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Jealous German Skinhead Knife Killer Caught In Khon Kaen


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If he was "paying money for bum bum" then why get so insanely jealous about another man "paying money for bum bum"? That's naive to the point of stupidity, like renting a car then losing the plot because you see someone else driving it a week later...

Imagine the other party paying more for the car rent, jacking up prices beyond your reach. Now, if you can create a price cartel with the other clients and a time share plan, there shouldn't be a problem. And also.. it's bad practise to rent the same car to two at the same time, a recipe for disaster. Should use a secretary to work out the time tables.

As for the German's actions..it seems increasingly common these days for people to have impulse control problems. Sales of psychoactive drugs are still raising, in other words, there are more and more nutters out there every day.

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Imagine what it must have been like for the people in the occupied countries during World War Two who were at the mercies of these phycho thugs.

Beetlejuice you are being a bit ridiculous... this guy has no more connection to WW II soldiers than you or I have.

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Why the hell are people going on and on about Nazi and White Power crap when it has absolutely nothing to do with his murder and the only thing to indicate this guy may have had these kinds of views was an earring whose origin and meaning to this guy we know nothing about.

He killed this women out of jealousy plain and simple. Regretfully many people are killed around the globe at the hands of obsessively controlling people for this reason.

While wanting to know more about the accused and victim, this is NOT about money, not about Nazis, not about her possibly seeing somebody else, not about Facebook, not about a type of bar or internet cafe, her friends, her past relationships, her house... this is about a guy who murdered his girlfriend because HE has serious control and rage issues.

If this German is wearing an earing with a swastika, then obviously he has other motives than mere jealousy compelling him to commit violence against a minority race, even if it is a sublte motivation it is there. Since you probably have not lived in Germany (and I have and I speak German) you may not understand that given the same situation with a German girl in Germany, it is probable that this same man would not commit the same crime, or even harm a German or "Aryian" woman.

Complete rubbish.

I am always suspect of anyone who describes white Europeans as Aryan.

That guy was a psycho waiting to happen.

Whatever the race or nationality of the girl, if being placed in the same situation, would have suffered the same consequences

Please don’t try and give us that old bull about loyalties between these fanatical maniacs because there isn’t any.

People that wear or display nazi insignia are sending out the message that they believe in brutality and have extreme violent tendencies, or in other words are deranged and warped.

The only difference between this maniac and any other mad killer is that he wore a nazi emblem that should be a signal to anyone with common sense to stay well clear of him, because not only are these people deranged but are even advertising the fact.

Thais are not educated as you and i, they don't know the significance or difference between a swastika a Maltese cross or a crucifix,plus it's her job to make money that way,I'm sure he was not the first unsavory customer/boyfriend she had, she was in it for cash,she played a psycho this time and payed the ultimate price,poor girl,yes poor girl,what ever she is or did, did not deserve death!!!

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Why the hell are people going on and on about Nazi and White Power crap when it has absolutely nothing to do with his murder and the only thing to indicate this guy may have had these kinds of views was an earring whose origin and meaning to this guy we know nothing about.

He killed this women out of jealousy plain and simple. Regretfully many people are killed around the globe at the hands of obsessively controlling people for this reason.

While wanting to know more about the accused and victim, this is NOT about money, not about Nazis, not about her possibly seeing somebody else, not about Facebook, not about a type of bar or internet cafe, her friends, her past relationships, her house... this is about a guy who murdered his girlfriend because HE has serious control and rage issues.

If this German is wearing an earing with a swastika, then obviously he has other motives than mere jealousy compelling him to commit violence against a minority race, even if it is a sublte motivation it is there. Since you probably have not lived in Germany (and I have and I speak German) you may not understand that given the same situation with a German girl in Germany, it is probable that this same man would not commit the same crime, or even harm a German or "Aryian" woman.

Complete rubbish.

I am always suspect of anyone who describes white Europeans as Aryan.

That guy was a psycho waiting to happen.

Whatever the race or nationality of the girl, if being placed in the same situation, would have suffered the same consequences

Please don’t try and give us that old bull about loyalties between these fanatical maniacs because there isn’t any.

People that wear or display nazi insignia are sending out the message that they believe in brutality and have extreme violent tendencies, or in other words are deranged and warped.

The only difference between this maniac and any other mad killer is that he wore a nazi emblem that should be a signal to anyone with common sense to stay well clear of him, because not only are these people deranged but are even advertising the fact.

Thais are not educated as you and i, they don't know the significance or difference between a swastika a Maltese cross or a crucifix,plus it's her job to make money that way,I'm sure he was not the first unsavory customer/boyfriend she had, she was in it for cash,she played a psycho this time and payed the ultimate price,poor girl,yes poor girl,what ever she is or did, did not deserve death!!!

google thailand red swastika


"The World Red Swastika Society is a Taoist voluntary organisation. It traces its history to the Red Swastika Society founded in China in 1922 as a philanthropic branch of the Society of Dao and Virtue. The society's movement is similar to the Red Cross but is grounded on Buddhism and Taoism."


