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12 Years Later. Do I Miss Thailand?


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Originally came here 7 years ago, it was cheaper than going to Greece. Lol.

7 years later still here, have a lovely wife and son!

Over the years the place (pattaya) has gone worse and worse. They have sucked the fun out of the place. Ie first the elephants, then the snakes, fire shows etc.

It's like any other city.

And to be honest I'm looking forward to returning home permanently in the next few months.

Though I will miss waking up to the sun every morning.

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Medicineman, why don't you come back to Thailand then?

Lived here for 10 years, haven't been back in Denmark for 7 years and I am getting along just fine, thank you very much.

I have a relatively well paid job in the oil offshore industrie working worldwide 6 month pr year so I am only here 1/2 time.

Sorry, but you are not the typical case. You would have been out of Denmark 1/2 the time as well had you lived there.

I wonder how any man would not want to be in Denmark, a country with the happiest people on earth (that's what the surveys say) and that IMO has the lowest ugly people per capita than any other nation, but that's my bias, and only because I have a fondness for Denmark and people that are so pleasing to the eye.

Yea, yea, I know, taxes & cost of living are tough in Denmark. However, I think you have the ideal situation. The time you spend in Thailand is "off time" so there are other reasons for enjoying Thailand. If you had to work at an oil refinery in Thailand 6 days a week and under unsafe working conditions you might have a different perspective. Your set up works well for you, and that's good, but please understand you are part of a small minority.

Not trying to be rude here, but maybe you need your eyes examined. Naked Dansk vs naked locals? I know who wins in my book. smile.png

I'd much rather be anywhere in Denmark in the summer surrounded by people that ooze sexiness and desirability than stuck in hot, sticky Phuket with locals picking their noses and driving like madmen. At least I can drink the tap water in Denmark and when I flush the toilet the water in the toiler bowl is cleaner than what I dumped in it. And btw, no Danish cop or government official ever tried to shake me down or ask for a bribe. When I get in a Danish taxi, no one tries to rip me off. Jeez, I am so worked up I want to hop on a plane, fly to Denmark and get busy with the locals.........wub.png

Grass is always greener on the other side and also different strokes for different folks. In reality, Denmark has a lot of problems particularly with insane high taxes which reserves a comfortable Thai style living for only the very rich. Cars are taxed 250%, the average tax rate after all sorts of product taxing is close to 70%. There are huge problems with immigrants. It's a very feminist country and while danish girls look good in the summer, many have been raised with a feminist ideology and are not exactly easy to get along with. Socialized medicine in practise works out to months of waiting time for simple specialist treatment and 2/5 cancer patiens are killed by neglect. Try setting up a business and despair from all the paperwork and taxes. Then I haven't even touched on the 'Jante Law' which is deeply ingrained in the danish and scandinavian mindset and basically shuns any effort to better yourself or become successful. You certainly can't tell anyone that you're doing ok. And danish people are in no way happy. It's the way those surveys are phrased. Danish people are 'content'. When asked if they were happy yesterday (a more down to earth measure), they rank around Sudan. A huge part of the population is on 'happy pills' and suicide rates are high.

So basically, I can understand why looking in from the outside, Denmark and other socialist countries look nice, but it depends. Do you value your freedom? You opportunity to make your own decisions and not be dictated from the government? If so Denmark isn't for you. If you value a feeling of security much higher than freedom, then Denmark is probably a good place to go.

Personally, I couldn't live there anymore. I'd rather move to Estonia or Thailand, Japan or Malta. Heck, even the US and California would be great for me, but very expensive.

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Originally came here 7 years ago, it was cheaper than going to Greece. Lol.

7 years later still here, have a lovely wife and son!

Over the years the place (pattaya) has gone worse and worse. They have sucked the fun out of the place. Ie first the elephants, then the snakes, fire shows etc.

It's like any other city.

And to be honest I'm looking forward to returning home permanently in the next few months.

Though I will miss waking up to the sun every morning.

You won't have Elephants, Snakes and Fire Shows in the UK either, and you certainly won't be waking up to the sun every morning.

Edited by Banzai99
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Medicineman, why don't you come back to Thailand then?

Lived here for 10 years, haven't been back in Denmark for 7 years and I am getting along just fine, thank you very much.

I have a relatively well paid job in the oil offshore industrie working worldwide 6 month pr year so I am only here 1/2 time.

Sorry, but you are not the typical case. You would have been out of Denmark 1/2 the time as well had you lived there.

