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How Can I Get A Thai Girl To The Us?

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Yes I know it's nearly impossible to get a Thai girl to the US. The girlfriend and I have been talking about it for a while. I've tried to explain to her it is a long shot but she has a friend who has been to the US so she wants to give it a try.

Any suggestions, ideas, info we should collect, etc.

Any recent success info appreciated. Thanks

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ya, the marriage idea has been suggested before. She has never been out of the country, I want to make sure she can adapt to life here first. I have no interest being married to someone who lives on the other side the world.

I've been through the Embassy site cover to cover. Thanks though.

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If it is any consolation I was shocked to learn that a female who worked the bar trade in Patong was able to get a German visa no problem. 6 months after returning from Germany she dumped the German and took up with an American. She "dated" him for a 18months. Dates consisted of 3 visits at 2 weeks each. This past March she secured a visa for the USA. She and her b/f did all the visa paperwork and her b/f showed up with an affadavit showing that he's worth several million dollars. Apparently, they followed all the visa requirements, but the deal breaker was the guy having sufficient funds to guarantee her. He also put 300,000 baht in her bank account 6 months before she applied for the visa As well , there is only about a 5 year age difference. He's a respectable well educated lowkey fellow, and no mug.

In fairness to her, she didn't date anyone else, even when he was back in the USA, and she's a rather decent person, and comes across as an intelligent, trustworthy person. She would have presented very well in her interview, polite and not stupid. We've had a heart to heart and she's been very blunt with me that she is looking for a better life for her and her 2 boys. I met them because one of my friends would employ her as his dogwalker. I was shocked that she received a visa. However, the one thing that I have learnt after all these years is that one can get a visa if the paper work is correct, there is a plausible reason for the visit, the couple looks legit and the woman has money in her name. I'm sure some will doubt me, but this is one case I know where the visa was granted in 2012.

Edited by geriatrickid
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How important is money in the bank.

She is being told by a girl who has been to the US that I should put 100,000 into her account.

1), that is a lot of money to put at her fingertips, and 2 I find it hard to belive the imigration folks would put much weight on money that was put into the account a month before she applies for the visa.

I trust her, but she has no budgeting skills. Any money I put in her account is gone in days so i generally send small amounts. 100,000 would scare me a bit.

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Unless you want to go the wife , or the fiance route.and you mentioned you don't, then your only other viable option would be a tourist visa, ( she could get an employment visa or a student visa, but not a realistic option). To get a Tourist visa she has to show the US embassy that she has reasons to return to Thailand and that she is not trying to circumvent the immigration process to immigrate to the US, as many do.

If she has traveled to an other country and returned to Thailand , would work in her favor, I f she owns property, is long term employed. owns a business, and or has money in the bank, is a plus. Her relationship with you might be a minus, because they might think that when in the US you might get married and file for s green card.

If she cant get a turist visa, this is what i would do,

when you are back in the states file for a fiance visa,( if you want info on how to do that PM me).

I dont know what the waiting time for that is now, but it will take at least a few months to a year

When she get's her fiance visa, and comes to the US, you have 3 months to get married, if she does not like it, you don't get married, and she comes back to Thailand, is she likes the US and you two get along, get married and apply for her green card.

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She needs to show ties to Thailand. It could be money, property, employment. Having all 3 would be best.

One of the factors that is considered is the likelihood of her returning to Thailand and not be illegal in the USA.

Relationship history is important too.

Basically you have to show that she will leave the USA at the end of the trip.

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Take her to Mexico instead. I'm not even sure if that is any easier, I guess it would be... or would it be a cinch??

Not at all a cinch. Requirements are basically the same as for the US. And without a US visa, the girl would not even be allowed to transit the US en route to Mexico.

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The way I understand the rules for a tourist visa is that the lady requests the visa solely on her own merit. That her relationship with an American doesn't factor in. I have been told that her having a proven track record of traveling to visa friendly countries and returning to Thailand would be a benefit when applying for US tourist visa.

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I was shocked that she received a visa. However, the one thing that I have learnt after all these years is that one can get a visa if the paper work is correct, there is a plausible reason for the visit, the couple looks legit and the woman has money in her name. I'm sure some will doubt me, but this is one case I know where the visa was granted in 2012.

It's actually very easy to get a girlfriend a visa to the USA/UK/Canada/Australia, etc., if you are a millionaire.

Nothing to do with paperwork, all to do with having a load of money.

Advice to the OP, become a millionaire or marry her first.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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How important is money in the bank.

She is being told by a girl who has been to the US that I should put 100,000 into her account.

1), that is a lot of money to put at her fingertips, and 2 I find it hard to belive the imigration folks would put much weight on money that was put into the account a month before she applies for the visa.

I trust her, but she has no budgeting skills. Any money I put in her account is gone in days so i generally send small amounts. 100,000 would scare me a bit.

100,000 baht? or $100,000.

Obviously the second one is a no go..........the first one could be a cheap way to find out if she's a keeper or not. Stick in 25,000 baht every couple of months, Just tell her straight, that money is for the visa, it must be left alone and it must be allowed to build up so that immigration believes it came from her.

