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Female Thai Student Claims Lecturer Gives Attractive Students Better Grades


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Probably a waste of time trying to lift the intellectual (not to mention ethical) tone of this discussion but here goes:


4. The teacher is obviously a completely unethical idiot and deserves to be kicked out. However, he reflects the moral standards of the surrounding community and culture.


Based on your first comment regarding being ethical, I am going to assume that you simply forgot to add some kind of qualifier or conditional phrase to the beginning of #4 such as "If these accusations are true...:"

Edited by Nisa
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It's quite possible that it's happening and the teacher is in too much denial to see his own behaviour. It might also be very hard to prove without the support of the very students the behaviour is affecting.

It also happens to guys. When I was in a class with an open and very obviously gay professor in college, on one of the major papers for the course I only got a 'C' mainly because the professor didn't like my choice of topic- another professor in the same department thought the paper was great. In the same class, a guy whom I knew was dyslexic *and* lazy and could barely string a paragraph together got an 'A'. The main difference? He was one of the most handsome (straight) guys in the class.

Since my overall grade in that class was ok, I didn't bother to complain but I never took another class from or spoke to that professor again. Neither was he re-hired at the end of that contract (he was an Associate Professor without tenure)- I figured that there must have been trends noticed and karma had worked itself out.

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My guess is this student has some legitimate complaints but none that rise to the level of sexual harassment claims be levied against the teacher. It appears at this time she is the only one to complain even though the other students have been told they can come forward with reports of misconduct anonymously. However, I have no doubt more attractive people (both males and females) often get treated differently in life. Again only guessing based on assumptions from the article but I would think this is a good thing to be discussed at the school to make teachers more aware that they need to consciously be aware of how their libido may control their giving some people more attention than others. On the other hand, unless there is truly gross misconduct going on, somebody should tell this student, "welcome to the world of being an adult where things are not fair and the rich, powerful and attractive people get treated differently" but more power to her for bringing this up and making a complaint as long as she isn't exaggerating or making up some details (inappropriate touching) to help build her case.

It may also be the way the article was written but I do find it a little odd that she claims the better looking girls are getting treated better but then in the same claim it appears it is the better looking girls being sexually harassed. Also a but curious how a teacher can give better grades for being attractive if grades are largely based on test results.

I am glad this is going to be discussed at the school and make teacher more aware of their actions but hope the results are not tarnishing the name of a good teacher or having this girl become an outcast to her peers and staff. But we just really don't know, could be this teacher is doing a lot more bad stuff this girls doesn't even know about and her complaint will cause other students to come forward but somehow I doubt this is the case ... probably just a teacher who easily is sucked in to the attention a pretty and sexy young girl gives him causing him to in fact pay more attention to these "prettier" students.

"Also a but curious how a teacher can give better grades for being attractive if grades are largely based on test results."

I have seen teachers do this so this a common practice at some if not most schools. It is easy to fix a grade. And who would argue?

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Good on her for trying to improve the system and calling out the bad behaviour. Thailand will never "DEVELOP" without people willing to upset the status quo.

I am just finishing grad school and have seen often how the girls like to make themselves look appealing. If they want to flaunt it, good on them. If the Lecherous Lecturers buys into it, shame on them. But this is the real world. No opt outs except the obvious. So in the words of the beatles, "Let it be".

gotta love it. good for the students to use their bodies and looks to achieve higher grades, but shame on the teacher... back to school for u bud.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Do women really use sex to get what they wan't???

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If you've ever had a sexual harrasment complaint lodged against you ,I can tell you this , you don't stand much of a chance of being found innocent,

at least in my dealings with Equal Opp. Employment COMISSION IN USA! A female cook claimed after she was fired for stealing a bottle of Cristal , and after a waitress tells me , she caught here doing it before!

.Even with that the person who contacted me , told me if I chose to fight her in court, I'd lose , I guess today's technology I could have had her on film, but not 25yrs.ago.What was the worse part was she was ugly beyond ever having even a passing thought !!! Her claim was I was following her in the restaurant , lol , that's cause we suspected her as our thief , which I caught and fired her amongst witnesses. Her husband got fired for pulling a knife on another restaurant's owner , the owner in return pulled his registered 38 S&W, and told the cook : What a dumbfrack pulling a knife in a gunfight ! I never was sure if he said it first but a movie line came after, for sure!

All I had to do was let her collect un-employment insurance , I really wanted to fight , but the legal fees would only make it costlier .sans justice !!!!!