I wonder how any man would not want to be in Denmark, a country with the happiest people on earth (that's what the surveys say) and that IMO has the lowest ugly people per capita than any other nation, but that's my bias, and only because I have a fondness for Denmark and people that are so pleasing to the eye.

Yea, yea, I know, taxes & cost of living are tough in Denmark. However, I think you have the ideal situation. The time you spend in Thailand is "off time" so there are other reasons for enjoying Thailand. If you had to work at an oil refinery in Thailand 6 days a week and under unsafe working conditions you might have a different perspective. Your set up works well for you, and that's good, but please understand you are part of a small minority.

Not trying to be rude here, but maybe you need your eyes examined. Naked Dansk vs naked locals? I know who wins in my book. smile.png

I'd much rather be anywhere in Denmark in the summer surrounded by people that ooze sexiness and desirability than stuck in hot, sticky Phuket with locals picking their noses and driving like madmen. At least I can drink the tap water in Denmark and when I flush the toilet the water in the toiler bowl is cleaner than what I dumped in it. And btw, no Danish cop or government official ever tried to shake me down or ask for a bribe. When I get in a Danish taxi, no one tries to rip me off. Jeez, I am so worked up I want to hop on a plane, fly to Denmark and get busy with the locals.........wub.png

Grass is always greener on the other side and also different strokes for different folks. In reality, Denmark has a lot of problems particularly with insane high taxes which reserves a comfortable Thai style living for only the very rich. Cars are taxed 250%, the average tax rate after all sorts of product taxing is close to 70%. There are huge problems with immigrants. It's a very feminist country and while danish girls look good in the summer, many have been raised with a feminist ideology and are not exactly easy to get along with. Socialized medicine in practise works out to months of waiting time for simple specialist treatment and 2/5 cancer patiens are killed by neglect. Try setting up a business and despair from all the paperwork and taxes. Then I haven't even touched on the 'Jante Law' which is deeply ingrained in the danish and scandinavian mindset and basically shuns any effort to better yourself or become successful. You certainly can't tell anyone that you're doing ok. And danish people are in no way happy. It's the way those surveys are phrased. Danish people are 'content'. When asked if they were happy yesterday (a more down to earth measure), they rank around Sudan. A huge part of the population is on 'happy pills' and suicide rates are high.

So basically, I can understand why looking in from the outside, Denmark and other socialist countries look nice, but it depends. Do you value your freedom? You opportunity to make your own decisions and not be dictated from the government? If so Denmark isn't for you. If you value a feeling of security much higher than freedom, then Denmark is probably a good place to go.

Personally, I couldn't live there anymore. I'd rather move to Estonia or Thailand, Japan or Malta. Heck, even the US and California would be great for me, but very expensive.

Insightful post, Thank You

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I have been living in Thailand for the last 3 years and the heat still kills me,

The currption and racisum gets me. + Farang tax

Most things in Thaland are a scam.

I am looking to move back to civilization some little iland in the Med.

Living up country in Thailand is very challenging being surrounded by people with the education of 6 year olds.

I look forward to showing my Thai girlfriend a better life.

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I have been living in Thailand for the last 3 years and the heat still kills me,

The currption and racisum gets me. + Farang tax

Most things in Thaland are a scam.

I am looking to move back to civilization some little iland in the Med.

Living up country in Thailand is very challenging being surrounded by people with the education of 6 year olds.

I look forward to showing my Thai girlfriend a better life.

Good first post. I found when I started riding an elephant instead of a motorcycle that the locals really liked me a lot more.

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I have been living in Thailand for the last 3 years and the heat still kills me,

The currption and racisum gets me. + Farang tax

Most things in Thaland are a scam.

I am looking to move back to civilization some little iland in the Med.

Living up country in Thailand is very challenging being surrounded by people with the education of 6 year olds.

I look forward to showing my Thai girlfriend a better life.

How can you slate people's education when you can't spell "racism", "corruption" or "island"?

How sure are you that your girlfriend will share your opinion of what constitutes a "better life"?

The sky must be falling I agree with you.

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Medicineman, why don't you come back to Thailand then?

Lived here for 10 years, haven't been back in Denmark for 7 years and I am getting along just fine, thank you very much.

I have a relatively well paid job in the oil offshore industrie working worldwide 6 month pr year so I am only here 1/2 time.

Sorry, but you are not the typical case. You would have been out of Denmark 1/2 the time as well had you lived there.

I wonder how any man would not want to be in Denmark, a country with the happiest people on earth (that's what the surveys say) and that IMO has the lowest ugly people per capita than any other nation, but that's my bias, and only because I have a fondness for Denmark and people that are so pleasing to the eye.

