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Nobody Enjoy Thai Movies?


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This is very, very, very interesting:

Independent Thai movie, English director..  Check out the trailer and music videos:


Seems a difficult subject for a major public release.. but I seriously want to see it!



I've actually seen this movie as my Thai teacher at SOAS has a copy. It hasn't been released yet as they are trying to find a distributor for it.

It starts well but descends into a bad B plot movie. The farang who speaks Thai in the film is also the director.

I was looking at the trailer on the website and it looks like it's much more of a hooker story with a dash of ghost story to me than a ghost story with a dash of hooker - or is that just the way the film is being presented to get an audience through the door? I'm confused. Still, it's piqued my interest.

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I searched some topics about thai movies here but found only one not too old. And most movies that members were talking about were US movies rather than thai.

Nobody never watch thai movies here?

I'm the only one to enjoy them?

As I'm not in Thailand I don't have many information about what are the good movies, what to watch... so when I order some DVDs, it's quite at random. I've bought some good but some rather bad. I would have been happy to see more topics on the thai cinema here.


I saw "February" yesterday and liked it a lot. for once it's neither a ghost nor action story. it's more of a drama, quite a lot more mature movie than most I have seen. It's from 2003. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0370561/


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This is very, very, very interesting:

Independent Thai movie, English director..  Check out the trailer and music videos:


Seems a difficult subject for a major public release.. but I seriously want to see it!



I've actually seen this movie as my Thai teacher at SOAS has a copy. It hasn't been released yet as they are trying to find a distributor for it.

It starts well but descends into a bad B plot movie. The farang who speaks Thai in the film is also the director.

I was looking at the trailer on the website and it looks like it's much more of a hooker story with a dash of ghost story to me than a ghost story with a dash of hooker - or is that just the way the film is being presented to get an audience through the door? I'm confused. Still, it's piqued my interest.

Brief synopsis. Upcountry girl has 'witch' like powers given to her by her grandmother. She goes to Bangkok to earn some money in a bar, which she doesn't like. The rest of the film is given over to her acting out her revenge on the customers and the other girls in the bar she doesn't like.

One to miss, believe me. I only watched it to practice my Thai. It was made for £300,000, which I'm told is very cheap for a movie.

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  • 2 months later...

'Full moon party' is a nice film by any standards.

'tropical malady' not seen but was recently shortlisted for BBC's foreign film of the year.

I liked 'bangkok dangerous' and 'one take only' - although they show Thailand as a fairly gun crazy place.

'last life in the universe' and 'tears of the black tiger' are both good films too. Infact most sensible Thai films (i.e not the martial arts fests) are pretty good!

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