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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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these groups that sanction terrorism, invite terrorism upon themselves

don't cry when it happens

my advice is bomb nobody and nobody come to bomb you.

tell it to your group, your terrorists friends

For all Asians and peace lovers, you can clearly see that if you say 'bomb nobody', Americans will declare you a terrorists. I still stand by my advice 'bomb nobody'. Have fun with everybody around you and never wish anybody harm.

are your friends in the southern provinces following your advice?

didn't think so, they are the ones doing the bombings and yet you & they accuse others which is not surprising considering that the group you support practice lies and deceit

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Embassies don't put out these warnings without good reason. I think we should take note and act accordingly.

They obviously have picked something up, but what does "act accordingly" mean? When you act accordingly, what will you do different?

Avoid the meat markets, particularly at night. Most people would know where those places are. I'm off to look at the FCO website to see if the Brit Government has posted anything. The USA would not be putting out such a warning because it has nothing else to do. They've obviously picked up increased 'chatter'

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Totally agree!!!

The big state terrorists are obsessed with terrorism. It's their war, why do they have to impinge on other countries so much? They go to other countries, bomb the shit out of them, and then tell their citizens terrorists are out to get them. What a joke.

Regular warnings keeps the fear level going. That's all it is. If terrorists are out to get american citizens, easier to con the american citizens that their government need to fight all these 'wars'. And if the american government don't want citizen terrorists to attack american citizens, then they should stop attacking other countries. Then there'd be no reason to attack americans. Easy enough no?

Blowback anyone?

tell it to the thais in the southern provinces

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From the article:

Chalerm said the danger has passed.

"I want to confirm and I am confident that we have the situation under control. And I can guarantee ... no terrorist attacks will be allowed to take place. If they have disagreement, (they should) go fight somewhere else."

We can all rest now and situation normal.

It's that the same government that was saying, don't worry... you won't get flooded???

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The problem is, once you start telling lies (Iraq's WMDs) no one will believe anything you say in the future. These are not little lies put out by a rogue agent, who had a grudge or an agenda, they came directly from the White House (and number 10), onto our TV screens and cost the lives of 2,000,000 people, most of which were Muslim. .....And the clock is still running.

So any version told in this thread, however unlikely, is just as likely to be true, guess away lads.

Sherlock Holmes was only make-believe, so we will never know..

Once again, you missed the point, being it was an email sent to US citizens registered with the US Embassy here in Thailand. Nothing else. I got it early this afternoon, did you?

So what was the source of this email? and I don't mean Mr.Smith, the guy who sent it.

Maybe you are missing my point, which is that you have no idea where the information originated from, whether it is true, or some political <deleted>. You just got an email.

So unless you got it from the bomber himself and can prove unequivocally that he is who he says he is, it's probably not true.

This not Hollywood mate, where the plot reveals itself over 120 minutes, the bad guy gets killed, the hero gets the tart and we all go off for a curry and a beer.

No wonder you guys elected Ronald Regan, you really believe this stuff.

I am not being Anti-American, we buy MacDonalds, Coke and all this other crap in the UK too, the whole world is gullible, that's why it works so well.

So what? You seem miss the point again. It has nothing to do with US politics. They also send out warning emails about the floods or any other problems to registered US citizens. Get over your BS... I get Embassy warnings when they think there is a risk to US citizens. Maybe your government should do the same for you. But instead they make you send for a passport renewal to Hong Kong when you have an Embassy here... Brilliant! And I didn't vote for Reagan or either Bush! Which again has nothing to do with this warning or any other. Ignore it, no problem, it's up to you as to what you want to do with the information that was provided. The Thai government took it seriously and wanted to cover it up. How unusual!

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Warnings are often real, - and yet often go unheeded for good reason. We live in a world where it has become difficult to discern between truth and lies, what is real or unreal. It has become difficult to trust governments, authorities, corporations - and even fellow country men.

