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Valentine's Day Curfew For Teenagers And Kids: Thailand


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Just curious....What if they will NOT cooperate, and STILL be outside after 10pm?

Will BIBs grab and lock'em all into the cells, or what? Is it a crime, or what? Is it a curfew hours currently active in Bkk, or what the hell they are going to implement by this??

What you think the police have to follow the law or something? You forget this is Thailand - the whole purpose of the law is to provide a weapon for officials to be able to arbitrarily extract cash from the population. If the cops say kids have to be inside by ten on days divisible by 7, then that's the law and no one can do a thing - or even think that they should.

Anyway, this is just a PR exercise just like Song Kran - all the usual underage sexworkers will be walking the streets at midnight as always in their usual locations, and the "normal" teenies saving their cherry for Valentine's day will just have to look over their shoulder a bit as they go out to have their fun, no one's going to the lockup don't worry.

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Will PM clone be registering her marriage NOW?

Why should she? It's perfectly normal and acceptable here for people to just have the ceremony with the monks, the only reason to register with the government is for legal and tax reasons.

It's especially common for rich people to avoid registering for exactly those reasons, and why not? Do you actually believe "just living together" to be a sin??

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You forget this is Thailand

Never. :)

If the cops say kids have to be inside by ten on days divisible by 7, then that's the law

Perhaps this will be "the law" for a poor thai farmer who can't even write his name without errors.

But cop's sayings are not a law to me unless it is a Law in fact (go get a copy of Thai Laws Code in the nearest bookstore, bro). I simply won't follow anything they may talk to me, but will follow anything written on The Book.

They may catch me, yes. They may lock me, yes. But they will receive the lawsuit the next day I get out.

They already got some. And I won.

This is the way to get rid of their "I am cop, I said something - so this is the law" for the whole nation (but just a few are following, regret to say). Sorry mr.cop, but you are NOT the one who creates the laws - just just the one who enforces the existing ones. And existing ones are written and well known.

Would someone show me the law "Teenagers must be at home after 10pm" on the Thai Laws Code? :)

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Correct me if I am mistaken but it is not illegal in Thailand for 16 & 17 year olds to have consentual sex, so therefore why is it any concern of the police if they do so? Why should the police be trying to contain/prevent a LEGAL activity in the first place? Or are they now the police of self-chosen-morals as well as the law?

Why are women wearing "racy" outfits any more likley to become a target on Valentines Day, versus any other day?

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Teeager sex should not be allowed.

At other side - there is no watchdog(s), so they WILL have sex. Not today - but tomorrow, not at parent's house - but at the dark soi or park, but they will. They will find the way and the time. You simply can't stop this. Just remember yourself at that age, and how less you care about your parents say.... :)

The only way to avoid that is the proper education. Something Thailand is lack of...so, BIBs wont change the things anyway.

Edited by alexakap
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Teeager sex should not be allowed.

Infact it is illegal.

Better lock up your daughter for that night, just in case.

Apparently it is happening in a LARGE % of the population.

"In Thailand, for instance, a survey in 1990 found that 75 percent of Thai men had had sex with child prostitutes"


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If police find anyone under 18 outside after this time, they will be brought to police stations for their parents to pick them up, he added.

Bullocks! Who'd bring them to a police station, who'd look after them and finally: Who'd pick them up?

Thailand, the hub of nonsense......... jap.gif

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Hi Everyone

Just had to make a comment on this and yes someone already remarked a short while a go it is the so called Parents, who we have to look out for also.!!!!!

Many, many parents just do not know where their so called blood children are and frankly many do not care or love their children and in some cases totally ignore them, in the streets or markets yes even 4 0r 5 years old. Absolutely disgusting.

Obviously ofcourse not including everyone and same same in any Country, but a strange time 10PM and yes often see children, not going to school and probably engage on various activities at 10 AM.

But when children often have so called Fathers and Mothers having boy and girl friends it is little wonder teenagers and younger ones experimenting.

It is just a sad state of affairs (and no pun intended) but children are going to find out about things on their own and yes a lot of things are natural, but like everything else to be educated on topics., but children will definately experiment right.

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Teeager sex should not be allowed.

