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Thaksin Flying To England For Manchester Derby


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Is it now The Nation's policy to write an article every time Thaksin picks his nose or goes to the toilet?  

Maybe a renaming of the paper is in order... 'The Thaksin Nation'.

This IS NOT news, or even worthy of any space or bandwidth.

Because anything with the name Taksin in it generates page views = hits = potential advertising revenue, silly.

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And to think that when Thaksin bought Man City the money grubbing Premier League found him a fit and proper person to own a PM League club. I suppose when you compare him to some other owners he is no worse than them. Any sniff of money and there are people, football or government in the UK, who will fall over backwards to accommodate dishonest, self serving people like themselves

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I always smile to myself when I think of the city supporters calling him by name Sinatra, as they couldn't pronounce his name. Ego thing as usual, he has NO Singing voice, he has NO sense of football or the rules, pure publicity, and as he thinks he will steel the show at the ground.  What a armhole, if only the football fans knew what he was really like. He has similar style to Mr Bean, Hilarious, and the looks to boot.

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He is a real man of the ppl he really cares for them and understand their poverty and suffering.

Excuse me while I choke on my Tom Yum. I think the evidence is absolutely opposite to this view. Unless it was posted in jest off course.

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Will the British Government set up security for him as happened in Laos and Cambodia ???

On a positive note, I don't think they'll have to worry about thousands of Red Shirts coming to the UK to pay homage.


Wrong there going to be a lot of Red Shirt´s, but not from Thailand. rolleyes.giflaugh.png
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I always smile to myself when I think of the city supporters calling him by name Sinatra, as they couldn't pronounce his name. Ego thing as usual, he has NO Singing voice, he has NO sense of football or the rules, pure publicity, and as he thinks he will steel the show at the ground. What a armhole, if only the football fans knew what he was really like. He has similar style to Mr Bean, Hilarious, and the looks to boot.

Thaksin Sinatra. laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png
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Will he demand the players to wai him again? rolleyes.gif

The English 2 fingered Wai

Or the traditional two-cheeks moon-wai ! laugh.png

He is a real man of the ppl he really cares for them and understand their poverty and suffering.

Absolutely, he too has problems earning enough, to feed his family, he says. A diamond geezer, one might say ! whistling.gif

Edited by Ricardo
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It will be interesting to see if England does a turn around.

What has visiting the UK got to do with England?

He's off to see an English soccer match. Last time I checked, and I may be wrong. Manchester is an English city.

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Will the British Government set up security for him as happened in Laos and Cambodia ???

On a positive note, I don't think they'll have to worry about thousands of Red Shirts coming to the UK to pay homage.


If he wears a blue one quite the opposite

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Suddenly Cameron shows his real face. The leader of an opportunistic nation. Dancing to the tune of the royalists or the red shirts depending on who is in power. The British (including Mark Abhisit) go were the money is. If I was Thaksin I made Cameron promise to extradite some famous Democrat sponsors who are spending their ill gotten fortune in the UK.

Hope he sees a good game in which the smaller team demolishes that other team that is indent for hundreds of millions of pounds.

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So Thailand is now officially the only country in the world to give any weight to the trumped up, politically motivated charges against the deposed premier.

What planet do you live on? If these charges against Thaksin are trumped up then I'm afraid I am the world's only pregnant carrot.

As a pregnant carrot you have absolute proof that these charges are not politically trumped up? - (my congratulations to the father)

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If Thaksin really gave a S% about the Thai people he would show self sacrifice and do the 2 years in prison and do them in genuine Thai prison conditions - then he would have real credibility.

Although South Africa and Burma are very different to Thailand, can you imagine Nelson Mandela or Aung San Suu Kyi travelling the world in luxury etc for 20+ years and still having the credibility they got from doing time in prison / house arrest?

Why doesn't Thaksin do the time and then come out of prison as a way to show he really does care? The answer is obvious.

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It will be interesting to see if England does a turn around.

What has visiting the UK got to do with England?

He's off to see an English soccer match. Last time I checked, and I may be wrong. Manchester is an English city.

I realise Thaksin's avowed purpose just as I am sure that you were aware that I was pointing out to the resident oracle that England is not a sovereign country but part of the UNITED Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and it is the UK government that will make the decision .
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As a fan of Sir Alex Ferguson's team, it will give me pleasure to know that Thaksin will be there hoping to see the defeat of the Red Shirts aka Man. U.

It is ironic that he will be supporting the Blues, not his favorite color I believe.

Good luck to the Red Devils.

As a supporter of the blue shirts, i hope the red shirts lose...badly.

I too like the red shirt's to lose, but not badly, such as 5-1 or 6-1 because that would be generally regarded as an accidentally troubled Man U. performance, and not entirely due to a perfect Man City play, the result of 2-0. 2-1. 3-1

win of Man-City would be indicative of the fact that Man-U. was at their usual best, and Man-City's victory would then be regarded as a top performance.

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