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Norwegian Man, Thai Woman Killed In Chon Buri Road Accident


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I find it worrying that people cannot take an objective view of this case, instead using their perverse implications and suggestive and explicit allegations that this man is a paedophile or anything like that.

I also find it worrying that when speaking openly, purely critical on the matter, people would allow their depraved thoughts overcome them and suggest that I should not be in a teaching position 'around young girls'. Being honest about peoples rights and the reality of human life, biology, social and human behaviour, doesn't make me want to go around looking for a 16 year old girlfriend.

It is evident in the nonsense of those who cannot get away with my straight out comments on giving younger people a bit of leeway, the benefit of the doubt and the benefit of responsibility, that they cannot rid themselves of stereotype and bias. I prefer not to generalise and make such ridiculous racial stereotyes like 'young thai girls want old foreign men for money', or, any 'older man with a girl on a bike is a paedophile'.

Things are so bad that in England, or anywhere, people are fine with letting women bathe young girls, but as soon as a man is proposed, something is wrong. The social blindsighting and absolutist condemnation based on nothing more than repressed perverse thoughts or the inability to get out of the idea that men must only want to be near young girls to mess around with them, is just disgraceful.

And this man is 52, it isnt even so old. People dying young at the age of 60 in this day and age should give you an idea of age and youth. It is only because theres such a big age gap that this man and this girl have came under such scrutiny, and regardless, what I said stays.

The laws or sex in england are 16, it doesnt matter if you are a teacher, santa clause or jesus christ superstar. I will accept anyone proving me wrong on this too, and to the other poster I know the laws in the UK. But just because people socially dont agree with 16 being with any older, it doesnt make it wrong. Look in thailand, 18 year old girls with 70 year old men, you say nothing because it is 18, but when that man was 58 she wasnt even born.

Face the fact that if its legal, it will happen, and as much as you may, in your disgust, call it sick, it is none of your business, as it isnt mine.

Unless old men are exploiting young girls for things like prostitution or drugs, which is wbang out of order, or doing any harm to them, beyond consent I just say be happy and live life as it is. Because you lot cannot fathom responsibility of a young girl being with any man, does not mean that you have the right to socially shun it. I am for the rights of people within right and reason to make their own decisions.

To end, I WILL quote muslims, because they are the disgusting creatures who do this kind of thing. A bit off topic but the prophet mohammed was a paedophile, a necrophile, advocate and practitioner of polygamy and thinks raping women is his right. My point with muslims is that child sex isnt only 'ok for them', but permitted by the clergy and deemd acceptable.

I can go on all day, and like I said, if you would like to open a religious discussion outside of this topic, please do so.

Why would you want to go on all day. Nit doing yourself any favors. Kind of like the mentally ill person who does not think they are crazy, but everyone around knows.

I have daughters 17 and 16 and 19 months. If any grown man messed with any one if them, I would make sure he could not do it again to another young girl.

I have also sued school systems over pervert teachers who thought it was okay to have what they viewed as consensual sex with their female students. In both instances, the girls were really messed up by the situations and I made dam_n sure the perverts did decent jail time through media pressure placed on prosecutors.

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The laws or sex in england are 16, it doesnt matter if you are a teacher, santa clause or jesus christ superstar. I will accept anyone proving me wrong on this too,

The age of consent in England and Wales is 16 regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender, as specified by the Sexual Offences Act 2003. However, if person A is over the age of 18 and is in a position of trust to person B who is under the age of 18, it is illegal for A to engage in sexual activity with B.


http://www.legislati...3/42/section/16 & http://www.legislati...3/42/section/22

I am happy to be shown this and it is something, as buried in legislation, that I was unfamiliar with. I thank you for providing this for me, it is good to be educated on something new.

This, however doesn't reflect on the case of this man. And if anyone were to apply this to me, they would have a problem explaining a sexual relationship with a girl who wasn't my student. This, for example, could be a bar girl or such.

Please note the above is pure hypothesis with the aim of exploring principal, and not something that should be taken out of context.