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Why the hell are people going on and on about Nazi and White Power crap when it has absolutely nothing to do with his murder and the only thing to indicate this guy may have had these kinds of views was an earring whose origin and meaning to this guy we know nothing about.

He killed this women out of jealousy plain and simple. Regretfully many people are killed around the globe at the hands of obsessively controlling people for this reason.

While wanting to know more about the accused and victim, this is NOT about money, not about Nazis, not about her possibly seeing somebody else, not about Facebook, not about a type of bar or internet cafe, her friends, her past relationships, her house... this is about a guy who murdered his girlfriend because HE has serious control and rage issues.

If this German is wearing an earing with a swastika, then obviously he has other motives than mere jealousy compelling him to commit violence against a minority race, even if it is a sublte motivation it is there. Since you probably have not lived in Germany (and I have and I speak German) you may not understand that given the same situation with a German girl in Germany, it is probable that this same man would not commit the same crime, or even harm a German or "Aryian" woman.

Complete rubbish.

I am always suspect of anyone who describes white Europeans as Aryan.

That guy was a psycho waiting to happen.

Whatever the race or nationality of the girl, if being placed in the same situation, would have suffered the same consequences

Please don’t try and give us that old bull about loyalties between these fanatical maniacs because there isn’t any.

People that wear or display nazi insignia are sending out the message that they believe in brutality and have extreme violent tendencies, or in other words are deranged and warped.

The only difference between this maniac and any other mad killer is that he wore a nazi emblem that should be a signal to anyone with common sense to stay well clear of him, because not only are these people deranged but are even advertising the fact.

Thais are not educated as you and i, they don't know the significance or difference between a swastika a Maltese cross or a crucifix,plus it's her job to make money that way,I'm sure he was not the first unsavory customer/boyfriend she had, she was in it for cash,she played a psycho this time and payed the ultimate price,poor girl,yes poor girl,what ever she is or did, did not deserve death!!!

There are two ways of looking at this.

Firstly obtaining money by deception in this way is not a job but a crime, (theft) no different from any other sorts of thieves.

We must also consider those who have been on the receiving end of evil scammers, left in emotional turmoil, maybe financially wiped out, lives left in shreds and I believe there should be some kind of retributions against these people because in a way they are like the proverbial black widow spider. This is the reason why many, especially those who have fallen foul of these women’s exploits in the past may not share in the sentiments of having deep sympathy for this woman, which of course is understandable.

Nevertheless, this by no means suggests that this woman’s actions, although she was perpetrating the crime of trying to obtain money by deception and false pretences, warranted suffering a gruesome death at the hands of a deranged thug and hopefully the thug will receive a punishment befitting of the crime.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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The general gist of many of these posts smack of utter hypocrisy, suggesting that girls working in prostitution "are asking for trouble", while these suggestions come from guys using the "services" of these very same girls.

If you can't understand that by paying a prostitute you aren't "buying her out of prostitution" you are buying her services you need your heads testing. Whatever the girl says it's a method used to make her sale, whether that's suggesting that you are her one true love or simply that "you very hansum man", when plainly in most cases you are not, you are the exact opposite and generally repulse her, feigning attraction and deception is part and parcel of her profession.

If a man truly falls for a working girl, sending money is no indication of love or commitment and the expected monogamy tends to be very one sided on the part of the punter. If you truly cared, you would treat her as an equal and take her out of the world she is living in and act like her partner, not continue the cycle of prostitute/ punter by simply paying money to her in exchange for a fictitious relationship and sex.

Herman was a sandwich short of a picnic and fully responsible for his actions. There is no justification for stabbing your partner repeatedly with a knife, cheating or not. Interesting to see that no one is questioning the nutter's monogamy only the Thai girl, despite his reported history as a pimp...

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That's naive to the point of stupidity, like renting a car then losing the plot because you see someone else driving it a week later...

But I returned it with a full tank of gas sorry.gif

Yes, it was a poor comparison, but the responses it generated are interesting. The notion that by paying a girl money she somehow becomes your possession seems to be widely accepted and pretty indicative of the problems many (deluded) ferang have here with the fairer sex.

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Big difference in paying for short time sex and when a woman agrees to a committed relationship in exchange for large sums of money. I met a nice thai girl when i first came here, she was honest and upfront with me and told me she wanted somebody to take care of her and her son. I was honest and up front with her as well and told her that I am not that guy.