Yea, yea, I know, taxes & cost of living are tough in Denmark. However, I think you have the ideal situation. The time you spend in Thailand is "off time" so there are other reasons for enjoying Thailand. If you had to work at an oil refinery in Thailand 6 days a week and under unsafe working conditions you might have a different perspective. Your set up works well for you, and that's good, but please understand you are part of a small minority.

Not trying to be rude here, but maybe you need your eyes examined. Naked Dansk vs naked locals? I know who wins in my book. smile.png

I'd much rather be anywhere in Denmark in the summer surrounded by people that ooze sexiness and desirability than stuck in hot, sticky Phuket with locals picking their noses and driving like madmen. At least I can drink the tap water in Denmark and when I flush the toilet the water in the toiler bowl is cleaner than what I dumped in it. And btw, no Danish cop or government official ever tried to shake me down or ask for a bribe. When I get in a Danish taxi, no one tries to rip me off. Jeez, I am so worked up I want to hop on a plane, fly to Denmark and get busy with the locals.........wub.png

I guess you have only been to Denmark out of all the north western European countries, otherwise you would probably not pick Denmark as your favorite...

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Medicineman, why don't you come back to Thailand then?

Lived here for 10 years, haven't been back in Denmark for 7 years and I am getting along just fine, thank you very much.

I have a relatively well paid job in the oil offshore industrie working worldwide 6 month pr year so I am only here 1/2 time.

Sorry, but you are not the typical case. You would have been out of Denmark 1/2 the time as well had you lived there.

I wonder how any man would not want to be in Denmark, a country with the happiest people on earth (that's what the surveys say) and that IMO has the lowest ugly people per capita than any other nation, but that's my bias, and only because I have a fondness for Denmark and people that are so pleasing to the eye.

Yea, yea, I know, taxes & cost of living are tough in Denmark. However, I think you have the ideal situation. The time you spend in Thailand is "off time" so there are other reasons for enjoying Thailand. If you had to work at an oil refinery in Thailand 6 days a week and under unsafe working conditions you might have a different perspective. Your set up works well for you, and that's good, but please understand you are part of a small minority.

Not trying to be rude here, but maybe you need your eyes examined. Naked Dansk vs naked locals? I know who wins in my book. smile.png

I'd much rather be anywhere in Denmark in the summer surrounded by people that ooze sexiness and desirability than stuck in hot, sticky Phuket with locals picking their noses and driving like madmen. At least I can drink the tap water in Denmark and when I flush the toilet the water in the toiler bowl is cleaner than what I dumped in it. And btw, no Danish cop or government official ever tried to shake me down or ask for a bribe. When I get in a Danish taxi, no one tries to rip me off. Jeez, I am so worked up I want to hop on a plane, fly to Denmark and get busy with the locals.........wub.png

thailand may well be a corrupt, murderous dump but even that is better than turgid Denmark. A country with so many ludicrous rules its almost impossible not to break them. Walking across the road when the traffic light is red even if no car coming, 500 kr fine. Forced to spend 2000 kr on a TV licence even if you do not have a telly.

A country where the facist party gets 30% of the vote, a country where, for every one person who served in the resistence during world war two twenty people served in the waffen SS.

A country where the exessive tax system tries to control every facet of life. The latest proposal to make people pay tax if a neighbour or friend who is a skilled tradesman gives them a hand, IE, a painter doing a room, or plumber mate fixing a broken toilet

A place which abuses eastern european labour more than any other in Europe, Ukranians for example working for 40 kr an hour and having to give half back for rent in some abandoned farm house.

The most bland tasteless food in the word and a population of even blander humourless neanderthals.

I could actually go on all night, Denmark !! I would rather live in Iraq

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And the women really aint nothing special. there are a few stunners *as anywhere* but once over twenty most get fat fast, probably due to all the cakes, which contrary to belief are no longer danish specialities but all come from the same massive factory, and are multi national made junk.

Any swordsman knows the top notch minge is found in the easter block, try the czech republic, unless humping a robot is what make you tick,

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And the women really aint nothing special. there are a few stunners *as anywhere* but once over twenty most get fat fast, probably due to all the cakes, which contrary to belief are no longer danish specialities but all come from the same massive factory, and are multi national made junk.

Any swordsman knows the top notch minge is found in the easter block, try the czech republic, unless humping a robot is what make you tick,

cheesy.gif Post of the week !

