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Swede Fatally Stabs Thai Girlfriend’S Facebook Friend


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I don't think you can really blame Facebook for this, any more than you can blame the telephone for all the crimes planned over the network.

If Facebook wasn´t there he would still be alive, so hmmm yes you can blame Facebook in this one

If religion and motor cars were not invented there would be a LOT more here. whistling.gif

Are you saying there is a point with those inventions now?

My point was, millions have been killed senselessly with cars and via religion every day. sad.png
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Great responses. As usual, slew of uninformed yet assertive speculation and irrelevant observations were posted, with an air of the authors' believing in their superior perception and insight. I always smirk at the ones that use the whistling.gif icon. Ostensibly it is "whistling" however it could also be interpreted as "sucking wind" which is invariably the case.biggrin.png

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a new twist... apparently he's not 18 and is still a minor....

Swedish teen arrested for Thailand murder

A Swedish teenager has been arrested by Thai police on suspicion of stabbing an 18 year-old man to death in a Thai hotel room, and is now facing murder charges for the grisly triangle drama, reported local newspapers. The murder occurred on Friday, reported the Aftonbladet newspaper, citing a local newspaper in tourist resort Pattaya, south of Bangkok.

Thai authorities have informed Sweden’s Foreign Ministry of the arrest, and the ministry’s press manager Anders Jörle told news agency TT that the arrested Swede is not yet 18 years old, and therefore still a minor.

“We’ve been informed that he’s been arrested for this investigation, and we know what it’s about. There isn’t much more to say about it,” Jörle said.



The Local - August 5, 2012


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Hmmmmmm, it does all read like the girl was playing away (two timing) and the Thai guy was not happy and was going to duff the bloke up a bit. The ''Swede'' took the required action to stop a beating. Unfortunately the Thai guy didn't re-act to the knife thrust so he got another until enough was enough, THEN all the wounds did their stuff on his way home, exit. sad.png .

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The time when Sweden was an example of tolerance and freedom has long gone. Now it is the "Saudi Arabia of Europe".

You are certainly right about that. The number of old-schoolers like me are unfortunately in decline. wai.gif

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Maybe you should stick to read the Swedish "Political correct" newspapers such as aftonbladet och expressen (I guess you do that already!) who call everyone racist who even questioning the immigration regulations...

Personally I find the current immigration regulations far too lax and outright silly.

This is of course adding fuel to the racist fire. It's a three-party race between christian moralists, hardcore leftwing feminists and foreign - mostly muslim - religious moralism. All three wholeheartedly agreeing to throw personal freedoms in the garbage bin of history. They are simply arguing about what freedoms to cut first. sick.gif

However, jumping to conclusions about an individual, refusing to accept the obvious fact that he is a Swede and instead branding him 'Iranian', 'MENA-import' and such is a completely different ballgame. Immigration policies and racism are certainly not he same thing.

Btw, it seems to me that just the simple fact that he was travelling to/in Thailand on his own ( without his parents ) and obviously has been allowed to develop a relation with a Thai girl in Sweden seems to indicate that he is brought up in a rather secular, quite typical Swedish family culture. No muslim hardcore family prone to 'honor killings' would allow their son to do such things, certainly not.

So, Iranian roots or not, he seems like a quite normal stupid Swedish teenager to me.


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You can take a Thai girl out of Thailand but you can not take the Thai out of a Thai girl. Interested to know who grabbed the knife first!!!

Irrespective of who grabbed the knife first, the killer is guilty.

There is no question about it.

Guilty of? Was it self defence..? According to the gf..

"But when they arrived at Mr. Jonis’ room, Mr. Wasan hurried to enter the room and locked the door, and didn’t allow Ms. Jeeranan to enter the room. Ms. Jeeranan heard the noise of quarrelling for approximately 5 minutes. Then Mr. Wasan opened the door with blood all over his body and ran from the room to die in front of the hotel."

Why did the Thai guy do that....indeed more to the story....and although it ended up with one of them dead, there is obviously a lot we don't know.

don't you see ! thai enters foreigners room, argument ensues, thai pulls knife (normal), scuffle, foreigner wins fight, thai dies.

verdict : if foreigner wasn't there then thai would be alive. make sense ?

the fact that this girl arranged to meet thai guy is an indication of her quality as a person. she will ofcourse deny all as she doesnt want to lose face. foreigner defended himself as any of you would do. thai law cheesy.gif states that you can kill someone if they come into your home. the same rules should apply to this foreigner. as usual money will talk and the fine bib have another pay day. sick.gif

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You can take a Thai girl out of Thailand but you can not take the Thai out of a Thai girl. Interested to know who grabbed the knife first!!!

