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Crackdown On People Who Watch Movies Or Use Mobile Phones While Driving: Thailand


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The police should strictly enforce laws and not take bribes.

What a wonderful idea. rolleyes.gif


But it would still help if they took the bribe and continued to stop every one they saw breaking the law.

It would be cheaper but after the fifth time paying the bribe for no helmet or other violation in a week they would maybe consider changing their driving habits.

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GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go

Ever heard of planning ahead? That's what we did before GPS. A normal paper map works great. smile.png

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GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go

Ever heard of planning ahead? That's what we did before GPS. A normal paper map works great. smile.png

Ever heard of walking? That's what we did before we had cars... you'll find your legs propel you forward excellently. Similarly We could live in caves and bash women over the head to mate with them... thumbsup.gif

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Bill to prohibit mobile phone use while driving enacted

14. Novemb
er 2007

Three months from now, motorists in Thailand would be prohibited from using mobile phones without hand-free device while driving or they would face Bt400 to Bt1,000 in fine.

The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) Wednesday approved the draft bill for land transport, which prohibited motorists from using mobile phones without hand-free device while driving, which would be in effect 90 days after the law was announced in the Royal Gazette.

The Nation
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GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go

Ever heard of planning ahead? That's what we did before GPS. A normal paper map works great. smile.png

New to Bangkok. Useless or non-existant navigator. Surely a paper map is far worse than a DVD!

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How are they going to have a crackdown? Take more tea money every time someone is caught?

By confiscating the monitor! Should include these ever popular GPS thingies too.

What crap!!!!!!!!!. GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go, bloody best invention ever as long as set up properly. So total utterly misguided crap Semper; no offence intended though.

Yes you should be able to mount you in car DVD TV screen in the front for use by the passenger. Sure it should be illegal and negligent to watch TV whilst driving and if caught doing so you should be prosecuted but that should never apply for your front passenger's use. Main way is to try to educate the Thai drivers about road safety by using Government sponsored TV, newspaper and hoarding adverts getting the point across in a catchy memorable way (Like the old "Clunk Click Every Trip" or "Wear Something Bright At Night" campaigns back in the UK many years ago which all Brits still remember well)

Want to stop most road traffic accidents then start policing road users more and better by say stopping 3 and more on a motorbikes, no lights at night, jumping red traffic lights, driving down the wrong side of the road, wrong way around roundabouts, dangerous and stupid wrong lane use at junctions and driving without a driving licence so without any proper training or ability competence testing.. Really clamp down on those offenders first is the priority. The law should not forbid mobile phone or video use when driving but make it a very serious high penalty offence if in so doing you cause an accident. Many of us, like David above, CAN drive safely and keep our primary focus on the driving whilst talking on a phone or clanging at a video screen briefly but knowing the risks of high penalty prosecution IF we caused an accident whilst doing so. I am seriously very confident that using a mobile phone whilst dreiving would NOT cause me to have an accident as my driving is very much my #1 priority and focus at all times. Actually I personally find it harder and more distracting changing a music CD in the car when driving than using a mobile phone to be honest, and this is not illegal anywhere in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though to be honest I often stop the car safely somewhere to change such a music CD rather than fumble about finding a CD I want and then changing it in the car player.

Most accidents here in Thailand are caused quite clearly by total crass and unnecessary stupidity from my 9 years of experience here. Lack of driver training and poor inadequate wrongly focussed policing are the primary reasons for the high road traffic Accident rate here IMHO. Put that right first if you are really serious about saving lives through better APPLIED road safety measures. Please note that most of the logical and sensible world wide road safely laws are in force here too and have been for a long time, but just not adhered to or enforced adequately which is so very irresponsible and stupid.

Many accidents are caused by drivers just like you who are sure they can talk on their phone and take the occasional look at the TV.

Where in hell did you get driver training that said it was OK to do that.

Oh dear same old bloody cliché. Yes I can and have done so since mobile phones first came on the scene and driven safely for a few hundred thousand miles and yes will continue to CAREFULLY and sensibly do so. Many folk can do this safely and I indeed I have many friends just the same who I feel perfectly happy to be with them as a passenger even when they are answering a mobile phone call. It all depends on your ability and common sense. Of course no driver training will teach you that as all the laws are made to fit in with the lowest common denominator of whom of course newly trained drivers indeed must by nature fit that category so we can all see the sense in that too. All my personal driver training, yes including advanced training, were many many years ago before mobile phones were even imagined.