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Regarding Danish TV licence: In about 1988-90 or thereabouts I was living in a house on a Island in DK and suddenly the neighbors came knocking on the door at about 1900 hours and told me that the dreaded "pejle vogn" (a car with special equipment that can pin down where TV is watched) had just driven from the ferry. I immediately switched off the TV and rolled it in into the bedroom as I was not paying my licence like properly +90% of the Islanders, he-he. I then went to the pub and I have never seen so many people there on a Tuesday evening before, it was like Friday or Saturday evening and we kept on going until well into the morning, he-he. Ah fond memories.

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I've enjoyed everywhere I've been and take yhe view that we should enjoy the moment we have not waste it dreaming about some place or thing we do not have.

I think GH is right, be happy where ever you are. In my experience, people that were unhappy in their home country will be unhappy in Thailand- after the infatuation wears off...

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I miss my family but I certainly don't miss america(aka the USSA).

I hated the place when I lived there. My life wasn't very happy at all. The jobs are crap and the cost of living is high. Fat people are everywhere. Couldn't get laid because I couldn't afford it. First time I visited Thailand I wanted to defect. It's been an easy decision.

I think if I returned I'd be spend every day trying to get back here again.

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And the women really aint nothing special. there are a few stunners *as anywhere* but once over twenty most get fat fast, probably due to all the cakes, which contrary to belief are no longer danish specialities but all come from the same massive factory, and are multi national made junk.

Any swordsman knows the top notch minge is found in the easter block, try the czech republic, unless humping a robot is what make you tick,

In the mid-70s I enjoyed going to the sex cabarets in Copenhagen. Pretty amazing. Wonder if they still exist?

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I miss my family but I certainly don't miss america(aka the USSA).

I hated the place when I lived there. My life wasn't very happy at all. The jobs are crap and the cost of living is high. Fat people are everywhere. Couldn't get laid because I couldn't afford it. First time I visited Thailand I wanted to defect. It's been an easy decision.

I think if I returned I'd be spend every day trying to get back here again.

Forgive me for being curious but where is here? No need to be specific a country will do.

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And the women really aint nothing special. there are a few stunners *as anywhere* but once over twenty most get fat fast, probably due to all the cakes, which contrary to belief are no longer danish specialities but all come from the same massive factory, and are multi national made junk.

Any swordsman knows the top notch minge is found in the easter block, try the czech republic, unless humping a robot is what make you tick,

In the mid-70s I enjoyed going to the sex cabarets in Copenhagen. Pretty amazing. Wonder if they still exist?

nothing like that around these days, out the back of copenhagen railway station is where the sleeze is, but your in for a poor show.

Fat wads of cash required to get a look at a second rate sour faced russian topless russian barmaid, nearer forty than mid thirties with a ciggarette hanging out her mouth. There are a couple of low class knocking shops and strip joint *again with real scrubbers inside*

However the chances of successfully running the gauntlet of heroin addicts and making it to any of these places with your belongings intact is slim.

These scourge bang up and toot smack virtually unmolested by the police due to the fact that they are so busy fining otherwise law abiding citizens for such heinous crimes as , *having no reflecors on you bike* or *crossing an empty road with no green man showing*

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Medicineman, why don't you come back to Thailand then?

Lived here for 10 years, haven't been back in Denmark for 7 years and I am getting along just fine, thank you very much.

I have a relatively well paid job in the oil offshore industrie working worldwide 6 month pr year so I am only here 1/2 time.

Sorry, but you are not the typical case. You would have been out of Denmark 1/2 the time as well had you lived there.

I wonder how any man would not want to be in Denmark, a country with the happiest people on earth (that's what the surveys say) and that IMO has the lowest ugly people per capita than any other nation, but that's my bias, and only because I have a fondness for Denmark and people that are so pleasing to the eye.

Yea, yea, I know, taxes & cost of living are tough in Denmark. However, I think you have the ideal situation. The time you spend in Thailand is "off time" so there are other reasons for enjoying Thailand. If you had to work at an oil refinery in Thailand 6 days a week and under unsafe working conditions you might have a different perspective. Your set up works well for you, and that's good, but please understand you are part of a small minority.

