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Forget Gay Marriage; We've More Important Things To Do: Thai Opinion


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You're funny. Do you think your gay son will tell you he is gay when you are such a hate monger of gays?

Do you think telling your gay son you don't accept gay people, that being gay is morally wrong, that gay sex is disgusting, etc. prevents your gay son to be gay if he is gay?

How many parents want their children to be gay? Not many, I can tell you. Mine offered me money to go to a lady whore when I told them.

You're funny. Do you really think that I can't see the gay in gay? I can detect'em even the way they writing the posts here (a pcychology background and personal and social patterns, you know)....how can't I not see this in my own son, being around me 24/7?? smile.png

Mothers usually know, but you'd be surprised how many fathers don't.

Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? :(

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Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? sad.png

I don't know, snookums, but I wouldn't wish a father like you on my worst enemy. I can assure you those two fairie queenes from Trang would make much better Daddies than you (if they so wished), but they are not allowed to adopt under Thai law. A pity. Edited by Jingthing
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Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? sad.png

I don't know, snookums, but I wouldn't wish a father like you on my worst enemy. I can assure you those two fairie queenes from Trang would make much better Daddies than you (if they so wished), but they are not allowed to adopt under Thai law. A pity.


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Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? sad.png

I don't know, snookums, but I wouldn't wish a father like you on my worst enemy.

Of course you don't, my little sweetie. But, fortunately, you can't chose parents - while they can "chose" you. :)

And they can guide you to the proper way through the life....or not proper, and then you'll be at your own and MAY became like those on the picture from the 1st post.

A lost souls soaked to the "maipenrai" environment.

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Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? sad.png

I don't know, snookums, but I wouldn't wish a father like you on my worst enemy.

Of course you don't, my little sweetie. But, fortunately, you can't chose parents - while they can "chose" you. smile.png

And they can guide you to the proper way through the life....or not proper, and then you'll be at your own and MAY became like those on the picture from the 1st post.

A lost souls soaked to the "maipenrai" environment.

The most important thing parents can do is to show unconditional love. You're an EPIC FAIL at that. Surely there must be something in your religious tracts about that, isn't there? Edited by Jingthing
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Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? sad.png

I don't know, snookums, but I wouldn't wish a father like you on my worst enemy.

Of course you don't, my little sweetie. But, fortunately, you can't chose parents - while they can "chose" you. smile.png

And they can guide you to the proper way through the life....or not proper, and then you'll be at your own and MAY became like those on the picture from the 1st post.

A lost souls soaked to the "maipenrai" environment.

The most important thing parents can do is to show unconditional love. You're an EPIC FAIL at that. Surely there must be something in your religious tracts about that, isn't there?

...it's called honor killings, i guess!

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Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? sad.png

I don't know, snookums, but I wouldn't wish a father like you on my worst enemy.

Of course you don't, my little sweetie. But, fortunately, you can't chose parents - while they can "chose" you. smile.png

And they can guide you to the proper way through the life....or not proper, and then you'll be at your own and MAY became like those on the picture from the 1st post.

A lost souls soaked to the "maipenrai" environment.

The most important thing parents can do is to show unconditional love. You're an EPIC FAIL at that.

Bringing a kid to dentist is the parent's love on the way to grow healthy kid - but not their love to see his kid crying loud while on the dantist chair.

Pushing a kid to do their scolar homework instead of letting them play videogames is also parent's love - but not the love to bashing kids.


Protecting the kid from inappropriate ways (such as theft, roguery, sodomy, alcoholism etc) is also love. The "no-love" calls "ignorance" ("maipenrai" in Thai) at this step when groving your youngs.

Sometimes love hurts (but still the love) - and you must be kinda matured to understand that from the roots. Most kids start to understand their own parents ONLY when kids became parents themselves...Think it twice.

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Those are many good things, but throwing a child out because you don't approve of their sexual orientation is very, very bad.