If she is as feckless as you say she is, she'll hammer the first 25,000 baht and then you'll know she's not worth the aggravation.

I bet you there are a few guys would have spent 25,000 baht early doors to find out that their lady wasn't worth the aggro in the end. coffee1.gif

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I was shocked that she received a visa. However, the one thing that I have learnt after all these years is that one can get a visa if the paper work is correct, there is a plausible reason for the visit, the couple looks legit and the woman has money in her name. I'm sure some will doubt me, but this is one case I know where the visa was granted in 2012.

It's actually very easy to get a girlfriend a visa to the USA/UK/Canada/Australia, etc., if you are a millionaire.

Nothing to do with paperwork, all to do with having a load of money.

How does that work, exactly?

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I was shocked that she received a visa. However, the one thing that I have learnt after all these years is that one can get a visa if the paper work is correct, there is a plausible reason for the visit, the couple looks legit and the woman has money in her name. I'm sure some will doubt me, but this is one case I know where the visa was granted in 2012.

It's actually very easy to get a girlfriend a visa to the USA/UK/Canada/Australia, etc., if you are a millionaire.

Nothing to do with paperwork, all to do with having a load of money.

How does that work, exactly?


You could buy her a house in Thailand (1.5Mbht), then buy her a business in Thailand (1M), then put 500k in her bank account. Then hire a Visa agency to process the paperwork. After all as a millionaire, it would be nothing to you.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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As one poster said, having proof in her passport of other international travel with timely return to Thailand helps.

But frankly if she doesn't have even 100,000 baht in liquid assets, she's never going to get a tourist visa. It would cost that much or more just to visit the US as a tourist.

They give tourist visas to people who, among other things, have a financial situation such that it is credible that they can afford to vacation in the US. People who aren't in that category are assumed to be wanting to go in order to stay and work illegally.

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As one poster said, having proof in her passport of other international travel with timely return to Thailand helps.

But frankly if she doesn't have even 100,000 baht in liquid assets, she's never going to get a tourist visa. It would cost that much or more just to visit the US as a tourist.

They give tourist visas to people who, among other things, have a financial situation such that it is credible that they can afford to vacation in the US. People who aren't in that category are assumed to be wanting to go in order to stay and work illegally.

I think that what you say is correct if you come from a so called 3rd world country. If you come from UK, Australia or other so called weathy countries that you will receive a tourist visa.

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ya, the marriage idea has been suggested before. She has never been out of the country, I want to make sure she can adapt to life here first. I have no interest being married to someone who lives on the other side the world.

I've been through the Embassy site cover to cover. Thanks though.

You may be able to use what you said above as legit reason....I was successful in obtaining a Tourist Visa for my wife ( at that time girl friend)

In my letter for her interview I quoted the following...As possible allowed reasons for travel.

(N11.1-1 of the Foreign Affairs Manual):

(1) Simply to meet the family of his and/or her fiance;

(2) To become engaged;

(3) To make arrangements for the wedding; or

(4) To renew a relationship with the prospective spouse

That is not the only thing of course...

In our case I did in fact show compelling reasons as to why my wife would return after visiting to meet my family & as the logical next step in

consideration of marriage.

To that end I listed all of her family located in Thailand

I listed her Thai assets


Two business locations


Money in bank

I also made it clear in the sponsorship letter

that I would be paying all expenses & she would have a place to stay as well

as health insurance in place.

Remember she is applying at the US Consulate & also should show she poses no

possibility of burden on the US in any way.

Of course I included all documentation for the above Thai related things


These are the things I included along with my letter of invitation/sponsorship...

Copy of my passport showing the stamps for trips to visit her & her family.

Original Bank Statement showing a savings account, ownership papers of my two homes & a credit line. Annuity account of various Government securities...etc.

Copies of my tax returns for the last 4 years.

Certificate of previous divorce.

A copy of my Business License.

Some may say that is a lot...But I will say she sailed right through on a day when she saw the three before her come out in tears.

I would also point out that my wife said the one thing the man interviewing her was most interested in & read over & over was my letter

of invite so I think it is important you spell it out as to reason,length of visit, compelling reasons for return etc.

Good luck to you & I hope you are successful.

Edited by flying
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I was shocked that she received a visa. However, the one thing that I have learnt after all these years is that one can get a visa if the paper work is correct, there is a plausible reason for the visit, the couple looks legit and the woman has money in her name. I'm sure some will doubt me, but this is one case I know where the visa was granted in 2012.

It's actually very easy to get a girlfriend a visa to the USA/UK/Canada/Australia, etc., if you are a millionaire.

Nothing to do with paperwork, all to do with having a load of money.

How does that work, exactly?


You could buy her a house in Thailand (1.5Mbht), then buy her a business in Thailand (1M), then put 500k in her bank account. Then hire a Visa agency to process the paperwork. After all as a millionaire, it would be nothing to you.

I have known Thais with much better qualifications than that be refused. The visa officers can usually spot lipstick on a pig from a mile away.

