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Thai Woman In Court In Uk For Beating Pensioner To Death After He Changes His Will In Her Favor


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The only person in this case for whom I feel much sympathy at present is the victim's wife, who is clearly in failing health, was dishinherited by her husband, and now has the humiliation of all and sundry knowing how he betrayed her.

I wouldn't wish to pass comment on the alleged murderer, it's up to the jury to decide her guilt or otherwise.

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We dont know the whole story yet.

Anything could of happen, the old bloke may of been attracted to her, have her all his stuff and tried to get something from her forcefully and she may of defended herself.


She is a cold blooded killer.


Who the hell knows.

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There are a number of parts of this case that seem to be undisputed facts

She killed him

She killed him with 16 blows to the head with a hammer

She waited 15 hours while he slowly died

Three months before the attack he changed his will to benefit her.

Here's the speculative part on my part:

There are networks of Thai women in most large towns in the UK now made up of divorced ex-bar girls who trade information on how to get the best settlement, what to say in court, how to claim abuse etc. They also teach other how to abuse the welfare system,

She was undoubtedly part of that network in Cambridge as she'd been there a long time.

This makes me think that the claim of abuse is false. That the attempted suicide is false.

My speculation is that she worked really really hard to be the sweetest thing he'd ever met to manipulate him in to changing his will. Once that was done she got tired of being so nice and went back to being lazy. He got annoyed and threatened to change his will back. She reacted with fury and attacked him, probably not intending to murder him, but on an impulse. Once she realised he was dead she decided she needed a story and abuse and mental illness is what she's going for, which is why she did the various things she did. (None of which were more than superficial)

This is entirely my speculation at this point, with the facts separated above.

If she gets away with it, or only gets a short sentence or get psychiatric care, this will be passed in to the Thai exwives network knowledge base, you can get someone to change their will and then murder them so long as you claim abuse or that you went temporarily mad

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she lied at him, when she said, she hadnt inherited anything from her first husband, what was not true...

this info made the victim changing his will...

as both "victims" were close friends, such a lie seems particularly heineous...

it sounds, as if she was pissed, that she didnt get the house from her first husband, too, which he apparently left for his children..

source: the previously mentioned dailymail

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Ah "Political Correctness" .... You can't handle the argument so you drag up Politcal Correctness - Well it's all in your own mind.

There is nothing Politically Correct in suggesting courts should decide guilt.

It's very politically correct to demand that people should not discuss matters before a court has decided.

It's also very politically correct to jump in to defend the murderer and show no empathy with the victim.

She's not a murderer until she's been found guilty in a court of law as far as the law is concerned.

Edited by endure
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She's not a murderer until she's been found guilty in a court of law as far as the law is concerned.

You could say the same about Gaddafi or Stalin.

This is all nitpicking. Thaivisa is not a court and we can name the obvious.

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No - Gadaffi and Stalin committed publically witnessed mass murders. All we know about this woman is what we read in the papers and we all know how newspapers never exxagerate things. If and when she's tried and found guilty then she deserves whatever punishment the law has to offer. Until then she's entitled to be regarded as innocent. That's the way the law works in civilised countries. Lynch mobs are for places that don't have law and order. You know - those places where you can bribe the cops to let you go. The places that so many complain about on Thaivisa.

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Rimmer who used an interpreter to help her understand proceedings due to her poor English denies murder.

only been in the UK 14 years and still got poor English...what a vile creature

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I have no knowledge of this woman's guilt or innocence; as said before that is for the court to decide.

What is obvious is that some posters here have already decided; "she's Thai so she must be an ex Tom and guilty."

I live in England with my Thai wife and have already received comments like "Don't change your will" and "Hide the hammer!" from prejudiced morons.

I wish I could say that I did not expect similar attitudes from Thai Visa members; unfortunately I can't.

Precisely the point I made re-the sub-text and attitudes to Thai/Brit couples in the UK.

But as you observe, the TV Brains Trust comes out with the usual abuse. K

I'm sorry to hear you are having to put up with this <deleted> and like you disappointed that so many here rush in to feed these small minded attitudes.

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There you go again, the TV jury have deliberated and found her guilty.