At other side - there is no watchdog(s), so they WILL have sex. Not today - but tomorrow, not at parent's house - but at the dark soi or park, but they will. They will find the way and the time. You simply can't stop this. Just remember yourself at that age, and how less you care about your parents say.... smile.png

The only way to avoid that is the proper education. Something Thailand is lack of...so, BIBs wont change the things anyway.

Yeah fair comment, but not everyone was necessarily like that at that age.
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Good on the BiB.

It`s something as little as it maybe.

What many of you do not seem to understand, is that by enforcing these rules 365 days per year takes resources and money. Two commodities that is extremely limited to the police here in Thailand. What many of you are suggesting is not realistic and said in ignorance, in many respects.

They’re doing a fantastic job and I for one am extremely grateful. Much better than in the UK where young thugs rule the streets and the police do nothing at all to control them.

Get real, you people.

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Teeager sex should not be allowed.
At other side - there is no watchdog(s), so they WILL have sex. Not today - but tomorrow, not at parent's house - but at the dark soi or park, but they will. They will find the way and the time. You simply can't stop this. Just remember yourself at that age, and how less you care about your parents say.... smile.png The only way to avoid that is the proper education. Something Thailand is lack of...so, BIBs wont change the things anyway.
Yeah fair comment, but not everyone was necessarily like that at that age.

Which age (exactly)?

Most of teenagers in most of the countries are NOT virgin when they turned their 18th bday. Welcome to the real world, Neo....

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Correct me if I am mistaken but it is not illegal in Thailand for 16 & 17 year olds to have consentual sex, so therefore why is it any concern of the police if they do so? Why should the police be trying to contain/prevent a LEGAL activity in the first place? Or are they now the police of self-chosen-morals as well as the law?

Why are women wearing "racy" outfits any more likley to become a target on Valentines Day, versus any other day?

Promote burkas and ban Valentine's Day.....!

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Teeager sex should not be allowed.
At other side - there is no watchdog(s), so they WILL have sex. Not today - but tomorrow, not at parent's house - but at the dark soi or park, but they will. They will find the way and the time. You simply can't stop this. Just remember yourself at that age, and how less you care about your parents say.... smile.png The only way to avoid that is the proper education. Something Thailand is lack of...so, BIBs wont change the things anyway.
Yeah fair comment, but not everyone was necessarily like that at that age.

Which age (exactly)?

Most of teenagers in most of the countries are NOT virgin when they turned their 18th bday. Welcome to the real world, Neo....

Yes these days true ok
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As the step father of a 16 year old Thai boy, i can't say i have noticed Valentine's Day being any worse than any other day of the year. Thailand is a remarkably safe country, so I can't see what all the fuss is about. Thailand does not have big problems with juvenile delinquency. My son will be at home in the evening because it is school the next day. I'm sure the vast majority of Thai kids will be doing likewise.

The police here generally do a good job, and I assume this is a warning to the minority who don't monitor their kids activities, of the problems (like unwanted pregnancies and drug addiction) that can befall young people. Thai kids stay 'kids' for much longer than in the West, hence the age of 18 being selected.

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"Police to round up under-18s found in public places after 10pm" Excluding vip elite 'under-18s' of course. The 'DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM' defense will still apply.

"...WHO IS MY FATHER", to be correct...smile.png

That is what they mean, 'do you know who I am' my father is this or that bs.

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From Valentine 2007:

"Police in the capital, famous around the world for its fleshpots, will enforce a 10 p.m. curfew on February 14 after a poll of teenagers was published last week."


Or more general, more recent:

"No need for a curfew if existing laws are obeyed

By The Nation

Published on January 16, 2011"

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oldebellpedr #53

well I agree with your morals, BUT you are way out of touch when you say that there is not a problem with Juvenile Delinquency also you are very wrong to think that at 16 a vast majority of kids will be doing what your stepson is doing-quite the reverse. It is rife in Thailand at 16 a young man is indulging in most activities, and there are hundreds that are earning money in go go bars and beach rent. being here 31 years is a fairly honest view of most of Thailand. I would hate to put a figure on the % that are smoking-drinking-drugs of some sort. by the way you are on the right lines in your bringing up your lad, but I do hope you bend the rules at letting him watch the odd Man.U game, after 10pm. Not overdo your control though, because he may well rebel at some stage, esp., at 16.

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