All for good reason! We are bombarded with lies. After reading through this whole thread - it struck me - at how much we are all confused and in need of - or desire truth.

I viewed an interesting 14 minute clip about the role of the media - both historically and currently.

It think that it is very relevant to this discussion / thread. Here it is.


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More on the Israel connection....

(AP) BANGKOK — Thai police were questioning a Lebanese man with alleged links to Hezbollah militants as the U.S. Embassy and Israel warned Friday of a "real and credible" terrorist threat against Americans and Israelis in Bangkok. Police said a bombing had been planned and another suspect was at large.

The warning comes during heightened tension over U.S. and Israeli responses to the prospect that Iran is going forward with developing nuclear weapons. Lebanon-based Hezbollah, which has been accused of carrying out terrorist attacks in the Middle East since the 1980s, is avowedly anti-Israel and widely considered to act as a proxy for Iran.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung said Thai authorities received a tip-off before New Year's of a planned attack, which was said to target Israelis.


And in particular:

At a late-night news conference, police later released a sketch of the second man, said to still be at large.

Metropolitan Police spokesman Piya Utayo said the description came from the man being questioned, who was being held at "a safe location." The man, whose name was not given, was alleged to have told police the pair arrived before New Year's and planning a bombing.

Piya said the missing suspect was still in Thailand, and urged people to be on the watch for him, especially in the Bangkok tourist neighborhoods of Khao San Road and Sukhumvit Road's Soi 22. He said special police units were sent to those areas to search for the man, who was described as the senior of the two.

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And further...

In Israel, the prime minister's counterterrorism office also warned of "a clear and present possibility that a terror attack is planned against Israeli travelers in Bangkok."

It recommended that Israelis refrain from visiting Bangkok, not congregate at sites known to be associated with Israelis in Bangkok and not accept objects from strangers. Thailand is a popular destination for young Israeli backpackers.

In 1994, an attempt to bomb the Israeli Embassy in Bangkok was abandoned when the driver of a massive truck bomb fled after a minor traffic accident. Several Iranians were arrested then but eventually released.

Obviously, no proof that they had violated any law in the Kingdom.... wacko.png

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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I've lived in the Middle East and when the US Embassy gives out a "warning" they have a "heads up" on something; however, the warning is so general and nonspecific that it seems like no warning at all. Just try your best to stay away from restaurants, bars, even hotels that are basically geared for Westerners. Personally, I no longer stay in the international 4-5 star chains anymore because they have been targets in various countries... Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Egypt, Turkey... the list continues.

Best you go back home NOW
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He probably just didn't know. The schools and Universities today, are in most cases, staffed by professors with their own political ax to grind. The fact that the United States liberated Europe doesn't exactly fix squarely with their agenda so they don't teach it. He hates America out of his own ignorance.

If you read a proper history book, rather than the Hollywood one you got that from, you will find the war was won by the combined ally services, not Ben Afleck alone.

It will also tell you that the Americans wouldn't fight for 3 years, until the Japan talked you into it and as someone else said that was 70 years ago. Perhaps we should bring up the Romans who invaded my country 2000 years ago, I guess it was the US that liberated us then, probably Charlton Heston though.

Get real, this is 2012.

Seriously. I tried to respond to him (I'm a fellow American) with this, but it would not post for some reason:

You may want to give credit for that liberation also to the thousands of Brits,Russians, Canadiens, Aussies, Yugoslavians, and countless underground insurgents from nearly every occcupied country who fought and died in greater numbers than our American grandparents and parents did. I start off attacking the Dutch guy for bashing America but then I end up embarrased by posts like this that say the "US liberated Europe" as if we did it alone. Really, it's embarrassing.

As a Brit - I will certainly say that you didn't do it alone! I grew up being told that Monty and the Brits fought back the Nazis with a little late help from the Yanks. Have read the history, this is, frankly, spurious (with a 'u'!). Without the US personnel (not just the weaponry etc), Normandie landings would never have been possible. Without their leadership and competence, we would not have made it over the beachheads.

