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Sandwich - Branston Pickle Cheese And Marmite


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Marmite is NOT Vegemite.

Pistols at dawn would not be enough. Where can we get tactical nuclear weapons.

Boggles me how people can say this. One is a delightfully complex yet simple mutli-purpose ingredient that has given culinary pleasure to millions and the other is...well.. marmite <deleted>!

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I can not imagine anything that would taste good when combined with Vegemite/Marmite.

Hah. I could mention a few! Ho Ho. still everyone to their own. Nope... Marmie and Vegemite are both unique. But if you cannmo get one - the other wll suffice !

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I can not imagine anything that would taste good when combined with Vegemite/Marmite.

I suppose that our individual taste is what makes the world go around.

As a kid I spent some in growing up in South Carolina and Georgia, and was subjected to grits and fried okra.

Now George... have you ever experienced these culinary delights ??? !!!!

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well...you know...branston pickle wid cheese is a favorite type of sarny in England, even had some meself and not bad on a fresh bap...one could presume that certain individuals would sneak in a bit of marmite...but they probably wouldn't admit it...

'hey! what's that brown smear on yer sandwich?'...'eewww...it looks like faeces...'

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I can not imagine anything that would taste good when combined with Vegemite/Marmite.

I suppose that our individual taste is what makes the world go around.

As a kid I spent some in growing up in South Carolina and Georgia, and was subjected to grits and fried okra.

Now George... have you ever experienced these culinary delights ??? !!!!

I like grits, but almost anything (other than marmite/vegemite) tastes good with that much butter and salt. Fried okra does not really ring my bell, but it does not bother me either.

Branston pickle with cheese sounds good, even if I do not know what branston pickle tastes like

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Yes grits are good! Also corned beef hash!....great brekky...

talking of brown pickle....anyone remember Military pickle...when I was a kid I insisted mum always buy this...

....and what about Camp coffee syrup..ugh!

AND I still like braan sauce be it HP or US brand on my beef or pork even "home fries"

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I can not imagine anything that would taste good when combined with Vegemite/Marmite.

I suppose that our individual taste is what makes the world go around.

As a kid I spent some in growing up in South Carolina and Georgia, and was subjected to grits and fried okra.

Now George... have you ever experienced these culinary delights ??? !!!!

I like grits, but almost anything (other than marmite/vegemite) tastes good with that much butter and salt. Fried okra does not really ring my bell, but it does not bother me either.

Branston pickle with cheese sounds good, even if I do not know what branston pickle tastes like

UG, branston pickle is like 'relish' in the US but just a bit sweeter...it's a sort of 'chutney' that the brits got from India during colonial times...it makes a nice sandwich with grated sharp cheddar on a fresh roll...try it sometime...good fer lunch with a coke when yer down the shop...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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I must admit that I am not sure with the statement that Branston Pickle has Indian origins...chutney yes without a doubt.

Maybe Pan Yan pickle might owe some indian origins since it had a slight 'curry' tang to it....dont see Pan Yan about thesedays.

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Hmmm I grew up in AU and I was given Vegemite as a youngster but I can say I never acquired the taste for it, might have something to do with my Italian background.


Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Hmmm I grew up in AU and I was given Vegemite as a youngster but I can say I never acquired the taste for it, might have something to do with my Italian background.


Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

I heard someone singin' praises about a vegemite pizza...with anchovies...niacin and rich in B-vitamins with fish oil...a rejuvenatin' pizza...yassuh...

I also heard that in Australia vegemite apostasy is punishable by death...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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