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As he came out he saw 2 or 3 men got off the car and one of them spoke Thai language

The plot thickens. Now there are 2 more men involved and one of them speaks Thai. Who are these guys? blink.png

And who is Mr. Thong? sad.png

The friend of Mr. Panties. Were you not paying attention in class??? Go to the headmistress's room at 2 p.m.

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Flirting on facebook?! Sorry I don't follow... what type of activity do you mean?

Not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that people die over affairs of the heart & money in the land of LOS. Feigning love for money increases the risk that 'somebody will die'.

Feigning love for money is called prostitution, the oldest profession in the world. I'm sure 99.99999999999 % of people don't get murdered as a result. The risk of murder comes when you add an emotionally dysfunctional, aggressive idiot to the mix...

Incidentally I think you'll find the vast majority of relationships involve some money transfer between partners, and the vast majority of murders within relationships occur with married couples not prostitutes and punters...

Since she was also feigning to be a committed couple, then this would fall into the marriage category of murders.

No that would be reserved for people that were actually married... fairly straight forward really! Feigning love for money is called prostitution, not marriage.

Edited by Ferangled
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Not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that people die over affairs of the heart & money in the land of LOS. Feigning love for money increases the risk that 'somebody will die'.

Feigning love for money is called prostitution, the oldest profession in the world. I'm sure 99.99999999999 % of people don't get murdered as a result. The risk of murder comes when you add an emotionally dysfunctional, aggressive idiot to the mix...

Incidentally I think you'll find the vast majority of relationships involve some money transfer between partners, and the vast majority of murders within relationships occur with married couples not prostitutes and punters...

Since she was also feigning to be a committed couple, then this would fall into the marriage category of murders.

No that would be reserved for people that were actually married... fairly straight forward really! Feigning love for money is called prostitution, not marriage.

You do not have to be married to have a committed relationship. Some say marriage is the most expensive form of prostitution.

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As he came out he saw 2 or 3 men got off the car and one of them spoke Thai language

The plot thickens. Now there are 2 more men involved and one of them speaks Thai. Who are these guys? blink.png

And who is Mr. Thong? sad.png

The friend of Mr. Panties. Were you not paying attention in class??? Go to the headmistress's room at 2 p.m.

Is that when Mr Peter showed up?

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And not to get too morbid here but it doesn't look like enough blood on the floor for her to have died from bleeding out.


Maybe from internal bleeding? rolleyes.gif

Not sure why your comment warrants a smiley face but I would think it not likely to die of "internal" bleeding from stab wounds to the arms (near impossible) face and forehead.

It should also be noted that he stabbed her until dead and the report to police was of a death by stabbing. Reports obviously could be wrong but I think it is indicative of her dying fairly quickly.

There are so many possible technical causes of death and given the info available it is impossible to know the technical cause of death but what is clear is she died because this man murdered her.

Cartoid artery or jugular vein cut will bleed you out to death very quickly, and yet not be very much blood. What is seen in the pixilated photo seems about right. Once brain death happens the heart stops pumping, so little more blood exits.

Neither the Cartoid (assume you mean Carotid) artery or jugular vein are locate in the arms, cheek or forehead which are the places she had injuries.

Again all just speculation and irrelevant except for morbid curiosity because the cause of death with the guy stabbing her to death.

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Not all grifters get murdered, but their incidence of death would be higher than those that do not grift.

Absolutely nothing at all to indicate this women was a grifter and is simply your way of trying to lay blame on her because some person with issues stabbed her 17 times is sick.

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And not to get too morbid here but it doesn't look like enough blood on the floor for her to have died from bleeding out.


Maybe from internal bleeding? rolleyes.gif

Not sure why your comment warrants a smiley face but I would think it not likely to die of "internal" bleeding from stab wounds to the arms (near impossible) face and forehead.

It should also be noted that he stabbed her until dead and the report to police was of a death by stabbing. Reports obviously could be wrong but I think it is indicative of her dying fairly quickly.

There are so many possible technical causes of death and given the info available it is impossible to know the technical cause of death but what is clear is she died because this man murdered her.

Cartoid artery or jugular vein cut will bleed you out to death very quickly, and yet not be very much blood. What is seen in the pixilated photo seems about right. Once brain death happens the heart stops pumping, so little more blood exits.

Neither the Cartoid (assume you mean Carotid) artery or jugular vein are locate in the arms, cheek or forehead which are the places she had injuries.

Again all just speculation and irrelevant except for morbid curiosity because the cause of death with the guy stabbing her to death.

Given the cheeks proximity to those 2 major blood pathways.

and the general poor level of reporting,

and the speed with which the lady is reported to have expired,

it is a logical conclusion that one of these was nicked, even if not cut open from the side as you appear to be indicating is the sole way for them to be severed.

