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Blasts Rattle Bangkok As Israel Accuses Iran


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Stop buying into all the crap people and start looking at the big picture here....

The big picture is that a bomb factory blew up and they have Iranian passports and Iranian currency.

The bigger picture is that Mossad used Iranians to kill the Iranian nuclear scientists. Same kind of magnetic bombs has been found and used in Bangkok and New delhi and Tbilisi. Wouldn´t that be perfect for Mossad to blow up people and blame Iran for that so they can justify a attack on Iran.

This is not the first time Isarel use such method for covert/false flag operation. You can google the lavon affair so you can understand better.


The Lavon Affair refers to the scandal over a failed Israeli covert operation in Egypt known as Operation Suzannah, in which U.S. and U.K. targets in Egypt were bombed and evidence left implicating the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood; a textbook example of a false flag operation.

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Stop buying into all the crap people and start looking at the big picture here....

Well the big picture is that Iran is developing nuclear weapons so that they can attack their enemies, who include Israel and Bangkok taxi drivers.

I feel that this is totally unfair! What about the Phuket taxi drivers?

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In Thailand's lawbooks, it would be interesting the read the definition of "Terrorism"

They have law books?

Absolutely they have law books. At the end of each paragraph there is a notation "depending on how much money the client has".

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Israel calls itself the democratic and westernized country in the middle east. Any country that aspires to be like that just cannot kill foreign civilians or scientists. Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

Wrong. They are not "in their right to do so". Iran is the only one of these countries that signed a treaty that they WOULD NOT develop nuclear weapons and they are lying about doing so and therefore need to be stopped. There are no double standards - just some enablers trying to spin it that way.


The Israeli secret police has every right to judge whether or not Iran's nuclear program is for civilian or military purposes.

And they even have a greater right to then execute scientists who they believe are involved in such program.


Is that not terrorism???

Is that not murder sanctioned by government???

I agree. My post was sarcastic.

But many posts on this board, including the one I replied to, seem to view everything Iran does as "bad," and everything Israel does is "good."

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Allah indeed works in mysterious ways!


If 'it' was real, of course, and not just a deluded load of nonsense written in the Bronze Age, now followed by brain-washed millions around the globe....


I believe that the Quran was written between 610 and 632 AD.

I think it helps to hide one's ignorance by avoiding factual errors


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Man those Bangkok Taxi drivers are crazy: - Some guy throws a grenade at him while his driving blows up his taxi so he gets out an chases him! Got balls that guy.

In a similar vein, you might like to google Billy Connolly's account of the firebomb attack on Glasgow Airport...

I couldn't quickly find a transcript.


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I'm jumping in here without reading all the posts; has it been established what the Iranians were doing:

Were they assembling and selling explosive devices?

Were they buying explosive devices?

If it were a terrorist action, what or who was the target?

Was it in-house fighting between themselves?

Again, sorry if the above points have been clarified. IMHO though, it may be terrorist related to some extent at some stage, but what has happened wasn't planned; complete and utter <snip>

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Stop buying into all the crap people and start looking at the big picture here....

The big picture is that a bomb factory blew up and they have Iranian passports and Iranian currency.

The bigger picture is that Mossad used Iranians to kill the Iranian nuclear scientists. Same kind of magnetic bombs has been found and used in Bangkok and New delhi and Tbilisi. Wouldn´t that be perfect for Mossad to blow up people and blame Iran for that so they can justify a attack on Iran.

This is not the first time Isarel use such method for covert/false flag operation. You can google the lavon affair so you can understand better.


The Lavon Affair refers to the scandal over a failed Israeli covert operation in Egypt known as Operation Suzannah, in which U.S. and U.K. targets in Egypt were bombed and evidence left implicating the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood; a textbook example of a false flag operation.

Not sure what your implications are here. If you are implying that this was a Mossad action, then I don't think we would have heard about it in the first place, and second, it wouldn't have been carried out as these events have unfolded.

Where did magnetic bombs come from? If the grenade thrown at the taxi was magnetic, then it would have attached itself to the hood of the car (and not rolled off as reported) and you would have no eye witness account from the driver.

