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Healthcare International Uk


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Recently I was addmitted to Bangkok/Pattaya hospital with Dengue Fever.

I was pretty well under the weather by the time I was examined and informed that I was in a dangerous phase of the fever and needed to be admitted.

Of course I managed to nod my head in agreement and along came the ever present lady to ask how will I pay. I presented my HCI health memebership card only to have it rejected out of hand, I agreed to pay via visa card.

A couple of days later I was well enought to make a call to health Care Inter in London, I was informed that they would contact the hospital and not to worry. Fine I thought it actually works.

Not so a couple of hours later a hospital rep came to my bedside and told me that they had broken the contract with this company ( we can only guess why)

After discharge a few days later I sent off my claim to HCI. They informed me as I had not informed them of my hospital addmittance so as per their policy I would recieve nothing.

My bill was 1520 quid I have an excess of 1400 quid so we are talking about a huge sum of around a hundred quid.

It has taken numerous emails to them regarding my disputed phone call to them, finally they have addmitted I had called and the claim would be actioned immediately, that was 12 days ago.

This claim has dragged on for six weeks, I shudder to think if I had to lay out thoudands of pounds and have this kind of service.

My annual renewal is due in June, today I cancelled that renewal so I am now looking for a new healthcare provider. Not easy at 73 years of age.

Any reccomendations welcome. Cannot afford BUPA Inter.

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This is going to be really difficult for you at 73, I would suggest you just money into the bank and hope you dont need to to use it, the cost of healthcare is going to be astronomical, within a few years of you contributing to the plan you be will seen as to high a risk, either with a Thai or overseas provider, they will not invite a renewal.

You have a bad experience, there may be others out there as well and you wont know till you claim.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just been looking at allclear insurance.com based in Romford, UK. There is no age barrier and they will cover pre exisiting conditions according to the site, it might be worth a look, I have no idea of costs or what they have to stay about UK residency, most insurers will expect you have been resident in the UK for the previous 90 days.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for a late reply but I had just found Health Care International &

thought their coverage looked good price wise.

Did a search here & found this...

Glad I looked & thanks for posting this.

The more I look the more I think I will just go BUPA mainly because it seems

recognized here without question.

Thanks again

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  • 1 month later...

I have just been looking at allclear insurance.com based in Romford, UK. There is no age barrier and they will cover pre exisiting conditions according to the site, it might be worth a look, I have no idea of costs or what they have to stay about UK residency, most insurers will expect you have been resident in the UK for the previous 90 days.

Errors found in web application

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