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What Food Do You Miss The Most In Thailand And Crave?

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I only know because I saw it being done in the village. Had a wonderful time in that village and learned so much during my time there. How to start a fire using just an 18 inch piece of dead bamboo. How to steam rice in a section of green bamboo if you don't have a pan (you do need a sharp knife for that one though. How to throw a castnet.That place changed me, made me a better person.

I saw similar in a tiny village in Sumatra with a couple of roosters, fire/BBQ in one corner, not separate from the living quarters, no running water, electricity for lights and mobile phones, nobody had anything else electrical although we bought a ricecooker as a thank you. It really humbled me seeing people living like this - prior to it I'd seen it on TV but it wasn't real, this was 2010 and I was in a shack with no amenities, having 2 roosters killed, cleaned up, cut and cooked by a man with the dirtiest hands I've ever seen in my life, and of course we were the guests so we were honoured by being given the roosters heads to eat. Complete with eyeballs and beak (which you held like it was a bone). We stayed a week and saw how they did a lot of things without modern equipment. And I've never seen so many children; it was a Christian village, not Catholic but every woman seemed to have 5 or 6 youngsters. They got up at sunrise and were out playing and waking everybody up, and they would put in an odd appearance to get some rice during the day and they were back just as it got dark ready to eat. They were playing and picking coffee beans whilst they were going. Everybody seemed to be happy. Not just happy but content. They had nothing but they were genuinely content.

As I said, very humbling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brought out 3 Kilo of Emmental,Edam and Gouder Cheese from Lidl (3 pound /Kilo) figured good for a 3 month stay....ALL Gone...

Stuff here ok in emergency but" peng"...never mind next time will do air freight...but will probably need a bigger fridge.

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