What WOULD actually help would be if the OP himself had ties to Thailand. If you are an established expat with a good job (not a bar owner), work permit, etc., they will often approve the visa of an established girlfriend or boygriend -- even if the individual would not ordinarily qualify on his or her own.

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As one poster said, having proof in her passport of other international travel with timely return to Thailand helps.

But frankly if she doesn't have even 100,000 baht in liquid assets, she's never going to get a tourist visa. It would cost that much or more just to visit the US as a tourist.

They give tourist visas to people who, among other things, have a financial situation such that it is credible that they can afford to vacation in the US. People who aren't in that category are assumed to be wanting to go in order to stay and work illegally.

I think that what you say is correct if you come from a so called 3rd world country. If you come from UK, Australia or other so called weathy countries that you will receive a tourist visa.

People from UK, Oz and some 34 other countries do not need a visa at all for a stay of less than 90 days.

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As one poster said, having proof in her passport of other international travel with timely return to Thailand helps.

But frankly if she doesn't have even 100,000 baht in liquid assets, she's never going to get a tourist visa. It would cost that much or more just to visit the US as a tourist.

They give tourist visas to people who, among other things, have a financial situation such that it is credible that they can afford to vacation in the US. People who aren't in that category are assumed to be wanting to go in order to stay and work illegally.

I think that what you say is correct if you come from a so called 3rd world country. If you come from UK, Australia or other so called weathy countries that you will receive a tourist visa.

People from UK, Oz and some 34 other countries do not need a visa at all for a stay of less than 90 days.

Yes, and more countries probably to be approved shortly (Taiwan, for example -- maybe by the end of the year).

Unfortunately, Thailand is not going to be one of them any time soon.

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VWP and passport requirements

To enter the United States under the VWP, your passport must be:

  • machine-readable if issued prior to 26 October 2005;
  • machine-readable and have a digital photograph if issued on or after 26 October 2005; or
  • an e-Passport if issued on or after 26 October 2006.

Australian passports without two lines of 44 characters at the bottom of the photo and biodata page are not machine-readable. To confirm whether your passport is machine-readable or an e-Passport, please contact the Australian Passports Information Service on 13 12 32 (within Australia).

Australian citizens travelling on an Emergency Passport, Document of Identity or Provisional Travel Document cannot enter the United States under the VWP as these documents are not machine-readable. Holders of these documents must obtain a valid United States visa. If a valid United States visa cannot be obtained, such travellers may need to look at alternative travel plans. For more information see the US Customs and Border Protection website.quote]


If you are an Australian citizen and do not meet the above criteria you do need a visa. The Australin passport is valid for 10 years. So those issued before 2006 do need a visa.

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How important is money in the bank.

She is being told by a girl who has been to the US that I should put 100,000 into her account.

1), that is a lot of money to put at her fingertips, and 2 I find it hard to belive the imigration folks would put much weight on money that was put into the account a month before she applies for the visa.

I trust her, but she has no budgeting skills. Any money I put in her account is gone in days so i generally send small amounts. 100,000 would scare me a bit.

100,000 baht? or $100,000.

Obviously the second one is a no go..........the first one could be a cheap way to find out if she's a keeper or not. Stick in 25,000 baht every couple of months, Just tell her straight, that money is for the visa, it must be left alone and it must be allowed to build up so that immigration believes it came from her.

If she is as feckless as you say she is, she'll hammer the first 25,000 baht and then you'll know she's not worth the aggravation.

I bet you there are a few guys would have spent 25,000 baht early doors to find out that their lady wasn't worth the aggro in the end. coffee1.gif

I was actually already working on this one. She claims it will remain untouched, but you know how these 'emergencies" pop up all the time. your right though 25,000 is a cheap lesson learned.

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I have known Thais with much better qualifications than that be refused. The visa officers can usually spot lipstick on a pig from a mile away.

All the immigration officials want to know is that the Thai person will return to Thailand.

They really don't care if she is a prostitute or a nun, just that she will return to Thailand after the holiday.

If you know people who had the resources and were refused ......... they should have used a good visa agent.

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You cannot just drop a bunch of money into her account hoping that qualifies for the money need. The US Embassy will want to see a money trail of how they money got there. They will expect to see regular deposits into the account over several months or years depending on the girl's income level.

The only way to get a tourist visa is to show that she owns income producing property, business, autos, etc. and has owned these for several years. Again, the US Embassy is keen on tricks of sudden ownership.

Do NOT do a Fiance visa - this is costly and seldom approved. Do NOT use Siam Legal as they will screw up your paperwork, then refuse your refund.

Do you know someone in the US who is willing to sponsor a Nanny, plus pay the expenses? That might work, but to be sure, the best and nearly the only way is to marry her. Get a good pre-nuptial agreement, marry her, take her to the US, then send her home and divorce her.

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"it does not make a difference to the usa govt. on what i have" and "yes, its part of the formula" contradict each other.

Let's face it, if you have money it should be easy. But that's not the op's question, so let the peeps that know how to do it with no money carry on :)

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