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How Does Your Wife Puni


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Ok guys how does your wife punishes you when you have been a bad boy heres a few of my wife’s tricks

At the top of the list would have to be the silent treatment (which is enjoyable sometimes)

Then there’s throwing your dinner out to the dog (which don’t matter as you have got a guts fall of piss)

Locking the bed room door and telling you to sleep with dog (I like my dogs)

Throwing all the ice out the freezer so you can’t have a night cap (drink it hot)

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But i found that the angryness often is short ones , luckely.

I know a guy that has to run away or lock him self in a room when his wife goes off as she likes to chase him around with a very large knife :D:D

But I guess you will read about him on TV sooner or later :o

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At the top of the list would have to be the silent treatment

I never get that one unfortunately.

Then there’s throwing your dinner out to the dog

Yep, but I've already eaten somewhere else.

Locking the bed room door and telling you to sleep with dog

Yep, but usually my 'mia computer'.

Throwing all the ice out the freezer so you can’t have a night cap (drink it hot)

Don't drink these days, but would never drink whisky and ice.

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She locks the bedroom door. (I have a key hidden somewhere specifically for this purpose, though often it's better to sleep in the guest room. :o

Or when I'm in a different province/country she claims to commit suicide then doesn't answer the phone for at least a day. :D This is where I call sis-in-law who then makes a phone call about something unrelated and then lets me know the missus is still breathing. (The missus knows full well the function of such a phone call by her sister. :D

Also she writes lengthy letters or emails listing all the things that are wrong with me, sometimes grouped and itemized in neat bulleted lists. :D

Oh well.

From what I hear from friends, another very common one is to find most of your clothes outside the door/gate or under the balcony. Mine doesn't do that though. Same with giving my dinner to the dog, but then she doesn't really cook or anything.. I suppose she could feed specific foods from the fridge to the dog (like cheese) but she hasn't thought of that yet. If she ever does though then in retaliation I will feed her best shoes to the beast. :D Hey, maybe her wedding dress shoes.. hmmm could be on to something here! ! ! :D Any Thai ladies around (where's Bambi when you need her) who could comment on how a Thai lady would feel when you feed her wedding dress shoes to the dog?

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My friend's wife chases him with the meat cleaver...........

He has the scars to prove it.

Luckily, I rarely have an argument with my own wife.

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i get the silent treatment - followed by sulking... if she's really pissed at me it goes -

tears - stomp off to bed - silent treatment... this can "go back to beginning for another go" at any stage, several times in some cases


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It would be interestng to know, what you do to get them mad in the first place. We may have a common denominator here. We could make a list of does and dont's. :o

Dependant on the time of the month ...the answer is simple ..just breathing will do it !!!! then just being a Farang is a close second , being male is third .

On the few good days with a low risk ie the days not during / or post /or pre ....generally you have to be pretty stupid to need punishment

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It would be interestng to know, what you do to get them mad in the first place. We may have a common denominator here. We could make a list of does and dont's. :o

I am normaly in the dog house for saying I wont be long and then turn up 5 hour later pissed.

Then there going for a ride on my bike and ending up a couple hundred klm away of course these are normaly the day that we were suppost to go some where. I should learn to read her mind before leaving

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