tailing me explaining that one entire road was only for Japanese and another place was for Chinese?!

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Tell Chuwit you don't like it. Maybe he'll go there with a few pick-up truck loads of thugs with wooden clubs and steel bars - and flatten the place.

Imagine if he did that, he'd be an even more popular politician than he is now. He has an odd way of pumping up his flamboyant image.

You mean like this ?


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I would love to see some statistics in real terms of how much money Thailand is losing year by year with it`s every dwindling tourist industry.

Here are some statistics that show that you don't know what you're talking about. "Dwindling tourist industry" my arse!

2011 19,500,000 +22.00%

2010 15,936,400 +12.63%

2009 14,149,841 -2.98%

2008 14,584,220 +0.8%

2007 14,464,228 +4.65%

2006 13,821,802 +20.01%

2005 11,516,936 -1.15%

2004 11,650,703

If you believe those stats, in particular the last 5 years then I suggest you do not have a clue what you are talking about!

19.5 million people came here this year! laugh.gif

Oh ma sides!

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Well, you have the old fag bars the next soi over on soi 4. Just old men picking up young boys for one night wonder.

What's the difference.

But that's a whole different story and not the topic of this thread. I am sure, given time, someone will come along with an article. Until then, we'll leave that discussion for another time.

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A few years ago myself and a few friends made the mistake of going into one of the upstairs bars in Patpong and were told only 90thb for one beer, then the bill came and they tried charging us 400thb each! I'd heard of this scam before so one of us paid (the total for 6 beers at 90thb each) and the rest refused. We were all big lads and we walked downstairs and left without paying a Baht more. The 'bouncers' whoever and wherever they were didn't come to confront us as I think they knew it would get messy. A couple of the lads wanted to have a go anyway but they were calmed down and we continued drinking in another bar.

Just a couple of months ago I returned to Patpong after many years hiatus and one of the downstairs go-go bars hit me with a bill for 4000thb after I had only 2 drinks. I refused to pay, was threatened and I stood outside, called my contact in the Police and let him speak to the old mamasan. After about 20 seconds of discussion she nastily told me to go and I left without paying a single Baht.

It's the only place I have been threatened with physical violence after refusing to buy something from the market too, way back in about 2001 I had a problem with a vendor there as I had to go to the ATM for some cash and he lost the rag with me, started shouting and cursing and poking his finger in my face.

A thoroughly nasty and horrible place it is these days but it is indicative of the way the whole of Thailand is becoming IMO.

Oh dear. Comments like that really make you look foolish. I'm sure the Thais were just shaking in fear at you bad farang thugs. LOL

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All I see when I go by these squalor infested little soi's is a bunch of overweight foreigners whose only hope of getting laid is a fist-full of baht.

Even then, most couldnt get laid in an all womens prison with a handful of pardons.

Very sad when the common denominator between you and the next guy is money.

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I've lived in both Bangkok and Pattaya - Owned a bar in Pats from 74-78 - Patpong has always been the 'rough & tumble' of ll th spots in BKK, The newest comer upper is Soi Cowboy - anyone remembers Washington Square and Buckskin Joes Village - they had class till someone decided it needed a name Soi Zero, its (rightfully so) closed now Washington Square has been torn down (could always get a fre BBQ Chicken lunch on Sunday) - back to PatPong - The Crown Royal, old Agency haunt, you can still see a lot of bottles with dead people's name on them around the bar, it has class, but it is also in the best part of PatPong, (the Entrance) and you are generally left alone - but lots of the gals(?) are older and normally 'husband'ed up' all have Thai or Farang 'thai' husbands, I know one that has four farrang husbands and three amer-asian babies - alwqays dropped of by her 'Pea Chai' for her shift. Sadly, I know one of the guys she is playing, but not ny business. Patpong has been the subject of many books, gun and heroin runners, remember the 'Buffalow Bar' spelled just like that, a lot of movies show that area, the ownwee was killed, hung by his feet and skinned (alive??) by some nasty Khmer 'business men' no fantasy here - BnB's called it a lover's spat, he was 250 lbs, his wife was about 90, Yep, she was able to haul him up by his feet alright, - Dont'cha know Thai girls are really strong?? - there was a time when you could travel from bar to bar without even going oputside, all the bars were connected by hallways, heard they had a big fire back in the early eighties. nd was the only poart of the ciy Katoi's could safely ply their trade - they were prety much persecuted anywhere else in town - Nope, haven't been to that part of PatPong in 20/25 years, no need, Nana Plaza and Pattaya are they only places I recommend - Oh, you can still have a great time in Soi Cowboy, till they close that place as well as Nana.


I expect we have had a drink together at some time or other.

At least one of those bottles in the Crown Royal has my name on it. I first went to Patpong in the very late 70's and met the owner of the Crown Royal. We became life long friends and golfing buddies and talk often. Saw him a couple of weeks ago in Pattaya and called him two days ago. The CR was a really good bar. It was a 'drinking' bar as opposed to a 'girlie' bar but Rosie still managed to ring in some lovely ladies. Lots of Australian Embassy, ex-spooks, journalists. gun runners, etc used to hang out there. I lived on Convent Road for a couple of years in the late 80's and spent nearly every night on Patpong, drinking at the CR and having dinner at Madrid, Derby King, etc, usually with the CR owner.

Patpong is still owned by the Patpong family. They have a very comfortable living from rental income without having to worry about building a shopping mall. I used to play cards nearly every day with a couple of friends at Chicken Devine. The owner of Chicken Devine knew Udom Patpong very well and every few days Udom would drop in, drink some coffee and talk. I recall him telling us one day that his rental income from Patpong 1 & 2 was in excess of one million baht per day. He wasn't bragging, just talking. He passed away a few years ago but his family still owns the place.

I sat in for Rick Menard for a month one time when he went back to the US. Had a good time running the Grand Prix, drinking Rick's booze.

I have lots of fond memories of Patpong but haven't been back in years. I moved to Pattaya with my family in the early 90's and started playing golf down there. No need to go to Bangkok so I avoided that little side show.

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Ahhh 73, 74, The Madrid, Kings Castle, Thermae's,

Grace Coffee Shop, Petchburi, .....-

I've even had Thais tell me that they were

a lot friendlier and a lot happier then.

I've returned to Patpong twice since "The Market"

filled up the street and both times, wondered

where Patpong went? :jap:

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