Alcoholism is interesting. Can you teach a child not be a boozer? I don't know. Interestingly, the rate of alcoholism among Jews is very low. Why is that? Some think it is the exposure to bad sweet wine during religious feast meals while young. In other words, give some alchohol in a sober context (and make sure it isn't very good alcohol) as an immunization against later abuse.

Maybe you can try to prevent your gay son from becoming who he is by exposing him to some gay things as a way of immunization? Perhaps try gifting Barbie dolls and show tune albums. Just trying to be helpful ...

Something to start you out:

Edited by Jingthing
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but not their love to see his kid crying loud while on the dantist chair.

I wanna have your problems!

Just for 5 minutes!

I would be a happy man!

You should seek professional help!

For the sake of your kids!

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*Deleted quote edited out*

He's talking about the social acceptability in some Islamic cultures to murder children who do "shameful" sexual things, both gay and straight. This practice is itself shameful and totally unacceptable to civilized people.

Edited by Scott
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Maybe you can try to prevent your gay son from becoming who he is

I have no gay son.

(Yeah, and Michele Bachmann doesn't have a gay husband ...)

You don't know that, and if you do, the way you are, you will never know that.

Assuming you have a son of some kind. If not, never mind.


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...it's called honor killings, i guess!

Which killing? Do you spot the dead bodies somewhere near? What are you [continuously] talking about? angry.png

Dont act like an imbecile. Please. Be adult.

He's talking about the social acceptability in some Islamic cultures to murder children who do "shameful" sexual things, both gay and straight. This practice is itself shameful and totally unacceptable to civilized people.

What is "civilized people" in your terms? What way do you think you're better/higher/more advanced than those who not allow "shameful" sexual things"? Do you realize that the only animals will be forgiven to do everything they want at the time they want (so, in general terms - all of the liberacy\democracy is just the way back to anarchy and to animals there up on the trees)?

Ha-ha, now try to argue this. :)

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What is "civilized people" in your terms? What way do you think you're better/higher/more advanced than those who not allow "shameful" sexual things"? Do you realize that the only animals will be forgiven to do everything they want at the time they want (so, in general terms - all of the liberacy\democracy is just the way back to anarchy and to animals there up on the trees)?

Ha-ha, now try to argue this. smile.png

Easy. Those murder practices are barbaric. Objectively so. There is absolutely no need for modern Islam to embrace such murders any more than any other religion. There is NO defense or justification for them. I have studied enough about Islam to know this to be the truth. The problem isn't Islam, it is regimes like in Iran. Edited by Jingthing
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Homosexuality is common in the animal kingdom, it can serve two functions, as a form of bonding or to show dominance. In domestic animals it is often a displacement activity which can become habituated. Humans, who are domesticated hominids display all three forms of homosexuality but heterosexuals rarely spot the difference.

Many common pollutants particularly the phthallates are feminising hormone mimics http://www.ourstolenfuture.org/newscience/oncompounds/phthalates/phthalates.htm

Expect to see the ladyboy population increase and young girls developing earlier. Also expect the male sperm count to continue to decrease.

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There is good evidence that testosterone levels in the womb are linked to creating some homosexuals, which is why if your mother had other sons, each later son has about a 30 percent greater chance of being gay. However, it is very doubtful that is the only cause. So these bigots think it is OK to murder people because of how they are born. Like I said -- barbaric.

Fundamentalist Christians can also find religious sources to justify murdering homosexuals. Yet most modern Christians don't accept that anymore. Fundamentalist Jews can find sources to justify disowning gay children as this Daddy thinks OK. Yet most modern Jews don't accept that as OK. Same thing with Muslims. There are modern Muslims and archaic ones.

I don't remember the details but there was an excellent discussion of this issue, does modern Islam NEED to be barbaric because of what the prophet Muhammad wrote and lived, and the answer was a resounding NO! Of course, too many ARE barbaric and use Islam as an excuse. Poor excuse.

