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Reporting Employer To The Labour Department - Is It Worth It?

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I'm thinking of reporting my girlfriend’s employer to the Labour Department.

The agency she's working for didn't provide a work permit; they are reluctant to help with the visa (so she's on a tourist visa at the moment) not to mention that they fail to pay on time.

It’s a shame, as she likes the school she works for and gets along well with the school staff …but not the agency.

She is looking for a new job but before she manages to find one (not easy as she’s Indian) she's stuck with the agency.

The question is - is it worth it? Is there anything to achieve there?



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If your girlfriend is working on a touristvisa, I think you should keep a very low profile whistling.gif

That calls for another question - can she get in trouble if we report the emplyer to the LD? Is she the one to blame or the emplyer? What if it do it later - once she has a work permit and a proper visa form her future employer (hope it's sooner than later)?



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She should quit her job, as she intends to do.

Both she and the employer are breaking the law, she cannot work till she has a work permit. The law is tougher for the employee than for the employer.

What might happen if she reports it is that the agency or the schools they have teachers at will get raided and the teachers without a work permit arrested, together with the agency.

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One more thing - my GF has a signed contract with the agency where they state that they will provide a work permit. She's been working for two months now and still nothing.

She want's to quit but she also needs the money they are supposed to pay her so its not that simple.

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One more thing - my GF has a signed contract with the agency where they state that they will provide a work permit. She's been working for two months now and still nothing.

She want's to quit but she also needs the money they are supposed to pay her so its not that simple.

Some foreigners working for an agency at a high school in my hometown are in the same situation. I've worked for an agency a while ago and they always promised to come up with the paperwork for Non-B and work permit.

As it never happened, we went on strike, with the school's staff knowledge. Then the agency made it happen within some days.

Please be aware that she'll be deported if somebody shows up. There's no excuse like a contract with an agency saying they'll take care.

Seems that she could find another job with a one year contract somewhere else. Time to move on.

Good luck!-----wai.gif

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