Irrespective of who grabbed the knife first, the killer is guilty.

There is no question about it.

Guilty of? Was it self defence..? According to the gf..

"But when they arrived at Mr. Jonis’ room, Mr. Wasan hurried to enter the room and locked the door, and didn’t allow Ms. Jeeranan to enter the room. Ms. Jeeranan heard the noise of quarrelling for approximately 5 minutes. Then Mr. Wasan opened the door with blood all over his body and ran from the room to die in front of the hotel."

Why did the Thai guy do that....indeed more to the story....and although it ended up with one of them dead, there is obviously a lot we don't know.

don't you see ! thai enters foreigners room, argument ensues, thai pulls knife (normal), scuffle, foreigner wins fight, thai dies.

verdict : if foreigner wasn't there then thai would be alive. make sense ?

the fact that this girl arranged to meet thai guy is an indication of her quality as a person. she will ofcourse deny all as she doesnt want to lose face. foreigner defended himself as any of you would do. thai law cheesy.gif states that you can kill someone if they come into your home. the same rules should apply to this foreigner. as usual money will talk and the fine bib have another pay day. sick.gif

Where did you get this from ??

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Video of the them on the Thai news in custody at the police station.


Also a picture posted up of the deceased at the Ladyinter message board. His nickname was Neung.

Some posts there were taken from the discussion of the events at his old school's Facebook page. People were saying that he was voted deuan rong rian (most popular male pupil there), had a gf already and wouldn't have been interested in the girl as his gf. They had just met on Facebook, that's all but the girl was rather taken with him. Apparently what happened all seems totally out of character to him.




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The perception of Love or Jealousy makes many lose all common sense.....

Yep its far better to just walk away form any woman/man who wants to be with someone else no matter how much you like them, easier said than done and of course w ehave no real facts here and probably never will so speculate away.

What I do like is the nice collection of related stories...........makes u think though

Nice little collection you have there- Indeed- as in, you have made it a point to collect this sort of thing. I am sure that you have the links securely backed-up so you do not loose a-one of em. Certainly you have many, many more of these treasured items that you open and read over at your pleasure. If you are trying to also use them to make a point about Thailand however they are useless without comparative international statistics spanning many social venus. Get a life.

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Nice avalanche of accusations, theories and bitch-fighting about religious believes and ethnicities, Farce Book also involved and sentenced - nice!!!

Here's more food for thought: All thee involved had moustaches! Perhaps the answer to everything lays there? :)

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Sweden is in the process of "Mass importing" people from MENA-countries at the time being. He is "Swedish" as much as I am Thai living here for 25 years.

You are jumping to conclusions of things you know absolutely nothing about.

The only reason you have in posting this is to spread your racist propaganda narrative.

The irony is that the western culture you seem to care about is based on exactly the values you oppose.

Freedom and democracy are completely depending on the presence of cultural pluralism.

No pluralism - no choice. Alas no freedom. It's really simple indeed.

The very existence of cultures and individuals with values that you don't agree with existing side by side with yourself and people like you - in the same country - is due to the presence of healthy, secular, strong western democratic values.

In scandinavia, these values are a heritage from ancient germanic tribal traditons - elected kings, every man having one vote, freedom of speech etc. - since more than 2000 years ago.

So, as a full blooded native Swede I would like to ask you to shove your fascist narrow-minded exaggerations about "mass-immigration" and stop whining like a spoiled brat. Shame on you for doing that in the name of my culture.


If you want to make the world a better place and fight religous dogmatism you should make yourself an example of the values you promote.

Your current showing is not very appealing. You are de facto only promoting exactly the same dogmatic intolerance and ignorance to facts as the people you detest.

A lot of aggressive drivel to defend an extremist country which is famous for its misandrist (gender-racist) laws, where a man can get arrested for "rape" because a woman feels "the sex was not good" or the condom broke. (Julian Assange being the most prominent victim)

Or where a woman has the freedom to be a prostitute, but her male customer gets arrested.

The time when Sweden was an example of tolerance and freedom has long gone. Now it is the "Saudi Arabia of Europe".

Well said!!! Most likely there will be behedings in public soon for Swedes who were caught masturbating in front of the computer...

