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Thai Immigration Arrest 65-Year-Old British National On Child Abuse Charges


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If this man is guilty then he is despicable, and justice must be done.

I hope I am not alone in feeling some disquiet at the number of posters who seem to relish the thought that he may well be violently sodomised whilst in prison

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My boy would simply say NO to him.

But there are plenty of kids who say yes, it is a fact that most of the sex between adults and underage kids is consensual and a very tiny percentage can be classed as non-statutory rape. its actually a matter of education.

My god, what a naive comment.

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If this man is guilty then he is despicable, and justice must be done.

I hope I am not alone in feeling some disquiet at the number of posters who seem to relish the thought that he may well be violently sodomised whilst in prison

It would bring some thoughts of joy to most decent people.

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Keep your posts civil. Obscene and rude replies will be removed.

It seems that whenever this subject is bought up we are in the world of the new 'witchcraft' - the 'burn them at the stake' mob come out and wave their flags. It seems to bring out the worst in people. I'm afraid that there may be underlying reasons why pedophilia is attractive to some people (mainly men) but it is something that you'll find has been part of society since the dawn of history. Why? I don't know. But I feel very uncomfortable with the 'hang 'em high' brigade simply because it just seems so archaic where mob prejudice takes over from rational thought. It brings out the worst in people - usually in the UK (eg The Sun readers or those that like the Daily Express and Mail). The sad thing to me is its OK for these people to enjoy their pornography with 18 (barely legal) or even 29 years olds dressed as schoolgirls - so they just fantasize that they are with kids (this includes Page 3 of the Sun which over the years has had plenty of schoolgirl look-alike models). I think many people may be encouraged to overstep the mark after seeing all this schoolgirl type modelling: It could actually encourage people to go after the real thing. So some rational discussion would be welcomed.

There are boundaries. That is NOT open to discussion in my book. This guy has frequently stepped over the boundary.

I have enjoyed several fantasies with 20 odd year old Pattaya girls dressing in uniforms etc. I have NEVER broken the law and I would NEVER suggest that such legal activities would ever encourage any right-minded person to cross line.

To suggest otherwise puts someone in the same category as the scumbag Andrews

When you're acting out your schoolgirl fantasies, do you actually wonder what it would be like to frolic with real schoolgirls? If so, how can you adopt the moral high ground? And if not, they're pretty half-assed fantasies.

NO !

Adults dressed in uniforms are a whole different ball game to schoolchildren.

If you don't get that then you are missing the entire point.

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If this man is guilty then he is despicable, and justice must be done.

I hope I am not alone in feeling some disquiet at the number of posters who seem to relish the thought that he may well be violently sodomised whilst in prison

It would bring some thoughts of joy to most decent people.

"It would bring some thoughts of joy to most decent unthinking people".

The guy is probably mentally ill and deserving to be locked up and taken away from society to a place where he can do no further damage to any one, if necessary for the rest of his life.

Having said that, there is no need for cruel and vindictive punishment that protects nobody.

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Every rational being on this planet is a creature of free will. Even if abused himself as a child, the accused had a choice. He CHOSE to do this, and now must face the wheels of justice. Let the evidence point to guilt or innocence, then, if guilty, let him serve the proper sentence.

Edited by Gandalf8353
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The Thai Police don't see paedophilia as the problem we in the West do.

Most of them see it as a great opportunity for blackmail, and once they identify a good target set the whole thing up.

The only time they'd actually get hot and bothered about it from a "moral" point of view is when the victim is the daughter of someone rich or otherwise important, and even then the Thai way would simply be to hush it up.

In the upcountry villages someone messing with a rice farmer's daughter (even just touching her up) has to pay an appropriate financial penalty -as a proportion of the sin sot, the whole sum if he took her all the way. He's usually also given the option of marrying her, and even if it was full-on forced rape, the girl's opinion isn't taken into account much - she's just damaged goods at this point.

These are usually the factors motivating the girls out looking for farang.

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If this man is guilty then he is despicable, and justice must be done.

I hope I am not alone in feeling some disquiet at the number of posters who seem to relish the thought that he may well be violently sodomised whilst in prison

It would bring some thoughts of joy to most decent people.

"It would bring some thoughts of joy to most decent unthinking people".

