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Thai Bride Reject Threatens To Kill Herself At British Embassy In Bangkok


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British Immigration laws are among the toughest in the world,.

because tons of money grubbin' people like this one are trying to get in....hence the tough immigration laws.

Maybe the sex-crazed older men should stay home in the first place instead of looking for much younger brides in foreign countries?

I agree foreigners get the short end of the stick in Thailand but remember, as much as one side here is a "money grubber" the other side is "horny old guy who can't get it this good back home". It's a one hand washes the other type deal and if it goes wrong, it shouldn't be a big surprise. I mean, marrying someone (from a foreign country no less) from a dating website? puh-lease.

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He said she had another lover now. I`ve known of more than a few guys who married a Thai woman subsequently to find out that their `blushing` bride also had a Thai husband/boyfriend to who she was sending his cash! It would appear she`s a little bitter at losing her bekilted sugar grandaddy. Maybe she has been refused a visa as the ECO deemed her to be a likely flight risk once in the UK. He`s got to make a judgement call.

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man surely she can get there and do what she needs to on a tourist visa??? can't believe they'd deny her that unless she's breached or misled them in the past.

Tourist visa's for Thai women to enter the UK are not easy to obtain, since they are required to provide positive details of their financial and social standards, and this has to be confirmed by formal documents.

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Chr**t are we nuts in Europe,,,,this rag gets to the UK Immigration board and the European Human rights court?? Are we for real??? Guess who pays for all of this?

She has deserted her husband , has no intention of living with him and she has rights???? The mind boggles and blood boils.

A foreigner trying to stay in Thailand??

Fraudently stripped of his assets, usually by a Thai partner/"wife"...(see A Drummonds other well informed articles)

Thrown into jail


We have absolutely no rights at all here. This is just so unbalanced and so unjust for all of the foreigners cheated and conned and defrauded in Thailand..

In ten years I haven't been cheated and conned here and it sounds like you don't even live here, are you just banging a drum in support of the wasters who show up in every trashy article you've ever read about Thailand, goodness me!

Msybe you'rejust one of the lucky ones or you have plenty left for them to milk... wait till that runs out you'll see true THAI love... It was 13 years until I found out she had a Thai husband before our marriage, kept sending money to her "brother" throught our marriage until I caught her out sleeping with her "brother" in my bed... by a surprise return coincidently on Valentines Day. Ithought I would surprise her by flying in un-announced but boy did I get the surprise!!!!

THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!! Gold Diggers... three times enough!!!!

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In ten years I haven't been cheated and conned here and it sounds like you don't even live here, are you just banging a drum in support of the wasters who show up in every trashy article you've ever read about Thailand, goodness me!

Msybe you'rejust one of the lucky ones or you have plenty left for them to milk... wait till that runs out you'll see true THAI love... It was 13 years until I found out she had a Thai husband before our marriage, kept sending money to her "brother" throught our marriage until I caught her out sleeping with her "brother" in my bed... by a surprise return coincidently on Valentines Day. Ithought I would surprise her by flying in un-announced but boy did I get the surprise!!!!

THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!! Gold Diggers... three times enough!!!!

Fool me once.. shame on you.. but 3 times? dam_n bro! In any case.. just cause you have been repeatedly fooled doesn't mean they are all bad nor that others don't have positive experiences. I've been happily married for over 7 years and none of her brothers are ex lovers. If you are really in doubt you can look at their tambien ban or even just their ID cards. Doesn't take a sherlock to get to the bottom of what's really going on.

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Beautiful couldn't have said it better myself.

The reason why she is confused about these things called "laws" is because her country does have any.

Maybe a Freudian slip but yes, correct, this country (Thailand), does have laws.

Is that a reason we should do same thing as thailand?the difference between thailand and UK or Germany or Denmark is we have laws and rules,we normally obey them,Thailand is a 3rd world country,Uk is a 1st world country,that lady is legally married to a UK citizen,so she has the right to get a visa,whatever she did in the past is not the point,I stay long time in Thailand,but i still know what is right or wrong,i don't care what the thais do with us,if we do the same ,then we are also not much different from them.If that lady has the required documents,then there is no reason to refuse her a visa,moralic points are not counting,thais are not the only one who are greedy in this world,If you pissed off your Uk wife,she probably will try same thing

I thought THailand was around before WWII. Third wolrd Countries normally refers to Countries that came into existence after WWII not based on their economic status.