If a Swedish, married man is caught with a prostitute, the government sends a letter to the empoyer and the guy's wife to inform them about his "felony". What the f^$# is that???

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We still don't know if the fact that all three parties involved have/had a moustache is the right angle for figuring out what went wrong here...

The whole story sounds somewhat fishy to say the least. Why for Christ's sake would the "girl?" ug.. sorry ahemm... woman bring the two guys together in the first place?

In any case, looking at the story AND the photos - all three involved must have (had in one instance) a major screw loose...

Feel some sympathy for the Swedish fella though, since he looks completely lost... Perhaps it was just another "black op" to enforce anti knife laws in Thailand and the guy was drugged and don't even know what really happened? :)

Or perhaps they were fighting about who HAS to take her back... That would make more sense to me... Comments?

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I bet she has a great personality.

Just by the looks, certainly YES! smile.png Who wouldn't fall for her?

We know nothing about her do we. Maybe she was a kind and thoughtful person? Or maybe it was two lonely hearts that made each other complete. Who are we to judge? Because someone has physical features we do not appreciate, does not mean the person cannot be loved or to love.

If she would have loved any of them, she would not have them brought together in a hotel room in the first place.

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Interesting what the Thai internet armchair detectives are saying: one speculates the Thai man didn't know the farang (for that is what they call him) was there because he was deceived by the naughty woman. And the Swede thought she was having an affair behind his back. Only the bad woman knew what was about to happen....

No idea what the basis of this speculation is....

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So many comments focused on the physical appearances of the 2 kids. The fact remains that the Swedish kid has made a big mistake. His life could be ruined, and another is dead. It is easy to wag a finger, but I doubt there was any intent to kill anyone. It seems it was more likely adolescent hormones out of control. I feel sorry for the Swedish kid and regret the death of the Thai.

All these comemnts and no one knows anything about Mahmood. For all anyone knows he could be a sweet gentle lonely fellow screwed over and backed into a corner by someone thinking he was going to be able to intimidate him. Hopefully, this gets sorted out and Mahmood can go back to Sweden. To condemn just because of his name or hairdo or skin colour is just so wrong.

"...... he could be a sweet gentle lonely fellow....." who happened to stick a knife many times into a fellow human (from the OP). In self defence, you are allowed to inflict some wounds on a person who attacks you with a knife - you don't get away with carving them like a Sunday roast.

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I told the story to my 'amateur detective' wife who without hesitation blamed the girl for masterminding a plan to end the

relationship with one of the boys, probably the swede. Locking the room from inside and a 'beating up' would have been in this plan. Even the purchase of the knife could have had a role. But sadly things went badly wrong........

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Good thing he knows judo for Bkk Hilton. Still chance cops will rule suicide or death by natural causes. Have seen both in stabbing cases before so you just never know.

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I bet she has a great personality.

Just by the looks, certainly YES! smile.png Who wouldn't fall for her?

We know nothing about her do we. Maybe she was a kind and thoughtful person? Or maybe it was two lonely hearts that made each other complete. Who are we to judge? Because someone has physical features we do not appreciate, does not mean the person cannot be loved or to love.

Maybe, just maybe, she is very good at giving what every 18 year old boy wants. Used to work well on me . . . Okay still does.

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I'm sure this Swedish immigrant boy will have some fun inside Bangkok Hilton.

How do you know he is an immigrant, he could have born in Sweden, then not an immigrant

Based on some the comments written on this topic, I wouldnt be using the word "immigrant" so much, rather the word "ignorant" directed at some of the posts.

Seeing as the guy concerned is not of legal age, he will not be going the Bangkok Hilton, is going to be doing some time...most likely... but not at the Hilton

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Mr. Jonis Mamood, 18, from Sweden. He was sitting in the room with his girlfriend, Ms. Jeeranan Tathong, age 18.

The Swede and his girlfriend


Khaosod newspaper (article in Thai)


Two "equally good looking" kids; makes me very curious to see what the "3rd-part-f-the-love-triangle" looks like . . . . . .

Maybe they thought they were acting in "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN STAB . . . ." ? ? ? ? ? ?

402.gif R.I.P. Mr. Wasan Naseub

Why were they fighting over her, why fight over any Thai woman when there are so many out there trying to bag a farang. A thai woman is not worth dying for or spending the rest of your life in a rat, coakroach and desease ridden thai prison for. He could of walked away and spent the night with a new girlfriend.

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