Edited by Dazzletoad
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I find this a disgusting thing that happens in Thailand ! Grandfathers come here and take these kids as their girlfriends and all they do is ruin their lives and i can imagine how the young girls family is suffering!

R.I.P Ms. Somying Boonbamroongsil, you died way to early in your life

I can't be too sure of that. If a girl agrees to be girlfriend to a man who she can clearly see is old enough to be a grandfather, I am tempted to believe she probably thinks him to be a safer bet than a younger man. Are you serious with your statement about the young girl's family suffering because of such friendships ? If you've read Thai Visa reports over time you'd know it's the farangs who suffer, dying at a fast clip, in mysterious ways, a popular one being leaping or falling from the 1000th floor.

I wouldn't pamper the teenaged girls and assume they are innocent or vulnerable all the time. Some yes, in some situations, but not all in all situations. Older mature people too are susceptible to naivete, as we see too often among the expat retirees who choose to make Thailand their home and settle down with Thai ladies. It's about who's on home turf. In Thailand it's the Thais, just as in the USA it's the Americans or in China it's the Chinese.

You may be provoked to hear this, but very often it's the young ladies who manipulate the older men. Younger men may not be as easily manipulated, but the older gents have their vulnerabilities, their loneliness, having to grapple with the gathering gloom of advancing years, declining strength and mounting dependence. The company of young girls chases away the blues. Don't assume it's all sexual, there is a lot to be said for the vivacity and exuberance of the young that, like sparkling wine, does wonders to dispel the darkness in some people's lives. It's a sociological tragedy of our times that relationships between people with huge age gap is frowned upon universally. Well illustrated by the many presumptive comments being made here about the 50 year old man's intentions with his 16 year old pillion rider. The dead stay dumb.

Edited by HereIAm
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Dazzletoad I really don't understand why you are trying to justify a relationship between a 50+ man with a 16 year old girl ?

This is what you think is an objective view, there is a huge difference between a young girl physically attracted to a young man however a 16 year old girl being physically attracted to a 52 year old man is doubtful.

I have no problem with age difference if the age of the younger is old enough to make adult decisions however 16 is not old enough. This boils down to a teenage child being exploited and your strange objective view to justify this is strange if not disturbing.

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Dazzletoad I really don't understand why you are trying to justify a relationship between a 50+ man with a 16 year old girl ?

This is what you think is an objective view, there is a huge difference between a young girl physically attracted to a young man however a 16 year old girl being physically attracted to a 52 year old man is doubtful.

I have no problem with age difference if the age of the younger is old enough to make adult decisions however 16 is not old enough. This boils down to a teenage child being exploited and your strange objective view to justify this is strange if not disturbing.

I fully agree. But I am not very surprised to see Dazzle (or anyone else here on TV) trying to justify having a child as girlfriend.

There are lots of strange and disgusting lowlifes coming in and out from Thailand every day. I'm not going to accuse Dazzletoad of beeing a closet pedophile (and I don't think he is one), but would it surprise you if he was? ..Would it?

I have seen at least around 20 - 30 strange users here on Thaivisa, whose weird opinions suggest that they might be closet pedos, or maybe even full-fledged ones.

Hey, I'm just saying.

I reckon each is entitled to their own opinion on the age difference matter, but I will say that you that poo-poo it are bucking a lot of history. In fact the whole age of legal consent being late in the teen years is a rather modern phenomenon..Since you have seen fit to offer your opinions unsolicited I will counter with mine: Those who take a dim view of a consensual relationship between a 51yr old male and a 16yr old female where it is legal are perhaps a bit psychologically oppressed and brainwashed by their "modern" politically-correct feminazi masters. To expand on this hypothesis one might naturally assume that such uptight individuals are incapable of having a really good (read: farm-strength) movement first thing in the morning without first undergoing a colonic irrigation. They've also probably never known the pleasure of eating a hefty plate of steak and eggs for breakfast, washed down of course with a bloody-mary cocktail. Nor would they appreciate the value in having fell*tio performed on them by a buxom lass before going out mid-morning for a round of golf or a game of billiards followed by lunch of chili-dogs onion rings and boiler-makers before the second round of fell*atio performed to perfection by a rather petite gal with a double-jointed jaw and/or false teeth. By this time they would be having double-mocha latte's on a sunny sidewalk cafe with their best metro-sexual pals discussing the plot of their latest soap opera rather than taking a power nap before heading out for gin and tonics while checking out the new talent at a couple of the local fish-bowls. Of course they would not indulge in being serviced at said soapy-massage before enjoying a supper of lobster-tails and filet-minion and a night on the town checking out chrome-pole palaces followed by giving the nights sport a hefty taste of manhood and a proper gut slaying.....drifting off into a contented sleep with all the days task completed.