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Pretty obvious why she's wanting to fight her divorce in Scotland. Under Scottish law and British Law it doesn't matter if your wife has another lover, the wife is still entitled to half of everything you have. It makes it worse that the husband has absolutely no proof that she has another man. If she's allowed into the UK then Mr Kilt Maker is seriously up the creek. Divorce law is cut and dried, the courts cannot say 'oh because you live in Thailand we're giving you less money'. The courts will stick to the letter of the law, Mr Kilt maker will have to either reach an agreement outside of court, or go to court and lose half (at least). Anyone that has been through a divorce in the UK will testify that if you're male then be prepared to have your balls sawn off. She's just being sensible.

Under Scottish law, an ex- wife is entitled 50% of any assets that are acquired during the marriage. Money made before the marriage and after separation is not taken into consideration.

She is also entitled to 2 years alimony from the date of their separation; this is different from maintenance paid for children.

Another thing in Scottish law is that the person filing for divorce has to reside in a Sheriff court’s jurisdiction area for 40 days before the divorce proceedings can be started.


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In ten years I haven't been cheated and conned here and it sounds like you don't even live here, are you just banging a drum in support of the wasters who show up in every trashy article you've ever read about Thailand, goodness me!

Msybe you'rejust one of the lucky ones or you have plenty left for them to milk... wait till that runs out you'll see true THAI love... It was 13 years until I found out she had a Thai husband before our marriage, kept sending money to her "brother" throught our marriage until I caught her out sleeping with her "brother" in my bed... by a surprise return coincidently on Valentines Day. Ithought I would surprise her by flying in un-announced but boy did I get the surprise!!!!

THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!! Gold Diggers... three times enough!!!!

Fool me once.. shame on you.. but 3 times? dam_n bro! In any case.. just cause you have been repeatedly fooled doesn't mean they are all bad nor that others don't have positive experiences. I've been happily married for over 7 years and none of her brothers are ex lovers. If you are really in doubt you can look at their tambien ban or even just their ID cards. Doesn't take a sherlock to get to the bottom of what's really going on.

Wait and see...


and the fooling was only 1st time... 2nd and 3rd were out on their <deleted> when they started .....

Edited by jboras
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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Very nicely compared to how Western countries immigrations treat the Thais

Obviously you don't have too much contact with Thai Immigration.

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Once again, I'm surprised by the huge outpouring of hatred of many posters against Thais. Once again, it begs the question, if you hate Thailand / Thais so much, what are you doing on this forum?

To a certain point you are right - some forum members do genuinely hate Thais (and if the truth be known, they probably hate everybody else.for that matter), but most comments I've read so far seem to be anti-gold digger and not anti-Thai.

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Why don't they just call her bluff and wait until February 15th.

If she values her life so little and kills herself, problem solved.

If she doesn't, UK decision to not let her in is justified because she would have proven she doesn't stick to her word, making her stated intentions for entry meaningless. Entry denied, problem solved.

Not really... can you imagine the headlines if she does go through with it? In front of cameras and journalists? I can already see the headlines now... we all know how the media loves to print a bit of drama - it boosts readership immensely.

Personally I agree with you but this is a delicate matter for the British Embassy - bad publicity and all that.

They can not let themselves be blackmailed by every deranged Thai woman

wanting to get into UK or harrass an ex mate living there.

Entree denied on valid grounds, suicidal tendencies or threats of violence are good enough.

She's made her case MUCH worse.

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Well said!!!

I have nothing negative to say about the way Thai Immigration have treated me. It doesn't say much in UK's favour if the Immigration Appeals Tribunal doesn't have the power to overide the Airport Immigration officer's decision. I read it to mean that she had a visa in May 2010 and was refused entry. As far as I know you can't get on a plane to UK with having a visa Kilt makers must have a lot of power in Scotland if they can convince a lowly airport UKBA official to refuse entry to a visitor with a valid visa based on her husband's allegations. The suicide threat performance by the woman is pathetic but I don't assume that the guy is doing the right thing. I can imagine that if the story was the opposite i.e. the husband refused entry to Thailand ( and appealled and won the appeal but still refused entry to present his side of the story in court) there would be an outcry on this forum together with allegations of corruption etc. but in this case hardly a murmour

Edited by witsawakorn
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Once again, I'm surprised by the huge outpouring of hatred of many posters against Thais. Once again, it begs the question, if you hate Thailand / Thais so much, what are you doing on this forum?