I have no doubt that both sides in schools have trade 4 grade, I really believe Prostitution needs to be legalized to protect both worker and clients both,

but it's crazy how SEX has become a really viable commodity; especially in the see - it - all virtual&live performers ... on-line x-videos....So could this be a jealous or rebuked student , it really isn't the accuser who is always innocent. If other students corroborate the accusations , then there might be cause for action.

Much to much rush to judgement these days , that innocents on both sides suffer .BB

Edited by metisdead
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If you've ever had a sexual harrasment complaint lodged against you ,I can tell you this , you don't stand much of a chance of being found innocent,

at least in my dealings with Equal Opp. Employment COMISSION IN USA! A female cook claimed after she was fired for stealing a bottle of Cristal , and after a waitress tells me , she caught here doing it before!

.Even with that the person who contacted me , told me if I chose to fight her in court, I'd lose , I guess today's technology I could have had her on film, but not 25yrs.ago.What was the worse part was she was ugly beyond ever having even a passing thought !!! Her claim was I was following her in the restaurant , lol , that's cause we suspected her as our thief , which I caught and fired her amongst witnesses. Her husband got fired for pulling a knife on another restaurant's owner , the owner in return pulled his registered 38 S&W, and told the cook : What a dumbfrack pulling a knife in a gunfight ! I never was sure if he said it first but a movie line came after, for sure!

All I had to do was let her collect un-employment insurance , I really wanted to fight , but the legal fees would only make it costlier .sans justice !!!!!

I have no doubt that both sides in schools have trade 4 grade, I really believe Prostitution needs to be legalized to protect both worker and clients both,

but it's crazy how SEX has become a really viable commodity; especially in the see - it - all virtual&live performers ... on-line x-videos....So could this be a jealous or rebuked student , it really isn't the accuser who is always innocent. If other students corroborate the accusations , then there might be cause for action.

Much to much rush to judgement these days , that innocents on both sides suffer .BB

In sexual harrassment cases the accused must prove that his/her intentions were not malicous and a case is determined on the grounds of probability and not beyond all reasonable doubt. So if it probably happened then it did happen unless you can prove otherwise. it is hard to prove that the other person was not offended by your actions/advances because only they know what thier mind holds. Anyway straying a little off topic.

In regards to the topic at hand I am sure that some people would offer sexual favours if it means passing or failing (Can you fail Thailand?) or graduating with honours or just falling over the line. The end result is thier employment prospects. If a student offers sexual favours it is a form of prostitution. If an instructor accepts the favours or even suggests such favours himself/herself then it is totally unacceptable and they should be removed from thier position as it is corruption not to mention totally unethical.

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Chuangchote is hesitate to launch an official investigation into the sexual harassment allegation fearing it could hurt the university's image if it was proven to be groundless.

What sort of backwards logic is that?

Whether groundless or proven true, a willingness to investigate would not hurt the Univ's "image".

Chuangchote's statement above hurts the Univ's image more than his feared outcome.

However, failing to launch an investigation if allegations are proven true would hurt the Univ's "image" immensely.


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I would suggest people don't get on the "Hang em High" bandwagon just yet, if true the guy deserves to be fired at the least.

The students complaint is that he gave higher grades to better looking students. The sexual harassment allegation is that "other" students have been harassed, these other students need to come forward if true. Not to point the finger at the girl but it is possible that she is just angry about her grades and trying to get even, until a proper investigation is done who knows..

quote: "She also claimed her fellow students have been sexually harassed by the lecturer. The student claimed the professor has touched the students who wear short skirts and tight fitting uniform inappropriately."

If the teacher is Thai then he will get a slap on the wrist at most. If he a farang then he will be fired.

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Chuangchote is hesitate to launch an official investigation into the sexual harassment allegation fearing it could hurt the university's image if it was proven to be groundless.

What sort of backwards logic is that?

Whether groundless or proven true, a willingness to investigate would not hurt the Univ's "image".

Chuangchote's statement above hurts the Univ's image more than his feared outcome.

However, failing to launch an investigation if allegations are proven true would hurt the Univ's "image" immensely.


I agree, conducting an investigation would do more for the university image and credibility than simply brushing it under the mat. It would prove to a degree that the university was concerned about the welfare of the students and the credibilty of the degrees it gives out. Prove to the work place who may want to hire a graduate that a person earnt thier degree and did not simply achieve it by riding the pony for a couple of years or it was paid for by daddy.

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Maybe all this is merely a storm in a 'C' cup. :-)

I have in the past sent more than one employee home as I considered them to be inappropriately dressed for a professional business environment and one days pay was deducted if the perpetrator transgressed again. This was applied to both sexes. As a manager my people expected me to wear 'a uniform' i.e. wear a suit with a tie and this made them feel more comfortable. It also helped to generate a measure of due respect As a senior manager I insisited my junior managers were similarly subject to dress restrictions. If I had been unfortunate to have chosen education as a career my attitude would have been exactly the same. The workplace or the schoolroom are not discos and dressing provocatively should be reserved for after hours activities.