Anyhow....you fellows enjoy your latte's thumbsup.gif

Edited by metisdead
: Bold font removed. There is no need to post using bold font.
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So the moral police is out in full force. That's rather ironic considering the fact that we are talking about a city that was built upon sexual relationships between young Thai girls and older foreign men. While there's no way I could defend driving a motorbike in the state he apparently was in, with a girl and without helmets, that's about as far as I would go with critizism. When a 16 year old girl from rural Thailand living in Pattaya goes out with or lives with a farang, she knows very well what she's doing, and in most cases, she does it because the alternatives are worse.

She knows that she can't get a proper job that pays enough to feed her family. She also knows that most Thai boyfriends, in Pattaya or upcountry, will sooner or later make her pregnant and then most probably dump her. So, she approaches a farang, and is "lucky" enough to find one who likes teenage girls. Unfortunately, this farang didn't seem to understand a few basic facts about drinking and driving, and it ends in tragedy for both of them and their families.

There are many problematic sides about older men dating teenage girls, and I'm sure I could list at least a dozen, but sex life is usually not one of them, and it's totally irrelevant in this case. They didn't die from having sex, did they?

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Please do not say the poor girl was a bar girl. You have no idea and it is a sick statement. !!!!!!!

Dear me, this is either very naive or your OTT protestations very telling. What other scenario would one posit: girl's pushbike broke down, farang giving young girl a lift to give alms in the middle of nowhere at 4:30 am, kidnap?...


Please, if there is nothing to say, do not post anything. If every member would post the same, with no information, and nothing to learn, ThaiVisa would be abandoned by most members.

You think RIP is "nothing" to say? It is most appropriate on this thread. Get a grip or don't bother posting.

I think what he means is it's all a bit shallow posting RIP willy-nilly as is the norm on this site.

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Please do not say the poor girl was a bar girl. You have no idea and it is a sick statement. !!!!!!!

Dear me, this is either very naive or your OTT protestations very telling. What other scenario would one posit: girl's pushbike broke down, farang giving young girl a lift to give alms in the middle of nowhere at 4:30 am, kidnap?...

Believe it or not, but there are thousands of "available" young girls in Pattaya who do not work in bars. Have you ever been to a restaurant between your beers? A hotel? Shopping mall?

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So the moral police is out in full force. That's rather ironic considering the fact that we are talking about a city that was built upon sexual relationships between young Thai girls and older foreign men. While there's no way I could defend driving a motorbike in the state he apparently was in, with a girl and without helmets, that's about as far as I would go with critizism. When a 16 year old girl from rural Thailand living in Pattaya goes out with or lives with a farang, she knows very well what she's doing, and in most cases, she does it because the alternatives are worse.

She knows that she can't get a proper job that pays enough to feed her family. She also knows that most Thai boyfriends, in Pattaya or upcountry, will sooner or later make her pregnant and then most probably dump her. So, she approaches a farang, and is "lucky" enough to find one who likes teenage girls. Unfortunately, this farang didn't seem to understand a few basic facts about drinking and driving, and it ends in tragedy for both of them and their families.

There are many problematic sides about older men dating teenage girls, and I'm sure I could list at least a dozen, but sex life is usually not one of them, and it's totally irrelevant in this case. They didn't die from having sex, did they?