To a certain point you are right - some forum members do genuinely hate Thais (and if the truth be known, they probably hate everybody else.for that matter), but most comments I've read so far seem to be anti-gold digger and not anti-Thai.

You said that right..... Majority are gold diggers! Good ones are rare but they exist. My 4th attemp has been in Australia working as a nurse and looking after my kids abandoned by Thai Goldiggers 1 and 3.... (2nd no kids) ....5 years now and still going good! SO we don't hate Thai's ,,,... just the Thai Gold Diggers! There are making a bad name for the few good ones... believe me my THAI wife hates them too ! more than me and she is more worried that one may get a hold of me when I am overseas working while she is in Oz.... Like she says .. Maybe you don't want but Thai Lady don't care, old, fat, ugly... just look money! She want...

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Threatening suicide is not the way to argue for a visa.

Exactly I think she just slammed the door on herself for any chance of a visa in the future. The risk of allowing her into the country is way more than anyone would wish to deal with.What if she is in the country and loses it and kills herself what would the ramifications be of that.

IMHO refusing a Visa to someone who threatens suicide,(indicating a mentally unstable person) would be justification enough for a future Visa refusal.

Not to mention intending to Blackmail the UKBA into submission.

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Agree - but this is now a new visa she is requesting - under the rules in which UKBA operate they need evidence that the relationship is "genuine and lasting".

I think they got as far as that on the checklist and just stopped - wrong type of visa.

The UKBA have flaunted their disregard for TWO tribunals that said their 2010 decision was wrong. The have taken her husbands word that the relationship was no longer 'genuine and lasting' but is it the UKBA's remit to decide if a pending divorce is grounds to prevent someone from entering. Especially if the woman's stated reason for visiting is to OFFICIALLY end the relationship in a divorce court?

I hope she does get some proper advice on the proper visa since the UKBA have the hots for any claims she may have to being married. However, if she obtained a UK Visit visa with the stated aim of obtaining a divorce from a UK citizen in a UK court which is her right since she is legally married at a Registrar in Scotland; would the UKBA find any other reason to bar her entry that wouldn't look like conniving with the husband to prevent her getting her legal entitlements?

They are seperated,and no longer living together,and the Husband has stated the Marriage is over,isn't that evIdence enough?

There has been a lot of speculation on what the husband told the UKBA,by law he must report the end of the marriage to the UKBA,otherwise he is breaking the law and terms of her Visa.

As she is no longer living with her husband/Sponsor, and the marriage is over,she has lost a very important key factor in obtaining and keeping a Visa. i.e no Husband/Sponsor no Visa.

Plain and simple,regardless of speculation,as to what he told the UKBA.

Edited by MAJIC
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Wow! This thread has a lot of traction!

From my own perspective:

Nobody I've seen commenting on this thread has any real intimate knowledge about this relationship. What really happened is only known to the two people involved, if indeed they truly know. This is all "he said-she said" and not to be settled in the public media.

Nasty divorces happen everywhere in the world. Thai ladies have no monopoly this.

If you think Thailand has a monopoly on "gold diggers", you haven't visited Aspen, Colorado among many other places.

The Thai Immigration authorities are no more, and maybe less, onerous than their colleagues in other countries. I've always found them to be reasonably easy to deal with.

What I think is true is that this guy made his own bed. If you've ever been through a challenging divorce, you know at some point that this is a fact you have to accept.

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And to those claiming majority of thai women are gold diggers - question: how many of the millions of thai women do you know?

If your answer is anything less than 30 million, or even close to 15 million? Discounting the kids and the old. I suggest you need to study and understand the word majority a lot better

And until you have had personal experience of anything close to 15 million thai women have tried to scam men, then I suggest you also stop posting such false negative allegations against the entire population.

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And to those claiming majority of thai women are gold diggers - question: how many of the millions of thai women do you know?

If your answer is anything less than 30 million, or even close to 15 million? Discounting the kids and the old. I suggest you need to study and understand the word majority a lot better

And until you have had personal experience of anything close to 15 million thai women have tried to scam men, then I suggest you also stop posting such false negative allegations against the entire population.

I agree with you, for example , my Thai wife has much more money than me, in fact she was the one that payed all my college education, but many stupids guys come here , get marry to bar-girls and after doing so they are surprised when things start to go the wrong way.
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OMG, this many grabbing Thai woman could bring the U.K to it's knees. Best to roll over and give her what she wants before she destoys the U.K. giggle.gif

Well just move the case to terrorism then it's a clean shot by law... would not be the first HAHAHAHA

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And to those claiming majority of thai women are gold diggers - question: how many of the millions of thai women do you know?

