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Ip Addresses


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I seem to have a stalker who is targeting my estate agent website in Thailand and writing compliments and other silly childish timewasting things of how wonderful the site is and how it helps him with his site/blogs etc..

I think i may know who it is and it really doesnt bother me that much on a personal level. As it doesnt cost me anything apart from a bit of time, laughing at it. As per buddha says

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”

But it my business and from a businss point of view . It needs stopping.

Any one have any ideas , How i can address this

How i can find his/her IP address as its coming thru my site address

How i can trace the IP address

Look forward too any experience advise

Best and have a nice day

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once you know the IP address you need to write a .htaccess command to apache. But it will block everyone coming from that IP. If its an aircard IP, they change everytime you log on and there wont be much effect, unless its a landline.

Longshot but you can lookup the ip addresses in AW stats if your server utilizes cpanel, and try to correlate the post times.

Whatever you do, you can never actually totally ban someone if they are intent on entering your site. So its probably a waste of time. They''ll be able to defeat any protocol you've set up, and much faster than it took you to setup.

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I seem to have a stalker who is targeting my estate agent website in Thailand and writing compliments and other silly childish timewasting things of how wonderful the site is and how it helps him with his site/blogs etc..

With out seeing the comments its hard to say but reading this makes me think that your "stalker" may actually be made out of 0's and 1's rather than a person.

Is this a wordpress/joomla blog?

Are the compliments being left in the comments section?

Are the comments mostly quite vague and not really specific to your site?

Do the comments include a link to some random website?

If all of the above are yes, then you are just a victim to comment spam and should install a captcha system to stop the automated bots.

Also set comments to require approval before appearing on the site.

Otherwise, if it is a genuine person, not a lot that you can practically do.

You say they are leaving compliments so no way you can get the authorities involved.

If it was death threats, defamation, lese majeste then the police would be happy to track down the IP to a user, harmless comments, no chance.

Your hosting servers logs will probably contain all of the IP addresses, but on a standard hosting account you won't be able to view these.

If it is wordpress or similar comments they will normally track IP addresses.

Otherwise lots of ways to track the IP address but all depends on your website/hosting configuration and how this person is leaving the messages.

What you can do when you get the IP - visit network-tools.com

This will give you the (rough) location along with the service provider.

Unfortunately this is about the best you can get without the authorities involved.

As for blocking them, not possible.

You can easily block an IP, but when they go to a new computer, or mobile phone they are back in.

Also, 95% of personal internet connections use dynamic IP addresses, which means if you block 1 IP then the block stops working as soon as their IP changes.

And when their IP changes, the poor person who gets assigned that IP address is now blocked from your site - maybe they were the one looking to buy a condo!

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  • 4 months later...

i have an email from someone that owes me money

i looked at the header and then cut and paste this into a tracker and it comes up as 3bb in Bangkok

i would have thought that that was the real address but the sender says they are in IRAN

the tracker shows source is 3bb and then further on it says its a yahoo account in the USA which is I suppose where it is registered - but it does not show Iran

is there something else i should check?

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blackjack, it would be more conclusive to get him to click a link that goes to a website you have the ability to check the access logs of. Then you would know his IP for the moment that he clicked on the link, assuming he is not smart enough to cover it.

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