But it's still exploiting and taking advantage of someone, just because it might be 'better than the alternatives she see's' doesn't mean it's 'right' for the older (supposedly more mature and wise) to do it. There is a difference between what someone can do and what is socially and morally right. Need to think how its manipulation and exploitation, take away the money would these girls still stick around? Very very very doubtful.

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The laws or sex in england are 16, it doesnt matter if you are a teacher, santa clause or jesus christ superstar. I will accept anyone proving me wrong on this too,

The age of consent in England and Wales is 16 regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender, as specified by the Sexual Offences Act 2003. However, if person A is over the age of 18 and is in a position of trust to person B who is under the age of 18, it is illegal for A to engage in sexual activity with B.


http://www.legislati...3/42/section/16 & http://www.legislati...3/42/section/22

I am happy to be shown this and it is something, as buried in legislation, that I was unfamiliar with. I thank you for providing this for me, it is good to be educated on something new.

This, however doesn't reflect on the case of this man. And if anyone were to apply this to me, they would have a problem explaining a sexual relationship with a girl who wasn't my student. This, for example, could be a bar girl or such.

Please note the above is pure hypothesis with the aim of exploring principal, and not something that should be taken out of context.

In Thailand, you can still be charged with statutory rape if you have sex with someone under 18 who is considered a minor, by either their parents of them (if they later decide it was a mistake). It makes no difference if their was consent or not. So hence the general unhindered AOC is 18.

AND in most western countries, you can be charged under the laws in which you are a citizen. Ie if you are Australia, rules as to sex with under 18 year olds apply. In such cases you could be charged with statutory rape in Australia as well, even if you committed the 'act' in Thailand.

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Are you serious? The 'reason' age of consent in modern years is in the late teens is quite simple. Our lifespan has dramatically increased. In the days when the age of mortality was 30-40, you couldn't wait until 20+ to reproduce, the population would be wiped out. Since we don't have that issue anymore, children age much slower (then they used to) and hence the fairly universal 18, as reaching 'maturity'. (I would say kids are actually getting less mature later and hey I'm not old, I'm still under 30 and I can see the difference between my generation and the current one).

And to say, that I would consider a girl under 18 too young for me, even under 20. There also aren't many under 25 who are even remotely mentally mature enough for me to get a long with. All you arguing it's acceptable..you are in the vast minority, what does a 50+ year old have in common with a girl under 18, nothing!!. Taking advantage of a girl who's willing to do it for money (whether she was 'paid' from a bar, or he is supporting her makes no difference), is purely exploitation. You can still exploit people even if they consent to do something. Because other options are worse. Doesn't mean it's not exploitation of someone.

That's a completely different discussion and has little to do with age. If it's exploitation, it's exploitation regardless of the age of the girl. What your preferences are with regards to the age of your GF is also irrelevant. And if you are a farang looking for a GF that has much in common with yourself, Thailand might not be the best place to search. The cultural difference is usually much, much larger than any age difference would suggest, even that between a teenage girl and a 50+ man. The vast majority of foreign men looking for a GF or wife in Thailand looks for somebody younger, sometimes much younger, than himself, and the wast majority of of Thai girls searching for a foreign BF or husband are looking for a man who can offer a stable, safe life and financial support for herself and her family. Are there any ethical problems with that?

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So the moral police is out in full force. That's rather ironic considering the fact that we are talking about a city that was built upon sexual relationships between young Thai girls and older foreign men. While there's no way I could defend driving a motorbike in the state he apparently was in, with a girl and without helmets, that's about as far as I would go with critizism. When a 16 year old girl from rural Thailand living in Pattaya goes out with or lives with a farang, she knows very well what she's doing, and in most cases, she does it because the alternatives are worse.

She knows that she can't get a proper job that pays enough to feed her family. She also knows that most Thai boyfriends, in Pattaya or upcountry, will sooner or later make her pregnant and then most probably dump her. So, she approaches a farang, and is "lucky" enough to find one who likes teenage girls. Unfortunately, this farang didn't seem to understand a few basic facts about drinking and driving, and it ends in tragedy for both of them and their families.

