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Norwegian Man, Thai Woman Killed In Chon Buri Road Accident


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A guy with no helmet and a passenger (both not public figures) with no helmet drives recklessly on a motorbike in Thailand and the result is both of them die. Everyday occurrence both in Thailand and around the globe but for some reason, that makes no sense what-so-ever, some people cannot accept this as the most logical and highly plausible scenario despite witnesses, police and various news agency reports, and instead want to speak of conspiracy theories to hide the truth .. including that they may have been assassinated. crazy.gif

None of us, including the police know if he was speeding or riding recklessly. It is common in Thailand (as you say), but 99% of the time it's by Thai drivers. Nearly every time I've seen old farang men on a motorbikes, particularly if with passenger, they're driving moderately and carefully.

Thai investigators get things wrong more often than they get things right. I could name dozens of examples.

Many times, when I've driven at moderate speed, a Thai driver will zip by me, sometimes with barely a cm between his car and my rear view mirror. Anyone who has driven more than 10 minutes in Thailand will know what I mean.

ahhhh, now I am starting to understand the need for some to deny the obvious, logic and facts.

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A 52-year-old drunk Norwegian tourist and 17 year old GIRL. What a shame.

Your dead right there, she was just a kid - IF its proved that he was intoxicated, then its another grim statistic.

Sooner the police clamp down on drinking and driving in Thailand, then the safer we'll all be.

It is a grim statistic x2 even if it is not proved he was intoxicated. Two dead people; and a 52-year-male with an underage girl.

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It is common in Thailand (as you say), but 99% of the time it's by Thai drivers..

Considering this is Thailand and the overwhelming vast majority of people (99%+ ?) in Thailand are Thai and the majority of people here who are not Thai don't drive .... (do I need to go on?)

Edited by Nisa
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A guy with no helmet and a passenger (both not public figures) with no helmet drives recklessly on a motorbike in Thailand and the result is both of them die. Everyday occurrence both in Thailand and around the globe but for some reason, that makes no sense what-so-ever, some people cannot accept this as the most logical and highly plausible scenario despite witnesses, police and various news agency reports, and instead want to speak of conspiracy theories to hide the truth .. including that they may have been assassinated. crazy.gif

None of us, including the police know if he was speeding or riding recklessly. It is common in Thailand (as you say), but 99% of the time it's by Thai drivers. Nearly every time I've seen old farang men on a motorbikes, particularly if with passenger, they're driving moderately and carefully.

Thai investigators get things wrong more often than they get things right. I could name dozens of examples.

Many times, when I've driven at moderate speed, a Thai driver will zip by me, sometimes with barely a cm between his car and my rear view mirror. Anyone who has driven more than 10 minutes in Thailand will know what I mean.

ahhhh, now I am starting to understand the need for some to deny the obvious, logic and facts.

I am starting to understand your pathetic agenda on this story, you are sounding like the proverbial broken record, and its obvious you have never heard of the line "never let the facts get in the way of a good story". Journalism Rule No 1.


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A guy with no helmet and a passenger (both not public figures) with no helmet drives recklessly on a motorbike in Thailand and the result is both of them die. Everyday occurrence both in Thailand and around the globe but for some reason, that makes no sense what-so-ever, some people cannot accept this as the most logical and highly plausible scenario despite witnesses, police and various news agency reports, and instead want to speak of conspiracy theories to hide the truth .. including that they may have been assassinated. crazy.gif

None of us, including the police know if he was speeding or riding recklessly. It is common in Thailand (as you say), but 99% of the time it's by Thai drivers. Nearly every time I've seen old farang men on a motorbikes, particularly if with passenger, they're driving moderately and carefully.

Thai investigators get things wrong more often than they get things right. I could name dozens of examples.

Many times, when I've driven at moderate speed, a Thai driver will zip by me, sometimes with barely a cm between his car and my rear view mirror. Anyone who has driven more than 10 minutes in Thailand will know what I mean.

ahhhh, now I am starting to understand the need for some to deny the obvious, logic and facts.

