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Looking For Gym


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My wife and I were at a fitness center close to Central Kad Suan Kaew shopping mall today. I don't think I'm allowed to say the name but it's on the opposite side of the street from the mall and headed towards the mountains. It takes its name from a mound of earth that's not hight enough to be a mountain and has the number 4 attached to it.

We work out there 3 or 4 times a week. It's an okay place to work out for the price. Lots of tread mills and stationary bikes, which I like and spend the most time on. There's also a good assortment of weights and machines. The price, 900 baht a month and seemed reasonable enough. So, we were pretty happy going there, until today that is.

When we came in this morning at 10:00 am there was no one to greet us at the window where they hand out the towels. But we could hear someone in back going on about a certain farang being no good , I assumed this had to do with a customer because the voice was making reference to the use of equipment. Then the speaker continued on about not caring about farang or their money. Since I speak Thai, I understood what was being said. But to be sure I understood correctly, I asked the wife who is fluent in Thai and she confirmed thats what was said. There were at least 2 other foreigners within hearing distance. One of them appeared ignorant to the conversation in the background but the other looked at us with an expression of disbelief on his face. At that moment the person belonging to the voice stepped out still talking to someone in back. He didn't look surprised in the least to see customers standing there but I sure was shocked to see that the voice I was hearing belonged to the manager.

About 90 minutes later as we were handing in our towels and leaving we witnessed the other fellow who apparently understands Thai, having a very heated conversation with the manager. When the manager said “This is Thailand,” and admitted that he didn't care about farang and their money we'd heard enough. As we walked down the hall and around the corner to the elevator we could still hear the discussion which had degenerated into an argument with at least a couple of invectives being hurled.

My 30 days are up tomorrow. I think I'll find another gym to give our money to.

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I wouldn't dump your gym, just because you think the manager doesn't like farang.

Who cares what he thinks? As long as the towels are clean, and the equipment works....

Hillside 4 is a great gym, but has cold only showers, no free newspapers and a pool that is in shade much of the year, so I patronize another one in the same area.

Managers at my gym are farang-friendly, but a few of the long time Thai members at my place openly despise and are rude to farang.

Doesn't matter where you go, there will always be some people like this (just like we farang have Thai-bashers).

I really don't give a rat's fart about them anyway, as they are a bunch of indolent hi-so wannabees, who watch soaps and fashion shows on the telly and work out with weights under what a small girl would use.

Having tried several gyms in the last 6 years, I would say stick with one that is close and convenient to where you live, so that you go often and work out regularly.

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Most of the posts on TV about Thais are pretty negative.

I use the above mentioned gym because they have the biggest variety of machines of any of the reasonably priced gyms in CM. i don't need to use the cardio machines. I do all of my cardio workouts outdoors. But it looks like most of those machines at H4 are currently working, or were when I was last in a couple of weeks ago.

I have no reason to deal with the management so I don't care who they argue with. They've never given me a problem.

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I heard a rumour that the old Platinum gym, which was located inconveniently along the Mae Rim road, will reopen next to Big C Extra on the superhighway. This time Khun Watchara, who is the owner of all the land and businesses in and around Big C Extra, will be an investor. If true, I will be very happy. I loved that gym. It had great facilities and a very reasonable annual fee. The new location will be very convenient for me. My fingers are crossed the rumour is true.

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^ Yeah, great value gym. But why move it? Good facilities as is. Just poor marketing.

H4, crappy but cheap. Good enough to get by, if you can get on a machine. Which manager do you refer too? There are plenty of less than perfect farang in that place, so its no wonder the guy gets peeved occasionally.

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The manager--or any employee for that matter--should be careful not to bite the hand that feeds him. In other words, watch what you say in the presence of your customers; actually be polite and welcoming. And Thai people generally are so good at this. It's all about saving face.