It is possible to enter a cheek and get deep enough to the ear to cause this.

Especially if it is rather savage an attack as is clearly the case.

The only other logical way is for to have choked on blood lying on her back.

But the cheeks aren't likely to have caused that much blood loss.

An major arm artery is possible, but would likely give out more blood

and over a greater area before she died.

I was simply replying to a post that had not got it close to right, with a more logical explanation. No intent to be morbid was there, though you imply that.

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IMO this man was misogenistic & probably racist, and viewed developing-world women as objects rather than people, as many visitors to SEA do. The blurring of the lines in Thailand is greater than almost any country I've visited, for the reason that Thai women are second-class all across society to begin with & also that so many women are born into absolute poverty. This immediately means they have percieved very low social and economic value from birth onwards. This is why many foreign men come here for the sex-trade, women here are relatively cheap to buy and have low cultural expectations of how men should treat them.

If the man has misogenist & racist leanings too, he considers her even more lowly, she is a woman and a foreigner.

This is obviously not true of all vistors to Thailand who use sex-workers , I'm sure that many behave as gentlemen out here. I would hope that people remember that most girls out here do sex-work because they are born into grinding poverty & are sometimes forced into it too , it is not that they want to. A bit of sympathy, total lacking from this German, and the ability to see the world through others eyes, goes a long way & prevents situations getting ugly. These girls are from very poor beginnings & live a frightening life & I think they deserve a lot more respect than they get.

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Since she was also feigning to be a committed couple, then this would fall into the marriage category of murders.

Where is there any proof what-so-ever, let alone any indication at all, that she feigned being in a committed relationship? The only thing we know for sure is this guy wanted one but she didn't hide the fact being in a committed relationship with this guy was not her top priority. He knew she saw other guys, he knew about the French guy and she certainly didn't hide the fact she was chatting on Facebook with him. Just because a warped minded and controlling individual wants to believe they are in a committed relationship, despite the obvious fact they are not or that voluntarily giving money to a lover should ensure a committed relationship doesn't make it so.

But super classy of you to try to find ways to talk ill of a very recently murdered person who clearly 100% didn't deserve to be murdered.

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Why do we assume this women is a prostitute? Because she was married to a farang for 9 years and after her divorce has had relationships with other farangs? Is the suggestion here that farang men are so disgusting that a Thai women would only sleep with them if paid? Doesn't say a heck of a lot about what you guys think of yourself.

Women all around the world are attracted to men who can provide and take care of them and their offspring. It is part the genetic make up to ensure the species survives just as a man being attracted to young healthy looking women because they are more likely to produce healthy offspring ... it is also the reason why men can easily feel so upset when they feel like they are not adequately providing for their spouse.

There are women and men all around the world whose attractions are strongest toward people of other ethnicity.

Very sad that somebody equates taking care of somebody be it financially or otherwise that you have sex and are in love with is equal to prostitution but I guess people only have their own lives to base these opinions.

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IMO this man was misogenistic & probably racist, and viewed developing-world women as objects rather than people, as many visitors to SEA do. The blurring of the lines in Thailand is greater than almost any country I've visited, for the reason that Thai women are second-class all across society to begin with & also that so many women are born into absolute poverty. This immediately means they have percieved very low social and economic value from birth onwards. This is why many foreign men come here for the sex-trade, women here are relatively cheap to buy and have low cultural expectations of how men should treat them.

If the man has misogenist & racist leanings too, he considers her even more lowly, she is a woman and a foreigner.

This is obviously not true of all vistors to Thailand who use sex-workers , I'm sure that many behave as gentlemen out here. I would hope that people remember that most girls out here do sex-work because they are born into grinding poverty & are sometimes forced into it too , it is not that they want to. A bit of sympathy, total lacking from this German, and the ability to see the world through others eyes, goes a long way & prevents situations getting ugly. These girls are from very poor beginnings & live a frightening life & I think they deserve a lot more respect than they get.

"Thai women all second-class all across the society" - Strange that the prime minister happens to be female then isn't it? Also strange that most employers across the board prefer to have female staff as they work harder and are more realiable in this country. More and more women working in higher management positions.

Born into absolute poverty? Have you even been to the nort east. There are fish swimming in the rivers and fruit hanging from the trees. Nobody starves. women go to the bars because of greed. It may be their relatives greed. It may be their greed.

Viewing asian women as objects? Not the case here. I would guess that this was a crime of passion. He loved her. He supported her. she cheated on him. He found out. He killed her.

RIP to the girl. And I hope her family recover.

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He was just a typical scum bag that really should be prevented from entering the country, and most likely unwanted in Germany as well. Regardless of what the did or did not, this man is murdering scum and I hope the next 25 yrs of his life is spent being reminded of such.

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