The guy is probably mentally ill and deserving to be locked up and taken away from society to a place where he can do no further damage to any one, if necessary for the rest of his life.

Having said that, there is no need for cruel and vindictive punishment that protects nobody.

Mental illness is all in the mind.

Unthinking ??.....dunno about that, I had rather nice thoughts about him being bent over the urinal in prison.

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let him rot in bangkok hilton. then he'll find out first hand what it is like to be abused

Sad thing is that in a Thai prison the abuse we would have in our own countries does not happen. There is no getting it up the poop shoot or being made to perform oral actions etc. it just doesn't happen. To bad really.

I'm sure the Thai police don't give a rat's ass about this. It was probably the UK that got involved and the BIB were forced to react. In a new post I made in the Bkk forum I tell how I just tried to prevent an illegal act going on on craigslist where the people posting the ad are not only looking to host a swing party with prostitution, illegal Viagra, drinks etc. but want people to put 6,500 baht into an account before you will be invited to the party. I called the Royal Thai Police and they gave me a hotmail account to forward my info to which turned out to be a non existent email.

This is one of the reasons that these evil crimes don't get reported more often. I know I won't bother doing my due diligence any more after that.


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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

Excuse me !!

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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

And your a moron

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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

Excuse me !!

I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

And your a moron

Some guys know how to impress....hey Luddite ??

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Keep your posts civil. Obscene and rude replies will be removed.

It seems that whenever this subject is bought up we are in the world of the new 'witchcraft' - the 'burn them at the stake' mob come out and wave their flags. It seems to bring out the worst in people. I'm afraid that there may be underlying reasons why pedophilia is attractive to some people (mainly men) but it is something that you'll find has been part of society since the dawn of history. Why? I don't know. But I feel very uncomfortable with the 'hang 'em high' brigade simply because it just seems so archaic where mob prejudice takes over from rational thought. It brings out the worst in people - usually in the UK (eg The Sun readers or those that like the Daily Express and Mail). The sad thing to me is its OK for these people to enjoy their pornography with 18 (barely legal) or even 29 years olds dressed as schoolgirls - so they just fantasize that they are with kids (this includes Page 3 of the Sun which over the years has had plenty of schoolgirl look-alike models). I think many people may be encouraged to overstep the mark after seeing all this schoolgirl type modelling: It could actually encourage people to go after the real thing. So some rational discussion would be welcomed.

There are boundaries. That is NOT open to discussion in my book. This guy has frequently stepped over the boundary.

I have enjoyed several fantasies with 20 odd year old Pattaya girls dressing in uniforms etc. I have NEVER broken the law and I would NEVER suggest that such legal activities would ever encourage any right-minded person to cross line.

To suggest otherwise puts someone in the same category as the scumbag Andrews

Once you paid for sex in Thailand you broke the law. Age of consent is 15 btw. just so everybody knows.

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Once you paid for sex in Thailand you broke the law. Age of consent is 15 btw. just so everybody knows.

Just so everyone knows....it is not this for every situation....cannot recall the various ages now for various situations...but pay for play is not 15 most definitely.

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Once you paid for sex in Thailand you broke the law. Age of consent is 15 btw. just so everybody knows.

Just so everyone knows....it is not this for every situation....cannot recall the various ages now for various situations...but pay for play is not 15 most definitely.

you quote my post but don't see the point: prostitution is illegal no matter the age. Add to this the fact that the age of consent is 15.

How these rules are enforced in foreign and thai frequented areas is a different matter completely.

Edited by shatteredreams
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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

My boy would simply say NO to him.

But there are plenty of kids who say yes, it is a fact that most of the sex between adults and underage kids is consensual and a very tiny percentage can be classed as non-statutory rape. its actually a matter of education.

Given your "sympathy" explanation above, you have no way of knowing if your boy would say "NO"

But don't worry, its a "fact" that a paedophile raping your boy would be consensual - apparently most are! Probably non-statutory rape too

How does that sound to you?