If your answer is anything less than 30 million, or even close to 15 million? Discounting the kids and the old. I suggest you need to study and understand the word majority a lot better

And until you have had personal experience of anything close to 15 million thai women have tried to scam men, then I suggest you also stop posting such false negative allegations against the entire population.

I agree with you, for example , my Thai wife has much more money than me, in fact she was the one that payed all my college education, but many stupids guys come here , get marry to bar-girls and after doing so they are surprised when things start to go the wrong way.

I not even respond anymore to the FOOLS. You only have to date 10 girls with dif. backgrounds to find a nice one even if she would not be your type. I prob dated 100, from skanks to 30+ year old virgins and still it's not for me to judge indeed. But the losers find a loser in a bar pretty often an start complaining or merry to fast for the second or 3th time. Not learn much. And yes I am almost sure she is stubborn and in it for the money in this case but make a better choise. The fool get's what it is looking for. Doh!

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Wow! This thread has a lot of traction!

From my own perspective:

Nobody I've seen commenting on this thread has any real intimate knowledge about this relationship. What really happened is only known to the two people involved, if indeed they truly know. This is all "he said-she said" and not to be settled in the public media.

Nasty divorces happen everywhere in the world. Thai ladies have no monopoly this.

If you think Thailand has a monopoly on "gold diggers", you haven't visited Aspen, Colorado among many other places.

The Thai Immigration authorities are no more, and maybe less, onerous than their colleagues in other countries. I've always found them to be reasonably easy to deal with.

What I think is true is that this guy made his own bed. If you've ever been through a challenging divorce, you know at some point that this is a fact you have to accept.

If we would all post only when we have the knowlegde there would be always less then 10 (or 1 sometimes) posts on every subject hehehe intheclub.gif

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Wow! This thread has a lot of traction!

From my own perspective:

Nobody I've seen commenting on this thread has any real intimate knowledge about this relationship. What really happened is only known to the two people involved, if indeed they truly know. This is all "he said-she said" and not to be settled in the public media.

Nasty divorces happen everywhere in the world. Thai ladies have no monopoly this.

If you think Thailand has a monopoly on "gold diggers", you haven't visited Aspen, Colorado among many other places.

The Thai Immigration authorities are no more, and maybe less, onerous than their colleagues in other countries. I've always found them to be reasonably easy to deal with.

What I think is true is that this guy made his own bed. If you've ever been through a challenging divorce, you know at some point that this is a fact you have to accept.

Your in denial.

I imagine your an old guy with a younger pretty wife/gf.

Keep living your dream :)

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And to those claiming majority of thai women are gold diggers - question: how many of the millions of thai women do you know?

If your answer is anything less than 30 million, or even close to 15 million? Discounting the kids and the old. I suggest you need to study and understand the word majority a lot better

And until you have had personal experience of anything close to 15 million thai women have tried to scam men, then I suggest you also stop posting such false negative allegations against the entire population.

But..................This thread is about a 68 year old western guy and a Thai lady 20 years younger than him so............the chances are 1000s of times higher that he has met a gold digger.

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man surely she can get there and do what she needs to on a tourist visa??? can't believe they'd deny her that unless she's breached or misled them in the past.

Tourist visa's for Thai women to enter the UK are not easy to obtain, since they are required to provide positive details of their financial and social standards, and this has to be confirmed by formal documents.

Very true. For everyone moaning about their treatment at the hands of Thai immigration please can you share your stories about the interviews, proof of cash etc you had to show to get a tourist visa for this country.

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When I get as bitter and angry as most people on this thread I'll be looking to kill myself. I'd say there are many old men on here who have been burned by bar girls and the like.

If you are in your 60'6-70's and with a girl 30 years younger than you then yes she is only interested in the money. At the end when she tries to get the money out of you then put it down to the bill for years of services rendered.

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When I get as bitter and angry as most people on this thread I'll be looking to kill myself. I'd say there are many old men on here who have been burned by bar girls and the like.

If you are in your 60'6-70's and with a girl 30 years younger than you then yes she is only interested in the money. At the end when she tries to get the money out of you then put it down to the bill for years of services rendered.

Younger guys too by the sounds of it


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