That said, there's a restaurant/bakery in town that won't get any more business from me despite the fact that I was a regular customer of theirs; they were convenient and sold better-than-average baked goods. The manageress and I had an exchange about a price difference between her two places of business. I'd asked her why the price of an item at her other outlet was not the same as at the restaurant. She got a bit testy, saying that they had forgotten to put the higher price on the item in the home store.

Instead of thanking me for calling this to her attention, she became more snappish and told me that she really didn't care about the price difference. I replied that that was no way to maintain good customer relations. She then had the cheek to tell me that she had too many customers; she didn't need more. But I was the only patron in the store at the time. Go figure.

Anyway, after I had paid for my purchase and was heading out the door, I heard her instruct an employee to raise the price on the item in question. She doesn't want nor deserve my patronage, and probably doesn't want yours either.

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In all fairness, you dont know the context of the heated argument (or do you?). Just because he made some sweeping generalisations in anger, doesnt necessarily mean he thinks negatively about Farangs. Maybe the farang guy was being obnoxious talking about money or whatever, so that fireback would make a bit of sense. Have you honestly never said anything negative about Thai people in frustration about something to do with Thailand? Granted, unprofessional to have said those things in earshot of others, but unless you know why, it seems a tad harsh, no?

Eek, I don't mind your playing devil's advocate here but it's important that you get the story straight beforehand. The conversation the manager was having was with a female employee just out of view from the customer area. The heated argument came later and was between a foreigner who overheard what was said earlier same as I did.

Yes. I know the context of the heated argument as I was standing at the service window while it was going on. If what was said by this manager was a sweeping generalization I wouldn't have posted about it.

"Have you honestly never said anything negative about Thai people in frustration about something to do with Thailand?"

Yes. Every time I get in my car. But bitc*ing about driving skills is quite a bit different from hearing the manager of a place of business declaring, when he thought no one was listening, that he didn't care about farangs only Thais. And then openly admitting to what he'd said and repeating it when the foreigner called him on it. "Yes. I don't care about farang or their money. I only care about Thai people's money." This was said in front of paying customers, some of whom were foreigners.

Now here is a bit about the foreigner that I didn't tell you before: Nice enough guy. I've seen him at the facility many times. I sat and spoke with him and his wife at the Christmas party which was held there last December. What did the guy do to set off the Thai manager? This is what we heard as we walked up on the scene:

Foreigner to manager- Still it wasn't very nice to hear what you were saying about your farang customers. People could hear what you were saying all the way out here.

Manager- I don't know what are you talking about?

Foreigner- You said you don't care about farang money only Thai money.

Manager- Who told you?

Foreigner- I heard you.

Manager - (Raised voice) No no I not speak about you.

Foreigner- I know that but a lot of farang spend their money here.

Argument escalated from this point with the manager admitting what he'd said.

I don't expect to be treated like someone special in the places where I spend my money. But I'll be damed if I'll spend it in a place where the manager behaves in this fashion. There are to many other places to go which I just may enjoy more.

Edited by bhatmasterson
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^ Yeah, great value gym. But why move it? Good facilities as is. Just poor marketing.

H4, crappy but cheap. Good enough to get by, if you can get on a machine. Which manager do you refer too? There are plenty of less than perfect farang in that place, so its no wonder the guy gets peeved occasionally.

This fellow is slight of build with brown skin. Seemed like a nice guy until yesterday. Granted, nobody's perfect. However, I have never had a problem with any of the other customers that use this facility.

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You could take a look at Powerhouse Gym on Soi 6, Nimmanhaemin Road. Clean with good setup of free weights and machines. The shower/locker facilities are good also. I have been going there for about a month now and am very satisfied. Staff is polite and helpful and, so far, I have had no problems with any of the other patrons.

The full-time membership can be kinda pricey but that's up to you. They do have a "Mid-Day" membership that limits you to 10:00 hours to 16:00 hours for 9500 baht a year. Since I am retired and have no "pressing engagements" during the day, that plan suited me fine. So far I am well satisfied with Powerhouse Gym.

