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Norwegian Man, Thai Woman Killed In Chon Buri Road Accident


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Of course in the UK the vast majority of sexual relationships at the age of consent would be between partners of the same age or within a very few years of each other, not somebody old enough to be their grandfather.

Your spouting of what is at best a generalism does not prohibit older people from being with younger people.

If 16 is the legal age for sex, then if the partner is 17 to 70, it makes absolutely no difference what so ever how old the other is. And like I said, this has nothing to do with the incident in discussion.

You find it distasteful that an old man has a young girl, I find it more loathesome that you would use age discrimination to try to demonise an older man for having any sort of relationship, which you, through this report alone, in your perverse condemnation, assign to be sexual in its nature.

Now now now, calm down and stop being on the defensive. Its a question of ethics. Some people find that age difference unethical for a number of reasons. Lets say for instance that the legal age of consent in Thailand was 13 (like Spain). Would you still say that it makes no difference how old the other one is as they are technically in a legal relationship? Would your thoughts on a 60 year old in a sexual relationship with a 13 year child old bring out your loathsome distaste for age discrimination?

No, because I think that 16 years old is developed enough to be making informed and sensible decisions.

The fact is there is no gray area in which anyone can make 'the right decisions', since some mature earlier or later than others. The same applies to the biological sense, in the argument of when a female body is ready for sexual intercourse. It is in fact younger, but for my personal taste, I prefer to give girls or boys the benefit of the doubt that at the age of 16 they would act responsible.

Really? So thats what you think? And that would be backed up with the child getting on the back of a motorbike with a drunk middle aged man at 4:30am? That sort of informed and sensible decision?

Anyway, scientists think differently.

Latest studies show that teenagers' brains are only about 80 percent fully developed and that brain development isn't complete until people reach their 20s or even 30s—more than a decade later than experts had thought. Although teens' brains are superior in some ways, they're distinctly immature in one key area. The last part of the brain to fully connect up—well past the teenage years—is the frontal lobe, which houses judgment, insight, dampening of emotions and impulse control. Since it isn't fully developed, there's a cognitive chasm between coming up with an idea and being able to decide if it's actually a good one. "This begins to explain why these smart little whippersnappers are so incredibly risk-taking and irrational," says Jensen. "These are people with very sharp brains, but they're not quite sure what to do with them."

Interestingly, the faculty of insight—the ability to judge one's own actions and predict consequences—develops in the frontal lobe in stages: First as the ability to be objective and judge others' actions and later as subjective analysis and to be able to consistently think, 'If I do this, something bad might happen.' "It's fascinating that teens can see their friend about to do the wrong thing and say, 'Don't do that!,' whereas they can't yet recognize their own behavior as dangerous,"

So while you may find it loathsome that responsible people take this into account when mature adults enter into relationships with children whose brains (and bodies!!) are still forming there seems to sadly be plenty of others out there who can keep their conscience clean with what they think.

Edited by Kananga
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R.I.P to the both of them,IF he was drunk then he is a bloody idiot, as the police drink driving adds say her in QLD. AGE, does not matter one iota, I have stated on another thread that my Grandfather was 35yrs Nanas seniour, that they had such a big age diffrence makes some people want to puke, well f`n puke, they had a loving marraige and 2 children that adored them and loved them.......1 being my Mother.......

Edited by namoi
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The second this guy got on a motorbike he was an accident waiting to happen. Alcohol (or any drug) mixed with a vehicle (otherwise classified as a weapon due to the use), in many instances (usually), results are measured by the injury or death of the participants. I would think Farang with a Thai girl riding a bike at 0430 should be the target of a police breath test... my opinion anyway. Sad for the family of the girl.

Right on! Let's just keep up the racial profiling in this country as though it isn't bad enough!

Hey there whitey! You look like you have money, you get to pay extra to enter this park. Oh, that Chinese guy, he's cool, he looks ilke us!

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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down. Any incident caused by human error is not an "accident". After being fully analyzed, it was caused by carelessness. Period.

If you were driving a car or riding a bike in a sensible way BUT because of a deisel spill lost control, hit a wall and died, would that not be an accident? Accidents can and are caused by human error, if not deliberate does that not become an accident? I'm not saying this is the case here, but to say it was not an accident i feel is wrong.

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Sixteen-seventeen is hardly a kiddy fiddler...but then again, you may be too old to enjoy some young loveys.

I think you mean lovelies. Where I come from a "lovey" would be an aging camp thespian.

Now, now, don't jump to conclusions......................laugh.png He knows what he means.

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I have a 16 year old daughter and the thought of her being with a 52 year old man gets me sick to my stomach.

How about a 51 year old Billionaire, Rock Star, MovieStar ?