Not trying to be rude here, but maybe you need your eyes examined. Naked Dansk vs naked locals? I know who wins in my book. smile.png

I'd much rather be anywhere in Denmark in the summer surrounded by people that ooze sexiness and desirability than stuck in hot, sticky Phuket with locals picking their noses and driving like madmen. At least I can drink the tap water in Denmark and when I flush the toilet the water in the toiler bowl is cleaner than what I dumped in it. And btw, no Danish cop or government official ever tried to shake me down or ask for a bribe. When I get in a Danish taxi, no one tries to rip me off. Jeez, I am so worked up I want to hop on a plane, fly to Denmark and get busy with the locals.........wub.png

Grass is always greener on the other side and also different strokes for different folks. In reality, Denmark has a lot of problems particularly with insane high taxes which reserves a comfortable Thai style living for only the very rich. Cars are taxed 250%, the average tax rate after all sorts of product taxing is close to 70%. There are huge problems with immigrants. It's a very feminist country and while danish girls look good in the summer, many have been raised with a feminist ideology and are not exactly easy to get along with. Socialized medicine in practise works out to months of waiting time for simple specialist treatment and 2/5 cancer patiens are killed by neglect. Try setting up a business and despair from all the paperwork and taxes. Then I haven't even touched on the 'Jante Law' which is deeply ingrained in the danish and scandinavian mindset and basically shuns any effort to better yourself or become successful. You certainly can't tell anyone that you're doing ok. And danish people are in no way happy. It's the way those surveys are phrased. Danish people are 'content'. When asked if they were happy yesterday (a more down to earth measure), they rank around Sudan. A huge part of the population is on 'happy pills' and suicide rates are high.

I don't know where you have the figures of neglect - that 2 out 5 cancer patients die, however, the Danish hospital system is not great as it was 20 years ago. Yet, in Thailand many people cannot afford any treatment at all and so they are left to die.

So basically, I can understand why looking in from the outside, Denmark and other socialist countries look nice, but it depends. Do you value your freedom? You opportunity to make your own decisions and not be dictated from the government? If so Denmark isn't for you. If you value a feeling of security much higher than freedom, then Denmark is probably a good place to go.

Personally, I couldn't live there anymore. I'd rather move to Estonia or Thailand, Japan or Malta. Heck, even the US and California would be great for me, but very expensive.

Every time I return to Denmark I am amazed of the amount of good looking and beautiful people - both men and women. I am Danish myself and have traveled worldwide, also in other Scandinavian countries, and I have never seen as many beautiful people pr. capita as in Denmark. Sweden coming close. I don't know any obese people in my surroundings and I am in my early thirties. And I don't know any obese in my parents' surroundings either. You must talk about people from lower working class that tend to be obese everywhere in the Western world not only in Denmark.

The problem in Denmark is that we want to be great in everything. Want to be a great wife/husband, friend, mother/father, colleague, host, look great and have the nicest and cleaning house etc. We have too high demands. And when we fail those demands, it makes us unhappy. We have to learn to relax more.

The way the Danish spend time with their friends, families and children are of great value and it is real. And the children are number one. With our friends we talk about everything - what is going on on the inside, work, relationship, children, politics etc. Nothing about keeping up appearance and not loose face. We spend real time and not shallow time together. I am lucky that here in Thailand, I do have Thai friends though who open up to me and talk with me about things they never talked with their families or long time Thai friends with.

As I have my first baby soon, my Thai boyfriend (soon to be husband) and I will move to Denmark in a couple of years. As I appreciate the transparency, the cleanliness, our bicycles and not being afraid of being run over, safety, 4 seasons, the educational system, the health system (even though its mistakes), the productiveness, real and quality time with your family and friends. Luckily my bf feels the same.

I will miss the delicious cheap Thai food available everywhere and being able to visit high end restaurants without being broke afterwards. And the sunny and flourished everyday life. However, not the heat.

Denmark is a country that take care of the weak ones and there will always be people that use and abuse that system, unfortunately. And yeah we are too good to some of our immigrants. However, I also realized if I had not been a Dane I would have had the possibilities in life I have had and that makes me appreciate Denmark more and more. And of course my parents. My parents who belong to the better part of Denmark, however, they also both have long great educations and always been working hard and still do in the age of 62 and 63. And yeah they pay insane lots of taxes - more than 70 % when reaches that certain amount.

You have the possibility to make something out of yourself in Denmark - everyone has a change. In Denmark we have freedom of speech and I can say or write anything without being put to jail. I will call that freedom. And we are free to live life as we want - no dictation from government. However, we have to follow the laws. rules and tax systems. And I think that it fair. I enjoy that I can tell right or wrong and trust the system and teach my children the same. In Thailand I would not know how to teach them about right and wrong when everything is so corrupt.

Life will be more hard in Denmark, however, also more rewarding and real. In the future I will enjoy and look forward to my holiday visits to Thailand always, I am sure.

Edited by Afrodite79
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