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Hey, just because these guys had a unique and somewhat strange hobby (bomb making) and choose to solve arguments with grenades rather then the boring old fist fight doesnt mean they are terrorists they were just going against the grain and trying to be interesting....

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Reality is that Thailand is an easy place to attack your enemies with lax policing and its 'mai pen rai' attitudes.

Thailand is lucky these terrorists screwed up their operation before they could do some serious damage. Certainly it makes the local security services look lax for not identifying this terror cell.

Thailand seems more concerned in protecting it tourist industry than locals and foreigners? Its advisories show this?

My advice would be to aviod areas frequented by foreigners. Stick to the Thai areas that wont be targeted and that foreign terrorists wont know about.

Edited by MaiChai
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Stop buying into all the crap people and start looking at the big picture here....

The big picture is that a bomb factory blew up and they have Iranian passports and Iranian currency.

The bigger picture is that Mossad used Iranians to kill the Iranian nuclear scientists. Same kind of magnetic bombs has been found and used in Bangkok and New delhi and Tbilisi. Wouldn´t that be perfect for Mossad to blow up people and blame Iran for that so they can justify a attack on Iran.

This is not the first time Isarel use such method for covert/false flag operation. You can google the lavon affair so you can understand better.


The Lavon Affair refers to the scandal over a failed Israeli covert operation in Egypt known as Operation Suzannah, in which U.S. and U.K. targets in Egypt were bombed and evidence left implicating the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood; a textbook example of a false flag operation.

Not sure what your implications are here. If you are implying that this was a Mossad action, then I don't think we would have heard about it in the first place, and second, it wouldn't have been carried out as these events have unfolded.

Where did magnetic bombs come from? If the grenade thrown at the taxi was magnetic, then it would have attached itself to the hood of the car (and not rolled off as reported) and you would have no eye witness account from the driver.

According to police, magnetic bombs has been found in the rented house.

Why wouldn´t we have heard about it?

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It would seem that the police in attendance have very conflicting reports of exactly what happened and in which sequence, therefore it's hardly surprising that the government are somewhat confused with what info to put out to the public, after all they rely on the {now please don't laugh} security services for an update.

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Unbelievable Thailand.

How long until they start commenting on everything is under control, and worrying about tourism numbers?

They'll probably let the one in custody out on bail and give him his c4 and grenades back because of a lack of evidence they were planning terror attacks, 55555. Unbelievable Thailand
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Reality is that Thailand is an easy place to attack your enemies with lax policing and its 'mai pen rai' attitudes.

Thailand is lucky these terrorists screwed up their operation before they could do some serious damage. Certainly it makes the local security services look lax for not identifying this terror cell.

Thailand seems more concerned in protecting it tourist industry than locals and foreigners? Its advisories show this?

My advice would be to aviod areas frequented by foreigners. Stick to the Thai areas that wont be targeted and that foreign terrorists wont know about.

Sage Advice, MaiChai.

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Maybe just nothing or...

Less than a month ago, a girl with a private number calls me regarding an add I've put on the internet for a available house to rent soi 77. As she had an accent that I couldn't determine, I told her to call the other number as I thought she was Thai. The other number is my ex and never got a call...

Coincidence ? Hopefully !

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I see an opportunity here, (But not one I'll take up myself)

Forget the horses and football pools, how about laying bets on seeing who kills more this year, the van/mimi-bus drivers, or Iranian bombers. Or should we include all Muslims with explosives? What's the count so far? .. if we include the mad-arse seperatists in the South. ...

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Quote from channelnewsasia


BANGKOK: Iranian suspects behind a failed attack in Bangkok aimed to assassinate Israeli diplomats, a Thai official said Wednesday, in the third bomb plot to shake world capitals this week.


"These three Iranian men are an assassination team and their targets were Israeli diplomats including the ambassador," a senior Thai intelligence official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Individuals appeared to be the target of the botched plot as the devices were not powerful enough to cause large-scale damage, said Thailand's National Security Council chief Wichean Potephosree.