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So many people (largely male) constantly need something to rage about. In many western countries, it used to be gay people who were the scum of the earth, 'an affront to common decency' was the war cry of the anti-gay mobs of the early 20th century. Then (and before) it was 'colored people' who were 'coming over here, taking our jobs'. More recently it's been Muslims and paedophiles, who of course must be 'the spawn of the devil'. Society constantly needs scapegoats to throw to the baying pack, to assuage their blood lust. To detract from other important issues of the time that political activists would rather not tackle. And, of course, the mob has always been used by vested interests to promote their political/commercial/power agendas. Sexual predation is wrong whatever the age of the 'victim'. And I see plenty of it over here. I wonder how many of the baying hounds come here because many Thai women look more childlike than western women. Because most are less assertive, and because feminism hasn't taken root here to any noticeable degree. I wonder how many kid themselves that they're really ok because their 22 year old girlfriend only LOOKS 14. I wonder how many, who call their small Thai wives/girlfriends 'baby' or 'my little girl' actually search deeply inward, seeking the real reason behind their fantasies. Maybe none. Maybe many. I'd suggest at least some. I guess I was fortunate enough to have had a life where my orientation has been in sync with the agreed majority. But I also realise it could have been very different. What if I had been born with a predisposition to be gay or non-white, to worship Allah, or with tendencies toward paedophilia? How would I have coped with the calls for my blood by the unthinking mob? Perhaps others should ask the same question before condemning that which they cannot understand. The old adage about walking a mile in another's shoes seems to be relevant here. If those who are different, who we see as 'the other', can bring out such anger, such ferocity, the anger must have been there long before the trigger arrived on the scene. When I was a child I was able to walk freely in my neighborhood, without fear, without fraught parents worrying about my safety because they saw a paedophile around every corner. Paedophilia is anti social. And therefore requires thinking people to find solutions to it. It doesn't need a mob. This person should be removed from the streets, for his own protection and for that of the subjects of his desires. But he is still a human being, regardless of the attempts of some to dehumanize those with whom they do not agree, and cannot understand. On reading many of the responses to this post I have to wonder just how many of the respondents have read a book of any substance in the past 5 years.


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"charges of statutory rape of a minor". I notice the minor's age is not mentioned. Now several writers have said they enjoy sex with young, but legal age girls. This is where the problems start, statutory rape means the girl consents but is deemed in law to be too young to exercise her consent. This age is usually referred to as the "Age of consent". Now in the UK it is 16 years old, in Spain it is 13 years old.

Here is a full list http://www.avert.org/age-of-consent.htm

As laws have to black and white, never grey, this age is rather arbitrary, as can be clearly seen from the table .

So whilst everyone can agree that with a 9 year old it is statutory rape (except in many Arabic countries), with a 15 or 16 year old it depends where you are and how the law is interpreted, now in the article, "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

Similarly in India, "India's age of consent for heterosexual sex is 16 except in Manipur, where it is 14."

So Just what age were these minors in India and Thailand? I am always reluctant to join in the TV witch hunt that always erupts in these cases without knowing more details.

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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

I wonder how forgiving you'd be if it were your child in question. Also, how you can be so sure that in this individual's case it's genetics at work. Curious.

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sick creep, as though he couldn't find anything to dip his wick in. Problem here is the kids are easy to find, some parents encourage it. (money again) authorities know where these places exist, mostly for Thais. Amazing where you never see or hear of any Thai child molesters, it's fairly frequent within Thai families. No excuse for this guy, he can't help it it's in him, it's a need-he has to be monitored, and locked.

We mightn't hear about "local" paedophiles as much as foreign ones, but there have been a few cases reported in the past 2 years or so. The monk (I'm sure it was up north/north west) who, with another bloke, was abusing kids is just one example that was reported in the past 12 months.

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Awe, poor Mr. Ashley, you're going to find out what it is like to be abused! I hope you back is healthy enough for all the bending over you're going to have to endure. I'm pretty sure they don't hand out vasoline/petroleum jelly in prison. It's inevitable, I suggest you just enjoy it.

I dont know why people always try to imply that these type of deplorable offenders are going to get shagged or raped.

---Dont kid yourselves.---

The reality is far from this. Most (in fact allmost all) will go into protective custody after being sentenced although they may be exposed temporarily for short times like on their way through remand before sentencing or before prisoner clasification etc or on a work relase detail etc. (if they have been stupid enough to tell anyone what they are in for.. if teh case has a lot of media coverage the accused is normally placed directly into protection regardless.