There are many problematic sides about older men dating teenage girls, and I'm sure I could list at least a dozen, but sex life is usually not one of them, and it's totally irrelevant in this case. They didn't die from having sex, did they?

But it's still exploiting and taking advantage of someone, just because it might be 'better than the alternatives she see's' doesn't mean it's 'right' for the older (supposedly more mature and wise) to do it. There is a difference between what someone can do and what is socially and morally right. Need to think how its manipulation and exploitation, take away the money would these girls still stick around? Very very very doubtful.

So you think sending the girls back to the rice fields and their Thai boyfriends would be a better option? Do you think that would give them a better life? Have you ever lived in a rural Thai community?

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I know that bridge and it is a nasty bend. Its been in operation for about 2 years now, I fear this is just the first.

There is a sign as you approach it prohibiting motorcycles from that road. Whilst I think the sign is wrong it is still there.

Why would a 52 year old tourist be heading out on the Bangkok road with a 16 year old at 4am.

I can think of a few. Maybe his girl friends daughter come to town to find him? He was too drunk but she insisted.

Who owns the bike?

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So the moral police is out in full force. That's rather ironic considering the fact that we are talking about a city that was built upon sexual relationships between young Thai girls and older foreign men. While there's no way I could defend driving a motorbike in the state he apparently was in, with a girl and without helmets, that's about as far as I would go with critizism. When a 16 year old girl from rural Thailand living in Pattaya goes out with or lives with a farang, she knows very well what she's doing, and in most cases, she does it because the alternatives are worse.

She knows that she can't get a proper job that pays enough to feed her family. She also knows that most Thai boyfriends, in Pattaya or upcountry, will sooner or later make her pregnant and then most probably dump her. So, she approaches a farang, and is "lucky" enough to find one who likes teenage girls. Unfortunately, this farang didn't seem to understand a few basic facts about drinking and driving, and it ends in tragedy for both of them and their families.

There are many problematic sides about older men dating teenage girls, and I'm sure I could list at least a dozen, but sex life is usually not one of them, and it's totally irrelevant in this case. They didn't die from having sex, did they?

But it's still exploiting and taking advantage of someone, just because it might be 'better than the alternatives she see's' doesn't mean it's 'right' for the older (supposedly more mature and wise) to do it. There is a difference between what someone can do and what is socially and morally right. Need to think how its manipulation and exploitation, take away the money would these girls still stick around? Very very very doubtful.

So you think sending the girls back to the rice fields and their Thai boyfriends would be a better option? Do you think that would give them a better life? Have you ever lived in a rural Thai community?

Well it would certainly be a better life for this specific girl. We all know the lack of a social safety net is the reason many poor women go searching for the magical escape of their plight in the bright lights of Pattaya and Patong compared to the alternatives, however the question still remains on what sort of healthy relationship a 50 something year old man can have with a 16 year old child?

Do you prefer to spend your time in the company of 16 year old children or adults to satisfy your social needs?

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That's a completely different discussion and has little to do with age. If it's exploitation, it's exploitation regardless of the age of the girl. What your preferences are with regards to the age of your GF is also irrelevant. And if you are a farang looking for a GF that has much in common with yourself, Thailand might not be the best place to search. The cultural difference is usually much, much larger than any age difference would suggest, even that between a teenage girl and a 50+ man. The vast majority of foreign men looking for a GF or wife in Thailand looks for somebody younger, sometimes much younger, than himself, and the wast majority of of Thai girls searching for a foreign BF or husband are looking for a man who can offer a stable, safe life and financial support for herself and her family. Are there any ethical problems with that?

Ahh the, all Thai girls are the same. Love those people.

" And if you are a farang looking for a GF that has much in common with yourself, Thailand might not be the best place to search." Thanks for that, already have a girlfriend and we have a lot in common. Just because there can be cultural differences doesn't make two people not have something in common. Clearly I've come looking for something reasonable and not some young girl, who I can influence with prospects of money and support she cannot get on her own.