Doesn't these quotes say all and all the "no terrorist attack bla bla bla..." b.s. is just for the uneducted people here in Thailand that are not able to make an neutral opinion based also on international media outlets (lack of english unfortunately)

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Allah indeed works in mysterious ways!


If 'it' was real, of course, and not just a deluded load of nonsense written in the Bronze Age, now followed by brain-washed millions around the globe....


I believe that the Quran was written between 610 and 632 AD.

I think it helps to hide one's ignorance by avoiding factual errors


Wrong, He was not referring to when the quran was written.

He was referring to the Jewish Torah that the quran plagiarizes.

So he is correct.

Edited by z12
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Stop buying into all the crap people and start looking at the big picture here....

Well the big picture is that Iran is developing nuclear weapons so that they can attack their enemies, who include Israel and Bangkok taxi drivers.

I wish they'd add tuktuk and jet ski scammers to their target lists
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You sound like a real barrel of laughs to live with Mr shorts.

So muslim's desire to convert the whole world to muslim, including you and me, at any cost, is not objectional then. Glad we got that clear.

Some Muslims are violent - this is not a reflection on the religion itself, nor the majority of its believers who are peaceful and reasonable people who respect other religions and freedom of worship.

Independently of the violence aspect - if you object to evangelism I hope you feel the same way about the Christian, Mormon, 7th Day etc knocking on doors, trying to brainwash kids etc all around the world.

And with regard to violence, which countries sees the most murders, shootings etc as a percentage of the population - what you'll find there is a rabid belief in the most irrational Christian sects.

IMO eliminate all the organized monotheistic religions and the world would be a better place.

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I see an opportunity here, (But not one I'll take up myself)

Forget the horses and football pools, how about laying bets on seeing who kills more this year, the van/mimi-bus drivers, or Iranian bombers. Or should we include all Muslims with explosives? What's the count so far? .. if we include the mad-arse seperatists in the South. ...

Indeed. Before everyone starts panicking and thinking with their brainstem it is worth remembering that you are more likely to die in a traffic accident than by a terrorist - by many orders of magnitude.

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Quote from channelnewsasia


BANGKOK: Iranian suspects behind a failed attack in Bangkok aimed to assassinate Israeli diplomats, a Thai official said Wednesday, in the third bomb plot to shake world capitals this week.


"These three Iranian men are an assassination team and their targets were Israeli diplomats including the ambassador," a senior Thai intelligence official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Individuals appeared to be the target of the botched plot as the devices were not powerful enough to cause large-scale damage, said Thailand's National Security Council chief Wichean Potephosree.

Doesn't these quotes say all and all the "no terrorist attack bla bla bla..." b.s. is just for the uneducted people here in Thailand that are not able to make an neutral opinion based also on international media outlets (lack of english unfortunately)

I see Wichean conviently failed to mention the C4 that was found in the terrorists rented house. 1.5 pounds can completely destroy a truck. I suppose this is not large scale damage in Thai terms.

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The essence of terrorism is its unpredictability.

Usually all the measures that are taken in the face of it amount to "locking the stable door after the horse is stolen". They deter future terrorists from using exactly the same method in the same place.

Not effective, but they give the public, who sees these measures and thinks that at least something is being done about it, a certain amount of consolation. Rest assured that the authorities are doing the best they can.

I have rested.
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Muslims ................ are peaceful and reasonable people who respect other religions and freedom of worship


Yeah right...try to set up any 'house of worship' in a Muslim country and see how you fare...!

I used to go to St Mary's Church in Dubai. It was very popular with the Filippinas.


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I see an opportunity here, (But not one I'll take up myself)

Forget the horses and football pools, how about laying bets on seeing who kills more this year, the van/mimi-bus drivers, or Iranian bombers. Or should we include all Muslims with explosives? What's the count so far? .. if we include the mad-arse seperatists in the South. ...

Indeed. Before everyone starts panicking and thinking with their brainstem it is worth remembering that you are more likely to die in a traffic accident than by a terrorist - by many orders of magnitude.

Not if you carry grenades in your pocket.


Unless you give up the pocket billiards...

Edited by StreetCowboy
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