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Gonzo Or Bonkers?


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"Now those who know me , know I only wear one shoe, so I brought that shoeless foot down across the nose of the knife holder, with my heel making a squissssshing noise with his eye socket..... Now the remaining two sensing they may be in trouble, one gently placed his knife of a nearby carving table and they both ran as fast at they could out the gate, not even asking for a bill for the drinks they had...

Now the injured 2 were stirring and me, not wanting to make a scene and trying to cause further discourse, calmly got back into my wheelchair and rolled out the gate......

I had gotten all the way to the street before realizing that it was my place and I should not be the one leaving.

Now when I returned , the injured two had hobbled out the back gate, leaving the four kids behind, [who by the way where kidnapees] . Myself and the 4 kids decided that it would be best if we had 5 chicken fried steaks dinners and did exactly that..... To this day the kids still come back in when they can and even call me grandpa.....

The moral of this instance is ....... One should not judge a book by its cover, especially when the cover is not glued on , and comes from another book....

But other that this , I just can't see why some people shout, holler, curse and have difficulties with other people... "

Thanks, funny stuff and is there still some of the shit available?

When I see a fun and inspired post such as this I am amazed that there is and are people who are smart enough to appreciate it and those that understand it.

I'd have to say that this is one of the best posts of the last 1/2 year. Thanks. You made my day.

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Just when it was getting interesting they pulled the plug.

I suppose if Gonzo would have mentioned his burgers they would have let it stay.

I found it a very relaxing break from the same posts that have been on here for a week and were answered the first day.

Gonzo please come back.

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My vote is is for bonkers.

It`s called LOS crazy, known as LOSC to the medical profession. Symptoms often resulting from living long term in Thailand, and is a similar condition experienced by those who have been serving long terms of incarceration, sometimes known as stir crazy.

Some may find this difficult to believe, but I often suffer from long bouts of insanity myself.

Unfortunately there is no cure and this phenomenon can lie dormant for years before it manifests its self.

All ex-pats should have themselves LOSC tested.


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My vote is is for bonkers.

It`s called LOS crazy, known as LOSC to the medical profession. Symptoms often resulting from living long term in Thailand, and is a similar condition experienced by those who have been serving long terms of incarceration, sometimes known as stir crazy.

Some may find this difficult to believe, but I often suffer from long bouts of insanity myself.

Unfortunately there is no cure and this phenomenon can lie dormant for years before it manifests its self.

All ex-pats should have themselves LOSC tested.

Ah, I know the affliction of which you speak and have seen it many times in the expat crowd around the world. It's the phase which usually follows going native, then realizing that now matter what you do, you will never be a local and isolation begins to set in. The behavior usually entails speaking in tongues to inanimate objects and farm animals, while posting riddles on internet forums. Mass quantities of alcohol may be involved, but not necessary in severe cases.

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I was delighted to meet Gonzo recently and even more delighted to relax and have breakfast at his guesthouse.


Smokie36 chatted more to Gonzo than I did as I was fascinated by several things happening around me, it was pouring with rain, there was a relative silence in Chiang Mai, I could hear the River Ping at the bottom of the garden, feel the ambiance of the restaurant even at this time in the morning, and drink in the overall atmosphere of the business ( and life ) that Gonzo has built.

The menu was varied and excellent, all food served was first class, and the service was impeccable........however if Gonzo left a lasting impression on me ( and he did ), it was the fact that he was one guy that had a true handle on life in Chiang Mai, and a true handle on his work/life relationship. Fascinating stuff, and a fascinating man.


Oh, and it's not often I finish off breakfast with a cider biggrin.png

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Maybe a post is in order.

My sincere apologies for offending anyones feelings. I can assure you that no ill will was intended.

The post that I wrote was intended to be added onto another thread that was running. While I was writing my reply, then when going to post, I found that the original post, to which it should have been added, had been locked and closed. I thought about all the typing and decided to just enter it as a post in its own right..... Generally, tongue-in-cheek really, about all the bitching and complaining, and also the braggadocio tendenacy that has a way of going on.

Well , anyway, no harm or bad feelings were intended, and no WTH, I have not been banned or given a holiday .......yet at least.

But now, how about a little mystery for you. We can all see if there are any Sherlock Holmes out there.

We all, may know of the Yin and Yang of life. The balance of things in the cosmos.


Lets have a bit of a mystery. A little Light humor. To make it maybe a bit more interesting, anyone who is able to figure it out and reply in post form, using as few words as possible to get the thought across, will receive a Free Chicken Fried Steak Dinner from The Pun Pun.

Now first you must determine the crime [problem/difficulty] then follow the clues to unravel

the Pun. All the clues are at your screen in this post, and/or this thread, or the earlier thread.

Should be good for a little fun, if you care to give it a whirl. If no answers are forthcoming, more clues to follow.

Good luck to all who care to give it a shot, and just to add, I don't know what the problem was with my locked earlier post.......after all I had already retired from the Seals and CIA.

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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I was delighted to meet Gonzo recently and even more delighted to relax and have breakfast at his guesthouse.


Smokie36 chatted more to Gonzo than I did as I was fascinated by several things happening around me, it was pouring with rain, there was a relative silence in Chiang Mai, I could hear the River Ping at the bottom of the garden, feel the ambiance of the restaurant even at this time in the morning, and drink in the overall atmosphere of the business ( and life ) that Gonzo has built.

The menu was varied and excellent, all food served was first class, and the service was impeccable........however if Gonzo left a lasting impression on me ( and he did ), it was the fact that he was one guy that had a true handle on life in Chiang Mai, and a true handle on his work/life relationship. Fascinating stuff, and a fascinating man.


Oh, and it's not often I finish off breakfast with a cider biggrin.png

I take it is often a breakfast starter. n excellent way to get your apple a day.

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