Yes, there is a cultural difference and ADD this on top of the age difference makes a huge inequality in the relationship. Clearly you can see this if you can't, you are deluding yourself and maybe trying to justify to yourself what you do? Just saying.

Age difference, mentality and maturity difference, cultural difference, financial inequality = one very unequal relationship. The age difference alone to most people isn't morally acceptable ADD the cultural difference you so point out and you have a huge difference and gap in the 'relationship'.

" the wast majority of of Thai girls searching for a foreign BF or husband are looking for a man who can offer a stable, safe life and financial support for herself and her family." - I would say most girls want support and a stable man and many girls also aren't just after money (in my experience, but maybe someone I'm different?).

The point is, take away the money and there is much less incentive for such a young girl to stay with such an older man. There is NO question about it.

As to the exploitation. How does this not fit? They are taking advantage of the poor situation of these girls, for their own (to the vast majority of the population) morally unacceptable desires. Could they do the same with a girl from a normal/wealthy family of the same age? Hence it is exploitation. — vb 2.

to take advantage of (a person, situation, etc), esp unethicallyor unjustly for one's own ends"

There is NO NEED for someone to engage in a relationship with someone under the age of 18. The law is the law and what has been deemed by society as morally and socially acceptable for many reasons. Just because a very very very small minority disagree's for their own needs and benefits, doesn't mean they can do it, or can justify to themselves it's right. If you try to argue that there is a NEED to have a relationship with someone under 18, I feel sorry for you.

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So you think sending the girls back to the rice fields and their Thai boyfriends would be a better option? Do you think that would give them a better life? Have you ever lived in a rural Thai community?

Are you trying to justify your opinions which aren't morally or socially accepted? I haven't lived there, but my gf's grandparents do and they are quiet happy. Are you claiming there is a role of the hero and 'rescuing' these 'poor' underage (which is what we are talking about) girls? It STILL doesn't make it right. And it still shows money is how these girls are being influenced and manipulated by someone older who SHOULD know have better morals.

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Well it would certainly be a better life for this specific girl. We all know the lack of a social safety net is the reason many poor women go searching for the magical escape of their plight in the bright lights of Pattaya and Patong compared to the alternatives, however the question still remains on what sort of healthy relationship a 50 something year old man can have with a 16 year old child?

Do you prefer to spend your time in the company of 16 year old children or adults to satisfy your social needs?

A relationship across the age barriers, sexual or not, can be rather interesting, although challenging at times, and compared to being raped by a drunk husband coming home at 4 every morning after having spent all her money at the local karaoke on whisky and other girls, I would say it's an attractive option even for some 16 year olds.

As for my own social needs, a mix is fine, but I have had more interesting discussions with Thai teenagers than with Thai women my own age, who mostly know what there is to know in this world and look forward to early retirement more than anything else. And in case anybody should wonder; I do not engage in sexual relationships with girls under 18, and have a relatively steady, totally platonic relationship with a girl (much younger than me) for a few years. It works just fine :)

Edited by zakk9
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Well it would certainly be a better life for this specific girl. We all know the lack of a social safety net is the reason many poor women go searching for the magical escape of their plight in the bright lights of Pattaya and Patong compared to the alternatives, however the question still remains on what sort of healthy relationship a 50 something year old man can have with a 16 year old child?

Do you prefer to spend your time in the company of 16 year old children or adults to satisfy your social needs?

A relationship across the age barriers, sexual or not, can be rather interesting, although challenging at times, and compared to being raped by a drunk husband coming home at 4 every morning after having spent all her money at the local karaoke on whisky and other girls, I would say it's an attractive option even for some 16 year olds.

As for my own social needs, a mix is fine, but I have had more interesting discussions with Thai teenagers than with Thai women my own age, who mostly know what there is to know in this world and look forward to early retirement more than anything else. And in case anybody should wonder; I do not engage in sexual relationships with girls under 18, and have a relatively steady, totally platonic relationship with a girl (much younger than me) for a few years. It works just fine smile.png

Ain't innocence alluring...

