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Thailand Faces Its Biggest-Ever Rice Stockpile


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Look at the good side.

Better to have huge stockpile than Thai people have no rice to eat.

3 cheers for the govt.

Can the poor Thai's afford it?

Of course they can.

You pay between 30 - 40 baht per kg now which is B30 - 40,000/ton.

Someone is making a lot of money on it!!!!!

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Look at the good side.

Better to have huge stockpile than Thai people have no rice to eat.

3 cheers for the govt.

Can the poor Thai's afford it?

Of course they can.

You pay between 30 - 40 baht per kg now which is B30 - 40,000/ton.

Someone is making a lot of money on it!!!!!

Maybe the plastic packaging is expensive. whistling.gif
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Hmmmm seen to recall several posters lamenting the floods for crop damage while I was lambasted for saying it would produce more crops being so high in nitrates and various human and other sorts of fertilizers. Rice being a frigging a water grown crop the flooding never seemed to be so detrimental to me in that sense and I guess that also proves true once again it's not just the subsidy..

Whilst plants extract nutrients from the soil they also extract (concentrate) less desirable substances in the soil. Having seen the pollution flowing through my house during the floods I assume this will also be incorporated in plants grown in this water. Are any bio-assays done on these crops?

There is that and I agree I wonder like you what effect it may have in that sense but certainly THAT hasn't reduced production as many claimed would happen. Even all up and down the main roads here where it was inundated with 1.5 meters of the nastiest darkest brown sewer water one could imagine the center medians which were barren, dead and dying have mostly already come back at break neck pace in the dormant season, I'm even surprised by it since it was sun starved under that dark water for a month or more and those are not heavy water usage plants..

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Hmmmm seen to recall several posters lamenting the floods for crop damage while I was lambasted for saying it would produce more crops being so high in nitrates and various human and other sorts of fertilizers. Rice being a frigging a water grown crop the flooding never seemed to be so detrimental to me in that sense and I guess that also proves true once again it's not just the subsidy..

So we should say, YAY, for the governments mishandling of the flood situation.

Is THAT what I suggested? Or just your skewed way of looking at an up side of a disaster?

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Always thought Thai rice was expensive on the supermarket shelf compared to other rice varieties. Thus I think it betime Thai rice became cheaper. Alot of Brits would say basmalti rice is much nicer than Thai rice, and cheaper too.

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I'm probably over simplifying things.

But aren't there loads of people starving around the world? I've never heard of a global food surplus before.

Even if they give it away to starving people, think of the karma!

Thailand give away to overseas farangs? They only give aid to their neighboring countries and they already have rice.

Probably because they don't know where the other countries are! My wife is quite well educated, not university but all the way through high school and she can read and write Thai and English, but her knowledge of geography is appalling. She only knows where Australia is now because she's been there so often and can watch the map on the screen on the 777.

Totally agree, geography seems to stop at the Thai border, like world history! Thais will argue that they dont need to know these things to survive in Thialand, so they are not taught. I am glad I was, not sure what you get today though.

brilliant !!,...... dont need electricity ,phones TVs ,or cars,....but they make life better and easier, and thias like them ,........what a joke the education in thailand is,........ is there anywhere worse ? , the thirst for knowledge in africa and india is so high, why is it such a low priority in thailand ???.......seems to go against the ways of similar countries like china / vietnam etc too ,....... if it was'nt so sad it would be funny !!

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We have had butter mountains, a wine lake, so what shall we call a big pile of rice?

Rice-weevil Heaven?

See, same same Europe and Thailand.

Like Europe, Thailand should store excessive food just incase.

If Europe does that (stockpile butter and wine), Farang are smart.

Why if Thai does the same (stockpile rice), Thai are stupid?


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