No I am not being arrogant but I can drive whilst talking on a mobile phone and still fully concentrate on teh road and what matters, Whereas if you asked me to build a wall well I would then be one of the lowest common denominators as know bugger all about building and many other things too but like everyone there are some things I am reasonably good at.and I take pride in my safe (but not dangerously slow or way too fast) driving standards. Having said all that I will say that I will end a call quickly or immediately if I receive one when in busy town centre traffic or in difficult road conditions, and I rarely have videos on in the car and if so exclusively for passengers use who mostly sit in the front passenger seat. I never give more than a cursory glance at my video screen anyway and much the same as you do looking at say the car clock or speedometer or radio dial, so please follow what I am saying. However I NEVER EVER would use a phone whilst riding my motorbike as this is ALWAYS dangerous because of physical limitations it causes of course and anyway if you are sensible you should be wearing a crash hat which precludes the use of a phone anyway.

If you really cannot keep your main primary focus on the road and your driving when on the mobile phone then you should not even attempt to talk on a phone when driving at ANY time, just bloody common sense like my wall building example as I just would not attempt to even try to build a wall. We all have to admit honestly what we are good at and capable of and what we are bad and useless at. As I said I have NEVER had an accident directly as a result of using a mobile phone when driving or from glancing very briefly at a video screen, and in the hopefully unlikely event that I ever do I will hold my hands up to being responsible if it was a direct or clearly fully mitigating cause. I have though had many painful accidents trying to carry out building works when I had no choice other than to try and do it myself.

These restrictive laws are imposed because of the bloody idiots (the lowest common denominators). The other day for example I truthfully saw a motorbike in teh centre of a busy town centre traffic lighted junction. He was wearing no crash helmet and was stopped there chatting on his mobile phone !!!!!!!!!! Even seen a driver obviously SMS texting whilst driving, now that is impossible for anyone to do and primarily focus on the road so nobody should even attempt to do that. These and many other examples are the type of gross stupidity that makes such use of mobile phone laws become a necessity unfortunately, but as long as I personally feel capable of safely using a phone in my car whilst driving then I will continue to do so. Sure of course I also fully advocate the use of Blutooth devices too for hand free use when they are available at the time, but some people would still not allow there mental focus to stay on the road even when phone chatting hands free so still dangerous in such idiots' hands (free or not!).

Edited by rayw
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The police should strictly enforce laws and not take bribes.

What a wonderful idea. rolleyes.gif

I wonder why nobody thought of this beforeclap2.gif

Maybe, just maybe, the 'tea money' should be made official but half of it goes to the reporting officer. Perhaps that would be sufficient incentive to actually start policing?

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GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go

Ever heard of planning ahead? That's what we did before GPS. A normal paper map works great. smile.png

Ever heard of walking? That's what we did before we had cars... you'll find your legs propel you forward excellently. Similarly We could live in caves and bash women over the head to mate with them... thumbsup.gif

Been there, done that. smile.png

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GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go

Ever heard of planning ahead? That's what we did before GPS. A normal paper map works great. smile.png

Ever heard of walking? That's what we did before we had cars... you'll find your legs propel you forward excellently. Similarly We could live in caves and bash women over the head to mate with them... thumbsup.gif

Been there, done that. smile.png

You know there are a lot of Thai women living in Thailand. More likely unconscious Farang riding in the back seat of the Mercedes.

Edited by kerryk
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GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go

Ever heard of planning ahead? That's what we did before GPS. A normal paper map works great. smile.png

New to Bangkok. Useless or non-existant navigator. Surely a paper map is far worse than a DVD!

Don't live in BKK and never will.

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...and police often turned a blind-eye to motorists who.....

...are speeding, running red lights, following to closely, overtaking unsafely, parking illegally, driving without a license....


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Where do they get these crazy ideas, everyone knows its not dangerous, I see many kids by me on the phone and even the 10 year olds can drive a bike and use the phone at the same time so i dont see any problem, havent the Police got better things to do!!! Next theyll be wanting us to wear helmets etc and get a driving licence and do a test, heaven forbid, Im moving to Laos or Cambodia

"Annoyed of somewhere"

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I always did think those aftermarket DVD players were madness. I nearly got sideswiped last week overtaking some moron in a pickup who wandered over the white line of a dual carriageway because he was watching the TV. At the risk of being a "Thai knocker" you definitely need both eyes on the road driving in LOS. At least with the factory fitted ones you can't watch them from the front while the vehicle is in gear. As it should be.

