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Why Do Thai People Hate Monkeys So Much?


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After learning about how the orangutans once flourished in Thailand, 50 years ago they vanished as did the Tarsier Sirindhorn recently!

Gibbons and Langurs are now on the verge of extinction here. The macaque is the only monkey I've seen thriving in the Thai community and they are hated with such a passion by the locals. I love these creatures and wish there were more of us here with a goal in protecting them!s Just speaking with Thai's about the issue of primates young and old gets me the same negative feedback everytime.

Anyone ever met a Thai who LOVES Monkeys?

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Had two lady friends took me to a temple on different occasions somewhere near Khong Pai where there are thousands of monkeys. They loved the day out. Loved feeding the monkeys too. They always made me laugh with their pronunciation of Monkree. After seeing the monkeys we would sit on an evening have food and watch the millions of bats come out of the mountain.

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if you have encountered the monkeys in india...?

they are really a plague... the dogs are nothing compared to them...

the monkeys learn fast, they know where you have the food, how to get the bag, how to open it...

they also know, ambushing people pays out...

i think, humans and monkeys cant live well together...

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In a nutshell, their natural habitat has pretty much vanished.

Where it remains, the total lack of rule enforcement in National Parks led to native monkey/ape populations seeing humans as an easy food source.

As most Thais seldom venture beyond the first Kilometre of any NP, the monkeys/apes began to congregate there for the easy food and then onto nearby population centres where they wreaked havoc on crops and property and were culled.

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OP, try to grow vegetables and fruits near the jungle, and you will start to hate the monkeys too.whistling.gif

Here on the lovely island the monkeys were righteously scared for generations until the silly tourists start to feed them despite the warnings signs...Now you can see them getting more and more confident, it will not take long before they attack somebody carrying food.

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monkeys are evil and have no place in modern society.

They should have evolved but due to there failure to do so, we are expected to care for them, crap, show me a monkey that cares about me.

I believe Thailand should remove all monkeys, send them back to Africa.

Don't ask me to care for something I can't have sex with, not when I'm sober anyway.

Edited by payak
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Forgot to mention,my only true experience with monkeys was when one poured a can of sprite on my head.

another pulled my pants down, another nearby had a womans handbag, she was well pissed.

they never made much of an impression on me, quite unruly behaviour i felt.

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After learning about how the orangutans once flourished in Thailand, 50 years ago they vanished as did the Tarsier Sirindhorn recently!

Who told you this? Orangutans haven't lived in mainland Asia for 10,000 years. At no point in recorded human history did wild Orangutans live in Thailand. 50 years ago the only place you'd find one is in a zoo or maybe some rich person's pet. Furthermore the Tarsier you're talking about is a fossil that was recently discovered of an animal that lived in Thailand MILLIONS of years ago.

You should see some of my neighbors.

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I know a Thai couple who is taking care a monkey like a child, sleep in same bed and grow up like a member of family. I also like to play with him, he is a lovely monkey, only try to keep any ring/watch away before he pulls it out.

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Monkeys can be right impudent, so they can, accusing you of all sorts of things that even the Reverend Iain Paisley would blanch at.

If they would behave with more decorum and politeness, and refrain from showing their bums, they might find it easier to get by in a country like Thailand, where that sort of thing is not the norm in public.


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Have none of you ever been to Lopburi? Monkeys range freely in the streets there, clamber up the houses, and steal anything they can lay their hands on. It's the only place where I've seen monkey baffles on the TV aerials, to stop the monkeys climbing up and breaking them.

Monkeys are fine in the forest where they belong... what you should be talking about, OP, is conserving the forest. And please, don't post silly information like "orang-utans existed in Thailand 50 years ago".

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I don't like them much either. Stayed at a hotel in Ubud, Bali, near the monkey forest. Little buggers would come into your room (while you were in it) if you left the door open and steal whatever they could get their paws on. Not only that, but they carry all kinds of horrible diseases. I think they are evil little bastards.

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I know a Thai couple who is taking care a monkey like a child, sleep in same bed and grow up like a member of family. I also like to play with him, he is a lovely monkey, only try to keep any ring/watch away before he pulls it out.

Your pals are in for a (literally) rude awakening when the monkey reaches sexual maturity...

I bet they won't be treating it like a baby then.

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My mother-in-law looks a bit like a monkey, I don’t like her much, and I Farang.

Then you know what your wife will look like, when she gets older. smile.png

Edit. Sorry, skybluestu was too fast for me.

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Baby animals and baby people. I kind of lean towards saving the baby people. I wonder at people who don't. I know that includes most of the posters on Thai Visa but I still wonder.

I think that you will find that the people most likely to want to save a monkey's life are also the same people most likely to save humans.

I have yet to meet anyone that has compassion for animals that did not have compassion for humans. Unfortunately, the people that bleat on about the importance of human life over monkeys are the ones most likely to do nothing to help "baby people".

Odd isn't it?

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Baby animals and baby people. I kind of lean towards saving the baby people. I wonder at people who don't. I know that includes most of the posters on Thai Visa but I still wonder.

I think that you will find that the people most likely to want to save a monkey's life are also the same people most likely to save humans.

I have yet to meet anyone that has compassion for animals that did not have compassion for humans. Unfortunately, the people that bleat on about the importance of human life over monkeys are the ones most likely to do nothing to help "baby people".

Odd isn't it?

I disagree, your point of view is typical of one who has never been in contact with nature..

It's not by random chance that men keep dogs and cats as friends, and not monkeys, although monkeys look physically similar to humans.

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Baby animals and baby people. I kind of lean towards saving the baby people. I wonder at people who don't. I know that includes most of the posters on Thai Visa but I still wonder.

I think that you will find that the people most likely to want to save a monkey's life are also the same people most likely to save humans.

I have yet to meet anyone that has compassion for animals that did not have compassion for humans. Unfortunately, the people that bleat on about the importance of human life over monkeys are the ones most likely to do nothing to help "baby people".

Odd isn't it?

I was in three different countries during war time in Asia. I seem to remember people being a lot nicer to animals than humans. Then there was my #2 wife who was a farm girl. She thought animals were animals. She never confused the two like the girls who dress up little dogs. Did you ever try to sell a farmer a dress for his soi dogs?

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