I wouldn't allow him to molest my daughter but I would put on a dress and learn to adapt to it. laugh.png

Edited by Nisa
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A 52-year-old drunk Norwegian tourist and 17 year old GIRL. What a shame.

Your dead right there, she was just a kid - IF its proved that he was intoxicated, then its another grim statistic.

Sooner the police clamp down on drinking and driving in Thailand, then the safer we'll all be.

Have you seen any evidence that they have an interest in cracking down on drunk driving? The penalties here are so light, that even if you are caught, it means little. In the US, you face upwards of $10,000 in expenses, lawyers, courts, and the possibility of losing you license for an extended period. What do you face here with the local "toy police"?

i think the law for a farang getting caught drunk driving,is deportation as well as being blacklisted from the LOS,,but the police do not enforce because ??

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To freedom4life...

'Sixteen-seventeen is hardly a kiddy fiddler...but then again, you may be too old to enjoy some young loveys'.

I'm assuming your comment is made in order to get a response. But just in case you are for real, lets hope you get caught for the paedophile you seem to be. In the accident I'm not even sure it says the Thai girl was his girlfriend ... probably was but maybe not. But your comment leaves no grey area. You think it is fine for a man of 52 to be having sex with a girl who has only just turned 17. Your kind make me want to puke.

I'm much younger than 52 and I don't usually date women who are under 25, but I still don't think there is any special magic that happens all of a sudden when someone turns 18. And as another poster mentioned, the age of consent in the state where I am from is in fact 16. So you might want to write to my legislators.
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In the images no indication they were wearing any helmets either. What a waste, I hate drunk pricks driving. If you drive drunk, take it personally please cheesy.gif Your turn is next.

His girlfriend was found lying face down in a pool of blood on the bridge. Her skull had been fractured.

Wow, nice comment! Is it a fact he was drunk? If he was wearing a helmet are you saying he would be still alive? If not why say it!

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"Norwegian And Thai GF Killed In Motorbike Crash

A 52-year-old Norwegian and his young Thai girlfriend were killed in a motorbike crash on a highway bridge near Pattaya. The man lost control of the bike, which hit the edge of the bridge. Both died instantly from the violent impact."

I find this a disgusting thing that happens in Thailand ! Grandfathers come here and take these kids as their girlfriends and all they do is ruin their lives and i can imagine how the young girls family is suffering!

R.I.P Ms. Somying Boonbamroongsil, you died way to early in your life

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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down.

I think you would find insurance companies would class that as an 'act of God' not an accident.

Have you ever known anyone to sue god and win the case?
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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down. Any incident caused by human error is not an "accident". After being fully analyzed, it was caused by carelessness. Period.

If you were driving a car or riding a bike in a sensible way BUT because of a deisel spill lost control, hit a wall and died, would that not be an accident? Accidents can and are caused by human error, if not deliberate does that not become an accident? I'm not saying this is the case here, but to say it was not an accident i feel is wrong.

What caused the diesel spill in the first place?....Human error. Not an accident. Something that was bound to happen when all the facts are analyzed.
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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down. Any incident caused by human error is not an "accident". After being fully analyzed, it was caused by carelessness. Period.

Actually it's an accident. Wikipedia definition... An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention or necessity. It usually implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence.

I think this is what the vast majority would count as an accident.

Yes, an accident is an occurrence that is ... not expected, not intended, and not foreseen, thus unintended happenings that cause material damage, injury, or loss of life are "accidents".

The 52 year old chap did not intent to kill kill himself and the young girl, the shocking occurrence was an "accident"

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Actually it's an accident. Wikipedia definition... An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention ornecessity. It usually implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence.

I think this is what the vast majority would count as an accident.

You not think Granpa picking up a child prostitute was unavoidable?

You not think Grandpa getting drunk and not making other arrangements to drive was not unavoidable?

You not think getting on the bike drunk with out a saftey helmet (required by law for sober drivers) wasn't unavoidable?

The description of him driving fast and erratic was not avoidable?

The child who go on the bike, it is debatable if it was unavoidable as she was working and probily considered it pat of the job.

I think you will find the insurance company if one is involved will fins that this "accident" if you call it that was avoidable,

Edited by jcw
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Another case of someone leaving years of rules in their own country and then thinking when they are in Thailand they can forget them. Many tourists visit with little or no motorcycle training and then suddenly believe they are experts.

I will not speculate as to whether he was drunk or not but looking at the amount of tourists and a small percentage of expats that do it then I would not rule it out.

When I was 21 having a 16 year old girlfriend was too young due to their maturity and this still stands.

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If he hadn't died, they'd have caught him anyway for pedophilia for taking a barely 16-year-old girl from the bar! It's a lose-lose situation either way.