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You could take a look at Powerhouse Gym on Soi 6, Nimmanhaemin Road. Clean with good setup of free weights and machines. The shower/locker facilities are good also. I have been going there for about a month now and am very satisfied. Staff is polite and helpful and, so far, I have had no problems with any of the other patrons.

The full-time membership can be kinda pricey but that's up to you. They do have a "Mid-Day" membership that limits you to 10:00 hours to 16:00 hours for 9500 baht a year. Since I am retired and have no "pressing engagements" during the day, that plan suited me fine. So far I am well satisfied with Powerhouse Gym.

@ Baloo22

Thanks. You're the 2nd person to recommend powerhouse so I'll be going over there today to check things out.

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I don't expect to be treated like someone special in the places where I spend my money. But I'll be damed if I'll spend it in a place where the manager behaves in this fashion. There are to many other places to go which I just may enjoy more.

Then for you, it sounds like it's time to move on to one of those many other places and start enjoying yourself again.

Edited by uptheos
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I don't expect to be treated like someone special in the places where I spend my money. But I'll be damed if I'll spend it in a place where the manager behaves in this fashion. There are to many other places to go which I just may enjoy more.

Then for you, it sounds like it's time to move on to one of those many other places and start enjoying yourself again.

Agreed. Hence the title of this thread. Any suggestions on a different gym?

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I don't expect to be treated like someone special in the places where I spend my money. But I'll be damed if I'll spend it in a place where the manager behaves in this fashion. There are to many other places to go which I just may enjoy more.

Then for you, it sounds like it's time to move on to one of those many other places and start enjoying yourself again.

Agreed. Hence the title of this thread. Any suggestions on a different gym?

If you don't mind spending some money and you want a gym with all the latest kit where you are nearly always the sole customer, try the gym at the Shangri-la on Chan Klan - it has every piece of equipment you could wish for, whirpool, sauna, excellent rainwater showers and a superb outdoor swimming pool, 15k for six months, it's one of my few extravegances here these days and I reckon it's worth every baht!

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If you don't mind spending some money and you want a gym with all the latest kit where you are nearly always the sole customer, try the gym at the Shangri-la on Chan Klan - it has every piece of equipment you could wish for, whirpool, sauna, excellent rainwater showers and a superb outdoor swimming pool, 15k for six months, it's one of my few extravegances here these days and I reckon it's worth every baht!

Thanks for that. But I can't bring myself to spend that much. I would have to buy 2 memberships and that's a bit pricey for me right now.

I love that quote in your sig.

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Do a tour of the hotels and ask to see their gyms and details of gym membership, most have them and it'll give you something to compare against. I did that and it was interesting to say the least, not only from a cost aspect but from a facilities and number of attendees perspective. D2 has a small gym that's quite pleasant but their pool is not very nice, Dungtowan (sp) has a decent sized gym and pool but quite old and very musty, it was also heaving with tourists so not easy to get some space. Meridian doesn't sell external memberships, sorry I can't remember the numbers.

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A couple of years back i got a year membership at Fitness Thailand for 5k (maybe 5 1/2) when i joined with a friend. Bit of a fluke more than anything though. Might consider returning there. Dont suppose anyone knows of any promotions going, or just the flat 7500 atm?

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I heard a rumour that the old Platinum gym, which was located inconveniently along the Mae Rim road, will reopen next to Big C Extra on the superhighway. This time Khun Watchara, who is the owner of all the land and businesses in and around Big C Extra, will be an investor. If true, I will be very happy. I loved that gym. It had great facilities and a very reasonable annual fee. The new location will be very convenient for me. My fingers are crossed the rumour is true.

Can you keep us updated on that Loaded

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A couple of years back i got a year membership at Fitness Thailand for 5k (maybe 5 1/2) when i joined with a friend. Bit of a fluke more than anything though. Might consider returning there. Dont suppose anyone knows of any promotions going, or just the flat 7500 atm?

That's what I paid for my current membership. The place really fits my bill, one always can find something not just right but if your looking for a good workout, they have a room of spin bikes you might like, at place that has good hours and a pleasant staff check it out.

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