I highly recommend this show:

The Life of Muhammad BBC documentary

Aside from the hopeful message of the peaceful aspects of Islam, there is also some juicy stuff such as revealing the historical roots of Islamic antisemitism and the fact that Muhammad wedded an extremely underage girl.

Edited by Jingthing
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Homosexuality is common in the animal kingdom, it can serve two functions, as a form of bonding or to show dominance. In domestic animals it is often a displacement activity which can become habituated. Humans, who are domesticated hominids display all three forms of homosexuality but heterosexuals rarely spot the difference.

Many common pollutants particularly the phthallates are feminising hormone mimics http://www.ourstolen.../phthalates.htm

Expect to see the ladyboy population increase and young girls developing earlier. Also expect the male sperm count to continue to decrease.

very interesting reading, but it was last updated in 2006, is there anything more up to date.
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There is good evidence that testosterone levels in the womb are linked to creating some homosexuals, which is why if your mother had other sons, each later son has about a 30 percent greater chance of being gay. However, it is very doubtful that is the only cause. So these bigots think it is OK to murder people because of how they are born. Like I said -- barbaric.

Fundamentalist Christians can also find religious sources to justify murdering homosexuals. Yet most modern Christians don't accept that anymore. Fundamentalist Jews can find sources to justify disowning gay children as this Daddy thinks OK. Yet most modern Jews don't accept that as OK. Same thing with Muslims. There are modern Muslims and archaic ones.

I don't remember the details but there was an excellent discussion of this issue, does modern Islam NEED to be barbaric because of what the prophet Muhammad wrote and lived, and the answer was a resounding NO! Of course, too many ARE barbaric and use Islam as an excuse. Poor excuse.

I highly recommend this show:

The Life of Muhammad BBC documentary

Aside from the hopeful message of the peaceful aspects of Islam, there is also some juicy stuff such as revealing the historical roots of Islamic antisemitism and the fact that Muhammad wedded an extremely underage girl.

On one visit to Dubai, which i do believe is a Muslim country, i was take to a open public beach where after dark, became the largest cruising area i have ever seen, anywhere.

So many Arab guys, i think they had valet parking.

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So will you love your gay children just as much as your straight children?coffee1.gifwub.png

I have no gay children, and will never have.

The day one become gay, even sound it - will be the day I will have -1 children. I swear to God.

And yes - it is my task as a parent NOT to let them even think this way. Grow them in proper way, point them to a good directions I meant.

I can't imagine a parent disowning his child. That is immoral.

A picture where a men f..ks other men just for lust has a greatest morale ever, hasnt' it? Especially where the one is your son, regardless the position.

It should always be the tunnel not the funnel

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If you are quoting from holy books, why don't you quote something Jesus said about homosexuality.

I await your response, sir.

Easy cake:

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ “and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’” (Matt. 19:4.)

PS: Since when Jesus became a God, but not just his Messenger - to quote Him separately?

I am still looking for something He said about homosexuality. I'm not particularly interested in this case about what he didn't say about it.
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Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? sad.png

I don't know, snookums, but I wouldn't wish a father like you on my worst enemy.

Of course you don't, my little sweetie. But, fortunately, you can't chose parents - while they can "chose" you. smile.png

And they can guide you to the proper way through the life....or not proper, and then you'll be at your own and MAY became like those on the picture from the 1st post.

A lost souls soaked to the "maipenrai" environment.

The most important thing parents can do is to show unconditional love. You're an EPIC FAIL at that. Surely there must be something in your religious tracts about that, isn't there?

One of the most obvious and natural of parental traits JT, to show unconditional love and support for ones children. I have 2 daughters and no concern whatsoever as to their eventual sexual orientation. As a parent, the comments here by a certain poster regarding his reaction to his child ever admitting to being homosexual can only be described as going against nature itself.

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Some rather nasty off-topic posts have been deleted. Please stay on the topic and keep from baiting or flaming other members.

Posters may express their opinion, but exercise care and a modicum of restraint in expressing views that others might find offensive.

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