BTW - You forgot all those Poles... Hard as coffin nails those chaps.

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Jan. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Thailand said it arrested a Lebanese terror suspect aiming to target Jewish sites in Bangkok less than three hours after the U.S. warned of a possible attack.

Thai police arrested a suspect linked to the Iranian-backed Hezbollah group, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung told reporters. U.S. Embassy spokesman Walter Braunohler said by phone the warning remains in place even after reports of the arrest.

"The situation is normal," Police Chief Priewpan Damapong told reporters. "There is nothing to worry about."


OK...so who to believe... the Embassy spokesman or the Police Chief.... Hmmmm....

And further...

The U.S. told Thai officials several days ago that two terrorist suspects had entered Bangkok, Defense Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapha told reporters. A car bomb might be used at the Israeli Embassy, Jewish places of worship, tourist companies and restaurants, he said, adding that Hezbollah was "aiming for revenge against Israelis living in Thailand."

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OK, in this case, contrary to my speculation before, it is sounding more like a high likelihood this is directly related to Iranian revenge for the nuclear scientist killing. So more likelihood they were/are targeting Jewish and Israeli targets in Thailand, perhaps Americans secondarily as to Iran Israel equals the USA and vice versa. Of course the Israeli embassy would not be an easy target but there are softer Jewish targets here you don't have to be an Einstein to figure out. Easier here than in Israel or Europe and as another poster said, there are probably sleeper terror cells long in place here. Things are heating up in Tehran. This ain't over by a long shot.

On the ethics of this, I can't personally see rationalizing the murder of nuclear scientists except in the case of an actual war. On the other hand, those are focused on specific strategic targets that are deemed to have military value. This possible revenge, we can assume is intended to be messier. What strategic war value do random travelers eating falafel have? The question I have now is has this war already started?

In any case, I would like to know this: Is the Thai army gathering in force at areas that are OBVIOUS Jewish/Israeli targets in Thailand and if not, why not? Not talking the Israeli and American embassies which we know are well secured but rather completely unprotected soft targets.

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And from CNN tonight:

Israel's Counter Terrorism Bureau issued a "serious travel warning" for Bangkok on Friday afternoon, saying there is a possibility of an attack against Israel tourists "in the immediate time frame." The warning says said the Lebanese suspect who was arrested is a member of Hezbollah and part of a group planning an attack in the Thai capital.


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He probably just didn't know. The schools and Universities today, are in most cases, staffed by professors with their own political ax to grind. The fact that the United States liberated Europe doesn't exactly fix squarely with their agenda so they don't teach it. He hates America out of his own ignorance.

If you read a proper history book, rather than the Hollywood one you got that from, you will find the war was won by the combined ally services, not Ben Afleck alone.

It will also tell you that the Americans wouldn't fight for 3 years, until the Japan talked you into it and as someone else said that was 70 years ago. Perhaps we should bring up the Romans who invaded my country 2000 years ago, I guess it was the US that liberated us then, probably Charlton Heston though.

Get real, this is 2012.

Seriously. I tried to respond to him (I'm a fellow American) with this, but it would not post for some reason:

You may want to give credit for that liberation also to the thousands of Brits,Russians, Canadiens, Aussies, Yugoslavians, and countless underground insurgents from nearly every occcupied country who fought and died in greater numbers than our American grandparents and parents did. I start off attacking the Dutch guy for bashing America but then I end up embarrased by posts like this that say the "US liberated Europe" as if we did it alone. Really, it's embarrassing.

As a Brit - I will certainly say that you didn't do it alone! I grew up being told that Monty and the Brits fought back the Nazis with a little late help from the Yanks. Have read the history, this is, frankly, spurious (with a 'u'!). Without the US personnel (not just the weaponry etc), Normandie landings would never have been possible. Without their leadership and competence, we would not have made it over the beachheads.