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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down.

I think you would find insurance companies would class that as an 'act of God' not an accident.

Wouldn't matter either way with Insurance in Thailand... even if you have it, its not covered since he was drinking! read the fine print!

What!!! you're saying that if you get hit by a meteor and you'd been drinking the insurance company wouldn't payw00t.gif - my post was actually about the meteor comment and not the actual incident.

Meteor! I'm not saying anything! you did! certainly if I did I wouldn't use such a laughable example as a meteor. You assume insurance here is the same as other western country like the U.S., and if we are talking about Thai insurance the fine print is it wouldn't be covered especially when he was the driver and put himself in a situation for such a thing to happen, regardless of what anyone wants to call it.

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Sorry, no helmet, no respect. Drinking and driving = stupid. Drinking and driving with no helmet = extremely stupid.

Not to stir the pot, but where would the likely places be that a foreign man (of any age) would find a girl (of any age) at 4:30am for a bike ride? The statistical odds are at some bar or equivalent establishment (not definite, but statistically probable). Therefore, regardless of the perceived freakiness of the age gap, and the logical assumption that a 16 year old girl is incapable of making a conscious choice and truly vulnerable, where the F was her parents at that time of the morning preventing her from being in one of the statistically likely places this man might have met her? If the parents were void, then she might have had enough of her own responsibility in being in this type of establishment (presumed based on statistical probability) in the first place. Just saying she was a helpless victim and he was in complete control of her to do as he wished, is shear ridiculousness when the odds are the facts might be very different.

Also, how many of you posting here have had daughters of this age. I have had 3 and I can tell you that despite what is law, these young girls are not close to being stupid or naive and know what the heck is up. The only reason there are laws about this at this age is to give them more time to practice this newly learned knowledge in responsible ways, it doesn't take away their responsibility if they choose to be stupid.

What on earth has a helmet or not got to do with the cause of the accident?

If they were wearing helmets (were they or not?) but still died, would you mention it?

If people want to get on the high horse about safety here, there are many things to be done that would save a lot more lives.

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Although it happens here in Thailand it seems odd that someone even as we call old at 52 years of age is dating a 16 year old girl. I would be too self conscious to be walking around with a girl at that age unless she was my daugther. In fact, if I was certainly the majority of people seeing me would assume it was my daughter?

Those who think it is acceptable here but not in their own home please if you have a daugther 16 years of age please offer her up for us! Those individuals spending time trying to justify it certainly would go ballistic if their own daughters were dating being <deleted>> by a old guy older than you! Get real! the sooner the better and smell the coffee... you bunch of hypocrites.

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My glass ball is not working as well as you guys is this morning. Why do you think he was having a sexual relationship. It maybe yet that it was his daughter. I have nothing at all to talk about with a 16 year old and its likely he did not either. The guy is dead not 24 hours and already hes a pervert and pedophile.

Whats next in the glass ball --he had just robbed a bank as well.

(Witnesses nearby said he was speeding and was drunk) so there are people standing on this 2 lane fly over 30 feet in the air with no pavement at 4 am that can spot a drunk on a motorcycle. This is a start of a highway to Bangkok -- it leaves the center of Sukumvit Rd and joins the highway to Bangkok,-- no one walks there.

Facts would make a more interesting conversation .

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Again I know this section of road well. It is just 2 small lanes. Cars come of Sukhumvit at high speed into this corner. It possible and very likely he was pushed into the barrier by a hit and run who was drunk. There are marks all along this wall so it happens daily.

It would appear that thier death was from falling from the fly over more than the falling from the motorcycle

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I find it worrying that people cannot take an objective view of this case, instead using their perverse implications and suggestive and explicit allegations that this man is a paedophile or anything like that.

I also find it worrying that when speaking openly, purely critical on the matter, people would allow their depraved thoughts overcome them and suggest that I should not be in a teaching position 'around young girls'. Being honest about peoples rights and the reality of human life, biology, social and human behaviour, doesn't make me want to go around looking for a 16 year old girlfriend.

