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Swollen Ankles And Swollen Knees

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Since moving to Thailand I have had swollen ankles and swollen knees - pretty badly to the point that Thai people have pointed at it and frowned asking me what's happened. What causes swollen ankles and swollen knees? Is it diet related? Water intake related or something else?

I always used to get checked for water retention in my ankles when I was younger cause of my chronic kidney failure but my kidney is actually doing alright as of late so it shouldn't be kidney related. I also take ramipril for my blood pressure so I can't imagine my blood pressure is abnormal

Any ideas?

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My swollen ankles and feet are from a lymph system problem I use a castor oil pack with heating pad for 1 hour 3 days on and 4 days off. This may not be beneficial for you but you may want to google it and get instructions.

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Sounds like fluid retention, if your kidney function is OK then may have to consider a cardiac or circulatory cause, suggest you see a doctor.

Arthritis is unlikely unless the joints are also painful. Also I have the impression that this is symmetrical i.e. both knees, both ankles and more or less equally so. that indicates a more systemic cause.

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Sounds like fluid retention, if your kidney function is OK then may have to consider a cardiac or circulatory cause, suggest you see a doctor.

Arthritis is unlikely unless the joints are also painful. Also I have the impression that this is symmetrical i.e. both knees, both ankles and more or less equally so. that indicates a more systemic cause.

Well my kidney function is lower than the average person (17% roughly after having a right nephrectomy) however my kidney function is stable and hasn't decreased recently. Also I haven't had many kidney infections. Only the odd UTI which I get on a regular basis anyway.

Both knees and ankles look symmetrical in swelling. If it is fluid retention caused through my kidneys (I'm thinking it most probably is) is there anything I can do to stop it? I'm starting to become really conscious of it now that it's been pointed out to me several times by strangers. :(

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As one who had ankle and foot swelling last year, and taking hypertensive medication, must say my blood pressure was fine but that did not prevent edema. After having angioplasty and two stints the excess water was gone so I would not rule out heart/circulation issues just because pressure is within normal range. And in my case also it was a stranger pointing out (what should have been obvious) that my feet were fat. One advantage to not having shoes on here.

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Sounds like fluid retention, if your kidney function is OK then may have to consider a cardiac or circulatory cause, suggest you see a doctor.

Arthritis is unlikely unless the joints are also painful. Also I have the impression that this is symmetrical i.e. both knees, both ankles and more or less equally so. that indicates a more systemic cause.

Well my kidney function is lower than the average person (17% roughly after having a right nephrectomy) however my kidney function is stable and hasn't decreased recently. Also I haven't had many kidney infections. Only the odd UTI which I get on a regular basis anyway.

Both knees and ankles look symmetrical in swelling. If it is fluid retention caused through my kidneys (I'm thinking it most probably is) is there anything I can do to stop it? I'm starting to become really conscious of it now that it's been pointed out to me several times by strangers. sad.png

Self treatment would not be at all advisable in your case. See your nephrologist or a good internist. You need to have a thorough physical exam and basic blood work, if the doc you see is not your neophologist, make sure she/he is aware of your renal condition.

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Chronic renal failure is often associated with lowered protein levels in the plasma; this may lead to swelling of limbs.

Best to have a full blood protein test as well as liver functions and a complete blood count as anaemia is also associated with this condition.

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Chronic renal failure is often associated with lowered protein levels in the plasma; this may lead to swelling of limbs.

Best to have a full blood protein test as well as liver functions and a complete blood count as anaemia is also associated with this condition.

I have already been diagnosed with anaemia. I take Ferrous Sulphate every day twice a day and I have iron infusions and B12 injections done every 3 months. I'm off to see my renal specialist in the next week or so so I will get a full blood work done.

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3 months ago I had full medical; blood pressure a bit high 155/90 and slightly swolen ankles, nothing else substantiall adrift but weight a bit over the recommended level

Doctor prescribed Natrilix SR !.5 mg a day; since when my swollen ankles much better and blood pressure down to 131/85, all these things are a function of age and diet

have to wait and see


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I recently had swollen feet and ankles. Blood test showed nothing unusual as in your case. Other posts are correct about factors such as circulation problems, excess weight etc but I tried the 2 simplest things first and they have helped enormously: 1. when sitting or laying down raise the feet above heart level, especially at night and 2. Drink more water. This seemed counter-intuitive to me and I had been cutting down on water but its worth trying the opposite.

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I recently had swollen feet and ankles. Blood test showed nothing unusual as in your case. Other posts are correct about factors such as circulation problems, excess weight etc but I tried the 2 simplest things first and they have helped enormously: 1. when sitting or laying down raise the feet above heart level, especially at night and 2. Drink more water. This seemed counter-intuitive to me and I had been cutting down on water but its worth trying the opposite.

I also have suffered from swollen feet and ankles since arrival here 2 years ago. I do have a number of other problems which may be related including gout, arthritis, high blood pressure and haemachromatosis.

I've recently started a course of chinese medicine, containing a mix of herbs and spices, which seems to be having a beneficial effect on my feet already. I will report back after giving it a reasonable trial.

However, I have been told that one symptom of dehydration is swollen feet. Drinking more water could be the answer for some.

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I recently had swollen feet and ankles. Blood test showed nothing unusual as in your case. Other posts are correct about factors such as circulation problems, excess weight etc but I tried the 2 simplest things first and they have helped enormously: 1. when sitting or laying down raise the feet above heart level, especially at night and 2. Drink more water. This seemed counter-intuitive to me and I had been cutting down on water but its worth trying the opposite.

I also have suffered from swollen feet and ankles since arrival here 2 years ago. I do have a number of other problems which may be related including gout, arthritis, high blood pressure and haemachromatosis.

I've recently started a course of chinese medicine, containing a mix of herbs and spices, which seems to be having a beneficial effect on my feet already. I will report back after giving it a reasonable trial.

However, I have been told that one symptom of dehydration is swollen feet. Drinking more water could be the answer for some.

I've been living in bangkok for 2 yrs now and looking for chinese medicine for various reasons including swollen legs. but when i see a chinese pharmacy they automatically say no no, because of language barriers.

Could you let me know which chinese pharmcy/doctor you use?

I would greatly appreciate it.

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