BTW - You forgot all those Poles... Hard as coffin nails those chaps.

You Brits never loose wars because you are on the right side. I am Asian/Thai. My Grandfather was Indian and he used to say we Indians will only fight for English speaking people. I believe he did not include America when he said this. Have a good time in Thailand
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The info handed out is still confusing. On one hand both was first sought after, then they where arrested yesterday, then one was arrested/asked to come in for an interview while the other had fleed the country...and now one is arrested and the other is still on the run in the capital (and more likely to carry out a revenge attack). Awesome...I am staying home this weekend.

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I just removed a bunch of posts and their replies as constant anti-american rhetoric. I will continue to do so without further comment. Further repetitive 'go home' comments will come with a formal warning and/or suspension.

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And from the NY Times...

The country’s defense minister, Gen. Yuthasak Sasiprapha, said the plot may have involved using a car bomb at tourist sites, synagogues and the Israeli Embassy. He said Israel intelligence agents first informed authorities in Thailand on Dec. 22 that two or three men were suspected of plotting an attack in Bangkok, the Thai capital.

On Sunday, the agents again warned of an attack, possibly set to occur the following weekend at a site popular with Western tourists, like Khao San Road, where many backpackers and other visitors congregate, General Yuthasak said in an interview with the Thai newspaper Naewna.

He said that security agencies from Thailand and Israel cooperated in tracking the men and that one of them had been arrested and was now being questioned. “Apart from this, U.S. officials have asked Thai officials to track down the terrorists,” he said, adding that some Israelis living in Thailand also have American citizenship.


BTW, the above account would mean the Thai authorities at some level have known about this threat for the past THREE WEEKS without saying a word publicly !!! I feel so much better knowing they're looking out for my safety...

And as for the suspects:

Mr. Chalerm told The Associated Press that the authorities had been tracking at least two men but arrested only one, who was being held in connection with possible immigration violations. “Technically, the two men have not committed any crimes under the Thai law, so we could only use the immigration law to keep this one suspect in custody,” he said.
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I got the warning, as did my wife. But no recall as of yet. Or a recall of a recall??????

If you scroll to the bottom of the alert, there is a note stating that "Due to a technical error, some recipients received this message - followed by a recall message - a few minutes later. Please disregard the recall message."

Kind of weird - someone went to the trouble of writing and blasting a recall, then the embassy withdraws the recall. Oh, to be a fly on the wall (or, in local jargon, "maew-mong").

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Well, I've read 22 pages of this stuff now, so a few comments:

1. An early poster mentioned the "martial law mentality" in the U.S. After living in Bangkok for a couple of years, I've been back living in the U.S. for the past almost two years. What martial law mentality? I've yet to be stopped, questioned, or restricted from any place, other than (for example) military bases and a very few government buildings (like the Denver Mint). I've visited a couple of state capitol buildings recently, didn't even have ID checks, wandered about pretty much where I wanted to, and took as many photos as I wanted to. No restrictions. A few weeks after 9/11 (when I was living 7 miles outside of D.C.) I went down into D.C. to some event. There was a military presence, including fly-overs, but with a couple of logical exceptions (like streets immediately adjacent to the Capitol and White House), we were allowed to go almost anywhere we wanted, without ID checks...and those few places we were restricted seemed very logical. The following summer I was taking a photo of a bridge down in Georgia and was stopped and asked a few questions...then was told to go ahead and take all the photos I wanted; turned out the G8 Summit was going to take place in the immediate area the following week, so they were watching infrastructure. So where is this "martial law mentality" in the U.S., I just don't know. In fact, I've been more restricted right in Thailand. On top of Doi Inthanon -- warned not to take a photo in one direction. Walking past the Prince's mansion -- forced to walk on the other side of the street. A motorcade -- kept from walking over a pedestrian bridge any number of times.