It is evident in the nonsense of those who cannot get away with my straight out comments on giving younger people a bit of leeway, the benefit of the doubt and the benefit of responsibility, that they cannot rid themselves of stereotype and bias. I prefer not to generalise and make such ridiculous racial stereotyes like 'young thai girls want old foreign men for money', or, any 'older man with a girl on a bike is a paedophile'.

Things are so bad that in England, or anywhere, people are fine with letting women bathe young girls, but as soon as a man is proposed, something is wrong. The social blindsighting and absolutist condemnation based on nothing more than repressed perverse thoughts or the inability to get out of the idea that men must only want to be near young girls to mess around with them, is just disgraceful.

And this man is 52, it isnt even so old. People dying young at the age of 60 in this day and age should give you an idea of age and youth. It is only because theres such a big age gap that this man and this girl have came under such scrutiny, and regardless, what I said stays.

The laws or sex in england are 16, it doesnt matter if you are a teacher, santa clause or jesus christ superstar. I will accept anyone proving me wrong on this too, and to the other poster I know the laws in the UK. But just because people socially dont agree with 16 being with any older, it doesnt make it wrong. Look in thailand, 18 year old girls with 70 year old men, you say nothing because it is 18, but when that man was 58 she wasnt even born.

Face the fact that if its legal, it will happen, and as much as you may, in your disgust, call it sick, it is none of your business, as it isnt mine.

Unless old men are exploiting young girls for things like prostitution or drugs, which is wbang out of order, or doing any harm to them, beyond consent I just say be happy and live life as it is. Because you lot cannot fathom responsibility of a young girl being with any man, does not mean that you have the right to socially shun it. I am for the rights of people within right and reason to make their own decisions.

To end, I WILL quote muslims, because they are the disgusting creatures who do this kind of thing. A bit off topic but the prophet mohammed was a paedophile, a necrophile, advocate and practitioner of polygamy and thinks raping women is his right. My point with muslims is that child sex isnt only 'ok for them', but permitted by the clergy and deemd acceptable.

I can go on all day, and like I said, if you would like to open a religious discussion outside of this topic, please do so.

Why would you want to go on all day. Nit doing yourself any favors. Kind of like the mentally ill person who does not think they are crazy, but everyone around knows.

I have daughters 17 and 16 and 19 months. If any grown man messed with any one if them, I would make sure he could not do it again to another young girl.

I have also sued school systems over pervert teachers who thought it was okay to have what they viewed as consensual sex with their female students. In both instances, the girls were really messed up by the situations and I made dam_n sure the perverts did decent jail time through media pressure placed on prosecutors.

i would kill any man that messed with my daughters if they were only 19,17 and 16 months old ,are they out of nappies yet? cheesy.gif

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Since the topic has changed to age gaps Rupert Murdoch and his young wife Wendi almost 40 years age gap they had a kid a couple of years ago no one seemed to bother about the age gap or that he was a grandfather already, you are only as old as the thing you are feeling so Rod Stewart says.

I will just stick with my old Thai wife for a few years yet only 22years age gap

Big difference! Wendi Deng was a 30 year old mature woman at the time they married. Unlike the 16 year inmature child that died

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snapback.pngozziebloke, on Yesterday, 20:37 , said:

A Sixteen-Seventeen year old neither has the knowledge nor experiance or maturity to be responsible! their just starting to learn about life

Successive Thai Governments have declared otherwise. I suggest you make your case with them but I think you may be told that as a farang you don't understand. She was old enough to legally marry. Actually I agree with you but have the sense to leave law making to the elected representatives of the Thai people even if they themselves have juvenile undeveloped minds. It is their country.

One of life's great tragedies is that the young don't know or even consider just how stupid they are. Later on in life when they have travelled much further down the road they will look back and realise how idiotic they really were.

I was commenting about reality. That the girl was not mature enough and moraly she was not old enough to be having a relationship. I like many other posters are not talking about the laws of any land we are talking about a 52 year old man having a relationship with a child

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