While totally missing the sub-text of the gutter press playing on the Thai Bride theme.

This is precisely the kind of attitudes that create problems for the many thousands of normal Thai/British couples in the UK.

But no let's join the party and enjoy the fun.

We don't need courts of law we have public opinion driven by the gutter press.

She's Thai, she's a gold digger, she's murdered her husband for money.

This is how we should view all Thai wives in the UK.

Courts .... Who needs them?!

No opinion on TV will effect the outcome one Iota so why is speculation wrong? No one, so far, on here knows the victim or the accused so there is no real harm done posting whatever opinion one wishes. I think it's called freedom of speech?

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only been in the UK 14 years and still got poor English...what a vile creature

I wonder how many expats there are in Thailand who have been here for 14 years or longer who either have poor Thai or would feel confident enough in their Thai language abilities not to use an interpreter if they were facing police questioning on a charge of murder?

rolleyes.gif after 14 years in England I would hazzard a guess that she is actually a 'British citizen' and entitled to many of the benefits the country has to offer her including legal aid....after the same amount of years in Thailand what are you entitled to apart from 'If you don't like it go back to where you came from'

difference is she was welcome to stay on in the UK even after her husbands death where as you will always be an alien/visitor/guest

does that not count for anything at the very least learn the language or is she playing the foreigner I no understand english card which is what I was getting at...

back in your box thumbsup.gif

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I have no knowledge of this woman's guilt or innocence; as said before that is for the court to decide.

What is obvious is that some posters here have already decided; "she's Thai so she must be an ex Tom and guilty."

I live in England with my Thai wife and have already received comments like "Don't change your will" and "Hide the hammer!" from prejudiced morons.

I wish I could say that I did not expect similar attitudes from Thai Visa members; unfortunately I can't.

if there is one thing us Brits can do well then that is to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously....I sent the story to a friend with the following quote ' never let them know how much money you are worth dead to them' which was met with a laugh and in typical British fashion he came back with 'any of them'

them being 'women'

Besides the people making comments to you are probably married to a fat woman or wrinkly faced one....maybe both!

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There you go again, the TV jury have deliberated and found her guilty.

While totally missing the sub-text of the gutter press playing on the Thai Bride theme.

This is precisely the kind of attitudes that create problems for the many thousands of normal Thai/British couples in the UK.

But no let's join the party and enjoy the fun.

We don't need courts of law we have public opinion driven by the gutter press.

She's Thai, she's a gold digger, she's murdered her husband for money.

This is how we should view all Thai wives in the UK.

Courts .... Who needs them?!

No, but the reputation is there and there is no denying that, even if the majority of it is unfounded.

The fact is that this woman did murder the guy and money appears to be the motive, which is common in these sorts of cases.

This poor man was still alive 15 hours after the attack and she failed to call for medical assistance. Imagine the fear and suffering he must have felt? Who knows what kinds of torture and torment this evil woman put him through?

Sorry, but in this case, this is not just idle speculation. Perhaps some people are afraid of the truth.

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is there a statistic, how many farangs in thailand die of "heart attack" or "fall at home" per year?

Put it the other way round - what are the stats for Westerners killing their Thai wife in their home countries?

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only been in the UK 14 years and still got poor English...what a vile creature

I wonder how many expats there are in Thailand who have been here for 14 years or longer who either have poor Thai or would feel confident enough in their Thai language abilities not to use an interpreter if they were facing police questioning on a charge of murder?


Or Expats here been here 25 years and screaming at the locals here for not speaking English. As I have witnessed first hand.

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only been in the UK 14 years and still got poor English...what a vile creature

I wonder how many expats there are in Thailand who have been here for 14 years or longer who either have poor Thai or would feel confident enough in their Thai language abilities not to use an interpreter if they were facing police questioning on a charge of murder?