2. Why might Thailand be targeted (as was Bali)? Well, convenience for one thing. Close by you've got Muslims in the Deep South of the country, some of whom are not very happy; you've got Malaysia, which is predominantly Muslim, right next door; and just a hop, skip, and a jump away is mostly-Muslim Indonesia.

3. Why might Nana be a target? Well, heavy Muslim presence there that is well known. The summer after 9/11 when some friends and I went to Nana one night, there were several posters of Osama in shop windows.

4. If it were a real threat, why wouldn't the Thai government announce it? Well, let's see...during the recent floods -- the worst in many years -- the tourism office was advertising that Thailand was open for business. The fact that one of Thailand's biggest tourist draws -- Ayutthaya -- was partially under water, wasn't even mentioned. The Thai government has proven time and again that they will do anything to protect Thailand's tourist industry.

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BEIRUT, Lebanon, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- A Lebanese national arrested Friday in Thailand isn't a member of the Shiite movement Hezbollah, a member of the group's political arm said.

A Lebanese national was arrested Friday in Thailand on suspicion of plotting attacks on sites in Bangkok popular with Western tourists. The Thai government said it believed the suspect was a member of the Shiite group Hezbollah, CNN International reports.

Ghaleb Abu Zeinab, a member of Hezbollah's political arm in the Lebanese government, was quoted by Lebanese news outlet Ya Libnan as saying the suspect in Thailand was "not one of Hezbollah's members."


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The following appears to be from an Israeli-oriented news site...

Details of the investigation released by Bangkok, said that two Lebanese suspects traveled to Thailand with Lebanese and Swedish passports. One of the suspects is still at large.


Police Chief General Priewpan Damapong stressed that the situation has been "brought under control."

Priewpan said that an investigation by the Metropolitan Police Bureau and the Special Branch Bureau found that the two travelled from Lebanon and stayed near Khao San Road, but managed to escape when police raided their room. The suspect that is now in custody was arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Managed to escape when police raided their room???? Hmm... where I have heard that one before....


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Thailand was targeted for the reason that Israelis/Americans/Westerners enjoy visiting the LOS this time of the year to escape northern hemisphere winters. Everyone's having fun and their guard is down, enjoying the LOS. So when you least expect it, expect it!

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Here's The Nation's report for Saturday on this... somewhat sadly amusing, as might be expected...

Chalerm denies threat of terror

The Nation January 14, 2012 1:00 am

Following US Embassy warning to Americans, Thai authorities confirm arrest of suspect linked to Hezbollah

Senior Thai officials scrambled yesterday to deny that Thailand faced an immediate terrorist threat, following a dramatic warning by the US Embassy to Americans living here.

The Thai authorities, led by Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, however, confirmed the arrest of a terrorist suspect and admitted that security was being stepped up. The officials, however, were ambiguous and even confusing in their statements, and the US ambassador to Thailand insisted afterwards that the embassy warning "still holds".

Chalerm said police had detained a Lebanese man with suspected links to the Hezbollah militant group. In other interviews earlier, Chalerm had talked about two arrests.

The Thai Foreign Ministry and the police both said the Bangkok government had been on a constant terrorist alert for some time, but the situation was now "under control" following cooperation with international intelligence authorities and stepped-up local measures.

Unclear, of course, was the status of the person or persons in custody. The latest information indicated that only one person was interrogated and no charge had yet been levelled.


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I normally handwave our ACS alerts, but I do not remember one of this nature. As given as our embassy is to hyperventilating about every random thing that happens (while doing absolutely nothing to help American citizens as a group), I can't recall any specific threats about targeting Americans in the last decade here. On that basis, I'd give it some weight regardless of what pans out.

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And, yeah, the Pasdaran would be the obvious speculative guess given current events and the past history of how tensions in that complex relationship play out - but without knowing anything, it's all speculative.

"Chalerm said police had detained a Lebanese man with suspected links to the Hezbollah militant group"

I noticed the awesome shwarma place in front of Bamboo Bar was missing its friendly, sweatband wearing frontman this week. The mystery unfolds.

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