Some may consider this an old fashioned view but I preferred any 'free thinking' to be applied to the job in hand. If people wanted to dress up to look like a scruffy tart then they could do that in their own time.

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Yeah, seriously! If a young lady dresses like a harlot, who's to blame? In case of most body being revealed, almost any touch would be inappropriate. But the lecturer should have known better. Get a girl somewhere else, not at your work place...

Khun Sandpaper, what sort of misogynist are you? "Dresses like a harlot"? The female students are in university uniform! Does this make all female students harlots?? angry.png

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Yeah, seriously! If a young lady dresses like a harlot, who's to blame? In case of most body being revealed, almost any touch would be inappropriate. But the lecturer should have known better. Get a girl somewhere else, not at your work place...

Khun Sandpaper, what sort of misogynist are you? "Dresses like a harlot"? The female students are in university uniform! Does this make all female students harlots?? angry.png

I actually like this appearance what ever they are called. Some of a certain relgion consider that any woman who exposes the flesh other than hands is a harlot and fair game and they are at fault if sexually assaulted. Not my view tho and no woman should be subjected to anything based on thier dress.

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I have read some pretty terrible things about universities in the USA. Teachers getting pregnant from their students, male teachers with young girls, etc. Oh wait....those are high school examples not university. My bad. I imagine stuff like this happens in all over.

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"Chuangchote is hesitate to launch an official investigation into the sexual harassment allegation fearing it could hurt the university's image if it was proven to be groundless."

Uhh... I think he's got that backwards? LOL

An incredibly tiny and cowardly man, who should definitely not be in a position of authority. Let us hope the dean, Rajabhat has more courage, and is a real man, willing to face authority, and do what is right. It is a lovely thing for the fine young things who just happen to be blessed to be beautiful, but think what the chubby, unattractive ones have to endure. This teacher should be fined a million baht, arrested, and put in jail, for sexual harassment. Maybe the word will get around, and the teachers will start understanding there is a repercussion for poor behavior?

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she is just jealous for not looking as good as the others and that she can't get the attention of the lecturer.

Likely the disgruntled student wanted something that was beyond her "natural" ability, so she filed a complaint.

Wow, some of you guys have a problem. Blaming the victim, and speculating that she was the one at fault in this case, really is the pits. annoyed.gif

The "victim"... Are you really this dumb?

You read a short newspaper article and decide you know everything there is to know about the situation. BS. The truth? All you know is that a female student (no name given)supposedly complained (but did not file a claim to the proper authorities) that a lecturer (no name given) gives better grades to attractive students, and makes inappropriate contacts with some other female students (none of whom confirmed that was the case).

What is the situation really? You don't **** know.

It could be that the student is correct and that the teacher is a leech. It could be that the student is just trying to find excuses for her own poor grades and lack of work. It could be that the student blackmailed the professor, was called on it and is following through. Or it could be that this is a slow news day and that the reporter decided to steer *** about a situation that doesn't actually exist (wouldn't be the first time).

Bottom line, there is insufficient data to make a judgment, so can it.

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I have to admit those Thai femail university student uniforms are enough to excite any man! In fact I recon THEY must have been designed by a man!

I've always wondered also if the schools require the girls to wear blouses that are one size too small.

In all seriousness, I think it is the age of the girls and the fact they had much more restrictions on dress before university level. So, many of them go out of their way to wear that uniform in the sexiest way possible. Then again, the cut of those shirts the way they go in at the waist and flair out a bit at the hips .... really does appear they are designed to show off the female figure.

On thing odd about the uniforms is the girls all wear belts. I believe it is a requirement. But the skirts have no belt loops and if you look from behind you will see that almost all the girls use those square paper clip things to hold the belt to the top of their skirt. You would think at some point they would realize there is a deign flaw if one needs to incorporate a paperclip into the uniform.

When I taught at Payap University here in Chiang Mai in 1989 to 91 the girls had to wear long skirts, blouses tucked in and not tight fitting and the guys had to wear ties. I have seen this slowly changing up to now. I don't know why the Universities changed the rules. Go back to the old way of dressing and most of this will stop.

I also remember when girls attended elementry school they all had to have short hair. This was a Thai custom to remember the days when they were fighting Burma and all the women cut their hair short to look like men so when they were working in the fields the Burmese would think they were men and not attack the village while the men were away fighting.

How things change.

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