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syd barrett

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Has anyone (male) noticed that Thai women have massive pre-menstrual-tension?

ie. Bad crazy mood before period about 3-5 days before. I am talking really bonkers.

I believe it is due to lack of minerals/vitamins etc. because of the tropical climate and funny diet.

Anyone (male or female) have any bright ideas how I can calm my lady? Perhaps vitamins etc.

All sensible advice required....

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My TGF suffers very bad period pains,so much sometimes it would drive her to tears.. :o

Apart from the painkillers she would drink hot-water with fresh lemon juice,about3 glasses a day,said it helped.

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The other day on the sky train for Sapan Taxin I noticed a large ad. for “PMT Tower,” or it may have been “PMT Mansions,” I can’t remember. I thought that is not a place I want to live!

Try Prozac, that calms them down.

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Hi, girl's point of view here (you should try posting this in the farang girls forum, they might have some good tips for you). I am lucky in that my pmt is not too bad most of the time but I have found that times of high stress, or extreme tiredness magnify it greatly. Make sure your gf feels at ease and make sure she gets plenty of rest. Sometimes it is nice for a girl to just lock herself in a room. Hate to say it guy, but being kind and understanding doesn't do much good either! :o

I have tried a chinese herbal medicine called Dong Quai, it is one nasty tasting root but many people swear by it. Also, if she is on birth control pills sometimes it is the kind of pill she is taking that can make the mood swings worse as well. But, as you have pointed out, many thai women, I have noticed anyway, suffer greatly from it. You might try web md forums there should be one for birth control etc. You might get some good suggestions there.

Best advice I can give you is to not take it personally, don't react to her bad moods and do try to stay out of her way. But in a supportive way! (Hows that for an impossible task?)

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Sauron said something pretty important above. To diarise the events so you have anunderstanding of when it happens is a good idea. To add my bit to this, I beleive that a big part of these type of things is when the sufferer is not aware of what is happenning to them. For example ( and I may be barking up the wrong tree but its worth considering) - when someone gets hypathermia (spelling) from exposure to cold or elements - the first signs are often swings in mood and personality. So the people around you would be aware but not yourself.

My point is that if you are both aware of the timing and are expecting something to crack then you may be one staep closer to coping with it in a more positive way. In a previous life I worked with Autistic children and communicating clearly with them was important if they were to understand (and cope with) what is going on around them. We used to put up a chart on the wall - like a calendar - with important things marked on it for days or weeekends or whatever. You could do the same for a few months and see how it goes. Make up a chart with a targeted date foe the onset of menstruation and with also a shaded area either side of those dates to signify the 'danger zone'. Then everyday you can both look at it and talk about how you are both feeling. Get the idea. So when it gets close to the time and your g/f feels like shit and wants to kick your ass, at least she will understand why more easily.......and your ass will be less black and blue !! SBK tell me if this is rubbish or not ?

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Nedkelly, works for me. When I feel my mood swinging (unfortunately usually just to a down position) if I look and see its because its that time of the month I generally can keep my moods under better control. It is true, at least for me, that awareness brings a bit of relief. However, thai girls may be completely different in how they react to things. They are brought up differently and are often not told important things about their bodies by either their mothers or their doctors. I have a thai female friend who has terrible PMT and when I try to talk to her about it she doesn't seem to want to deal with it. Could be her, could be cultural. I just don't know. Again, your safest bet it first check out her bc if she is on the pill, many cause mood swings, and secondly, be aware of what time of the month it is. If you can be aware you are less likely to react in a negative way. And the better you deal with it, the better able she is to deal with it too.

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Another female view :D - most of the time my pmt isn't too bad, however when it's bad just want to burst into tears and lock myself away :o

Naprogesic is popular in some western countries for period pain relief, but not sure if you can get it here. If you want more natural techniques Evening Primrose Oil is great for reducing breast tenderness, but a hot water bottle on the tummy and lower back really does wonders. Try reducing salt intake as it doesn't help the water retention and fruit juices as they can upset the tummy.

In regards to the mood swings, the diary is a good idea - actually if she's on the pill then you'll be able to tell where she is in her cycle and what to expect (and when to go on holiday :D ). Seriously though when she's having one of her swings, best to be attentive to her needs (or pretend like you are) and keep your mouth shut - the less you say the better and make sure the cupboards are stocked with plenty of chocolate :D

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Hi All,

I found that all the cures or relieves were driving me nuts, because I had to practically stand on her to get her to take them. On her part she was in complete denial that anything was wrong. The only thing I was eventually able to come up with was to realise that I didn't have to buy into it all. It was aproblem when I bought into it. I/we don't have it now as she had to have a historectomy, after that it took about a year for the mood swings to change. My ex aussie girl friend also had this problem so its not just Thai girls.

Regards (and hang in there} Joe Strawberry

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