Or Expats here been here 25 years and screaming at the locals here for not speaking English. As I have witnessed first hand.

see post 48....cheers

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only been in the UK 14 years and still got poor English...what a vile creature

I wonder how many expats there are in Thailand who have been here for 14 years or longer who either have poor Thai or would feel confident enough in their Thai language abilities not to use an interpreter if they were facing police questioning on a charge of murder?

rolleyes.gif after 14 years in England I would hazzard a guess that she is actually a 'British citizen' and entitled to many of the benefits the country has to offer her including legal aid....after the same amount of years in Thailand what are you entitled to apart from 'If you don't like it go back to where you came from'

difference is she was welcome to stay on in the UK even after her husbands death where as you will always be an alien/visitor/guest

does that not count for anything at the very least learn the language or is she playing the foreigner I no understand english card which is what I was getting at...

back in your box thumbsup.gif

Getting a citizenship anywhere you SHOULD be able to speak the local language, if not then thats the flaw in the country's system in my opinion.

Legal aid and everything else is usually how well the country is doing financially.

Also the "If you dont like it here, well get out" is what a lot of coutries locals love to say.

Man, I am tired, I need a beer.

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only been in the UK 14 years and still got poor English...what a vile creature

I wonder how many expats there are in Thailand who have been here for 14 years or longer who either have poor Thai or would feel confident enough in their Thai language abilities not to use an interpreter if they were facing police questioning on a charge of murder?

rolleyes.gif after 14 years in England I would hazzard a guess that she is actually a 'British citizen' and entitled to many of the benefits the country has to offer her including legal aid....after the same amount of years in Thailand what are you entitled to apart from 'If you don't like it go back to where you came from'

difference is she was welcome to stay on in the UK even after her husbands death where as you will always be an alien/visitor/guest

does that not count for anything at the very least learn the language or is she playing the foreigner I no understand english card which is what I was getting at...

back in your box thumbsup.gif

Getting a citizenship anywhere you SHOULD be able to speak the local language, if not then thats the flaw in the country's system in my opinion.

Legal aid and everything else is usually how well the country is doing financially.

Also the "If you dont like it here, well get out" is what a lot of coutries locals love to say.

Man, I am tired, I need a beer.

In Australia they have car stickers saying that - slightly different wording though

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only been in the UK 14 years and still got poor English...what a vile creature

I wonder how many expats there are in Thailand who have been here for 14 years or longer who either have poor Thai or would feel confident enough in their Thai language abilities not to use an interpreter if they were facing police questioning on a charge of murder?

rolleyes.gif after 14 years in England I would hazzard a guess that she is actually a 'British citizen' and entitled to many of the benefits the country has to offer her including legal aid....after the same amount of years in Thailand what are you entitled to apart from 'If you don't like it go back to where you came from'

difference is she was welcome to stay on in the UK even after her husbands death where as you will always be an alien/visitor/guest

does that not count for anything at the very least learn the language or is she playing the foreigner I no understand english card which is what I was getting at...

back in your box thumbsup.gif

Getting a citizenship anywhere you SHOULD be able to speak the local language, if not then thats the flaw in the country's system in my opinion.

Legal aid and everything else is usually how well the country is doing financially.

Also the "If you dont like it here, well get out" is what a lot of coutries locals love to say.

Man, I am tired, I need a beer.

so you agree you have no real rights in Thailand and will always be an alien thumbsup.gif

and the quote of if you don't like it etc is mainly touted by the embrace the culture brigade of ex-pats in Thailand in my opinion...I have lived a few places overseas and never heard it anywhere else!

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so you agree you have no real rights in Thailand and will always be an alien thumbsup.gif

and the quote of if you don't like it etc is mainly touted by the embrace the culture brigade of ex-pats in Thailand in my opinion...I have lived a few places overseas and never heard it anywhere else!

I will be going for PR soon hopefully, I don't expect to get full rights, I am fully aware of how flawed the system is, Thailand needs to fix A LOT of other things before they care about us.

I lived in the US, Australia, been to the UK and a few places in Europe. Its actually quite common all over the world. But only in my experiences. The UK, and Australia it is everywhere, other places in Europe not so much that I have seen.

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am i the only one who doesnt give a crap? Obviously he was no better than her

Being an old guy and having desires for younger women is not illegal or immoral as far as I know.

And unless this involves minors, than I don`t think being friends or having sexual relationships with younger women should warrant the death penalty as this tragic unfortunate man received.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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