By the way, I wish reports wouldn't keep referring to Pattaya as "Chonburi". Chonburi is 60 km away from Pattaya. Tambon Naklua is in the north of Pattaya, right next to the centre of downtown Pattaya. Not even close to Chonburi!

Maybe it was his stepdaughter. Bit early to be labeling the dude a kiddy fiddler.

Sixteen-seventeen is hardly a kiddy fiddler...but then again, you may be too old to enjoy some young loveys.

Sixteen-Seveteen is still a child !

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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down. Any incident caused by human error is not an "accident". After being fully analyzed, it was caused by carelessness. Period.

If you were driving a car or riding a bike in a sensible way BUT because of a deisel spill lost control, hit a wall and died, would that not be an accident? Accidents can and are caused by human error, if not deliberate does that not become an accident? I'm not saying this is the case here, but to say it was not an accident i feel is wrong.

What caused the diesel spill in the first place?....Human error. Not an accident. Something that was bound to happen when all the facts are analyzed.

Yes of course, but not the error of the guy riding the bike. So for him it is an accident.

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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down. Any incident caused by human error is not an "accident". After being fully analyzed, it was caused by carelessness. Period.

Actually it's an accident. Wikipedia definition... An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention or necessity. It usually implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence.

I think this is what the vast majority would count as an accident.

Yes, an accident is an occurrence that is ... not expected, not intended, and not foreseen, thus unintended happenings that cause material damage, injury, or loss of life are "accidents".

The 52 year old chap did not intent to kill kill himself and the young girl, the shocking occurrence was an "accident"

I've never know an active alcoholic who got behind the wheel intending to kill himself, yet one would deduct that this person is more prone to be involved in an auto mishap. The ignorance and denial of the person driving does qualify the event as an accident. Just as when a bridge which collapses and drivers are killed. Because it was beyond the drivers' control, does not mean that someone else wasn't responsible for the event. As I mentioned before, all the facts need to be examined.
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Sixteen-seventeen is hardly a kiddy fiddler...but then again, you may be too old to enjoy some young loveys.

I think you mean lovelies. Where I come from a "lovey" would be an aging camp thespian.

Lovey or lovely refers to some younger thing.

In regard to the kiddy fiddling, I beg to differ. 16 years old is old enough for sex and consent in my country, England. For those who are shocked, perhaps turn your face to the middle east where it is not only legal, but practised to marry girls as young as 6 years old.

I would direct you here: http://www.foxnews.c...raped-says-mom/

The fact this 17 year old girl was with an older man is irrelevant, it is the responsibility of both parties to take precaution in their actions.

A Sixteen-Seventeen year old neither has the knowledge nor experiance or maturity to be responsible! their just starting to learn about life

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I have a 16 year old daughter and the thought of her being with a 52 year old man gets me sick to my stomach.

He had it coming to him. Not so sure about the young girl.

Your disrespect of the freedom of a girl of 17, and that of a man however old, has absolutely nothing to do with their accident or that crash. Their age has no effect on what happened, nor will this kind of speculation change anything that happened.

See my above post regarding the responsibility, and don't use age as a defense or reason to excuse the downright stupidity of the young girl as to knowingly put herself in such a dangerous situation.

Disagree on this one.

Many young girls 16 and 17 live in a state of financial insecurity. At that age, thai girls do not live their sexuality in the way farangs may think is the proper way. They start relationships with farangs, who are considered "responsible", compared to most thai males. It does not make these girls "stupid", they are merely trying to better their life in a way that is common in Thailand. Finding a farang.

The farang was stupid, driving at 4:30 in the morning, too fast, maybe on roads he did not know well. (And maybe after some drinks).

When I have someone as a passenger on my motorbike, I am extra careful. I wish many others would do the same.

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RIP to the woman ,as for the stupid drunk tourist

how do you know the tourist was stupid??????

It is pretty obvious stupid????? Let me break it down to you! A. 52 years old appeared drunk and speeding up his motorbike per witness! B. Girlfriend was 16/17 years of age!

It appears that not only was this guy stupid he was double stupid!

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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down.

I think you would find insurance companies would class that as an 'act of God' not an accident.

Wouldn't matter either way with Insurance in Thailand... even if you have it, its not covered since he was drinking! read the fine print!

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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down.

I think you would find insurance companies would class that as an 'act of God' not an accident.

Wouldn't matter either way with Insurance in Thailand... even if you have it, its not covered since he was drinking! read the fine print!

What!!! you're saying that if you get hit by a meteor and you'd been drinking the insurance company wouldn't payw00t.gif - my post was actually about the meteor comment and not the actual incident.

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