In protective custody they will be placed with other such offenders of a simmilar type and often with better (less populated facilitys) and facilitys better geared to rehabilitation *this is the real injustice that they will often get more opportunitys for rehabilitation than say a drug addicted armed robber or a late teen car theif. This in itself is terrible as it allows them to develop criminal networks of sex offenders. I am sure that rape and torture does hapen randomly to these types of felons however it can happen randomly to anyone in a prison and certainly happens a lot less in a dog yard or under protective custody than it does in general population.

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While I agree with many of your point I would like to ask where your get your fact about certain things:

"The sexual activity amongst men is disproportionately high due to the bi-sexual tendencies of Thai men, the numbers of homosexuals and the transexuals. Both groups are willing participants with foreign paedophilia "

WHAT!? Disproportional to what exactly? Most people have bi sexual tendencies to a greater or lesser extent also, but depending on their societies it may not be socially acceptable to practice them. Thai society is more open is these respects to most western societies.

HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST GAYS, LESBIANS AND TRANSEXUALS ARE MORE DISPOSED TO PARTICIPATE WITH PAEDOPHILIA. Being in the former groups does not mean you are likely to be a child sex abuser any more that heterosexuals.

"We do have a problem with paedophilia in society. However, I would argue that we have a problem with prostitution, the exploitation of women and the attitude of men towards women. This is amplified in countries like Thailand where we see extreme examples enacted in the most graphic, basic and disgusting."

You forget to mention the exploitation of men also by the gay sex tourists. Many hill tribe, Burmese and other male minorities or poverty stricken individuals are sucked into the sex trade here. The act of sex is not disgusting, nor is paying for sex, but it it wrong to abuse and take advantage and exploit vulnerable people for sex.

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Awe, poor Mr. Ashley, you're going to find out what it is like to be abused! I hope you back is healthy enough for all the bending over you're going to have to endure. I'm pretty sure they don't hand out vasoline/petroleum jelly in prison. It's inevitable, I suggest you just enjoy it.

I dont know why people always try to imply that these type of deplorable offenders are going to get shagged or raped.

---Dont kid yourselves.---

The reality is far from this. Most (in fact allmost all) will go into protective custody after being sentenced although they may be exposed temporarily for short times like on their way through remand before sentencing or before prisoner clasification etc or on a work relase detail etc. (if they have been stupid enough to tell anyone what they are in for.. if teh case has a lot of media coverage the accused is normally placed directly into protection regardless.

In protective custody they will be placed with other such offenders of a simmilar type and often with better (less populated facilitys) and facilitys better geared to rehabilitation *this is the real injustice that they will often get more opportunitys for rehabilitation than say a drug addicted armed robber or a late teen car theif. This in itself is terrible as it allows them to develop criminal networks of sex offenders. I am sure that rape and torture does hapen randomly to these types of felons however it can happen randomly to anyone in a prison and certainly happens a lot less in a dog yard or under protective custody than it does in general population.

So if you gain any sense of sadistic satisfaction in thinking that these henous offenders are going to get raped, vioalted, maimed or murdered, true there is a slight chance it might happen but it probably wont. In fact paradoxically they will be able to chat online in chat rooms network with other offenders extend their criminal web. They will be able to meet 17 and 18 year old male sex workers (sex offenders also) and exploit them inside prison for mutual benfits, able to tell that serial offender knicker sniffer/snow dropper/pooner that he is really normal and both of them will become a lot more comfortable with who they are.... sadly the horror picture that many of us imagine happens to these sex offenders (and police informers and corrupt convicted judges, screws, cops) never (rarely) happens and usually happens instead to young john the shoplifter in general population. The prisons need a shake up.

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I hope some guy in the prison he will end up in has a child and makes sure this sick man can never abuse a child again.

Now just take it a few steps step further...

1. find out how he got access to the kids, and once that is accomplished

2. Have a look at the back-alley brothels with under age kids being raised to become pros in the bars later, which are frequented by Thais pretty much exclusively.

It's always easy to point a finger at an Internationally known and wanted child abuser, is still doesn't change the fact that child abuse is a regular thing here.

Sorry for bashing... but this topic really gets under my skin.

No need to be sorry ,I reckon its quite a normal reaction from a normal person when writing about these low life's .
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