Naw. You don't sound like you are bashing Thais. The problem is the same all over. I would extend it to saying that people cannot even walk and use their devices either. As a matter of fact I hope that it is not a sign of intelligence to be able to walk and talk at the same time or the human gene pool is in trouble.
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Well the whole subject is a laugh! I have just arrived at Don Meung and am on my way to the other. Airport in a taxi. On the express way we have passed two large video display boards playing fancy vids for all the drivers to gawp at whilst doing 120 kmh on the highway! The taxi driver seemed to enjoy them ! If tthey are going to clamp down on vids in the car then maybe outside should be first. Thailand hub of safety.

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How are they going to have a crackdown? Take more tea money every time someone is caught?

By confiscating the monitor! Should include these ever popular GPS thingies too.

What crap!!!!!!!!!. GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go, bloody best invention ever as long as set up properly. So total utterly misguided crap Semper; no offence intended though.

Yes you should be able to mount you in car DVD TV screen in the front for use by the passenger. Sure it should be illegal and negligent to watch TV whilst driving and if caught doing so you should be prosecuted but that should never apply for your front passenger's use. Main way is to try to educate the Thai drivers about road safety by using Government sponsored TV, newspaper and hoarding adverts getting the point across in a catchy memorable way (Like the old "Clunk Click Every Trip" or "Wear Something Bright At Night" campaigns back in the UK many years ago which all Brits still remember well)

Want to stop most road traffic accidents then start policing road users more and better by say stopping 3 and more on a motorbikes, no lights at night, jumping red traffic lights, driving down the wrong side of the road, wrong way around roundabouts, dangerous and stupid wrong lane use at junctions and driving without a driving licence so without any proper training or ability competence testing.. Really clamp down on those offenders first is the priority. The law should not forbid mobile phone or video use when driving but make it a very serious high penalty offence if in so doing you cause an accident. Many of us, like David above, CAN drive safely and keep our primary focus on the driving whilst talking on a phone or clanging at a video screen briefly but knowing the risks of high penalty prosecution IF we caused an accident whilst doing so. I am seriously very confident that using a mobile phone whilst dreiving would NOT cause me to have an accident as my driving is very much my #1 priority and focus at all times. Actually I personally find it harder and more distracting changing a music CD in the car when driving than using a mobile phone to be honest, and this is not illegal anywhere in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though to be honest I often stop the car safely somewhere to change such a music CD rather than fumble about finding a CD I want and then changing it in the car player.

Most accidents here in Thailand are caused quite clearly by total crass and unnecessary stupidity from my 9 years of experience here. Lack of driver training and poor inadequate wrongly focussed policing are the primary reasons for the high road traffic Accident rate here IMHO. Put that right first if you are really serious about saving lives through better APPLIED road safety measures. Please note that most of the logical and sensible world wide road safely laws are in force here too and have been for a long time, but just not adhered to or enforced adequately which is so very irresponsible and stupid.

As is your attitude about using a phone while driving??
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Nothing wrong with a DVD in the car as long as the DRIVER is not using it,

or really does NOT have it in his line of sight, so temptation doesn't occur.

I saw around 10 people using their phones in cars to day with in a 20 km drive.

Powerful effective this campaign.

Edited by animatic
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On one hand, to be honest this is an unbelievably advantegous situation to police officers. Making much of a tea money.must have never been easier than this.

We will see more rich policemen around.

On the other hand, I still don't see the willingness to change the law and exert influence on people behind wheels. Let's face it, that Thai drivers don't even realize the dangers on the road. No one teaches them, no one tells them what is good or bad, no one tries to change their behaviour.

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GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go

Ever heard of planning ahead? That's what we did before GPS. A normal paper map works great. smile.png

I think reading a paper-map wile driving is more dangerous than listen to a GPS.wink.png

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How are they going to have a crackdown? Take more tea money every time someone is caught?

By confiscating the monitor! Should include these ever popular GPS thingies too.

What crap!!!!!!!!!. GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go, bloody best invention ever as long as set up properly. So total utterly misguided crap Semper; no offence intended though.