I am starting to understand your pathetic agenda on this story, you are sounding like the proverbial broken record, and its obvious you have never heard of the line "never let the facts get in the way of a good story". Journalism Rule No 1.



Oh yes the story is so much more interesting because the man was driving instead of the child. Don't let reality get in the way of paranoia and ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Edited by Nisa
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Nisa : Isn't Thai Visa full of "opinions of anonymous internet posters" which includes your own august company ? biggrin.png

But after reading your stout testimonial to "facts as provided by various news agencies and police and facts that make perfect sense and are common every day occurrences" I realise I must withdraw my earlier remark that you, Nisa, are not built like that (believing everything you read in the press). You know what, disbelieving a report is not a bad thing in itself, but rejecting plausible arguments (what you sweepingly refer to as conspiracy theories) out of hand is not good specially when you yourself don't have a clue. To twist your statement : "It just seems very strange the lengths some will go to in order to reject arguments they don't want to accept....." If you followed the thread of argument carefully you would realise that a pertinent question raised was the possibilty of the bike having been knocked down by another speeding vehicle. The police themselves were saying they were not sure if another vehicle was involved, so why are you not prepared to concede that is a grey area?

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Nisa : Isn't Thai Visa full of "opinions of anonymous internet posters" which includes your own august company ? biggrin.png

But after reading your stout testimonial to "facts as provided by various news agencies and police and facts that make perfect sense and are common every day occurrences" I realise I must withdraw my earlier remark that you, Nisa, are not built like that (believing everything you read in the press). You know what, disbelieving a report is not a bad thing in itself, but rejecting plausible arguments (what you sweepingly refer to as conspiracy theories) out of hand is not good specially when you yourself don't have a clue. To twist your statement : "It just seems very strange the lengths some will go to in order to reject arguments they don't want to accept....." If you followed the thread of argument carefully you would realise that a pertinent question raised was the possibilty of the bike having been knocked down by another speeding vehicle. The police themselves were saying they were not sure if another vehicle was involved, so why are you not prepared to concede that is a grey area?

Initial reports (as is usual) where not sure of many of the details. Since then they have witness accounts of THE MAN driving recklessly at excessive speeds and no reports of any paint transfer marks on the vehicle and marks indicating he lost control and smacked into the curb. Anything is possible but to argue the guy wasn't driving makes no sense .. to mention it is possible their could be some conspiracy that the a group of police are covering up a murder and have paid off witnesses in this case is as plausible as saying the moon landing never happened. There is absolutely nothing to indicate in any reports provided that this is anything but it is, a motorbike accident by somebody driving recklessly without helmets but then again maybe the police removed the helmets for some other grand conspiracy.

Just seems very odd that when a farang screws up here that conspiracy theories abound even though accidents and deaths are not uncommon in their own country when driving recklessly but somehow there must be a conspiracy theory and cover-up going on when they do it in Thailand.

Get over it, they guy was driving the bike unsafely and it resulted in his and the kids death. Wouldn't matter if the guy was Thai, Chinese, American or Indian or if his passenger was a farang or local. There is absolutely no hint what-so-ever that things went down any differently than the multiple witnesses, the police investigating and the numerous news outlets have all reported.

As with news reports everywhere, are there going to be minor details wrong .. of course but his driving and his driving bad are things that really don't need to be questioned unless we want to get into conspiracy theories when there is absolutely no hint of one or reason for one.

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If you cannot believe in the most basic facts of a news report that has been out for days and reported by numerous news agencies and witnesses and police then there really is no reason to read the news.

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Hey...Stop calling this type of event an "Accident"!!! It was a CRASH which was caused by reckless driving. An accident is what happens if you are driving safely, at a safe speed, with head and seat belt protection, and a meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes you down. Any incident caused by human error is not an "accident". After being fully analyzed, it was caused by carelessness. Period.

Bloody well said, but 'carelessness' not strong enough - your first qualifier was fine : Recklessness.

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