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Most Women In Isaan Drink: Poll

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a sampling of 400 is a fairly weak poll, but their conclusions are even weaker. They drink because they are barred from having independent viewpoints?

How about they drink because it is readily available, addictive, and you get drunk.

Fairly weak.

More akin to bogus. 400 inquiries doesn't measure anything.

Actually, if one knows Isaan at all, you'd know that the opposite applies.

80% of females don't drink.

Not true. If you are drawing from a population of 30 million (Isaan), want a confidence level of 95%, and accept a confidence interval of +/- 5 points, then your sample needs to be 384 people only. Then you need to ensure that there is random sampling from the population (i.e., don't just sample from Surin :-) )

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Why the emphasis on women? Most men drink too. In a matter of fact, it is not at all related to Izan. The patronizing Bangkok elite should ask themselves the question how many people drink there? The wait is on for the questions: How many Dark skinned Izan women drink? How many kathoeys drink? How many rice farers drink and how many Izan use contraceptives....

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In my experience, Isaan women drink more and more frequently than other Asian women at the very least. When I'm spending time in Ubon and Amnat Charoen, I often see women sitting together or in mixed groups drinking Leo or whiskey. And it's especially so in the village. My gf frequently sits with her neighbours and friends over drinks (at least a couple of times a week), even though her tea-totling parents chastise her for it. In her grandmother's village there's even a joke that this 70 year-old lady is my 'wife' because whenever she sees me she insists on drinking together (on my dime, of course).

And just go into any Tawandang and you'll see there are often as many girls getting plastered there as guys....

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Really it must depend on the area. In NE poor villages, they cannot afford to buy alcoholic beverages regularly. My wife and women in her family never drink alcohol. in the village, only few people drink beer and it is mixed with such an amount of ice that the percentage of alcohol must be around 1%. But in the City, things are different, pubs are working well.

I think also that more we approach the cities and the axis Udon Thani Khon Khaen, things maybe differents because people seems richer.

So probably contrasted situations depending where you live.

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I have to agree with many posts..... I do not know where they got their numbers, but it does not add up.... There are some wild ones in Issan, but from my experience for over 30 years.... Most Issan women do not drink..... Maybe there are some exceptions, like marriage..... Pretty much a hard working people, I can only say this from experience...... but cultures do change, and I wonder whom is changing them.......

Just a thought....


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Wow. I polled the 10 women in my moo baan here in Isaan, and only 2 drink. So, yup. Eighty percent of the women in the Northeast do NOT drink. Go figure.

All the women in my moo bann in chaing mai drink

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"A survey by the Kwan Chumchon Foundation showed 59.3 percent of 400 female respondents from 25 to 60 years of age in five provinces in the Northeast drink alcohol, 14.6 percent have already quitted and 26.1 percent have never touched alcohol."

59.3% of 400 is 237.2 How can 237.2 women drink alcohol? Who makes these ridiculous figures up?

That's very likely because the actual number of respondents was rounded. If you consider 398 respondents instead of 400, you have 236 women ïn the first group (59.3%), 58 in the second group (14.6%), and 104 in the third group (26.1%).

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59.3 percent of 400 female respondents from 25 to 60 years of age in five provinces in the Northeast drink alcohol, 14.6 percent have already quitted and 26.1 percent have never touched alcohol.

I am surprised the three percentages sum up to 100%; I would have thought at least some of the non-drinkers would have "touched alcohol" in the instance of spillages

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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Isaan women only drink when there is a weding or new year party, ect and not all there will drink only a few,,, the women that do drink are the X bar girls or those on holiday from thier work in Pattaya, Phuket and they can have money sent too them from stupid farang for drinking and playing cards and suport thier thai husband/boyfriend, hehehehe;-)

also woman can and do have opinions and express then when they feel the need.

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So far in several years here,

Ihave never met a woman from Issan that doesn't drink.

Some just don't regularly, some rarely because they are with a teetotal mate,

most drink when they feel like it, and drunk or sober state their feelings quite forcefully.

400 respondents to this poll... hardly viable results.

How smart are you Animatic? I bet not smart enough to do the math.


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Basically in my experience of Isaan I'd extremely roughly break it down into

70% teetotal or a very limited social drinker like my wife who'll occasionally have a glass of wine when we're out for a meal

25% social drinker like a bunch of girls knocking back some whisky or spy coolers down the club/pub

5% lao kao for breakfast etc

But why stop at Isaan? Apart from the Islamic areas ( a number of whom aren't adverse to a bit of a booze anyhow ) I would imagine the statistics for women who drink would roughly be the same countrywide.

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They should've broken down the stats by ages in 10y increments. From what I've seen drinking is mostly the younger women in karaoke "cafes", older ladies rarely drinking any.

kerryk, was that formula related to a Gaussian distribution ? I remember seeing that in a former life. Not that I'm a big believer in any social stats, as they tend to vary by locality and as such have little use for one individual residing within a large research area (Isaan is a big place), not counting usage as a hammer on internet forums, for NGO's and government, sure they need the stuff to show they're actually doing something.

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When I was helping in the village shop, there was a woman in her seventies who came into the shop between 9 and 10 in the morning, regular as clockwork, and bought her bottle of Chang. She then stuffed this somewhere into her clothing, and stalked out, rather stiff-legged, to enjoy it at home. In the evening she came in for a bottle of Leo. On a bad day, I've seen her pissed to the winds by 11 a.m.

Most of the working women, as opposed to housewives, drink Lao Kao on a daily basis..., and beer when it's hot. It all depends who's buying.

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The posters that say that Issan women do not drink much, either do not get about much, do not live in a village, or fly by in their cars, or my misses doesn't drink. Because living in rural Thailand most women drink beer-a quarter will drink lao khao. WINES who on earth can relate wines to Issan women, They are nearly all non winers. In rural karaoke bars, young and older women also drink Sang Som, Blend 285, Pipers, Hong Tong. THIS IS GENERAL-normal the thread is correct, but there are a few sheltered exceptions.

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In my village in Chaiyaphum there is a contingent of older women - age 55 and older, I'd say - who start their day with a bottle of Kratingdaeng fortified with a capful of "Si Sip." As far as I know, that's it for the day for these ladies in terms of alcohol. Some of them may be "maak" (betel) addicts, their house-smocks spattered with the rust colored stains that red betel spit converts into over time on an unwashed garment...

Aside from the cap o'Si Sip crowd, I'd say that serious drinking is mostly a men's sport in the village. Certainly I've known a few [mostly quite young] Isaan women with actual drinking problems in my 24 years between Isaan and Massachusetts. These few Isaan lady problem drinkers have most definitely been the exception rather than the rule in my experience, and have often been ones engaging in other aberrant behavior - self-harm, cutting, yaamaa smoking, excessive promiscuity, etc.

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Who can blame them: when you see the types of Thai and farang men they have to put up with.

Rice moonshine is available in nearly every mom & pop store throughout Thailand. It's 80 proof (40% alcohol). Chalerm is a booze drinker also, but he only wants quick death penalty for pushers users of drugs he doesn't personally care for - except when those drug pushers are gov't workers (in hospitals or prisons).

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So far in several years here,

I have never met a woman from Issan that doesn't drink.

Some just don't regularly, some rarely because they are with a teetotal mate,

most drink when they feel like it, and drunk or sober state their feelings quite forcefully.

400 respondents to this poll... hardly viable results.

How smart are you Animatic? I bet not smart enough to do the math.

I could, I won't, I don't care.

I do do equations for some work I do, but not for this stuff.

No reason to.

Simply put:

The sample is too small for the size of the population to be viable, end of story.

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