Yes you should be able to mount you in car DVD TV screen in the front for use by the passenger. Sure it should be illegal and negligent to watch TV whilst driving and if caught doing so you should be prosecuted but that should never apply for your front passenger's use. Main way is to try to educate the Thai drivers about road safety by using Government sponsored TV, newspaper and hoarding adverts getting the point across in a catchy memorable way (Like the old "Clunk Click Every Trip" or "Wear Something Bright At Night" campaigns back in the UK many years ago which all Brits still remember well)

Want to stop most road traffic accidents then start policing road users more and better by say stopping 3 and more on a motorbikes, no lights at night, jumping red traffic lights, driving down the wrong side of the road, wrong way around roundabouts, dangerous and stupid wrong lane use at junctions and driving without a driving licence so without any proper training or ability competence testing.. Really clamp down on those offenders first is the priority. The law should not forbid mobile phone or video use when driving but make it a very serious high penalty offence if in so doing you cause an accident. Many of us, like David above, CAN drive safely and keep our primary focus on the driving whilst talking on a phone or clanging at a video screen briefly but knowing the risks of high penalty prosecution IF we caused an accident whilst doing so. I am seriously very confident that using a mobile phone whilst dreiving would NOT cause me to have an accident as my driving is very much my #1 priority and focus at all times. Actually I personally find it harder and more distracting changing a music CD in the car when driving than using a mobile phone to be honest, and this is not illegal anywhere in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though to be honest I often stop the car safely somewhere to change such a music CD rather than fumble about finding a CD I want and then changing it in the car player.

Most accidents here in Thailand are caused quite clearly by total crass and unnecessary stupidity from my 9 years of experience here. Lack of driver training and poor inadequate wrongly focussed policing are the primary reasons for the high road traffic Accident rate here IMHO. Put that right first if you are really serious about saving lives through better APPLIED road safety measures. Please note that most of the logical and sensible world wide road safely laws are in force here too and have been for a long time, but just not adhered to or enforced adequately which is so very irresponsible and stupid.

If you really do think GPSs enhance road safety, you are living in a fantasy land. Something borne out by your misplaced confidence in your ability to use a phone whilst driving - unless, of course, you have the good fortune to be blessed with a third hemisphere to your brain . . . and always assuming you can avoid sitting on it.

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How are they going to have a crackdown? Take more tea money every time someone is caught?

By confiscating the monitor! Should include these ever popular GPS thingies too.

What crap!!!!!!!!!. GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go, bloody best invention ever as long as set up properly. So total utterly misguided crap Semper; no offence intended though.

Yes you should be able to mount you in car DVD TV screen in the front for use by the passenger. Sure it should be illegal and negligent to watch TV whilst driving and if caught doing so you should be prosecuted but that should never apply for your front passenger's use. Main way is to try to educate the Thai drivers about road safety by using Government sponsored TV, newspaper and hoarding adverts getting the point across in a catchy memorable way (Like the old "Clunk Click Every Trip" or "Wear Something Bright At Night" campaigns back in the UK many years ago which all Brits still remember well)

Want to stop most road traffic accidents then start policing road users more and better by say stopping 3 and more on a motorbikes, no lights at night, jumping red traffic lights, driving down the wrong side of the road, wrong way around roundabouts, dangerous and stupid wrong lane use at junctions and driving without a driving licence so without any proper training or ability competence testing.. Really clamp down on those offenders first is the priority. The law should not forbid mobile phone or video use when driving but make it a very serious high penalty offence if in so doing you cause an accident. Many of us, like David above, CAN drive safely and keep our primary focus on the driving whilst talking on a phone or clanging at a video screen briefly but knowing the risks of high penalty prosecution IF we caused an accident whilst doing so. I am seriously very confident that using a mobile phone whilst dreiving would NOT cause me to have an accident as my driving is very much my #1 priority and focus at all times. Actually I personally find it harder and more distracting changing a music CD in the car when driving than using a mobile phone to be honest, and this is not illegal anywhere in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though to be honest I often stop the car safely somewhere to change such a music CD rather than fumble about finding a CD I want and then changing it in the car player.

Most accidents here in Thailand are caused quite clearly by total crass and unnecessary stupidity from my 9 years of experience here. Lack of driver training and poor inadequate wrongly focussed policing are the primary reasons for the high road traffic Accident rate here IMHO. Put that right first if you are really serious about saving lives through better APPLIED road safety measures. Please note that most of the logical and sensible world wide road safely laws are in force here too and have been for a long time, but just not adhered to or enforced adequately which is so very irresponsible and stupid.

Agreed concerning GPS. A GPS you don´t have to watch, just listen to it.thumbsup.gif

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I like to chat on the phone while, watching die hard 4, while reading the Bangkok post on my iPad in traffic. I like the Red lights because it gives me a chance to eat breakfast which I can't do while doing all that.

Can't wait for 5 years from now, traffic should be bad enough, just at the time technology will be coming out giving me the ability to enjoy Avatar in 3D while cruising down the highway.

What laws? There are no laws here? There is only what you can and can not get away with

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